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ease? mdma alternative trials

Thanks for posting Matt! I, for one, will be most interested in the results of the trial - reducing harms whilst still being able to use drugs is the hallmark of harm reduction, and we don't see it in this form very often.

I think it's great that NZ has been able to be novel in its approach - with much thanks to yourself and stargate. I think your alternative model of drug control may be viable at some point in some places. We all just need to keep working at it!!
starboy said:
I apologise also for the poor hairstyling in one of the newsclips, as it is not fairly representative of the kiwi dance community.
LOL! Thanks for your contribution. Very much looking forward to the results of your research.
this is from http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?t=244281&highlight=bzp

MattPsy said:
Are NOT a BZP product. EASE is an entirely new chemical compound.
They are very similar to MDMA pills, except that the reccommended dosage is 2 pills. Most people are happy with 2, and very pleased with 4.

An averaged point of view from comments i've seen and heard: Chattier than MDMA, just as lovey, maybe not quite as good for dancing on because of a lack of speediness. They have eye wobbles like MDMA does. Most people say they feel very "clean", not at all frittery or "fucked up", like normal E pills. Even cleaner than MDMA crystal.

4 EASE are pretty much the equivalent of one VERY strong street pill, for people who semi-regulary use them.

Is MattPsy AND starboy the same person? that is Matt Bowden???

After the above quote, MattPsy was accused of trying to sell "EASE"

MattPsy said:
Haha, nope, just because one gives praise doesn't mean they're trying to sell them.
They really are a good equivalent for MDMA use, but (from the research done sofar) SAFER and legal.

I'm just interested in drug design, chem and harm reduction. These fit the bill quite well :) .

Stargate (the company that have developed EASE) have not divulged the chemical details yet because it's going through a patent process, and they don't want the same thing happening to it as what happened with BZP (mass distribution, dodgy pills etc).

If they are indeed all the same person, then zaineaol was right in calling him a liar; He said he wasn't trying to sell them, when in fact, he was.

Im not on zaineaol's 'side' either. I dont agree with most of what he has been posting on the subject, but I dont think Matt Bowden should make posts like the above either.

If MattPsy and Matt Bowden are DIFFERENT people, then I do offer my most sincerest apologies.

But also a kudos to Stargate for your HM leanings.
Haha no i'm not the same person :p .
Look for my posts on NZRave. It was fairly obvious it wasn't a novel compound for the reasons Matt Bowden (starboy) posted above, the studies done previously...
It was not to be encouraged for people to do a witchhunt to find out the active component before Stargate was comfortable with saying so to prevent the whole BZP thing from happening again. But as Matt said the regulatory agencies knew the identity of it all along...
I was most definitely not trying to sell them, obviously :) . Just reporting on what people had said, ancedotes. I thought it was a great cause. I stand by what I said.
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I'm not MattPsy.

I'm just some guy who got pissed off with the illegal drug management systems on the planet and am trying to do something about it. I'm not really all that capitalistic, either.

I like this webiste though - who set it up?
heh, I thought MattPsy was Matt Bowden myself.

Matt B: check the About page, especially
But to summarise, a guy from Wales called Jase and a Dutch guy called Walter (Skydancer) set this board up as an off shoot of a board called the MDMA Clearinghouse, which basically started as a pill ID forum. Johnboy, who's posted in this thread, is probably the longest-serving administrator who is still active (is that right JB?)
I'm really just lurking in this thread, and I'm not taking sides at all but does anybody else think it is a huge coincidence that MattPsy and starboy were online to make those posts within 2 minutes of eachother? ;)
Fry-d- said:
Pretty much Sim0n, except JB doesn't admin no more ;)

It's that damn 'Enlighten' title, I can't work out what it actually means ;) [I mean, I know it means that JB is involved with Enlighten, but I knew that back when his title was 'Admin', if you see what I mean...]

[edit] And I knew the rest of the history, I was here (well, nearly, May 2000) :)
TheYellowDart said:
I'm really just lurking in this thread, and I'm not taking sides at all but does anybody else think it is a huge coincidence that MattPsy and starboy were online to make those posts within 2 minutes of eachother? ;)

I know mattpsy in person. He isn't Matt Bowden, I can assure you of that. Mattpsy just agrees with what matt thinks to a fairly large degree, and If I'm not mistaken, have had converstations before.

I've never met Mr Bowden in person, But I have seen him on the news before.
Enlighten now look after the back-stage running of Bluelight, things like looking after the servers and the boring paperwork. This is administration, but as "Admin" means something else...

I've met Matt Bowden. I don't believe I have met MattPsy, but then again I meet so many people and have the memory of a goldfish. But I can assure you they aren't the same person.
its a very good alternative. i find the comedowns easier. the most empathogenic experience ive ever had when mixed in with MDMA and 2c-B