bluelight featured in article on web resources for drug users


Vice magazine recently interviewed bluelight owner, Sebastians_Ghost for as piece on how internet communities are increasingly serving as sources of information for a wide spectrum of drug users: In a World of Opiate Addicts, the Internet Plays Doctor and Therapist

alasdairm;12082770 said:
vice magazine recently interviewed bluelight owner, sebastians_ghost for as piece on how internet communities are increasingly serving as sources of information for a wide spectrum of drug users: In a World of Opiate Addicts, the Internet Plays Doctor and Therapist


Thank you, Alasdair, for showing us this interview.

I am really glad that you introduced the recovered forums (but sorry for the passing of Haight) because they are the reason that I came to Bluelight. I did a similar thing to this member - bought from online pharmacies and took far too many - that could easily have been myself - or many others. I think HR is good here though as I am not familiar with drugs other than codeine and suboxone - would like to explain how to from my personal experience here at BL.

I tend to fly off the handle, take a lot of what people say the wrong way which usually results to consequences such as being banned. Through BL I have learn to stop doing this as much. By this I am able to listen to what other people say and take on advice better than I did before. To me, this is a form of harm reduction also. Because if people take things the wrong way and don't take on board what other people are saying - they may miss something vital which could stop them from harming themselves or some vital information that they, themselves, can pass on to another person and help them from doing any harm to themselves when taken specific substances.

For instance, for months I would argue with people over using suboxone. Because I was so defensive, I did not actually 'listen' to what people were saying to me. I thought that somehow I was a weak person and would do stupid things (no need for a repeat account of those here). Now that I 'listen' to what others are saying I realize that 1, I am like them in terms of the psychological pull of addiction to drugs, they are not going at me saying 'I don't belong, am weak' etc. They are just saying that I could have benefited from another recovery route.

Sorry to use myself as an example. Just want to explain how, in my opinion, Bluelight's use of harm reduction in relation to drugs is not as simple as a cause-and-effect relationship with drugs but a lot of other stuff from how we behaviour, act, react, listen and so, so much more.

I am honoured to be a part of Bluelight and am not thankful enough for all that Bluelight has done, and still does, for me. I've been to a few places and BL is by far the best.

Evey xxxx
I like vice as a news source. I think they try to be fair. The portrayal of bluelight was great. I know it's a wonderful thing but it's good that a media organization has finally given forums like this the respect they deserve. Bluelight literally saved my life a few years ago. I would have od'ed on fentanyl if bluelight had'nt been there as a resource. I found a dosing guideline and found out I was minutes away from shooting a definitly fatal dose. Bluelight is a public service. I love this forum
Im in Moscow... taking oxycodone for sciatica. Since Ive been here drug rules have tightened: no opiate pain killers, not even for many dying. Im forced to return to states next week. Crazy withdrawals. Never been through this. Ive taken same dose for 7 yrs. Nothing else. Sometimes, thered be leftovers at end of month. Im not an addict but my body is losing it. Can anyone tell if clonidine is otc here?