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Eating peanuts for magnesium before going out!

drinky_mcbeer said:
im a believer id eat peanuts. if u go unsalted then it cant hurt at all.

Hehe thanks mate, you've been with me since the start. I'm so eating 1/2 cup of unsalted roasted peanuts before I go out next.
i like peanuts... but im not sure if i could injest 283gms of the things... sickness alert
maybe you forget that peanuts are a sedative? and also quite heavy on the stomach so eatting too much can make u feel sick.
mmmm peanuts. I always eat magnesium tablets and find they work well my mouth is always less sore the next day after the tablets. I think that you will find that eating peanuts is a hell of a lot more expensive that buying tablets and they wont work as well.
^^^ I think this is the crux of this whole debate. Here are some numbers for you to consider.

One particular brand of vitamin supplements is retailing Magnesium chelate 500mg for $15.35 and each bottle contains 75 tablets.

A major supermarket chain is retailing unsalted roasted peanuts for $1.95 for 200g. I don’t have time to do a complete market synopsis so I will use this as a proxy. You will recall that my earlier post stated that ½ cup (or 113.4 grams) of peanuts, means you will ingest approximately 200mg of Magnesium.

Now to get a 500mg dosage you need to consume 283.5 grams of roasted peanuts, total cost $2.76. The vitamin supplements have 75 tablets each with 500mg. If you are to replicate this with peanuts you will need to spend $207.31 just so you can prevent jaw clenching and possible insomnia.
eggman88888 i love your work!

Maybe you're right about this not becoming massive. However I'll still go ahead and take 1/2 cup of unsalted roasted peanuts before I next go out and report back. It is correct that it is undesirable to have too much food/heavyness in ones stomach while taking mdma. I don't think 1/2 cup would constitute too much.

Think of it as a nutritional slow release low GI energy supplement. Maybe I should start another thread for 'best pre-mdma meal'. . .
how many peanuts would be in peanut butter? or how many peanut buuter sandwiches would u have to eat to get the right amount of peanuts? or myabe u could make peanut butter cookies and take them with u? or u could crush them up and snort them? or put them in a blender with water and then drink them? so many options.....=D
get over peanuts obviously nica works for nobby's marketing team and is trying to get a promotion with this ridiculous scheme of his

but in his stupidity he did put forward some good points
*magnesium found naturally is better than vitamins
*magnesium is good for all u tweakers

now lets take it a little further screw peanuts somebody post up a list of magnesium rich foods that can be integrated easily into ones everyday or weekly diet that rivals vitamin supplements in magnesium

i dunno but this would work for me i always forget to take my tabs vits or not but i never forget to eat nobody does...
If you really must know, a regular diet consisting of the following would be a good start.

Based upon magnesium content (mg) per serve indicated -

Pumpkin seeds - 1 ounce (152mg)
Peanuts - 1/2 cup (131mg)
Tofu - 1/2 cup (127mg)
Broccoli - 2 stalks (120mg)
Spinach - 1/2 cup (79mg)
Soybeans - 1/2 cup (74mg)
Tomato paste - 1/2 cup (67mg)
Sweet potato - 1/2 cup (61mg)*
Black beans - 1/2 cup (60mg)
Chili beans - 1/2 cup (58mg)
Baked beans - 1/2 cup (55mg)
Lima beans - 1/2 cup (49mg)
Refried beans - 1/2 cup (49mg)
Mung beans - 1/2 cup (48mg)
Artichoke - 1 medium (47mg)
Okra - 1/2 cup (46mg)
Squash - 1/2 cup (43mg)
Lima beans - 1/2 cup (41mg)
Kidney beans -1/2 cup (40mg)
Chickpeas - 1/2 cup (39mg)
Low fat Yoghurt - 1 cup (37mg)
Broadbeans - 1/2 cup (36mg)
Split peas - 1/2 cup (36mg)
Lentils - 1/2 cup (35mg)
Milk - 1 cup (35mg)

If you eat all of these before going out, glad I'm notwith you

*Do not eat skin
I think this is a ridiculous claim... yet, it leaves me feeling strangely curious....???:\
I think really this just supports the theory that if you are planning to ingest harmful chemicals into your body on the weekend, you should really be compensating by a eating healthy balanced diet. Nuts should be part of that diet. I'm a little sick of hearing people only try to do healthy things for the sake of getting a better high or to 'fix' them after one.... why not make some healthy lifestyle choices instead? On the otherside though, as much as i support getting vitamins and minerals from food.... the sad fact is the way in which many of our vegetables are grown these days and the storage and processing means that by the time we eat a lot of these foods... much of the goodness has been leached out, or never existed, so taking vitamin suppliments have unfortunately become a necessary way of life.... yeah, my 2 cents anyway.
Well I have a venue to go to today so although il be takeing Magnesium pills as well Il try some nuts too. Not conclusive you say, well after reading this thread I feel like eating peanuts thats all.

Do you think they would be more efficitve if I inserted them in my bum?
