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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Amphetamine/quarter pill)+(Alcohol) +(Nitrous)+(Weed) -moderate exp. - Up and Down


Apr 4, 2011
This day started out as in the preceding days - I felt totally depressed. Not just out of discontentment, but out of a grand feeling of life's utter uselessness. Life seemed like a long stretch of nonsense bounded by total nothingness. I also had a test in one of my classes. Compulsively I did 4 balloons of nitrous before the test, slipping into a numbing void. It was less relaxation than emotional procrastination - I could disappear for a few minutes but in this state it was utterly useless. I texted my friend to see if he wanted to go rock climbing. I knew that if I didn't go I'd probably break my promise to myself to ditch opiates.

After the test I felt better, and after rock climbing I felt downright good. My friend's T3's were returned to their rightful status as migraine meds. My friend's roommate entered. She had just come back from Quebec with all sorts of amusingly stamped pills.

Red vitruvian men, green nikes, and a stick-couple fucking doggy style. Naturally, I wanted to try a line of the stick couple. It was amphetamine. It's a smart stamp - you can tell it's not ecstasy because people are fucking on it.

The amphetamine was a step up from the no-name white pills she had had before. Upon insufflation, it burned ever so slightly and rushed just as much. The energy came hand in hand with euphoria, but it was not warm and heady like MDMA nor was it bittersweet like an opioid (my only experience is with weak opioids but I've gotten a decent nod from time to time). It was illusory clearheadedness - I felt totally in my element yet was not actually entirely there mentally as I'd soon find out.

We walked down the street to a coffee shop and they had a newspaper on the counter open to the comics pages. I kept explaining to my two sober-living friends why these comics, unlike all other newspaper comics, were funny. They kept pointing out to me why I was completely wrong. They were right - it was all garbage, yet I was in such a giddy state that just seeing cartoons put me in a good mood. My mentality could best be described as loopy yet unselfconscious. Occasionally my friends would say things that I simply couldn't quite piece together. Perhaps this stems from my taking a higher dose than usual. We head out from the coffee shop to my friends' apartment, where a get-together was to take place.

We got to our friend's apartment to find it empty. Me and Quebec pill girl railed the remainder of the speed (this all amounted to a quarter pill each in total). Finally we went over to the neighbour's apartment where our friends were waiting.

Once in, the effects of the speed became apparent again. One of our friends was nearly blackout drunk. The two girls in the apartment were alternately lamenting Sonic Youth's impending breakup and trying to stop blackout boy from destroying everything around him through sheer drunk force. I took about five shots of his rum - he offered it. At this point I figured was doing him a favor. This would normally be enough to send me spiraling into the worst drunkenness I could imagine but I felt so incredibly clearheaded because of the speed I thought little of it whatsoever. It was me at my most unabashedly stupid.

Case in point - I've played guitar for 11 years. I've been in several bands. I sing. I write. I've picked up piano, saxophone, and drums. I've composed music for plays. I've known ukelele ever since every hip twee girl I knew started owning one. Despite this, I tried to tune my friends ukelele about 3 times using the same incorrect fretting, and each time was devastated that it would not 'stay in tune'. She took the uke away from me, but luckily my blackout drunk friend (who is tall, lanky, and straight-haired) was distracting everyone by loudly mistaking a short curly haired hipster for his twin brother and I managed to nab the uke and tune it properly. Thank god. I got it right, and the girl didn't mind once I finally did.

The blackout drunk friend was deposited in the room of his now very angry girlfriend, and we all left for a concert that my friend had organized. The show was good, I was coming down of the amp without much strong effects but a noticeable lack of energy. The euphoria had subsided but was replaced with a sober appreciation for my surroundings. I had a diet coke, and ran into some old friends who suggested we start a band - something I had really had my mind on as of late. If that weren't enough, my friend got a text from a girl I had the hots for inviting us over to her and her roommate's afterwards.

We went to her place. She and her roommate lived in a typical/atypical artist pad. It was a small cozy room in a converted victorian, it was clean and hung with tasteful drawings of stylized animals. A leopard print futon was turned on its side. The girl I have the hots for prepared an apple pipe. I told her that this was a very 'vegan' way of smoking pot, which amused everyone until someone pointed out that just using fruit doesn't make you a vegan. Some jokes work better once you're already too high to think them over.

We soon were, as we switched venues to their back balcony and smoked that apple. True to Canadian fall weather, the dead of night was bone-chillingly cold. A sign of things to come as the leaves die and the rain freezes over. We all shared a blanket. Out of nowhere the girls gave me a coat, for which I am still thankful.

The pot was mild. It affected our inhibitions without much affecting our thought patterns, and I don't entirely mind that. We talked awhile, I was able to be myself and let my natural humor flow, which I can't always do if I'm on a particularly heady strain. We were all nicely in tune with one another. The roommate - out of nowhere - tried to get us to sing. We were hesitant at first, but drug cocktails can do anything but facilitate a singalong, and soon me and my sober-living friend were singing David Bowie songs to each other in unison. We stopped when were accused of being gay lovers, which I suppose is totally understandable after two grown men sing "Life on Mars", "Oh You Pretty Things" and "Space Oddity" to each other full force, staring into each other's eyes. Somehow this segued into a circular dance in which we all held hands. The girl I had a thing for was to my right and I gave her hand a light squeeze. She squeezed back. I felt good about this moment, however tiny it was, and still do. She looked gorgeous in her knit poncho and cloud-print tights. I'm seeing her again tonight or tomorrow night, and I'm hoping the stars will be aligned.

The dust settled and we all left at around 3:30. I got my bike from my friend's and biked home (don't worry, by this point I was pretty well sober). I felt disproportionately beat up compared to my other friends - perhaps a reminder of the costs of chemical dabbling. It's probably worth mentioning that I don't have a strong constitution - I lost a lot of weight in third year and everything has hit me hard since then. I was burned out for the next day and still a bit tired the day after that. Normally I can't stand the next day burnout -and this was definitely the most drugs I'd done in a day in a long time- but I have to admit, I enjoyed the experience and have felt well since.

First trip report - hope you enjoyed!

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