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Opioids Can Dr. Help Fill Norco 3 Days Early?


Dec 1, 2013
Hi all! I get Norco for legit pain each month. CVS considers me to receive a 30 day supply, which is accurate, but for years has filled me at 28 days w/o a problem. Due to scheduling issues on the Dr's part, I'll be trying to fill at day 27 this month. CVS has a rep of ONLY filling 2 days early. Is there any action the doc can take to get them to fill at 27 days? For instance, what if he writes "Fill on X" and gives the date of day 27? I'm not TOO concerned about asking him- though there is some trepidation- as I've been his patient a LONG time and on Norco through him for over 5 years. TIA!
The short answer is no. Most places are 2 days. Call you doctor and see what he can do.
Yeah, with the current sentiments surrounding opioids, I wouldn't push it; especially just for a one day difference.
My pharmacy will fill 4 days early. My mail order pharmacy, which is the one I use 9 months out of the year, refills a week ahead of time and ships them overnight (and I get 3 Schedule 2 narcotics and a benzo along with 4 other medications). I have to sign for them but they fill mine the day I call.

It's a long story about why my prescriptions are 3 months at cvs and 9 months via mail order so I won't go into it.

How well does your pharmacy and pharmacist know you? That makes all the difference in the world. They know me by name and never refuse me for coming in early. But that cvs has been the same one I've used for 8 years.

If they don't know you and their policy is 2 days then I would wait out that 1 day.
No. Which means you cannot travel unless it's planned around your script fill date. Never understand how this kind of abuse of pain patients was ok. But yeah you can't travel unless you buy illegal drugs.
If that rule is hard and steadfast, then probably not. Your only manner to getting it filled on day 27 is if you're holding a paper script that says fill no ealier than "that" day. Good luck whatever you choose to do!
Just as an aside, I have trouble filling even CIV scripts more than 2 days ahead for the last couple years. 5 days for anything besides CII used to be accepted.

Would normally not be a big deal, but have run into problems frequently either due to travelling or because the pharmacy needs to order more stock. Have had to call out of work more than than once because of this...
Your doc can't do anything about the pharmacy policy but for example but they could for example write the same amount for say a 28 day supply but I'm sure if they would or could based on your state's laws.

No. Which means you cannot travel unless it's planned around your script fill date. Never understand how this kind of abuse of pain patients was ok. But yeah you can't travel unless you buy illegal drugs.

These policies are such a fucking joke. I take ir and er meds and have made allot of progress over over the years with reducing my doses which my doctor has repeatedly acknowledged and complimented me on. Unfortunately because I'm a responsible pain patient that tries to take as little as my hydros as possible that means I have to go in to my pharmacy at two different times of the month. This should be a non-issue since it's just down the street but it creates a ton of extra complications for me and my doc due to some new policy were you have to turn in your script within X amount of days after it is written. This means that people who have a hard time getting to their doctor can no longer pick up 2-3 months worth of scripts. I think my doc said that even a week after it's written might be too late.
Final status report. My doc was sympathetic enough, but said there really wasn't
anything he could do to override their policy. As an interesting aside, I said I would drop off the script on day 27 so as to pick it up on day 28. He warned me off that, saying "They might keep it." A word to the wise! Thanks everyone for your input!
^ Yep, never hand over a script, especially S2

Evencomtrolled substances can be filled far earlier legally than most pharmacies are willing; S4, and possibly S3 are legally be able to be filled after 23 days (assuming a 30 day or 4 week Rx)

That they won't is ridiculous. Most pharmacies, around here fill it automatically after 28 or 29 days, and occasionally (perhaps rarely) a day or two early (Note: counting the day you recieve them, some pharmacies do not, claiming so 29-30days is a day or two early)

By now, presumably waiting the day; good advie from your doc, he can over ride them, though it may require a new prescription
⚠️ Warning: Do NOT hand over a script unless you are familiar with pharmacy, especially S2 or even S3, to a leaser extent, even though they are treated much like the schedule 4 medications legally and (usually?) in practice, except maybe high dose buprenorphine, particularly Buprenorphine/nalaxone combination products, although they CAN legally phone even Suboxone/ Bunavail, generic equivalents, etc

This thread has about ran its course, leave it open a bit longer on my part (though someone could certainly close it) though wish well and Luck, and remember, be careful people ;)
It's basically already been stated but nothing a doctor can do will get a pharmacy or insurance company to bend their limits on opiates. I got my hydro refilled one night and two days later I was in the ER and walked out with a script for another 15. The pharmacist said that my insurance refused to fill within 15 days of the previous. Basically the limitations are in place as an effort to absolve themselves of any legal ramifications of misuse.
If you have a good medical reason then they can. At least in CA. When I had 2 root canals in one day ( both teeth in one huge procedure that was 7 hours I asked my dentist to call my doctor who then told me to come in. I did and she gave my a new RX for more times a day than my normal one but with only a week supply. After the week I had to go back and get a prescription for usual dose frequency for 3 weeks. Yes the pharmacy questioned it but they called my doctor who confirmed I had had a medical emergency and needed extra
In my experience, both the doctor and the pharmacist have a say in early refills and will go against their typical policy if you have a good reason.

However, that is in regard to sub which i believe is scheduled less than hydro
Yeah, with the current sentiments surrounding opioids, I wouldn't push it; especially just for a one day difference.
your exactly right I badmouthed this bitch and she sabotaged my script I know she did but I have to pretend to smile and take it although when I ask for a pack of cocodomal which the main pharmacist always does it's always the same bul excuse "sorry we cant" "you shouldn't need any now" I'm a fucking pain patient if I wanna get some extra so what obviously I don't say this you gotta know how to play the game and talk the talk remember these are your access to clean pure pharmacy grade substance.. It just comes with the addiction do I want to throttle this pharmacist sometimes yes will I say anything fuck no that my connection without that I'd have to cwe 60+ cocodomals a day when you got a good thing going don't blow it that's my advice.