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Big and Dandy LSA Scraps

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Jul 24, 2001
thanks a heap guys... that's been quite helpful...
plazma's conclusion... LSA is not a cheap substitute for LSD...
the guy who was once
I believe the 2-stage extraction solves the muscle cramp issue...buddy of mine said he always got them when he ate the seeds raw but rarely when he did the proper extraction.
AOL/AIM: SmokezHaze
I haven't tried HBWR, but with MG seeds the effects starts after 3 hrs. not regarding the dosage, and maybe your dosage was low, i've read in posts, that 20-25 seeds per dose..
25 seeds is NOT the dose, I personally wouldn't go above 15 or so.
Also, it's important to keep in mind that as a plant product, these can vary quite a bit in potency. I was knocked on my ass by 12, while someone else I know had a batch that had absolutely no effect on anyone who tried them.
Please go to the search key at the top of the page and type in 'morning glory seeds' and you will find out all you need to know. Erowid should take care of the rest. I won't type the same thing over again, maybe someone else will?
"I have discovered that common sense is quite uncommon"-My name here
I tried one of the many extraction methods listed on erowid. I tried doses of 50, 200, and 600-800 seeds. Boosting with Nitrous is almost necessary. I got a lot fewer hallucinations and a lot more mindf**k (confusion and apathy) with seeds than with acid or shrooms. 50 is enough to feel body load, but don't expect hallucinations without serious Nitrous boosting. 600-800 was worth a try, but I stayed sick the whole time and only got about a minute or two of good experience that wasn't dominated by sickness. I only got up from the couch once or twice, and both times it was to go to the bathroom and dry heave. I didn't get to wander around and explore my apartment at all
It took almost 2 hours to start feeling the effects, too. My advice is to purge when you feel the need, otherwise you'll get that toxic feeling in your stomach lining and it won't go away for a day or two. If you wait too long to purge, you won't have anything in your stomach to soak up the waste and bring it out. If I try again, I'll "yell for Ralph" at the 1 hour mark and take more if I have to.
The extraction, by the way, involved ethyl alcohol, water, filters, and grinding. Good luck! A lot of people don't get sick on seeds. Maybe I'm just one of the unlucky ones, maybe it was bad extraction.
My 2 cents:
Whatever number of seeds you opt for, grind them up *as finely as possible*. I've found that this makes a surprisingly large difference in how much I absorb.
Extraction is possible but, as mentioned above, highly inefficient. Not worth the trouble IMHO.
My own feeling is that anyone who has spent a lot of time in their subconscious and is doing a drug in an appropriate environment does not *need* a sitter. I don't know how extensive your experience with hallucinogens is. I will say, however, that my first MG trip was the most intense I have ever had, even stronger than on 3g of dried Philosopher's Stones or 75mg of AMT.
Hope that helps. Happy flying.
Bah. I'm starting to wonder if there are any worthwhile psychedelics that don't include vomiting as part of the experience. Acid's the only one I can think of that hasn't been said to cause nausea, puking, etc (although stomach cramps doesn't sound too dandy either). Maybe if I'm not willing to put up with throwing up then psychedelics aren't for me, but I don't find that a very satisfying answer. I've only puked three times in my life (swallowing too much bubble gum, eating too many fruit roll-ups and eating raw corn), and I just have this *thing* about it that really puts me off anything that could possibly make me nauseous. (on the other hand, I've never noticed any more than the slightest stomach rumbles from even sizable doses of MDMA, so maybe I'd have no problems at all, but reports like this really scare me off even trying 2CT's or foxy or anything.)
The problem with troubleshooting is that real trouble shoots back.
I dont mind puking at all, I always look at it as a relief. When Im drinking and I puke, its like hitting the reset button, I get to start all over again. I always feel great after puking!
Morning Glory's are cool- ive never really tripped hard- but gotten quite a decent very clean buzz. One thing to help you from vommiting, Most seeds you get- especially at floral shops, have a minute amount of poison in them, obviously wont kill you but before you gring\d upo the seeds- soak them in luke warm water for about an hour, the poison coating will wash off and you will have less of a chance of puking up the goods.
have fun.
"He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain in being a man"
Hunter S. Thompson
i'm really sorry but it just seems like theres alot of people on these boards shoving a bunch of drugs up their asses.
Is it just not cool to drop anymore?? I mean god damn, theyre morning glory seeds (hopefully you know well enough to use Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds). For the price it would cost to get these seeds you could probably get some acid and just put it under your tongue.
It may just be a personal opinion but its time to quit once a person is willing to shove flower seeds up their ass to get fuctup....
i'm sure if one wanted acid, one would get acid. and this post was not about acid, it was about morning glory/woodrose seeds. perhaps someone just wanted to try something new and the idea of feeling sick the entire time wasn't really that appealing. and maybe some people aren't afraid of their own bodies.
it may be just my personal opinion but maybe it's when you're looking to get "fuctup" rather than have a meaningful and positive experience, maybe it's then that it's time to quit?
I'd feel even sicker knowing i've been fucking foul enough to shove seeds up my arse.
He never said anything about shoving seeds up his ass.
C_R best way to get rid of naseua when taking LSA is good ol Cannibas, a few hits should increase the potency of the tripp, and do away with the naseua.
Topic: plugging lsa? :)
Well, its still shoving something up yer arse.
Just eat it, and have a toke.
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