• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Earplugs for meditation and solitary time


Bluelight Crew
Nov 23, 2007
Anyone use earplugs to drown out ambient noise or just for the ambience itself? I feel like after having them on, sometimes when taking them out my tinnitis is momentarily remedied as well (needs to be for long enough that having them in feels normal) I've periodically have had them in for sleep to the same effect, even if there isn't a lot of ambient sound around me to begin with. I (as might have been guessed) even put them in for this thread while in an already silent room. It does make for an interesting mind change, even if it skewes your equilibrium to some degree.
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Never really messed with earplugs, but earbuds and music was always a godsend when taking public transportation.