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Lack of sleep speeds up Alzheimer's disease.

The 'garbage catastrophe' of aging and how to avoid it*

by P. D. Mangan

Aging is the accumulation of damage, and nothing more.

As the level of damage rises, cells and the tissue made from them function poorly, and this in turn causes increased risk of disease and death. This is the garbage catastrophe of aging.

What causes this rising level of damage? If we can answer that, we know what causes aging.

(Note that this is a different question from asking whether aging is programmed by evolution or not.)

When we, or any organisms, are young, our cells can repair damage, but as we get older, the damage repair mechanism is itself damaged. This leads to rising levels of damage and an inability to fix it.


The main mechanism for damage repair is autophagy, from the Greek for “self-eating.” Autophagy is the cellular self-cleansing process in which cellular organelles such as mitochondria and proteins within the cell are broken down and their components recycled for making new organelles and proteins.

Autophagy is a daily occurrence — or should be — with peaks and troughs of activity. The absence of food strongly increases the rate of autophagy, so that in young organisms at least, its rate rises dramatically overnight. Fasting even longer than overnight further increases the rate of autophagy.

Other interventions besides fasting also increase autophagy, for instance, exercise and certain drugs and supplements.

But in older organisms, the capacity for increasing autophagy in response to fasting or other stimuli decreases. This leads to a rising level of damage that interferes with cell function and is characteristic of aging.

Autophagy is crucial for the organism. Treatments that prolong lifespan, for example calorie restriction, fasting, or even genetic manipulation of insulin signaling, require the organism to possess an intact autophagy mechanism to work.

No autophagy, no lifespan extension.

What leads to declining autophagy and a rising level of damage?

Accumulating damage itself leads to declining autophagy

When cellular organelles and proteins that are past their expiration date are broken down and recycled during autophagy, it turns out that some of the material cannot be completely disposed of. Much of this material is composed of lipofuscin, the toxic waste of aging.

Lipofuscin is all but non-degradable, and it accumulates with age.

Autophagy takes place inside cellular vesicles, called lysosomes, which are formed for that specific purpose. The inside of the lysosome is kept at an acidic pH, so that the autophagic enzymes will function optimally. These enzymes are inserted into the lysosome, along with the material that is to be broken down, and autophagy proceeds.

Some fraction of the material is impervious to breakdown, however, and this forms lipofuscin.

As lipofuscin builds up in the lysosomes, it impedes the process of autophagy. The cell continues to pour autophagic enzymes into the lysosome, but these are increasingly ineffective, as lipofuscin absorbs them and renders them useless. The entire process of autophagy becomes weaker.

Why autophagy is necessary

Most people understand that the constituents of our bodies turn over regularly, being broken down and rebuilt on a constant basis. Most of the cells and material in our bodies are not the same as they were earlier, so that it can be truthfully said that we literally are not the same person we were a few years before.

For example, red blood cells have a lifespan of about 120 days. If you were to take a blood sample from a person and determine the age of each red blood cell, you would find few to none that were older than that.

All of the red blood cells in your body were created within the last four months.

Why does this happen, and why is it necessary?

The constituents — cells, their organelles, and structural proteins and lipids — are subject to wear and tear. The most important source of wear and tear is due to metabolism, i.e. life itself.

When cells burn energy sources in order to power the processes of life, this burning releases byproducts, called free radicals, and these can and do damage to surrounding cell components. Think of it as the exhaust from a power plant, the pollution of which can cause damage to the surrounding area.

Cells have developed ways of coping with the byproducts of burning cellular fuel. One way is to contain and control them with internal antioxidants, such as glutathione, catalase, and superoxide dismutase. These may be likened to scrubbers in the exhaust stacks of a power plant.

The other way that cells have developed to cope with the inevitable damage caused by fuel-burning is to periodically replace the damaged components. Hence the process of autophagy.

Mitochondria and aging

Mitochondria are the cellular organelles commonly called “the powerhouses of the cell”, because most of the fuel-burning takes place in them.

As such, mitochondria are subject to greater damage from oxidation — fuel-burning — than other cell components.

Mitochondria are critical in aging. Older organisms have larger and more poorly functioning mitochondria, which pour out greater amounts of oxidizing free radicals, causing more and more damage.

Since mitochondria are so subject to damage, they wear out, and cells use autophagy to eliminate damaged mitochondria, which are then replaced with new ones. This process must proceed efficiently for the cell to retain its full youthful function. Quality control of mitochondria is essential.

So, as organisms age and autophagy declines, older and poorly functioning mitochondria become prevalent.

To maintain youthful, fully functional, and efficient mitochondria, autophagy must work properly. Yet as we’ve seen, autophagy declines with age.

Aging as a garbage catastrophe

The inefficient and incomplete breakdown of cellular organelles and other components leads to increasing amounts of waste inside lysosomes, and it never goes away. This is the garbage catastrophe of aging.

From this perspective, it might be predicted that:

(i) suppression of oxidative damage would enhance longevity;

(ii) accumulation of incompletely digested material (e.g. lipofuscin pigment) would interfere with cellular functions and increase probability of death;

(iii) rejuvenation during reproduction is mainly provided by dilution of undigested material associated with intensive growth of the developing organism; and

(iv) age-related damage starts to accumulate substantially when development is complete, and mainly affects postmitotic cells and extracellular matrix, not proliferating cells.

There is abundant support for all these predictions.

Prevention of the formation of lipofuscin, i.e. cellular garbage, and/or removal of it when it exists, is crucial to slowing or stopping aging. For that purpose, it may not only be necessary, but sufficient.

Consider that when a cell divides, any waste material inside that cell is now cut in half. This may be the mechanism by which stem cells, which can divide throughout the lifespan of an organism, maintain perpetual youth.

The dilution of waste material through cell division may also be the reason why even aged organisms always give birth to young progeny. By diluting the waste contents of gametes (sperm and eggs) continually, they’re maintained in a youthful state, with no aging damage.

Even when autophagy is inhibited, continually dividing cells are protected from damage accumulation. This provides strong support for the garbage catastrophe idea and for the anti-aging effects of continual cell division.

Unfortunately for us, most of our cells do not divide continually. Heart cells and neurons, for example. So we’re stuck with cells that accumulate damage, because they can’t dilute it by passing it to numerous daughter cells.


What is lipofuscin anyway? If we can determine its composition, we may be able to understand how to prevent it and how to eliminate it.

Lipofuscin is an “iron-catalyzed oxidation/polymerization of protein and lipid residues.”

Iron-containing proteins, such as ferritin, are subject to the normal turnover of cell components, and are broken down inside the lysosome. When this happens, free iron reacts with proteins and lipids, forming lipofuscin.

The enzymes that normally break down proteins and lipids inside the lysosome are not capable of breaking the chemical bonds formed in this reaction and that characterize lipofuscin.

Another important source of lipofuscin is so-called AGE, or advanced glycation end-products. AGEs are formed by the non-enzymatic reaction of sugars with proteins, and they can be broken down by the cell with difficulty or not at all. They occur in everyone but are higher in diabetes, which is characterized by high blood sugar.

Both iron and sugars are necessary for the formation of lipofuscin.

The garbage catastrophe theory and the evidence

Does everything outlined above agree with other evidence on aging and longevity? Consider the following.

- Calorie restriction and fasting promote longevity, and they both are associated with increased autophagy.
- Decreased insulin signaling promotes longevity, and it too is characterized by increased autophagy.
- Substances that promote longevity also increase autophagy, for example resveratrol, metformin, berberine, curcumin, and lithium.
- The amount of lipofuscin in a cell strongly correlates to the degree of dysfunctional mitochondria.
- Some animals don’t age. The Hydra, a non-aging animal, continually renews its cells, i.e. it has no post-mitotic cells, thus diluting all its cellular damage, resulting in no aging.

The scientist Alexei Terman, of Linkoping University in Sweden, writes:

- Clearly, if all damaged structures were renewed with perfect accuracy, aging would not occur. But the inevitability of aging suggests that the biological mechanisms of removal and re-synthesis are not perfect. Of these two processes, the one most suspect in the progression of aging is that of inefficient removal.

- Full understanding of the nature of aging, therefore, requires an explanation of the reasons why the renewal process is imperfect, even under the most favorable conditions. As argued here, the basis of this imperfection may be in the incomplete removal of damaged biological material, which is necessary to make room for newly synthesized structures. This, in turn, may derive from the unfortunate fact that some of these damaged products are difficult or impossible to digest, particularly by the lysosomal compartment.

How to prevent and/or slow aging


I’ve argued that iron is the primary driver of aging, and looking at aging from the standpoint of the garbage catastrophe lends new support to this idea. Why?

Because iron is required for the formation of lipofuscin, the cell’s toxic waste.

Therefore, to slow the formation of lipofuscin, keep iron levels in the low normal range. Ferritin is the body’s main iron-storage molecule, and the more you have of it, the more will be turned over on lysosomes and the more iron will be left there, creating lipofuscin and catalyzing chemical reactions that damage cell structures.


Intermittent fasting or calorie restriction (which few people are willing to do over the long term) activates autophagy potently. Therefore fasting increases the clearance of damage. In older people, whose cells are clogged with garbage that inhibits autophagy, fasting may bring the rate of autophagy back to youthful levels.


Certain substances/drugs can boost autophagy. These include resveratrol, hydroxycitrate, curcumin.


Exercise increases autophagy and thus the clearance of cellular damage.


Keeping blood sugar in the low normal range will help to prevent the formation of advanced glycation end-products (AGE), one of the constituents of non-degradable cellular garbage.


There have been a few reports of substances that can clear lipofuscin from cells. If these were to pan out, they could turn out to be potent anti-aging interventions.

One such substance is a form of cyclodextrin, which is a cheap safe molecule that is already used as an excipient in medicines.

This form of cyclodextrin upregulates autophagy and clears cellular junk.

PS: You can read more about these issues in my books Dumping Iron and Stop the Clock, and more at my site, Rogue Health and Fitness.

*From the article here :

Cranberries significantly improved the participants’ memory of everyday events
(visual episodic memory), neural functioning and delivery of blood to the brain.

Cranberries found to improve memory, ward off Dementia*

University of East Anglia | Neuroscience News | 30 May 2022

Older adults who consumed cranberries frequently as part of their diet saw improvements in episodic memory, neural function, and brain perfusion. Cranberry consumption was also linked to a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol. Findings reveal adding cranberries to the diet helps to improve memory and could protect against dementia.

Adding cranberries to your diet could help improve memory and brain function, and lower ‘bad’ cholesterol – according to new research from the University of East Anglia (UK).

A new study published today highlights the neuroprotective potential of cranberries.

The research team studied the benefits of consuming the equivalent of a cup of cranberries a day among 50 to 80-year-olds.

They hope that their findings could have implications for the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia.

Lead researcher Dr David Vauzour, from UEA’s Norwich Medical School, said: “Dementia is expected to affect around 152 million people by 2050. There is no known cure, so it is crucial that we seek modifiable lifestyle interventions, such as diet, that could help lessen disease risk and burden."

“Past studies have shown that higher dietary flavonoid intake is associated with slower rates of cognitive decline and dementia. And foods rich in anthocyanins and proanthocyanidins, which give berries their red, blue, or purple colour, have been found to improve cognition."

“Cranberries are rich in these micronutrients and have been recognized for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties."

“We wanted to find out more about how cranberries could help reduce age-related neurodegeneration.”

The research team investigated the impact of eating cranberries for 12 weeks on brain function and cholesterol among 60 cognitively healthy participants.

Half of the participants consumed freeze-dried cranberry powder, equivalent to a cup or 100g of fresh cranberries, daily. The other half consumed a placebo.

The study is one of the first to examine cranberries and their long-term impact on cognition and brain health in humans.

The results showed that consuming cranberries significantly improved the participants’ memory of everyday events (visual episodic memory), neural functioning and delivery of blood to the brain (brain perfusion).

Dr Vauzour said: “We found that the participants who consumed the cranberry powder showed significantly improved episodic memory performance in combination with improved circulation of essential nutrients such as oxygen and glucose to important parts of the brain that support cognition – specifically memory consolidation and retrieval."

“The cranberry group also exhibited a significant decrease in LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol levels, known to contribute to atherosclerosis – the thickening or hardening of the arteries caused by a build-up of plaque in the inner lining of an artery. This supports the idea that cranberries can improve vascular health and may in part contribute to the improvement in brain perfusion and cognition."

“Demonstrating in humans that cranberry supplementation can improve cognitive performance and identifying some of the mechanisms responsible is an important step for this research field."

“The findings of this study are very encouraging, especially considering that a relatively short 12-week cranberry intervention was able to produce significant improvements in memory and neural function,”
he added.

“This establishes an important foundation for future research in the area of cranberries and neurological health.

Original Research: Open access.
Chronic consumption of Cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon) for 12 weeks improves episodic memory and regional brain perfusion in healthy older adults: A randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel-groups study” by David Vauzour et al. Frontiers in Nutrition


Chronic consumption of Cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon) for 12 weeks improves episodic memory and regional brain perfusion in healthy older adults: A randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel-groups study

Ageing is highly associated with cognitive decline and modifiable risk factors such as diet are believed to protect against this process. Specific dietary components and in particular, (poly)phenol-rich fruits such as berries have been increasingly recognised for their protection against age-related neurodegeneration. However, the impact of cranberries on cognitive function and neural functioning in older adults remains unclear.

Design: A 12-week parallel randomised placebo-controlled trial of freeze-dried cranberry powder was conducted in 60 older adults aged between 50 and 80 years. Cognitive assessment, including memory and executive function, neuroimaging and blood sample collection were conducted before and after the intervention to assess the impact of daily cranberry consumption on cognition, brain function and biomarkers of neuronal signalling.

Results: Cranberry supplementation for 12 weeks was associated with improvements in visual episodic memory in aged participants when compared to placebo. Mechanisms of action may include increased regional perfusion in the right entorhinal cortex, the accumbens area and the caudate in the cranberry group. Significant decrease in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol during the course of the intervention was also observed. No significant differences were, however, detected for BDNF levels between groups.

Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that daily cranberry supplementation (equivalent to 1 small cup of cranberries) over a 12-week period improves episodic memory performance and neural functioning, providing a basis for future investigations to determine efficacy in the context of neurological disease.

*From the article here :

I buy big bags of Ocean Spray Craisins (dried cranberries) from Costco and eat them every day in cereal or granola. Fantastic! - PB​
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Alzheimer’s Disease causes cells to overheat and ‘fry like eggs’

The heat produced by amyloid-beta aggregation may cause other, healthy amyloid-beta to aggregate, causing more and more aggregates to form. However, with the addition of a novel drug compound, amyloid-beta aggregation can be stopped and the cell temperature lowered.

University of Cambridge | Neueoscience News | 5 Jun 2022

Researchers have shown that aggregation of amyloid-beta, one of two key proteins implicated in Alzheimer’s disease, causes cells to overheat and ‘fry like eggs.’

The researchers, from the University of Cambridge, used sensors small and sensitive enough to detect temperature changes inside individual cells, and found that as amyloid-beta misfolds and clumps together, it causes cells to overheat.

In an experiment using human cell lines, the researchers found the heat released by amyloid-beta aggregation could potentially cause other, healthy amyloid-beta to aggregate, causing more and more aggregates to form.

In the same series of experiments, the researchers also showed that amyloid-beta aggregation can be stopped, and the cell temperature lowered, with the addition of a drug compound. The experiments also suggest that the compound has potential as a therapeutic for Alzheimer’s disease, although extensive tests and clinical trials would first be required.

The researchers say their assay could be used as a diagnostic tool for Alzheimer’s disease, or to screen potential drug candidates.

The results are reported in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Alzheimer’s disease affects an estimated 44 million people worldwide, and there are currently no effective diagnostics or treatments. In Alzheimer’s disease, amyloid-beta and another protein called tau build up into tangles and plaques – known collectively as aggregates – causing brain cells to die and the brain to shrink. This results in memory loss, personality changes and difficulty carrying out daily functions.

It is a difficult disease to study, since it develops over decades, and a definitive diagnosis can only be given after examining samples of brain tissue after death. It is still not known what kind of biochemical changes inside a cell lead to amyloid-beta aggregation.

In Professor Gabriele Kaminski Schierle’s research group at Cambridge’s Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, they have been investigating the possible link between temperature and amyloid-beta aggregation in human cells.

The field of studying temperature changes inside a cell is known as intracellular thermogenesis. It is a new and challenging field: scientists have developed sensors with which temperature changes can be measured, however, no one has ever tried to use these sensors to study conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.

“Thermogenesis has been associated with cellular stress, which may promote further aggregation,” said Chyi Wei Chung, the study’s first author. “We believe that when there’s an imbalance in cells, like when the amyloid-beta concentration is slightly too high and it starts to accumulate, cellular temperatures increase.”

“Overheating a cell is like frying an egg – as it heats up, the proteins start to clump together and become non-functional,”
said Kaminski Schierle, who led the research.

The researchers used tiny temperature sensors called fluorescent polymeric thermometers (FTPs) to study the link between aggregation and temperature. They added amyloid-beta to human cell lines to kickstart the aggregation process and used a chemical called FCCP as a control, since it is known to induce an increase in temperature.

They found that as amyloid-beta started to form thread-like aggregates called fibrils, the average temperature of the cells started to rise. The increase in cellular temperature was significant compared to cells that did not have any amyloid-beta added.

“As the fibrils start elongating, they release energy in the form of heat,” said Kaminski Schierle. “Amyloid-beta aggregation requires quite a lot of energy to get going, but once the aggregation process starts, it speeds up and releases more heat, allowing more aggregates to form.”

“Once the aggregates have formed, they can exit the cell and be taken up by neighbouring cells, infecting healthy amyloid-beta in those cells,”
said Chung. “No one has shown this link between temperature and aggregation in live cells before.”

Using a drug that inhibits amyloid-beta aggregation, the researchers were able to pinpoint the fibrils as the cause of thermogenesis. It had previously been unknown whether protein aggregation or potential damage to mitochondria – the ‘batteries’ that power cells – was responsible for this phenomenon.

The researchers also found that the rise in cellular temperatures could be mitigated by treating them with an aggregation inhibitor, highlighting its potential as a therapeutic for Alzheimer’s disease.

The laboratory experiments were complemented by computational modelling describing what might happen to amyloid-beta in an intracellular environment and why it might lead to an increase in intracellular temperatures. The researchers hope their work will motivate new studies incorporating different parameters of physiological relevance.

Author: Sarah Collins
Source: University of Cambridge
Contact: Sarah Collins – University of Cambridge
Image: The image is credited to Chyi Wei Chung

Original Research: Open access.
Intracellular Aβ42 Aggregation Leads to Cellular Thermogenesis” by Chyi Wei Chung et al. Journal of the American Chemical Association
