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Best benzos


Mar 27, 2020
Hi there.
Swim is currently prescribed 2mg of klonopin and 1mg of Xanax but still not feeling the total desired effect. Is there another benzo I should try? I’d like to edit that I’m wondering if maybe Ativan would be better? I see the doctor soon for a checkup so I need help. I’m also on 50mg of seroquel
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From personal xp, I like the following


But they all have a certain need it fulfills for me. And also what budget provides
Temazepam but not the shit we get in Great Britain these days I'm talking about the gel capsules that people were getting away with murder if they said they'd took them beforehand
From what I've tried so far...

Alprazolam - one of the best and one of my favourites. great for anxiety.
Bromazepam - decent to say the least, although not the very best.
Brotizolam - one of the most potent i've tried, works well.
Clonazepam - has to be one of my favourites. tastes well too when you melt them in your mouth.
Clonazolam - most potent benzo on the market now if i'm not mistaken. I sure like it.
Clorazepate - weak and all not that very effective for anxious issues. Mostly prescribed for alcohol withdrawl
Diazepam - a nice clean benzo
Diclazepam - not bad at all
Etizolam - i found this one rather weak, i'd rather spend my money on another.
Flualprazolam - works like alprazolam but without the same potency imo.
Flunitrazepam - works well, over hyped as daterape drug, though, it is no different from the others.
Flunitrazolam - another nice benzo imo
Lorazepam - is ok, atleast it is stronger than loramet
Midazolam - i quite liked this one.
Nimetazepam - i don't remember really : s
Phenazepam - i don't know why people don't like this one so much, i think it is great for what it is supposed to do.
Temazepam - not all that effective imo
Triazolam - i had a bit of a rage episode from this but it could be unrelated, i guess.

I think i've had tetrazepam and lormetazepam too but I seem to have no account of it...
I have to say for me temazepam does nothing except makes me feel slightly hypnotic but nothing more, no euphoria or help with sleep even at a dose of 80mg taken at once. So for me I don't rate it at all. For hypnotics flurazepam, triazolam and nitrazepam is my benzo of choice for that specific. And even alzam helps me a lot more for sleep.
I have to say for me temazepam does nothing except makes me feel slightly hypnotic but nothing more, no euphoria or help with sleep even at a dose of 80mg taken at once. So for me I don't rate it at all. For hypnotics flurazepam, triazolam and nitrazepam is my benzo of choice for that specific. And even alzam helps me a lot more for sleep.
For me personally and every one I knew back in the 90s upers were for euphoria and benzo were for the next day or just to start a fight llf
Clonazepam Is very veryyyy relaxin, numbs my face when i haven't taken it in a while.
For me Clonazolam, Alprazolam, Flunitrazepam, Midazolam

also: Flubromazolam, Oxazepam, 3-Hydroxyphenazepam
I also liked Oxazepam.

You have to be careful when suggesting uncommon medications to your doctor. She may find your enthusiasm troubling and cut you off altogether...
Thread reminds me of the Monty Python skit "spam" only instead of spam it's 'pam. Since all these benzos end in 'pam.

Atavan, because it's not as hard on your liver.
Klonopin is about as good as benzos get. I dont recommend it though unless you are using it to WD from another drug, then I'd say it's like magic.
As a teen I came up on 50 pills of xanax. The feeling was so lame that I threw them out,lol. Prob had something to do with me feeling better from just being with my gf at the time :) It seemed like it fucked with my ability to feel close to her.
Clonazolam made black out for 3 days, and I hallucinated that I had gotten in a car wreck while backed out. Went and told my gf about the wreck. We went out to look at the car and not a scratch,lol!
For me benzos can not be consistently taken in a harmless way. In fact they pretty much would kill me if I kept experimenting.
First: Another welcome. Answers are plentiful so im just going to get on with it, eh?
Yeah... first thing I thought was gotdamn all these answers; must be a lot of 'pam-ers around. I am one of them: Can a digga get a little help wit da 'pams?
2mg of klonopin and 1mg of Xanax... also on 50mg of seroquel
Is there another benzo I should try?
but still not feeling the total desired effect.
Have to say that that "desired" effect is usually not sustainable for very long before one will have to up dosage and the cycle continues until the day comes when one visits hell and maybe a padded room if there is a sudden cessation of any/all one is dependent on. Ever been there? Seriously curious as this is a slippery slope....
Not sure if you may have gotten the answer but I doubt Doc will fulfil what is needed to reach a desired effect. That would be awesome, though, as I could be there 24/7 without worry of a script running out and then the rest of the story is written all over the wall(s).
Can I ask what is the desired effect that is being sought?
If you ever revisit this I would love to get updates on progress.
Not judging in any way: I chase that effect at times and love the "space" it provides. It's just that I have had to learn many times that any high one may chase it is always just a breath out of reach... always. Can be frustrating as hell so I kinda keep it like a love/hate relationship with benzos; one day I love ya and can't live without ya... the next get outta my face I need a break.
Take care and do hope to hear back.
man that 10mg V last night had me right. Nice and calm all day. ;)

PS: Where the hell is pete? 🧐
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My question is how do I go about asking doctor about changing, I’m thinking about Valium. I feel as though I hardly feel the klonopin anymore, but perhaps that’s because I haven’t tried not taking it to see how much of a difference it really is making. I used to get the warm fuzzies/super chill effect if I took enough Xanax but not got much from klonopin
If its purely the best benzo you want then it's hard to beat Clonazepam. Low dose (2mg) works perfectly fine
Temazepam and nitrazepam

My favourite is Xanax. And i was soooo happy to get to know there is a FluAlpra now. WHAT a FUCKING shit. It has nothing to do with it.

but.... i ordered a lot of different rc-benzos like 3-Hydroxy-Phenazepam, Nitrazolam, Diclazepam, Pagoclone, Sl-164, Bromazepam, Pyrazolalm, Etizolam........ all that shit in 1 or 2 grams that means i have already a lot of PG ordered. I know before I said i solve everything in Vodka, but its killing my throat and my esophagus. With PG you wait perhaps 1 day longer until the powder really solves but hot water helps a alot and then you have also a very homogenic solution. Oh gosh, I have to order brown-bottles, 1 litres, 50, 30, 20 ml. I already looked it up on Amazon but it was not what i really wanted - i dont want small bottles that drop, because I'm a high dose benzo head unfortunately....

AAAnd i need pipettes - they are not that in your face when you're going out.

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