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    European & African
    Drug Discussion

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eastern europe


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
somehow I forgot to ask this since I made the account but are any bluelighters from eastern europe beside myself? if yes, which country?
They sure are.
Most proud of being from ?? ( a good spot for opiate/opioid abuse though ;)
pretty close mate, I'm from ??, good place for opioids too, although the prescription ones as the pharmaceutical system is barely catching up. I met some polish guys from the teknival, proper dudes, although they were more into speed and k than opioids
Its crazy to imagine being able to just get friendly with a pharmacist and, once theyre fairly sure you're not going to get busted, they just sell you whatever you like.
This just wouldn't be worth it in the UK.
I imagine you get your drugs from small, independent pharmacies and not bigger chains like we have over here like Boots, Superdrug, Llyod's etc.?

It's funny in a way that a lot of people would consider the above way as barbaric and behind the times, but the users in these countries are getting genuine, pharmaceuticals, with guaranteed dosages. Far safer than shooting brown powder wrapped in foil thats came from a Kinder Egg toy container from a drug dealers arsehole (yes in the UK, our smack/crack dealers actually lay eggs!) What a magical place!

Prohibition sucks shit/blood streaked plastic eggs.
My main apotheke is a family-owned one with a general practitioner and a chemical engineer in the family, so after I brought in my medical file and notarised letters from my GP and three government doctors, I can get everything I need including depressants and stimulants to use as potentiators though antihistamines are still my favourite -- the local attitude is very different from the USA and a lot of doctors, apothecaries, bureaucrats, and judges have been downright defiant about it . . . there is nothing like the rule in the USA that maintaining an addict is not the usual course of practise, and the government says that Austrians have a right to take narcotics, and I see echoes of that especially in Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary &c. The Germans, Austrians and Swiss, actually discovered (Morphine in Paderborn, Germany 1804) and developed a huge percentage of the semi-synthetics and synthetics with notable work also done in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and elsewhere; the first morphine esters were discovered in 1874 by the CR Alders Wright organisation in London, the big one being sold as heroin by Bayer from 1898 . . . I asked a couple of ÖVP and Green members of the Nationalsrat about the "opioid crisi$" in the USA and they said "Ja, right, and I can sell you the Eiffel Tower for scrap metal for €70 000, and what would they know about it anyways?"
yeah I know but with opioids the main issue is running out, so I had to think of a system to never run out. I'm glad I don't have to enter as many as before because it was a lot of moving around the city to change neighborhoods for other places
we should do an eadd bbq grill party, just leave your shit at home so no one is gonna bust it:LOL: the friends from the uk should come here because their weather isn't very favorable for picnics and outdoor events. I imagine zopiclone at the airport with 5 pomerian dogs in different purses trying to find the 6th dog which is running from gate to gate.

I was thinking of visiting czech republic when some friends planned to go to let it roll again, I'm not into electric music so I've would enjoyed more just visiting the city but I just got a job so no chance of going anywhere except the uk in september.
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I’ve had an amazing source myself, l was able to get pretty much any amount of oxy 80s l wanted, and yes it was a small pharmacy in a relatively small town, not even a city. I’d get some morphine from time to time too, but for some reason it never ever done anything to me, might by the cross tolerance with oxy?? Now doing my best to figure out how to manipulate the system up here but it just doesn’t seem to work...
for oxy most of the time I've dealt with amputated people which didn't take their script, here they won't give you oxy or morphine easily. I've had once a huge stash for months from a friend which lost her grandfather, sevredol and vendal, they were a blessing although I felt uncomfortable receiving them considering the reason, but they would've threw them out anyway.

to answer your question, morphine has a much much lower oral bioavailability than morphine if that's the way you took them
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thats the sad part of this story, l ended up in a place that wouldn’t fuel my addiction so easily but lm still trying and not giving up as yet as still few options remain open. I’ve also had someone who would get OxyContin in vast amounts but he’d trade them for tramadol as that was his drug of choice.
Back home there are so many ppl hooked on oxy while here it still remains not so popular, l reckon it’s due to it not being so easily accessible, just imagine coming with like 1k oxy pills and hading them over to the needy with a smile ?
we should do an eadd bbq grill party, just leave your shit at home so no one is gonna bust it:LOL: the friends from the uk should come here because their weather isn't very favorable for picnics and outdoor events. I imagine zopiclone at the airport with 5 pomerian dogs in different purses trying to find the 6th dog which is running from gate to gate.

I was thinking of visiting czech republic when some friends planned to go to let it roll again, I'm not into electric music so I've would enjoyed more just visiting the city but I just got a job so no chance of going anywhere except the uk in september.

It is very beautiful here . A bbq would be fun/interesting. Zopiclone can get a cheap hooker here for the night lol.
Imagine the stories we would have
Uk is actually experiencing a pretty massive heatwave, it’s like 38 degrees in the capital... The nights though, it would be so cool to throw a blue light party and everyone brings their candies to share ?
^^ tell me about it, i'm dragging my balls across the floor over here, 37 degrees in my office, stifling

I hear lots of nice thing about Czech Republic, nice cities, nice people and a bustling meth trade, Sign me up
I'll act as a minder for Zopiclone (and by 'minder' I mean bad influence)
I wonder what an EADD meet up would like these days.

Basically way more heroin and less dancing I'm guessing.
I'll throw some shapes with you Bella
No opiates required
I'm just gonna smoke spliffs say hilarious aand fuckeed up shit, nod out, wake up, stay more wtf shit, laugh, complain and back to the nod