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Tryptamines Comparisons of DMT Containing Plants and Their Extracts


Moderator: OD
Staff member
Apr 17, 2015
Note: Written by me years ago, reposted here.

I feel a thread should be made that compares ALL plants that contain DMT and anyone who has experiences with at least two DMT extracts from different plants please chime in with any differences you've noticed.

I've been grateful and lucky enough to try DMT from 4 different plant sources so far in my life time, thanks to a close friend (you know who you are
). And below I will describe the sometimes subtle, sometimes not-so subtle differences between them.

Note: For dosages below, lower dosages are for light effects (not threshold) and higher/top end dosages are for average breakthrough doses.

-Mimosa hostilis-

This is probably the most well known plant source for DMT out there, and has been used the longest by the western world for extractions. Out of all the plants out there this one has an alkaloid profile that's closest to pure DMT. It does contain other alkaloids but in rather small amounts. Some of the others include MAOI like substances (beta-carbolines), yurenamine, and sometimes NMT. When a typical extraction is performed (naptha, freeze precipitation) the resulting extract is almost pure DMT sometimes with some DMT-oxide as well. (1) Evaporating the naptha tends to leave a product that is covered in a yellow oil which smells of mix between DMT and lilacs. (2) And the use of toluene/xylene pulls what's called Jungle Spice, (3) a product which can vary in texture and color from goopy to waxy, yellow, orange, red or brown.

1. This DMT typically looks white/clear, sometimes off-white leaning towards yellow, everything from a crystally powder to nice sized crystals of varying size and shape. The dosage tends to be in the 10-50mg range. The effects hit hard and quick, and visually this type of DMT is amazingly impressive. Often this stuff seems to want to show me the secrets to life around me, and it feels like I'm being pumped full of information. I've heard this said before and I like it too, compared to other DMT extracts it does feel as if your being blasted off into hyperspace without a guide. (The guide typically being an MAOI.) Some of the craziest and oddest experiences I've had have been on this stuff. In my opinion I feel it has the perfect balance of intensity while still being smooth on the comeup. (Smoothness on comeup is important to me.) One thing to note is that it seems lower doses aren't very visual or interesting unless one meditates into it, higher doses are where it gets interesting.

2. This stuff typically looks anywhere from nice shaped crystals covered in a light yellow oil to waxy orange stuff. Dosages are in the 10-40mg range. It is a tad more potent than pure DMT. It seems there are other alkaloids present, as well as plant oils/fats. DMT-oxide is present. This stuff is very similar to #1 above except that it hits more intensely and overall seems a bit stronger in potency. The comeup has an anxiety provoking nature to it, before settling into the trip. Even then starting off a DMT trip like that in my opinion isn't ideal so I typically stray away from this stuff. It is also much harsher to smoke and the taste is more... umm... How do I say this? Pungent? Lol. The lilac smell though is awesome. Unlike #1 however lower doses are much more visual and it feels like your on a moderate dose of mushrooms or something. Lower doses seem more worthwhile for others, but for me personally I still find I'd choose very pure DMT over this stuff for any dose.

3. And then there is jungle spice.. I have very little experience with it because of my, likely, irrational fear of it. I think I've only smoked it once or twice and it was dark and potent. With that said I know people who've had breakthroughs on very small doses with incredible stories to come back with. Effects seem to vary while some enjoy it and others don't.

-Acacia confusa-

This plant source has become more common over the past 5 or so years as Mimosa becomes more watched. Unlike Mimosa which has an alkaloid profile very close to pure DMT (sometimes with some oxide), Acacia confusa can sometimes contain a significant amount of an alkaloid called NMT (up to 70%) which is a clear goo that will slowly overtime dry up to a waxy substance. n-methyltryptamine. Essentially same as DMT only with one methyl group instead of two. It is much less potent than DMT but is psychoactive as well, just not nearly as strong or visually encompassing as DMT itself. Just like Mimosa the above 3 methods are used to get three somewhat different types of extracts. Since the similarities between them are essentially the same as they are for Mimosa, only naptha-freeze precipitated extract will be mentioned and the reader can extrapolate from there.

DMT extracted from this plant can vary significantly based on how much NMT is present. Everything from nothing but a goo/wax all the way up to beautiful long needle like crystals. Dosages range from 20mg to 100mg. Product with high NMT content is not so desirable in my book, it tends to feel like DMT-lite. Almost like something you'd smoke if you were casually sitting around with friends and wanted to get trippy without having a breakthrough. I always compare NMT to CBD, a small amount actually enhances the experience but too much negates it. It's pretty much impossible to breakthrough on product high in NMT but still very enjoyable to smoke and comes on like a dream.

Now the really high DMT content extracts are VERY sought out by me.. In my opinion this is the best DMT available but it's hard to find good sources of acacia that give product like this. The crystals tend to be skinnier/needle like compared to Mimosa crystals, and have a whiteness and shine that is beautiful. The small amount of NMT present makes the trip come on soo smooth you feel like your just falling asleep, yet the intensity of the experience is enough so where breakthroughs are possible. It's not as in your face as Mimosa, sometimes you have to meditate into it more, but it is amazing stuff.

With this type of DMT every time I smoke it I am overwhelmed with the feeling that this is medicine. I feel I am somehow being healed, and some of my experiences portray that as well. If I were to pick one plant that would be the best for society as a whole to use, this would be it.

-Diplopterys cabrerana-

This plant is much less known in the extraction world and not many have tried a purified crystal extract from this plant. The reason it's not used much for extraction is that yields are typically low, in the .1-.5g range more often than not. But it contains some strange alkaloids that have yet to fully be identified which makes it a very strong ayahuasca admixture, as well as making a potent DMT extract. The same applies for this plant, 3 "different" extracts can be made which vary in similar ways to the plants above. The "jungle spice" from Diplopterys is a blood red oil.

The product from freeze precip of the alkaloids can vary from spoke shaped patterns amongst wax, some of them almost forming "teepee" shapes. To more "salt" like crystals that are brown. There almost always seems to be a brownish wax and the extracts themselves smell different too. Dosages 2-35mg. First and most important thing about Chali extracts is that they are potent! By far the most potent extract I have tried. To give an indication my last experience I smoked 30mg of super pure DMT (hexagonal crystals, clear at birth but cloudied up over time) then 10mg of some Chali extract and the 10mg was stronger. The experience is definitely strange and alien at times, and can be considered "dark" by some. The visuals aren't so much a rainbow of colors but more dark greens, blues, teals, purples, along with a more tribal feel and deeper connection to something shamanic. Unlike the shapes and fractals of mimosa DMT, expect something akin to a blurred watercolor painting.

Something of note my second to last experience was pretty much a pure anxiety attack on a dose so low that I wasn't even tripping, which kept me away from Chali for years. I just got up the balls to try it again a few days ago and during my experience I was told and shown so many things that actually pertained to my life and were beneficial, but on top of all of that I was "told" that the reason that experience happened was because at that time in my life my heart and soul were not pure (looking back it may have been true.) This experience was also almost overwhelmingly euphoric and the music I was listening to was making it feel like my ears were having orgasms lol, I had to take the ear buds off it was too much.

One last thing to note, it lasts for far longer than Acacia or Mimosa. An hour later I'll still have slight visuals, most likely from some unknown alkaloid present.

Bottom line about Chali, it can treat you amazingly but if you go in with even a little hesitation or negativity it will rip you to shreds. I'm not the only person to find this out the hard way. Treat this plant with utmost respect (same as you would all of em tho haha.)

(Chali extracts can vary tremendously too depending on where the leaf was sourced.)

-Phalaris arundinacea var. tricolor-

Another plant that very few people have ever tried a crystal extract from, due to it not being super well known as well and its very low yields (.01g if your lucky.) It contains a whole host of other alkaloids including, NMT, 5-MEO-DMT, beta-carbolines, gramine (toxic at high doses), 5-MeO-NMT, hordenine and more. The gramine makes it unsuitable for ayahuasca as it gives the whole experience a "toxic" feel, despite it's potency. Only naptha-evaporated extract will be discussed below.

Only one chance to ever try this stuff and the product came out as a very small amount (like 50-75mg or so) of these square, paper thin crystals growing amongst some wax and goo. One of these crystals was placed into a hitter and smoked. It was a light dose but enough to feel some very obvious differences between it and others. First the potency was strong, the dosage was likely in the single digits and it was felt indicating some potent alkaloid like 5-MeO-DMT present. It felt very euphoric too with a heavy tryptamine buzz but not overly visual, this resided rather slowly over the next 30mins to a slight stimulation that somewhat annoyingly followed for the next 3 hours. (Only annoying because I didn't expect it and needed sleep for work in the morning, felt good otherwise.) The stimulation felt has never been felt on any other extract and typically, DMT makes me sleepy.

Well there you have it, hopefully I'll be able to add a new plant soon
if anyone has any comparisons they'd like to add please do.

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Awesome descriptions. So rich in details. I would like to give my 2cents.

I have tried 2 different DMT sources that I remember. 1 Was chemical DMT. Pure white crystals. It was my first contact with aya. Strong as F. In restrospective, maybe with a futuristic/cyberpunk touch in the nature of the visuals and the experience

The other source was extracted from mimosa (with hexane?) by a guy that had crohn's disease. It was yellow crystals with some stickky goo. Every fucking time I took this extract I got clearly crohn´s pain in the intestines. Not placebo. Clearly the extraction had that signature. The nature of the trip was way more tribal, junglish and full of mayan/aztec visuals.

For any reason, after having tested mostly all psychs available only DMT consistently produce the mayan/aztec visuals. Like it´s embebbed energetically in it´s harware. Any one can relate?
Im sorry but im having a hard time believing that taking some extracted dmt from mimmosa hostilis from a guy who had chrons disease gave u clear chrons pain in the instestines?

I do agree that the visuals are very aztec like. Probably explains what drugs these people were on alot of the time :)
Awesome descriptions. So rich in details. I would like to give my 2cents.

I have tried 2 different DMT sources that I remember. 1 Was chemical DMT. Pure white crystals. It was my first contact with aya. Strong as F. In restrospective, maybe with a futuristic/cyberpunk touch in the nature of the visuals and the experience

The other source was extracted from mimosa (with hexane?) by a guy that had crohn's disease. It was yellow crystals with some stickky goo. Every fucking time I took this extract I got clearly crohn´s pain in the intestines. Not placebo. Clearly the extraction had that signature. The nature of the trip was way more tribal, junglish and full of mayan/aztec visuals.

For any reason, after having tested mostly all psychs available only DMT consistently produce the mayan/aztec visuals. Like it´s embebbed energetically in it´s harware. Any one can relate?

Yup I can relate big time. I don’t bring it up much on here cuz frankly I’m still skeptical myself, but there does seem to be something to the idea that “energy” of sorts can be put into these drugs.

Psychedelics made with the purest intentions seem to do the user better than batches unknown.

Also I’ve had much more experience with Chali DMT since writing this post and feel there’s some lasting shamanic energy or something.

Out of all of the above plants, only Chaliponga was used traditionally by shamans. It’s also the only one which seemed to have some ancient feel that the others didn’t, and the visuals are more related to South American culture and shamanism. That’s why I describe it as “tribal.”

Awesome thread! I have only ever tried DMT extracted via straight to base with naphtha and freeze precipitated. So I can't speak to any others, but I agree with all of your descriptions regarding its potency, appearance, and subjective effects.