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Does taking mdma with a full stomach decrease the effects?

If you don't milk a cow it dies. Where is the logic behind not drinking milk? Vegans have some warped views in my eyes but each to their own.
The milk produced is for the baby calf, not for you. Milk negatively affects health, causing all sorts of problems later in life. If you don't need your Mum's breastmilk anymore, why do you need the milk of another species? Cows have to be pregnant to lactate. Therefore they are forcefully impregnated and kept continiously pregnant. There is nothing natural about it.
Yeah all this talk of serotonin production lol...nothing you eat the day of the roll is going to even remotely have time to impact serotonin supply in any meaningful way.

Food definitely dampens a roll IME - I always stay fasted from food for probably at least 6 hours while keeping up on liquids. You’re not going catabolic in the true sense after a few hours without food lol.
There are no hard and fast rules. Everyone's metabolism is different so there is no such thing as a formula for the perfect roll. All you need to do is avoid having a heavy meal before dropping. Having a full stomach will delay the onset and increase the risk of nausea.
Isn't there also a specific interaction with chocolate/theobromine and serotonin?
Just a few random ideas which shoot to mind in my highly morning vaporised state- I have observed unquestionably that eating raw garlic hugely potentiates certain substances.

I noticed it massively with ketamine every time. It would crush me into K holes on smaller amounts. I also observed that it enhanced the effects of cannabis, however taken. I am 100% adamant about this interaction and effect.

I always reasoned that it must be to do with the blood thinning properties of garlic, or at least that is part of it.

I actually need to eat raw garlic every single day due to my respiratory symptoms and infections it is vital to keep symptoms manageable and infections under control, as food heavily exacerbates both and the raw garlic is amazing at keeping things manageable and under control.

But it has to be organic or otherwise it's effectively useless for my purposes in an antimicrobial sense and generally. I have observed this with virtually all supplements and foods if you are taking something for an important medicinal reason if it is not organic you will receive only a small fraction of the potential benefit you see.

So this is the first time for some years I've actually thought about this potentiation effect of raw garlic with certain drugs if not all, seeing as I have been eating raw garlic daily as a standard for so many years, and not taking substances besides cannabis generally.

Jamaican sweet potatoes are also worth a mention because there is something really special about those particular types whereby they are superior in the amount of physical energy and stamina they provide vs other sweet potatoes.

But also very importantly I'm not sure I have ever tried a food which seems to have an equal positive uplifting and stabilizing effect on the mind, mood and emotions.

I swear the Jamaican sweet potatoes boost serotonin or whatever is the right time to create the feeling of increased serotonin levels, with increased calmness and alertness as well as better colour perception I notice.

I am particularly perceptive and intuitive about subtle little effects and interactions from various foods, supplements, remedies etc, and I have an especially good memory for recording these things accurately for reference.

I was already naturally oriented this way but having had my insane life of allergies and reactions to everything on the planet practically I have automatically developed much further in this regard.

So I would recommend Jamaican sweet potatoes as a pre rolling carbohydrate. I also happen to be the most delicious thing on the planet better baked or roasted than boiled, spread thick with butter or coconut oil is like eating cake equally satisfying but 100-percent savoury and wholesome.

They have a deep red skin often covered in dirt and a bright golden yellow flesh.

Regardless of MDMA potentiation or efficacy you've got to try and track down some of these potatoes and give them a go if you never have before they are really special and I'm sure a contributing factor to the dominance of Jamaican athletes in world sprinting.
Isn't there also a specific interaction with chocolate/theobromine and serotonin?
Yes good call. I cant tolerate cocoa without too much respiratory aggravation to make it worthwhile to treat myself except once in a blue moon, but absolutely unquestionably cocoa enhances the effects of substances for me as well cannabis no question and I think there is a fair bit of evidence on this.

I have heard reports of LSD experiences being noticeably enhanced by Cocoa and I totally believe that.
I would very strongly reason and predicts that using cocoa in combination with MDMA would only increase the positive effects especially the euphoria and bliss.

But there may be other subtle interactions as well which are genuinely biological, and experienced subjectively.

I think it can definitely make a difference to your experience and how you mentally and physically experience the effects of MDMA depending on how you feed your body beforehand that they.

To say that nothing will really have much impact if anything on your role is inaccurate I feel.

By supplementing your body and brain and providing them with some decent fuel for physical energy but also for mental calmness and general neurotransmitter function which is strongly related to food and digestion, I'm sure the experience can be noticeably improved as well as the less desired side effects and come down being mitigated.