Blood Work Help and Fertility


Nov 30, 2017
So i spent all of 2018 on cycle more than i cruised, and i got my bloods taken in March of 2019 right after stopping my last cycle. I had more elevated blood markers than my prior test in January. Hoping any of you could give input on how worrisome these markers are. So in response to that, I decided i needed to go cruise for about 6 months or at least until all of my markers returned to normal. I'm going to get a physical at the doctor soon as I'm overdue, and obviously their input is more reliable (no offense to any of you as i very much value your input and expertise). I've been cruising between 180 - 240 Sustanon per week for the past two and a half months. I weigh 220lbs still, but I definitely don't look as good as when i weighed 220 on 900tren/week lol. I can see the outline of my abs and don't have a protruding belly, but I'm definitely carrying more fat to muscle than before. Strength hasn't gone down really at all though which is good. Powerlifting total is still around 1450.

I'm also concerned about my long term fertility. How likely is becoming infertile, and what are steps i could be taking to mitigate this risk? Thinking i should really just run some HCG and get my sperm stored as an insurance policy.

Any input regarding the below results would be appreciated. Going to get bloods done again this month now that I'm coming up on 3 months of cruising.


It would have been more helpful if you'd got the blood test 4-6 weeks or more after the cycle, as your test is still high here, which means your RBC is also inevitably high and lipids off balance. Otherwise, it's fine (creatinine is usually high in muscular athletes).

As for sperm, recovery is very variable and individual, and likely depends on compounds and length of time used as well. The best way to mitigate the risk is to not do what you've been doing, ie: take more time off, and use lower doses of AAS. We have threads in the research corner discussing various supplements that may help preserve testicular cells though (and that are just generally worth considering taking).
Yeah bloods look pretty good, you could donate some blood if you want to but the rbc number will come down.

Diet, supps, and cardio will help with lipids but those will return to normal as well with time.

I don’t plan on or want kids but I researched fertility extensively before I ever got on and talked to every doctor and long time AAS user I could find on the subject. I came to the conclusion that it’s more or less genetic and AAS is very likely not going to make you infertile unless you were already genetically predisposed. Hence why they haven’t used it for male birth control although they were looking at trestolone for a while.

I’ve also helped a number of clients who were having a hard time by having them use HCG/HMG and they never needed to come off to successfully get pregnant. If I ever wanted kids and was having trouble without coming off then that’s what I would do. Don’t think it’s worth doing something like saving samples personally but that’s just me.
I've knocked up 2 women while blasting higher doses of gear. Some people aren't effected and others get screwed it seems. First time was on a hefty dose of trest as well which was marketed as a male contraceptive lol.
Mate the best way to know is to get a sperm count done. If it's bad come off and see.

Your lh/FSH are important for this.

You can get spermcount kits very cheap and they were accurate for me.