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Gaming China bans online gaming with foreigners


Bluelight Crew
Apr 26, 2006

It's a known fact that gamers are oppressed, and this sad news just adds to the society that we are living in.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has just banned Chinese gamers from playing with gamers outside of China, or even chatting with them in general.

What's being called the Great Firewall of China is not just stopping gamers from talking or playing with other foreigners but they're not even allowed to play some certain game types.

Zombies, plagues, map editing, roleplaying, and organizing a union in games is illegal. What’s even worse is that there will be a 10 pm-8 am gaming curfew for players below 18 years. (FossBytes)

pretty much what the title says, China has officially banned online gaming with anyone outside of China.
This is really fucked up lol. I really don't understand what the point is behind this.
Maybe to keep the people in China from talking with others about what is going on in China?
who really knows? lol
Lol, pathetic. Their government is a mess. It's an attempt to control their population more than they already do, plus a mingling of typical Chinese xenophobia.

I do hope CCCP leadership gets a reckoning sometime soon...
I heard the news last night. How are we supposed to trust anything a government like that says? If that's the way they treat their own people how are we supposed to believe that they would treat the rest of the world any differently. How much cognitive dissonance can we accept?
I really don't understand what the point is behind this.
It's pretty obvious. China has been pushing for every nation to have their own intranet for a while now, just to make their ability to control their citizens' thoughts / knowledge way easier.

That's fucked.
They want all information pay wall'd or otherwise reserved for academia only. A very dangerous world would be created if they had their way.

Many nations think they're insane for pushing it, I don't think much will come of it.
Yeah they've really been putting the Stasi to shame lately with their mass-surveillance bullshit. They want a complete monopoly on information within China but that campaign has only been partially successful thus far.
What's comical about it is that a lot of gold farmers/bots are seen less and less in some MMOs after this. Only confirming majority of the Chinese gamers are simply participating in MMOs for exploitative measures. Not to actually play the game.