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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

DOC + Marijuana - First Time - Great Time


Jan 22, 2009
I started the day early to deal with the insane length of the DOX experience. I managed to get out of bed at 8 am and drank 4.5mg of DOC in water. I swished the liquid around in my mouth for some time and swallowed, then jumped in the shower. While I was in the shower I got a little visual activity, not too much though. I couldn't yet put my finger on the nature of the trip. I like taking a shower in the beginning of a trip to give myself a clean and refreshing feeling to start out with. The trip started to become clear around an hour to an hour and a half after ingestion. I began to play my keyboard but soon became too spaced out too apply myself to anything constructive.

I put on some Sunn o))) and sat down in a comfortable chair to watch my room change. A drawing one of my friends did on my wall began to shift around. There are a bunch of little dots in the image and they started acting like little sinkholes and falling backwards through the page into the wall. They never started sinking or finished but were constantly in motion. It was very entertaining to watch. I noticed objects began to get a neon copy of themselves sort of spiraling out from them like watching video feedback. I could see these thread like strands of electric light stretching out around objects. The visuals were unlike any other drug I've tried before, (this being my first DOX drug)

I began to watch the street outside my window, as people walked by I wondered what they were doing in their lives today. Suddenly a van drove up and several men got out quickly. I got an intense rush of an adrenaline like chill and felt like they were here to capture me, although intellectually I knew this wasn't true. The men gathered several garbage bags of leaves or something and I realized they were just some sort of landscaping crew. Even though I knew this I still felt the strange chill. For some reason I only have this particular feeling on Phen's, maybe it's the speed like aspect.

I turned the Sunn o))) up full blast (for those of you who dont know sunn o))) is an ambient metal band with no drums that just drones on with a massive sludge of textural guitar) and basked in the warmth of the grinding distortion of the guitar. I started to think about music independent of time, as one endless moment extending into space. I could see the waves of distortion filling the room and I could feel them flowing through my body. I thought that music that is more about listening than feeling (in an emotional way) is more honest as it encourages the listener to be present rather than dreaming of the past or of the future. All of this thinking about the nature of music and sound was very constructive, as my only obligation during the trip was to find a few main ideas for a discussion on the composer John Cage I had to lead in my art history class the next day.

I noticed that the DOC was much like LSD in many ways but somehow seemed to work on a deeper level than LSD. It seemed to really unravel the basic fabric of reality instead of just bending it or projecting something else ontop of it. Apart from taking DOC and thinking about John Cage I did have one other obligation during the trip. It had been exactly one month since i had smoked pot and I planned on going to a friends house and celebrating with some headys. Around 3 pm my girlfriend got out of work and came over. We walked to my friends house and it was an incredibly warm and pleasant day outside. When we were walking I got the intense adrenaline rush that i got earlier. I felt like everyone I saw knew how incredibly altered I was. I became dizzy and felt like I was on about 4 or 5 strong hits of acid for the first time. I knew to just keep my mouth shut and smile, and I reveled in the intensity of simply walking down the street. When we got to my friends house he had cleaned all of his bongs and pieces in preparation for my re-introduction to the wonderful world of weed.

I took a seat and after a little chatting I went through with it. The bong was milk white and I inhaled as much smoke as possible, then proceeded to cough my guts out and shed a few tears from the intensity. After I stopped coughing I looked around the room and noticed I was having less visuals. Strange I thought, I told everyone I felt more sober somehow after hitting the bong. It must have taken my brain a couple minutes to figure out what was happening, and soon I was having some of the most intense visuals of my life. Escher drawings started coming out of the ceiling, my friends tattoo came off of his leg and started spreading over the wall behind him. His face had several neon echos of it twirling off into a bizarre spiral. We watched 'tim and erics awesome show good job' and TV started to remind me of senseless dreams. It was just like another layer of information, and life itself started to feel like a dream and a television show. I had a massive feeling of unreality which started to scare me, but then I realized that it would pass and I had to do all I could to explore it before it ended. Then we watched walker texas ranger, and i still thought we were watching tim and erics show and saw the characters from that show acting the parts in walker texas ranger. It was hilarious. I would go through periods of total dissociation where i couldnt communicate and I was floating in an introspective super perspective of my life. Everything I thought about was accompanied by crisp, clear geometric images, the most prominent being that optical illusion of the impossible triangle. As I reviewed my life I could feel the thoughts corresponding with electric tingling sensations in my arms and fingers. My friends room mate had her artwork up on the walls in a room and I went over to check it out. The pieces were these watercolors of this micro/macro scopic type designs, very biological looking. I saw them as cells multiplying and dividing, landscapes from space, chemicals interacting, all of these things at once. It was amazing and inspiring and utterly beautiful.

I left my friends apartment and went on a walk with my girlfriend. I felt a very strange centered feeling, totally neutral. I had no good feelings, no bad feelings, I just was. I noticed a strange metallic taste in my mouth. I remember being able to visualize the whole of existence being reduced to an infinitely small point directly in front of me. When it was quite I noticed an oscillating electronic frequency in my hearing. I went home and read about Cage and started trying to go to sleep around 3 am. I tried diphenhydramine, and alcohol, both with no effect. My body was tired but my mind was not, at 8am I was still being bombarded by vivid closed eye hallucinations of complex geometric figures. I was unable to sleep, and had to show up to my art history class at 3:30 pm the next day still in a DOC daze. Fortunately I was in a good mood and the vibe of the experience served as good inspiration to talk about the zen oriented ideas of Cage's work with my class. I don't think anybody noticed how zoned out I was. All in all DOC is spectacular and very unique, it was great to combine with smoking pot for the first time in a month!

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cool, DOC sounds like a fun drug to try. too bad the duration is so long, seems it lasted over 24 hours for you. that's a big time commitment to make for tripping.

isn't 4.5 mg a relatively high dose? did you experience a bodyload (nausea, cramping, headache etc) while tripping? did you find it to be stimulating, or was it kinda neutral on the body like LSD?

thanks for sharing.
Great DOC report. DOC is my favorite psychedelic at this time, for sure. It's such an amazing tool when used properly. :) Once you get past the peak stages, it opens up into this expansive, blissful plateau where you can get yourself into quite a social state. During this stage I feel more capable of interacting with people and going about my business. This state happens to be very good for sex as well. :)
Stirfry: The body load was actually very comfortable, even euphoric at times. The tension started to hit near the end of the trip when my body became tired but the DOC did not. It was not as bad as the tension i feel from LSD though.
Xorkoth: I had actually read one of your reports on DOC which helped me decide on dosage. I was able to visualize strands of DNA suspended in the air like you saw, probably from reading your report before i tried it. I'll have to try the sex next time haha!
Sorry for bumping this thread...
just wanted to pick up on the visual effects on smoking cannabis. I've tripped three times on DOC now, and each time have smoked.
I usually wait until after the initial come up has finished and then vape some using my e-cig (it has a special cartridge for 'loose leaf').
As the OP mentioned, things seem to settle down for a few minutes; there is an uncanny sobriety for a period, but you can feel something building. On my last trip I had taken 4.5mg. The visuals were great, as usual, and after smoking about 4 hours in I lay back on the bed and waited. I liken it to the eye of a hurricane. There is a certain peace and stillness, but you can almost feel the current of psychedelia building before WHAM, visuals like nothing else. At one point I was so blown I stare at my leg for about 15 minutes. Everything was morphing incredibly rapidly. I could just about discern the top part of my leg closest to me, but beyond that everything was absolutely wild. I was totally awestruck and in absolute heaven.
Definitely not for the inexperienced though. I had been seeking this out for a while and was totally ready for it; anyone unprepared could easily have freaked out!