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Poetry DiscoMXEtry - Dissociative Inspired Hip Hop/Poetry/Rhymes Thread (WEIRDO'S PLEASE)

Mr. Meowfish

Jan 31, 2012
I found my place in The Lounge. I'll stick to posting legit poetry in this thread.
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This one's called...

I Hope All Free Eyes One Day Realize

I dream of days when our consciousness is finally free
So many still trapped by their chains of mental slavery
Our existence, somethings missing, need imaginative visions
Persistence against negative conditions
Relentless restrictions replaced by rhythmic harmonies
Our existence, this is not what it's meant to be
Got sick of our shared reality, lacked authenticity
Designed a new one internally, just for me
Vividly uplifted by life's natural beauty
I hope someday to share, a daring idea worth reviewing
A world self renewing, no more feuding, without a care
A delectable dreamscape depicting destinies dualistic divergent desires distinctly
I'm done just dreaming, our better days could be tomorrow
If we all started believing, Why the fuck do we still follow
When these Leaders are NOT leading, Their control is up for repo
Every human being living deserves the opportunity to grow
It's time We choose to show, Each other the real meaning
Of a New Beginning...

Took so many years for me to accept and realize
To not try and help your fellow humans...A trait I despise (HELP THEM OPEN UP THEIR EYES)
Allowing fear to control your life, Is surrendering before you even try (WHY?)
Know yourself, Seek Knowledge, Value Wisdom
The truest freedoms will always come from Inside
This world is Everyone's...On power our Leaders are Junkies Strung (OUT)
Liberation takes time, Never accept fellow humans being victimized
To not Love allows hate a space, To not live is to die
I refuse to accept that Together...We can't build a BETTER LIFE (FOR US ALL)

It's time the majority finally does some reapportioning
Of equal rights and freedoms
Of finances misappropriated by deceitful treasonous reasons
Redesigning laws created to discriminate
Against ethnicities and poverty stricken human beings
To oppress and incarcerate in the name of hate
Our country still uses Slavery...
They just call it the fucking "Prison State"
We can take back OUR space, A better future for all create
No longer owned by Governments
Lead by their corrupt Corporate Mentalities
Who constantly just take, while we build their bullshit Society
Until our fucking backs break
As they reap the benefits meant for all of US, Living Happily
Their success is so senseless, Still WE struggle endlessly
The ladder to the Top was built by Resentment NOT Friendship
So non-essential, lonely and fucking Friendless
Hate often misdirected at our Human Family
It's up to US ALL to end this, You have to CHOOSE TO BE FREE
We can't think so rigidly, Let's' start repairs Environmentally and Socially
It just takes Unity and Bravery, Better choices we can make
Standing TOGETHER PROUDLY, Reclaim the Power of the People WE MADE
In it's totality, We CAN stop all this hate
Rebuild all the structures these fucking Oppressors made
Intelligently and Patiently, Finally controlling OUR own fates
In this so called shared...Version of a Reality

Took so many years for me to accept and realize
To not try and help your fellow humans...A trait I despise (HELP THEM OPEN UP THEIR EYES)
Allowing fear to control your life, Is surrendering before you even try (WHY?)
Know yourself, Seek Knowledge, Value Wisdom
The truest freedoms will always come from Inside
This world is Everyone's...On power our Leaders are Junkies Strung (OUT)
Liberation takes time, Never accept fellow humans being victimized
To not Love allows hate a space, To not live is to die
I refuse to accept that Together...We can't build a BETTER LIFE (FOR US ALL)

This is the path to Progress, some HOPE for ALL of US being Oppressed
A Brighter Future, Not their fucking MESS
An Optimistic picture, a beautiful mixture, with possibilities endless
Imagine finding contentment, instead of resentment and greed
Where honest statements are valued over deceit
Are you happy with this existence... I see us living, but do you feel alive
Our daily fight to live...Just to barely even survive
What would WE rather see, anything is possible in life
It's up to you and me, TOGETHER WE GET TO DECIDE (IF WE TRY)
Are you able to perceive the beauty yet... That I've been seeing for a while
A new Society, OURS, based around Community
With Compassion and Empathy... Where people actually SMILE
No more denial, be who you are, let's IMAGINE TOGETHER
What OUR WORLD CAN BE, if WE follow our hearts
Today could be the start with the consciousness shared by OUR minds
It found it's Freedom... Finally, No longer in the darkness confined
Truth envisioned as our Third Eyes ALL open up to Realize...
WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD... If we work TOGETHER and just TRY!!!

Different vibe, I'm not all silliness. I hope everyone enjoys this one.
Arylcyclohexylamines I Know And Love...

You could say I learned the hard way
Gave away 9 years of livelihood, Forgot who I was
How to love, have fun, or enjoy a beautiful day
The true depths of hate, to hope for death every fucking day
I never imagined, I'd break opiates fucking chains
It took insanity and war like tactics
To finally reclaim, had to fight fire with fire to stay in life's game
Now I'm one crazy fuck, but I'm still here laughing
This path is mine definitely not for everyone
But I discovered a weapon and tool to fight against opiate addiction
For fixing depression, finding inner hope, for the withdrawal pains
To even quell the cravings that choke... But be careful
Educate yourself about these compounds... They're a handful
They can be the magic that saves you
Or that leaves you overdosing on the ground
Know yourself, study up on Neurochemistry and Potentiation
By NO Drugs chains ever again will I allow myself to be bound

These are the names of compounds that helped Save, Teach, and even Befriended me...
Phencyclidine, Ya sexy angelic fuck
Eticyclidine, My left handed isomeric lover
Methoxetamine, You saved my life, A Confidant, A true Friend, Sensei, You're part of the reason I'm clean
And why I finally picked up a pad and pen to write
Dextromethorphan, My robot disco juice, you helped helped my withdrawals the first time I kicked my habit
These days, my tolerance is too great for you... But our memories I'll always cherish
And lastly, an O.G. - Good ole' Ketamine
A Teacher and Old Friend... But a dangerous tool for the wrong dope fiend
Too sedating and heavy, do it with dope... That combos scary and can be deadly
With dissociative anaesthetics beautiful enlightening state
You ALL helped me be alive to write this today
These Compounds I rep PROUDLY, I would've died a death so Cowardly
They worked together and saved me from my own internal HELL
I mean... I guess I did a little bit of work myself, but you compelled
You are My Friends, You are My Family...
These are Arylcyclohexylamines I Love and know quite well

Title and concept based off TIKHAL and PIKHAL - RIP Alexander "Sasha" Shulgin - You were an inspiration to US ALL.
This poem is literally written on forms/pages from the county jail in the psych ward downtown 5 going on 6 years ago now. I've got about 10 from this little misunderstanding. I did 24 days on charges that never stuck and the case was thrown out. Still 24 days in the psych unit in a 1 man cell on 23 hour lock down all day. Crazy shit literally.

Drug Lovers don't Just Say No... We Stand UP for what You won't... Actual Freedom and Respect

All humans today are in a unique place, Watching the evolution of our simple race
50 years ago now more like the dark ages, These days we read books without flipping pages
While the future of technologies looking bright, It seems like it's another fresh distraction for our sight
From the obvious peril of our races plight, Rather remain blind than actually seek insights
We have the history of everything at our fingertips, Yet we'd rather just search for the best double D tits
Our society's so lost and ego driven it makes me fucking sick, I'm so sick of all the "dick sizing" I might just cut off my dick
Beautiful exteriors mean nothing when I can see your soul, People more than willing to sell themselves for a starring role
Vain not Bold, Beauty means nothing if in your head there is no thought, One of many lessons in a K-Hole that I was taught
Our ego hides the truths of life right before our eyes, In my mind if the Devil exists it's just our egotistical pride in disguise

The fact humans can look around thinking "Damn we're doing great", shows how fucked we really are, trapped, born just to die in this place
I still don't know where we're headed or how I form these words onto the page, But with open mind and willing heart I'm grateful I'm here today
Our modern ways of life have become truly fucking sad, We have a chance to seek out knowledge and learn like no generations ever had
You don't need to spend 40 grand on college for a modern education, just a desire to progress and some damn self determination
Recognize your potential, understanding whatever you can dream you can become you will achieve... Don't just stay numb
I know it's hard this world is shit but the solution isn't run or stay dumb, I love drugs too I LOVE drugs too but I've already spent too long so mentally undone
So strung out by my own noose hung, so lost, choking couldn't breathe, Unable to see or believe the beauty that's always been a piece of me
Those years of feeling worthless constantly battling the self hate, I crashed out long ago but was still convinced that I was flying straight
It was until I lost what matters most in this life... Freedoms gone left alive but dead inside, That I realized the biggest fear we have shouldn't be when we perish
It's to yourself lying, thinking there's no reason to be trying, Letting them beat you down until your purpose is a lack of one lost confused and embarassed

That's when they've won, that's when you've been beat, The day you no longer choose to compete the true definition of a weak retreat
You took your own life long before you were even dead, Free will undone it can happen to anyone when we refuse the natural talents in our heads
I love drugs too I LOVE drugs too but it's all in how you use them and which ones you choose, Some will help you fly and learn to hone your natural skills
Others suck you dry and leave you devoid of anything real, emotionless unable to feel, Some drugs only exist by the willpower of truly evil greedy men
Who want you to stay docile, vacant, to never learn again, Those who want bright beings out of their way so they can fulfill their evils plans
Of robbing us all blind watching us waste our lives no more individuals just clones, A despicable wicked trend as their push comes to deserve a shove
Trying to convince us God is Love when the truth is... there may not be a God Above, Just the one we created in our heads to not feel unwanted and unloved,
As someone else observes and realizes this scenario is the perfect method of control, if you don't take your place they'll force their fucking molds
But once you accept and understand there is only the concept and perspectives of living and dying, No longer inhaling breath... Is that the end we meet
That living in fear equivalent to buried, you were deceived, failed the test, missed the entire purpose of our human quest all together Think Independently

To Be Here Now every single day of your life not just being alive, enjoying and doing, actually living daily until you meet your eternal rest
All we have is this moment right now, today can be eternal when you appreciate tomorrows never guaranteed and time is a measurement at best
So be yourself, Be Free Existing Proudly, never allow defeat, respect history and stop negative patterns that repeat
Death will come one day no one has any say don't fear what you can't control anyways have fun smile love and go play
When you leave this form it will be a long awaited release, from the pain, disease and misguided hate to a quiet grave
Finally ending our temporary journey through the matrix too many never notice, The end of this life will be a peaceful release
Back to our original state, reintegrated into pure Universal energy into another realm formed by blissful chaotic beauty
Never just believe the lies others accept as reality, always seek to analyze all information on your own, Never surrendering your right to think
Or allowing a Government that demands a submissive state to control your consciousness or enact laws against the ability to be who you want to be
And if they refuse to treat us with dignity, fuck them and their society... Let's go create our own world and faux reality, intelligently and respectfully.
Though I’d add some two cents lol


I inhale the shards of glass you've engraved in my veins
Carving me out into the reflection of your insecurities
exhaling my identity and self worth

It takes time
Fast enough to notice you survived
But Slow enough to feel the day to day scars of broken promises

Who would have thought I'd be chosen
Swept away by the stereotypes of love
I said yes
And when the wave crashed
All I wanted was to forget

Years and years of built up dreams
We created a wall of lies in order to stay sane
No touching allowed
Just made to believe fairytales

Made to believe that soul mates exist
And love at first sight was more than a phrase

Until your eyes are swollen shut with tears
And the memories are trapped on a screen
I became one with the darkness
Twins of emptiness and sadness

Should have
Could haves Haunted my mind
And while I was suffering
You had already forgotten

Factory reset Overnight
My heartbeat was filed away to spam
Left to accumulate the particles of unanswered questions
What happened

The universe continues to work
As the sun sets and rises
Spotlighting the despairs of the world

The shards of glass are now covered
With sleepless nights and medicating cries
Small pick me ups to make it through the day
I'll try my keyboard at some fancy wordies.

Frozen In Time

Water is free, or meant to be... The most powerful element to me, Even more than Love, Just a Narcotic we all Crave and Need
Bending and Tracing, Flowing and Integrating... but never Breaking OR Allowing forced Conformity
Styled Formlessly, to Nature always True, If only Humans could see Crystal Clearly, Vividly Breathtaking but H2O's not for Keeping

Past the Beauty of Shades of Blue so Enduring, the Cyclic simplicity of Rain, an Eyedea now Peaceful, I Smile as the Pain washes Away
Constant in Motion, While respecting all forms Spatially, To none owes it's Devotion, Even mountains get carved out...Eventually
Such an ingenious Statement made by Mother Nature Visually, Our bodies owe every drop a Thanks, Humans by design All Wet, But die so quick without a drink

To Dream of Perfection, while Enduring our current Human Suits, Is to Plan Around Failure, Question Everything, Anticipation by Design...We're Fuck Up Inclined
But even the sexy Waves and Effortless Glide, to me never disguised, How quickly we can be pulled the fuck under, Losing Ourselves in the wrong Tides...
I don't Hide - I test, I never beg, I show Mutual Respect - No matter how you try and hold an Ocean in your arms, or a drop in your Palm,
When it's time, She's Gone

Only the Ice and the Cold, bold enough to stand up to the Planets Attractive Owner... The dirt of the Earth waits patiently for it's turn, We melted away her Poles
Planet Earth is gradually losing it's Polarity, thanks to the parasite called Humanity, Kind of reminds me of the sorts who've said "I Love You"... To Me

There's a Reason the Seasons of Ice are ruled by Icy Queens, I've never been with a woman who could accept that Beauty is Skin Deep
And Temporary, Rather stay Frozen in Time to maintain some Piece of what Used to Be, Incapable or Unwilling of Accepting
The darkest nature of existence can't be Paid off by some product or constant cognitive dissonance...
We All Die at the End, Our Forms are meant to be Rentals...Not Elemental, None are Essential, All are just Experimental

Now I can take a breath and actually enjoy the oxygen entering my lungs, at this moment, don't be TOO Hopeful in Life, It's truly Hopeless by Nature
Stand on Your Own, Love every Second, Never Live in Fear of any Form, or back away from Once in a Lifetime Opportunities... Appreciate every Bit of the Beauty and Bullshit, At the End of this Ride, Wishing for hardships that we Miss
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This I may delete or edit, Opiates legit permanently changed how my Brain is Wired when it comes to Romantic Love. It's all just Dope now, and the sad thing is - I'm honestly happier like this sadly in a way, because like the water - Nothing on this planet owns me. No God, No Government, No Rush of Neurological Pleasure. For Me - That's what I need. These thought are just that - My opinions and burned out concepts that work for no one else. But I'll take Peace and Quiet with minimal excitement...
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Thought I’d continue in the Romance era haha

[h=1]Fate [/h]Darkness fades as your words trace my screen
Telepathic signals, your syllables help me breathe
One lonely night, my pain was permanent
souls intertwined, our scars transparent

Guards up as the crystal touches my lips
A simple message, as my life began to rip

I find solitude when I talk to you, Your light Is what I consume.
It shines in all the rite places, Electric feelings,
You heal my wounds.

Let me reciprocate, Damaged beauty,
your soul is divine

Those turmoils of your life, scars I love the most.
Perfect little imperfections, I fell,
even for your lows

Thoughts of losing you, The biggest fear I’ve ever known.
I’m yours, Rip me apart.
My soul needs a new home.

And when the day comes for two hearts to face reality,
Remember you’re engrained in my veins,
your light is what I bleed

If fairytales are true and these aren’t brail memories,
Join me, in the rhythms of fate. Take my hand, I’ll follow your lead.

But if this song fades and our hands soon fall apart,
Your tune will be forever stuck in my head,
Cuz you’re the greatest ballad, that I ever bled
I couldn't leave such undercutting depressing comments above and in between 2 beautiful pieces of Poetry. I can lace some words, but ^^^^^ that poem is downright beautiful. Beauty and Sadness in equal balance. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed both.
I couldn't leave such undercutting depressing comments above and in between 2 beautiful pieces of Poetry. I can lace some words, but ^^^^^ that poem is downright beautiful. Beauty and Sadness in equal balance. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed both.

Aww thank you I appreciate it!:)
Eternity gets Lonely - Confessions of Our Sad Universe

Every now and then when I pick up this particular Pen, My brain mutates and morphs distorting distinct hues of infused blues to blend
A bizarre piece of Consciousness attempting to comprehend, Never crucially mistake a death As the End
As space and time groove together Gracefully like a Dance, All boundaries by Freedom are reformed and Enhanced
A disassociated mentalities chance to be re-framed, Body Misplaced on Earth In a forgotten Dusted Haze
The mind patiently adapted to this odd place, One day an Opportunity was Extended with hopeful Grace
Visualized a new existence unbound by clocks ticking away mortality, Destruction becomes Creation as Objects transform Synergistically
Brightest minds are like supernovas meant to explode into cosmic paint, Leaving The entire fabric of Our Universe now lusciously Stained
Enveloping Our shared states in strange Colors spontaneously Made, Such abstract beauty is not meant to be contained
Intellect is an Inkwell of curious questions and Intent, An eternal Connection to Lost Galaxies that I graciously call Friends
There is a World Inside us all that currently is imprisoned, Duality begins Internally Unraveling as the singularity within Ascends
Concentrate your energy on seeking inner peace ending incarcerated conditions, Once freed from our egos form our consciousness is inspired and unrestricted
Individuality is able to actively envision oneself as a Unique Branch, Growing from the Trunk of a Tree in a forest rooted firmly
Comprehending their ability to independently create and expand, Born from the Harmonious Equilibrium of unfathomable Cosmic Energies
One is All as All are One seen within a mirrored Fractals Glance, Still understanding Collectively we form the soulful music of Eternity

Time by design is so human, Space is endless ordained as infinite
A clock signals our ruin, To a Universe still irrelevant
Polarity our galactic equalizer, The balance that all forms require
Nothingness can be everything, As Everything becomes nothing
Linear thoughts need unlearning, Cylindrical is the shape of eternity
Death is a peaceful blessing, Forever eventually will be your curse
Lessons taught by studying perceptions, Tinted deceptive views reveal our Sad Universe

Energy the formless building block of everything that seeks creation, Returning Like Breath in the Chest to a Unique Stardust Formation
Real life doesnt begin until accepting dying isn't something we choose, The enjoyable vice of being alive is repayed by death our agreed price
If a choice was given of Mortality or Eternity what would you do, I doubt forever could keep me occupied and actively surprised
Tho still alive Some die mentally as Fear drives Ignorance denying Exploration, As Space continues creeping outwardly on it's infinite migration
Every aspect of our Cosmos is essentially Alone for All Eternity, The lonely nature of existence that humanity shares with Galaxies
Appreciate the Distance the heavens require to be Maintained, Allowing Matter and Energy to keep their Mysteries ingrained
A Universe torn apart by generations of our complaints, As all observe Humans foolishly Racing towards more Pain,
Destructive man made tendencies expose hearts to Forgotten Scars, Our Realm is Simplistic maybe absurdity is our only distinguishing Mark
Examine astrological expectations by Thinking Psychonautically, Our Reality is shaped by Genius and Ignorance simultaneously
To perceive Worlds beyond dreams takes mental agility and telescopic vision, Satellites beam unwanted Topics directly into optics disturbing logical revisions
Amazed when we stop Questioning Everything getting lost in the maze, Conscious thoughts are required daily not just as some passing Phase
Become an internal traveler of your intangible celestial heights, Astrotravelling vastness riding Light Beams all of outer space wide
Few understand the treasures unmeasured we can find with worthy eyes, Never seen darkness before Until staring into Black Holes as they devour all light
Long deserved realizations occur viewing such peaceful sights, So serene when the planetary systems become your personal guide
Until the day my human suit expires I just smile No explanation required, Returned to the dust that eventually forms stars in honor of our Universal Designer

Time by design is so human, Space is endless ordained as infinite
A clock signals our ruin, To our Universe still irrelevant
Polarity our galactic equalizer, The balance that all forms require
Nothingness can be everything, As Everything becomes nothing
Linear thoughts need unlearning, Cylindrical is the shape of eternity
Death is a peaceful blessing, Forever eventually will be your curse
Lessons taught by studying perceptions, Tinted deceptive views reveal our Sad Universe
Oh maaan I really like it!!
Bro, most of all I like this part of yours -
I inhale the shards of glass you've engraved in my veins
Carving me out into the reflection of your insecurities
exhaling my identity and self worth.
I wanna ask you to help me to improve my writing skills cause you are doing it in amazing way. I'm used to uk.edusson.com when I need help or smth like that and I am pleased with everything I get in return but I still wanna write such great poems like you do. I would be really glad to get some advices of yours :)
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