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Alcohol A Different Kind of AA: ButtChugging


Aug 14, 2014
It was my 26th birthday and I decided for some reason that I wanted to try butt-chugging because I had heard about it from the movie “Bruno.” So, my girlfriend and I scrounged up ten dollars by selling DVDs at the pawn shop and got a seven dollar bottle of vanilla rum. After getting some ginger ale for oral chaser, we rushed home because I was eager to try butt-chugging.

We googled how to do butt-chugging, and decided on the tampon method- which entails soaking a tampon in the booze of choice and then inserting it into the rectum. By our own ingenuity, we used some lube that we happened to have on hand to make the experience a little smoother. I went first and used a regular sized tampon in a plastic applicator. It went in fairly smoothly, pain on a scale of 1-10 was about a 3 tops. Not too painful. I kind of enjoyed it, it was like having a pinkie finger in my butthole. Unfortunately, and possibly because of the tightness of my rectum, I was unable to deploy the actual tampon from the plastic applicator. But I was able to get the applicator the whole way in. Also, upon insertion, there was a mild burning sensation.

I had taken a Gabapentin (Neurontin) 300mg about 4 or 5 hours before we began drinking. I believe this is possibly irrelevant. I started with one shot rectally via tampon, then four orally during the course of an hour, then another rectally.
About a half an hour later I did five more shots. The second rectal insertion was a very serious buzz kill and more painful for me.
I felt mildly drunk.
Unless you like anal sex, butt-chugging is totally overrated. Unless you have throat cancer, drink your whiskey.

This is meant as a general information kind of post, because I usually check both bluelight and erowid when I am about to use any new drug or new administration avenue. When I got the idea to Buttchugg I just googled it, and I got very little information, so I kind of had to just pioneer it for myself, so I thought I should share my experience for other curious to-be buttchuggers.
As a serious note to anyone actually thinking about trying this with liquor, dilute it down to what you would imagine is roughly 10% ABV. Like standard 40% ABV spirits should be diluted to a mixture of say 1 part liquor 4 parts water. I did this when I had a sore in mouth that caused pain when I drank booze, with straight undiluted vodka. Burned very badly and had to expel it into the toilet almost instantly, and the pain persisted afterwards for quite some time. Not fun at all.

I succesfully pulled it off after much dilution but it was unpleasant and I kinda had to lay there while it did it's thing. Also I was told because it bypasses your stomach and organs that it was supposed to get you really trashed off small amounts. Which made sense when I heard the science but in reality I didnt notice the supposed strength increase much if at all. Id try to score some benzos to hold off the seizures before I put liquor in my rectum again.
Chugging is, as noted, dangerous. And undiluted vodka will burn like a bastard on the way out. If you're gonna do it, don't use more vodka than you'd normally drink (because the alcohol will come on VERY strong), and dilute with warm water (to avoid the horrid burn). Note that if you fill an empty fleet's enema bottle with half-vodka, half-warm water that'll do the trick, but you will likely need to expel it afterwards because of the volume of liquid. (suggest starting with the fleet's enema to empty yourself out first). The longer you 'retain' the vodka the more it'll affect you. Small doses are easier to retain than large, though that takes longer (and why not just drink at that point?)

Note that if the effect is really strong, you might consider expelling what's left before it goes too far. (it'll continue building for a bit after you do, so be warned) If you hold too much vodka too long, the effect will be just like overdosing on alcohol: crazy drunk (though oddly not as drunk as drinking it), and a strong feeling like you need to vomit. You'll feel really sick at that point, and won't be enjoying the experience at all. You can expect the horribleness to last about an hour if you get there. Try not to.

You might wanna try something easier first, like white wine, when you've got some time alone. Again, not too much unless you want to end up on the news.

That being said, if you're not into anal play then why the hell would you bother doing this? Just drink. If you ARE into anal play, then more power to ya. Enjoy.

For those who think the whole topic is nuts, well, don't try it then. It's just something different to have fun with.
It was my 26th birthday and I decided for some reason that I wanted to try butt-chugging because I had heard about it from the movie “Bruno.” So, my girlfriend and I scrounged up ten dollars by selling DVDs at the pawn shop and got a seven dollar bottle of vanilla rum. After getting some ginger ale for oral chaser, we rushed home because I was eager to try butt-chugging.

This is why I browse BL
This thread should be best of bluelight
It was my 26th birthday and I decided for some reason that I wanted to try butt-chugging because I had heard about it from the movie “Bruno.” So, my girlfriend and I scrounged up ten dollars by selling DVDs at the pawn shop and got a seven dollar bottle of vanilla rum. After getting some ginger ale for oral chaser, we rushed home because I was eager to try butt-chugging.

We googled how to do butt-chugging, and decided on the tampon method- which entails soaking a tampon in the booze of choice and then inserting it into the rectum. By our own ingenuity, we used some lube that we happened to have on hand to make the experience a little smoother. I went first and used a regular sized tampon in a plastic applicator. It went in fairly smoothly, pain on a scale of 1-10 was about a 3 tops. Not too painful. I kind of enjoyed it, it was like having a pinkie finger in my butthole. Unfortunately, and possibly because of the tightness of my rectum, I was unable to deploy the actual tampon from the plastic applicator. But I was able to get the applicator the whole way in. Also, upon insertion, there was a mild burning sensation.

I had taken a Gabapentin (Neurontin) 300mg about 4 or 5 hours before we began drinking. I believe this is possibly irrelevant. I started with one shot rectally via tampon, then four orally during the course of an hour, then another rectally.
About a half an hour later I did five more shots. The second rectal insertion was a very serious buzz kill and more painful for me.
I felt mildly drunk.
Unless you like anal sex, butt-chugging is totally overrated. Unless you have throat cancer, drink your whiskey.

This is meant as a general information kind of post, because I usually check both bluelight and erowid when I am about to use any new drug or new administration avenue. When I got the idea to Buttchugg I just googled it, and I got very little information, so I kind of had to just pioneer it for myself, so I thought I should share my experience for other curious to-be buttchuggers.

What did you do for previous birthdays? Did your brother smell the alcohol?


Be careful people have died from putting alcohol up their ass. I used to know a guy that was completely crazy who would do vodka enemas regularly, while he was on benzos, anti-psychotic drugs like high doses of Seroquel, and barbiturates. I'm not sure how he's still alive.