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Dental opioids in the UK/Ireland?


Jun 29, 2017
I'm going for a wisdom teeth extraction next week and was wondering, is it true that dentists/oral surgeons rarely prescribe anything after removing your wisdom teeth? I can't envy my American family members enough with how liberal prescribing is by U.S. doctors when it comes to benzos/opiates. I know some think that's a bad thing but I've always viewed it as, if you don't want the addictive medicine, don't take it. No one is forcing you.

But when you're stuck in the reverse situation and a GP/psychiatrist/dentist refuses to prescribe something to you, you can't do anything about it. We have OTC codeine here but it's just not as good, and sometimes doesn't work at all due to CY2PD6 problems.
Teeth are different though, your normal opioid isn’t going to help that kind of pain really. You’re gonna need a good anti inflammatory, I’d suggest ponstan also called mefenamic acid. It’s amazing for tooth pain and lessening bleeding, actually it’s prescribed to me for my heavy periods and it’s the only thing helps them. I did find it helped my tooth pain also when I had one removed by chance and it’s what I would give a family member if they needed it.

Also, you can get nurofen plus OTC in the UK/Ireland. It has 12.5mg codeine in it along with 200mg ibuprofen. That’s more than sufficient if you take 2 at a time and it’s also better due to having the anti inflammatory.

If you ask for opioids at the dentist they will know you’re just looking to get high.
Many give oxycontin/percs/codeine if he wants to toy with you haha but overall you have to watch out for addiction and let's say someone taking meds for back pain may become an addict in the near future and so you after your oral surgery, you will not have that many chances to become an addict. It's no philosophy or reverse psychology, it's a pure fact. Anyway, they are rarely given out and they will likely prescribe you Paracetamol, an anti-inflammatory. So bottom line, what we learnt today? Benzos should be your last resort, especially in such cases. Be careful and take care
I'm going for a wisdom teeth extraction next week and was wondering, is it true that dentists/oral surgeons rarely prescribe anything after removing your wisdom teeth? I can't envy my American family members enough with how liberal prescribing is by U.S. doctors when it comes to benzos/opiates. I know some think that's a bad thing but I've always viewed it as, if you don't want the addictive medicine, don't take it. No one is forcing you.

But when you're stuck in the reverse situation and a GP/psychiatrist/dentist refuses to prescribe something to you, you can't do anything about it. We have OTC codeine here but it's just not as good, and sometimes doesn't work at all due to CY2PD6 problems.

I had all 4 out with a GA in hospital and at best they gave me some cocodamol 30s. You won't get anything better. This was about 6 years ago. It really didn't hurt as much as I thought, I was scoffing hash brownies as soon as I got home (no smoking for 24 hrs). I didn't have much pain ay all really, they were so much worse before. Good luck x
I'm going for a wisdom teeth extraction next week and was wondering, is it true that dentists/oral surgeons rarely prescribe anything after removing your wisdom teeth? I can't envy my American family members enough with how liberal prescribing is by U.S. doctors when it comes to benzos/opiates. I know some think that's a bad thing but I've always viewed it as, if you don't want the addictive medicine, don't take it. No one is forcing you.

But when you're stuck in the reverse situation and a GP/psychiatrist/dentist refuses to prescribe something to you, you can't do anything about it. We have OTC codeine here but it's just not as good, and sometimes doesn't work at all due to CY2PD6 problems.
Its not a major surgery, chances are some paracetamol and ibuprofen will manage the pain quite well, so there's no need for anything stronger. I mean fuck, I've had surgery on a damaged tendon in my calf, and an arthroscopy or two on my left knee, and have never needed more than that for pain relief. Sure, I tried to blag stronger stuff at times, and a lot of the time I was successful, but in the UK unless you're a terminally ill cancer patient or severely injured/disabled you wont see more than 30mg codeine, 50mg tramadol, and occasionally dihydrocodeine but this depends on the prescriber. I've had some doctors consider them all basically equal and others who think dhc is multiple times more potent than codeine. One doctor preferred to prescribe me 8x30mg of codeine a day rather than 80mg dhc a day...... claiming dhc was "extremely potent" and only for severe pain..
yeah here we only get myprodol prescribed for that or tramadol if you lucky. But be ready to look like a chipmunk for a few days lol.

I was lucky though as i was already prescribed pethidine at that time so i had no pain lol
Would still love to know what that anesthetic was though. Was a clinic in Roodepoort (you’ll probably know where that is i.e. West Rand) in the ‘90s that has since closed down. Will never forget it! Lol!
yeah know roodepoort good but can't say what you got but sounds heavenly

Also in the 90's i was still a kid loosing my baby teeth lol
Would still love to know what that anesthetic was though. Was a clinic in Roodepoort (you’ll probably know where that is i.e. West Rand) in the ‘90s that has since closed down. Will never forget it! Lol!

Most likely Midazolam/Propofol.
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but in the UK unless you're a terminally ill cancer patient or severely injured/disabled you wont see more than 30mg codeine, 50mg tramadol, and occasionally dihydrocodeine but this depends on the prescriber.
Even as disabled I'm always fighting a battle to keep my oxycodone prescription. I got raised to oxy from morphine by pain clinic. But trying to keel it even when in chronic pain is a nightmare. Battle with the docs all the time .
TBH they prob do right not giving things out, it was my IV morphine button following severe trauma that gave me taste for it. I am one of the only people I know who really enjoyed being off my head in ICU
Even as disabled I'm always fighting a battle to keep my oxycodone prescription. I got raised to oxy from morphine by pain clinic. But trying to keel it even when in chronic pain is a nightmare. Battle with the docs all the time .
Sorry to hear you're being treat like that :/ Sadly, it's all too common in the UK for pain meds to be under prescribed in cases where they're actually needed. After years of knee issues I eventually found a GP who would take me seriously. Before she helped me with referrals and effective pain management I was given two 15mg cocodamol per day (not on repeat, so literally had to have a weekly telephone appointment to get them!), for what turned out to be pretty serious trauma to the lateral meniscus of my left knee. requiring multiple surgeries to correct. Eventually I found a good doctor, but I still had to fight her for everything opioid related. She settled on the max dose of 30/500s. Wouldn't switch me to half the dose of dhc, as according to her dhc is stronger than morphine and reserved for severe pain like road traffic accidents..... Had another doctor tell me dhc wasn't prescribed in the UK, he had to looking it up in the BNF... GPs go by personal opinion rather than fact a lot of the time.
Sorry to hear you're being treat like that :/ Sadly, it's all too common in the UK for pain meds to be under prescribed in cases where they're actually needed. After years of knee issues I eventually found a GP who would take me seriously. Before she helped me with referrals and effective pain management I was given two 15mg cocodamol per day (not on repeat, so literally had to have a weekly telephone appointment to get them!), for what turned out to be pretty serious trauma to the lateral meniscus of my left knee. requiring multiple surgeries to correct. Eventually I found a good doctor, but I still had to fight her for everything opioid related. She settled on the max dose of 30/500s. Wouldn't switch me to half the dose of dhc, as according to her dhc is stronger than morphine and reserved for severe pain like road traffic accidents..... Had another doctor tell me dhc wasn't prescribed in the UK, he had to looking it up in the BNF... GPs go by personal opinion rather than fact a lot of the time.
I've known a couple of docs prescribe DHC but it's rare. It's a constant fight I get 42x 5mg oxy a month which just takes the edge off.
Sorry to hear you're being treat like that :/ Sadly, it's all too common in the UK for pain meds to be under prescribed in cases where they're actually needed. After years of knee issues I eventually found a GP who would take me seriously. Before she helped me with referrals and effective pain management I was given two 15mg cocodamol per day (not on repeat, so literally had to have a weekly telephone appointment to get them!), for what turned out to be pretty serious trauma to the lateral meniscus of my left knee. requiring multiple surgeries to correct. Eventually I found a good doctor, but I still had to fight her for everything opioid related. She settled on the max dose of 30/500s. Wouldn't switch me to half the dose of dhc, as according to her dhc is stronger than morphine and reserved for severe pain like road traffic accidents..... Had another doctor tell me dhc wasn't prescribed in the UK, he had to looking it up in the BNF... GPs go by personal opinion rather than fact a lot of the time.
I've had my doctor tell me I'd be fine after 3 days of diazepam so I do believe GPs go by personal opinion over factual evidence, which is so worrying
I've had my doctor tell me I'd be fine after 3 days of diazepam so I do believe GPs go by personal opinion over factual evidence, which is so worrying
I complained about codeine having minimal effect on me, presumably due to enzyme levels. I had to explain codeines enzymatic conversion to morphine and codeine-6-glucuronide for her, to which she said, "interesting theory, I'll have to look it up in my free time"...... Theory?! Have to look it up?!? At that point I lost all respect for the lady, was she even a doctor, or did she blag her way in 35 years ago when identity theft was far easier hahah?
GPs go by personal opinion rather than fact a lot of the time.

I think you’ll find that statement is also your personal opinion. GP’s are governed by UK guidelines, but these guidelines can and do vary from region to region.

For example, if you live in a region that has a reported high number of people seen/(ab)using xyz drug, then the local health authority will issue a blanket statement to actively reduce the number of prescriptions written for xyz drug.

Of course if you’re unhappy with the outcome, your alternative is to always go private.
I think you’ll find that statement is also your personal opinion. GP’s are governed by UK guidelines, but these guidelines can and do vary from region to region.

For example, if you live in a region that has a reported high number of people seen/(ab)using xyz drug, then the local health authority will issue a blanket statement to actively reduce the number of prescriptions written for xyz drug.

Of course if you’re unhappy with the outcome, your alternative is to always go private.
I would love to go private but worried it'd affect my subutex script, also is it not quite dear
Pricing varies, but you’d see change from £200. That would include a private consultation, an outline of treatment plus any prescription that would be required.
I'm kinda in the see situation except I live in orlando florida and I'm having all my teeth removed im gonna be under general anastesia (unconscious) the dentist said the surgery will take between an hour and a half to 2 hours n called it major surgery the doctor is gonna havta peel back the gums inorder to be able to extract the tooth (as the tooth barley comes above the gum)

When I had my 4 impacted I was prescribed hydro 5 or 7.5mg

What do yall think id be prescribed

He also said he'd give me a two week work excuse longer if needed so I'm assuming I'll get 2 pills a day for 2 weeks (n yes I know no one knows for sure just looking for opinions)

I'm hoping for at least perk 10s am o wishing for to much
My technique with my Dentist has always been the same - Get oiled to the fucking gills on morphine that way I ensure that not only will I be without pain, but also on cloud 9 emotionally. I have went in and told them to skip the Novocaine.