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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Brugmansia (angel trumpet) - First Time - Horrible trip.


its a lot to type though.. subscribe to my onlyfans for the full story. (kidding 😂)

but man... an actual demon materialized in front of me.. I went blind for 3 days.. etc.

but ill post full story later
This literally sounds almost as bad as the chicken poisoning I'm dealing with at the moment. Condolences.
This is a great trip report, but it's unfortunately this kind of reckless behavior that gives the Nightshades a bad rep.
This is a great trip report, but it's unfortunately this kind of reckless behavior that gives the Nightshades a bad rep.
Is it then possible to responsibly use nightshades, without losing control over oneself? I always avoided dabbling with delirants because of exactly this and think somehow that it's one of these drug categories which is best left alone. Only once I tried 500mg diphenhydramine but all I got was muscle relaxation and a weird feeling.
Is it then possible to responsibly use nightshades, without losing control over oneself? I always avoided dabbling with delirants because of exactly this and think somehow that it's one of these drug categories which is best left alone. Only once I tried 500mg diphenhydramine but all I got was muscle relaxation and a weird feeling.

Deliriants are cursed by their common name and frequent contexts of recorded use. If psychedelics were called deliriants and the only trip reports you ever read about LSD were ones where kids with no idea what it was took 20-50 blotters at once with a bunch of friends and blacked out and woke up in the hospital or ended up breaking into the wrong house and got sent to jail while hallucinating in a way that can't be distinguished from reality, all of which would very likely happen in that context, then it would be considered just as terrifying as deliriants generally are now. Certain other drugs like salvia and amanitas suffer from the same curse to varying degrees.

It's entirely possible to take "deliriants" at a hallucinogenic level and not go delirious from it, and in fact the more you use and become familiar with and accustomed to them, the harder it becomes to actually go delirious at all, similarly to most other hallucinogens. That being said, tropane alkaloids do have legitimate downsides which are not related to their subjective effects, which are mostly centered around how they're well-documented to be significantly toxic to multiple major organ systems including the brain; repeated administration of scopolamine is actually used to model the neurodegeneration and behavioral syndrome of Alzheimer's disease in animal models. I really don't recommend using them with any regularity if at all, it's just not because of their deliriant effects, which I would actually say are conversely pretty much the only reason to actually consider using them at least once.

This is a good trip report about Datura that is more measured and still satisfying, for reference.
@Kaleida Thanks, I suspected this and I agree to you about the reputation being attributed to circumstances, the same as with PCP where people didn't accurately measure but just dip cigs in liquid and smoke the result. No question that this will lead to some bad experiences specially in people who aren't really experienced with altered states of consciousness - I think of it like to learn swimming or driving a bicycle, so one learns how to trip and how to control/manage the trip as far as possible. Indeed I am curious about the fly agaric mushroom as a GABAergic hallucinogen but delirants, as you say, the name and the connection to dementia somehow scares me off. I might titrate them one day though if I'd have a decent tripsitter available. Definitely not for doing this alone.
Probably for the best as they can help give you some stability and memory for the trip too. Time on deliriants can seem to slip by pretty easily and you don't have much capacity to use your memory during the experience to help maintain it for afterward too. Having a friend to provide sensory stimuli can make for some fun misperceptions too; I once on diphenhydramine had a friend watching anime on his laptop while sitting on the couch next to me on my right, and his screen was just out of view when I was staring forward, and I kept hearing all of the Japanese dialogue in perfectly clear yet entirely nonsensical English sentences until the madness of it would drive me crazy and I would turn to him to say "What the hell are you watching?!" and then see it and remember what was happening again.

Amanitas are interesting and have my support, though I would specifically add a recommendation for the pantherina over the muscaria. It has a higher muscimol content, a higher ratio of muscimol to ibotenic acid, and lacks the muscarine that causes the sweating and drooling of the muscaria. I've actually had strong experiences from less than five grams of it, and people claim that the pantherina is more dangerous than the muscaria due to the higher potency, but, neither of them are actually particularly dangerous when dosed correctly, with adverse reactions with extreme or permanent health consequences being quite rare in the medical literature and generally associated with ingestion of very large dosages often unintentionally (like treating it as food) and in people with compromised health positions at baseline. I also experimented with the synthetic analogue gaboxadol recently which was pretty interesting actually, and definitely relatable to the amanitas subjectively, though with some difference too. I haven't shared much about my experiences with it because I had just recently had a psychotic episode that I feared may have tainted it a little, though I still have some left to work with too.
Back in 2008, when i was 18 years old, After a wonderful night of popping molly, I made a trip to the beach with a few friends to end our night. After we were finished, on our way back inland (I lived in San Diego at the time) one of my friends suggested we make a tea out of a plant called angel trumpet. Having no more money in my pocket and no idea what this plant was, on top of being extremely experimental, I said fuck yes! First we had to find the actual plant, which ended up not being hard to find at all. We found a neighborhood that had plants in literally every front yard, so we plucked about 20 of the flowers off the trees and back home we go. My friend made a tea out of 9 flowers, along with roughly a quarter of a gallon of water, cooked to a boil, and then simmered for about 20 minutes the tea was ready. The only people who actually drank the tea was me and a different friend that was living with me at the time. After about 3 swallows of the tea i already knew this was going to be a weird experience. immediately our mouths were as dry as sandpaper, to the point we couldn't even swallow unless we drank a glass of water. After about 3 12oz glasses I blacked out completely... dont remember a goddamn thing, luckily i had a house full of people to witness and tell me stories the next day. At the time i didn't sell drugs only smoked pot and ingested whatever people came around with, but that night i guess i became a drug dealer. I was attempting to sell sacks using my hand as a cell phone, using my second story screen window as the door, almost falling through the screen a few times. luckily my friends noticed my ass in the corner bugging out, and got me away from the windows. A couple hours later my and my friend that drank the tea had a completely incoherent conversation with eachother, but somehow we understood eachother and got very into our blabbing together. At some point throughout the night i escaped from my babysitters, and ended up walking into town (at 4am) with only my underwear on with one shoe on one foot and a sock on the other foot. wandered around for about an hour until a friend found me and escorted me home.(i lived in a small town outside san diego) Sometime through the night i tried to deliver a pizza to my next door neighbor, a pizza that i did not even have, thank god i got along with everybody and they just told me to go home. Near the end of the night only me and my buddy that was tripping with me was left awake... desperate to smoke some weed, another friend showed up just in the nick of time to smoke us up a blunt, and came with a whole pack of cigarettes for us to smoke! Waking up the next day i found out my friend never showed up that night and me and my friend smoked a blunt by ourselves .... that again did not exist. The next day was only the beginning of this unpleasant experience, the first morning i woke up there were people staring at me through my closet door, with insidious eyes peering directly into my soul.


Tagged by Xorkoth
I know this thread is old, but my God that sounds like a trip from hell..LOL. Glad you made it out the other side. Your story cracked me up though.
@jhjhsdi was weird talking to dead friends and it was like they were literally like sitting next to me or sitting in the trees as the ground was on fire and they didn't want to get down. As for what they told me haunts me till today. How he got tortured everyday and constantly burning but no scars. Imagine burning away, that feeling of extreme heat but nothing happening to your flesh but still getting the smell of burning flesh and the screams, he told me the screams were the worst. And another friend told me that she was just lost in darkness, nothing. She said she was/is all alone with nothing and no one around her except her thoughts. When i took this plant i tripped or had a spiritual journey that lasted me roughly 3 days roughly. In the beginning the visuals were awesome and amazing but as time passed by it just got darker and darker. I remember on day 2 laying under my bed scared AF under a blanket and something kept tapping me on the shoulder and whispering in my ear "let's go play outside" none stop and this went on for a few hrs, just kept ignoring the voice but what freaked me out so much about that specific moment was the tapping on my shoulder. It felt so real like someone poking you constantly to get your attention. And then "it" left and said "fine be that way". I was scared shitless to say the least.

Anyhow a lot more happened but after that i promised never to take that plant again.
What did your friends do to get tormented like this? I know someone who saw a dead relative on Ayahuasca and they loved it when they would drink an infusion of Datura or Brugmansia with the Ayahuasca.
The brugmansia plants are strange in that they no longer occur in nature and are only the product of ornamental cultivation. Supposedly animals such as the long extinct giant ground sloths that dispersed its seeds are no longer around to do so, and the seeds are too toxic for other animals to mess with it.

(Imagine coming across a 15,000 pound sloth tripping on brugmansia.)
Doesn't Brugmansia grow on trees in the rainforest or jungles of South America? Do birds and insects and other types of sloths disperse the seeds? Or wouldn't the plant do this naturally itself?
What did your friends do to get tormented like this? I know someone who saw a dead relative on Ayahuasca and they loved it when they would drink an infusion of Datura or Brugmansia with the Ayahuasca.
The one friend committed suicide (while sending the worst message possible) and the other od'd on H but also I also think he gave himself a hotshot on purpose.
The one friend committed suicide (while sending the worst message possible) and the other od'd on H but also I also think he gave himself a hotshot on purpose.
I have two friends who committed suicide, and a friend who was extremely sick with cancer and did not get treatment until it was too late and his wife thinks he told the doctors things were worse than they were to be given toxic chemotherapy but I am not so sure this is what happened as he was incredibly sick and not in good health. I hope they are all at peace.
Whew, yeah man. The Datura family! Hahaha! Those sexy sirens singing to all the bad ass shamans
who want to get those paranormal powers, or who have done so already via black tobacco, starvation, sweat baths,
sun dance crucifixion, etc. "Come on baby, can you handle it?
Are you really so strong? Lets see your muscles!" she exhorts.

Well the ceiling is infinite I always say, theres always someone or something greater.
I'll stick with the infinity of my own re-mix of infinity called by some your mind, thank you.
That's enough infinity, enough out of control for me. Maybe I fancy some LSd seasoning
and some mushrooms in my soup on top of that from time to time, no big deal really.
But Brugmansia/Datura?! Damn! You just throwin a whole nother bone into my soup,
so what soup do I have now?

Incidentally/sychronistically my wife wife just came in from the garden with these pulsatingly blue
Panaeolus cyans, totally out of season growing next to the datura family tomatoe plants.
You have to be kidding. Seems that if I keep posting on Bluelight, psilocybin will grow
anomolosuly out my garden! This is the second time this week while live I am typing here for Bluelight
she comes in with very potent psychdelic mushrooms.

Back to Datura/Brugmansia,
and she Madame Brugmansia says, "You can handle 1 mg of acid, 7 grams of shrooms or hey you can handle that everyday for 20 years
baby, that ain't nothin', but let's see you how you do just sleeping for a night 'neath my boughs,huh? Come on up 'side mama's bed" she says,
that sexy witch Mama Brugmansia. "My flowers are trumpets that can sing so loud
you will lose your mind if your not very carefull. But if you don't listen
your music ain't never gonna be no good my darlin. And My allures and beauty are such that
you will not refrain from planting me around your garden. You cannot resist.
While the other girls, the heavenly blues, the pearly gates,
I am the earthy golds and sunset oranges of your people's final denoument.
I am Burgmansia, I am that which no man will ever conquer. I am the Victory. I am irredemeable ruin."

That said, I knew this weird guy as a teenager growing up in Los Angeles, an extremely charismatic guy my age who
I was in love with and I'm not gay at all, thats how insane this guys whole sort of voodoo
or whatever it was was. He claimed he
would have been the King of Poland if such a line still existed
and indeed his name was the same
as a certain Polish king who is said to have saved Europe from being completely
overrun by Islamic empires. Anyway, you got the feeling he was this King reincarnated
this benign ghetto angel and yet
his house overrun with snake terrarariums, full of chameleons, frogs, pythons, cobras, adders, etc.
the younger siblings were minor Hollywod actors
and so on, the Dad a powerfull lawyer. I knew intuitively I shouldn't even be
in his house, when I would go over there it was terrifying it was freaky but I never wanted to leave
becuase I hated the stupid world most of us live in normally and this guy was like a great benign extraterrestrial
or something. Most people just thought he was some stupid nerd hippy, but to me
when I was in high school he was this god and he knew he was too and i know even to this day he was right.

Anyway, he was very serious about Kung Fu and his teacher was this Navajo
shaman who was also supposedly also a member of Carlos Castaneda's circle, but this guy
was training my man in smoking and slowly ingesting more and more datura and not only that but
being bitten by rattlesnakes. It was a technique my man said in projecting the physical body anywhere in the universe.
The test was coming in few weeks where they would smoke datura and then go into a cave and allow enough
rattlesnakes to bite them as would kill anyone. They would die momentarily he told me but then project from the
cave through the mountain about 20-30 miles to the other side to wind up reborn in the desert
near Joshua Tree National Monument somewhere.

I have never been into new age crap, but datura/burgmansia just shows you where the rubber meets the road as far as real
shamanism/occultism. Fuck Aleister Crowley or Satanists or any of them, they have little to no personal power by the measure
of such feats of personal sacrifice as weeks of fasting, sustaining posionous snake bites or scorpion stings
or datura/burgmansia ingestion.You earn real powers through intense levels of trauma and hardship that almost no one in these socities today is
willing to go through. I had a Cauhilla tribe leader and shaman and professor of both law and religion also impress upon me
what being a shaman is about in a university course i tok from him. And you really understand how lame just dropping acid or eating a bag of shrooms
and having some experience is or just turining on some meditation tape and following it. I think that datura, Burgmansia really does present to you what ego death might be, mushrooms
and other psychedelics might lead to it but not so directly as the daturas. It is a kind of ceiling or mountain top
that I as a lazy lion of the plains and jungles can't be bothered with. But which is important to understand as a kind of limit
and to keep me humble which is of the highest importance.

My humblest and deepest prostrations to these truly unfathomably wonderous and transcendant plants, the daturas and their masters the datura adepts.
Cannot imagine how stupid man can be to experiment with this.Usually this plants are collect with gloves.All part are highly poisonous.Me(because I am stupid and a little bit mad) personaly tried once half a leaf and it kicks me very unpleasant.Just wandering mushroomed the woods,when i saw the plant and decide to take a try.Its a very,very powerful and dangerous.It was Atropa,not Brugmansia,which may be is even more powerful.Please be careful with this tropan alkaloids containing plants-Datura,Belladona,Brugmansia and Hyosciamus