• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand



Mar 11, 2020
Now why would the DEA have 4-MAR and related oxazolines on its radar? apparently, "big" schedule coming for any "nitazene", any fent precursors (anything that has piperidine basically!) and..euhh 4-MAR and any aryloxazoline. I can understand the first 2 but 4-MAR? . I mean among 100s of RCs, why singling out 4-MAR, 4-4'-DMAR...etc (those are pretty obscure rare chems AFAIK). am I missing something?
Isn't 4-mar like super meth? If so I'm not surprised it's made it to their radar. I first heard about it around 4-5 years ago and a heavy user of meth I knew used to say he'd love to try it, but could never find it.
He disappeared years ago and I've never spoken to him since.
Hank if you're out there get in touch! Lol
4-MAR has been Schedule I for a long time. Apparently it is neurotoxic.
Source for both the super meth and the neurotoxic claim (thought it was less toxic than meth)? Always sad to see 4-MAR relatives go ...

I'd say it is what meth could and should have been but isn't (just extrapolating from 4,4'-dmar but then again I fail to understand the speedfreaks either).
Ok, it is. But the term "super meth" gives the wrong impression. I'd say it is better than meth. More of a nootropic, more usable, maybe even a bit empathic. Maybe a cross between meth and MDMA but these aminorex'es have some possibly amazing properties, read about pemoline and its lack of rebound for example.

See the reports at erowid, and notice the relative lack of bad ones.
Now why would the DEA have 4-MAR and related oxazolines on its radar? apparently, "big" schedule coming for any "nitazene", any fent precursors (anything that has piperidine basically!) and..euhh 4-MAR and any aryloxazoline. I can understand the first 2 but 4-MAR? . I mean among 100s of RCs, why singling out 4-MAR, 4-4'-DMAR...etc (those are pretty obscure rare chems AFAIK). am I missing something?
All Aminorex derivatives are scheduled in Canada already...who knows why they ban what they ban and what they allow?
It’s definitely cardiotoxic, not sure on neuro.

It is weird they are targeting them now. We must remember that up until now only certain isomers of 4-MAR were illegal, hence the case where the dude got off cuz he was synthing the trans isomer over the cis.

They’re probably trying to tie up those loose ends so they don’t have repeat of that case.

4-MAR is said to be kind of like a mix between meth and MDMA. It’s more intellectual and not as recreational. Because of this, most prefer actual d-meth over 4-MAR.

Really, people prefer meth over 4-MAR? Always thought it was just that meth was easier to shake'n'bake ... who would take an addictive beast over a cognitive boos (a few, I know, not everybody is like me and even I like meth, but only in low doses).

Cardiotoxic, probably a 5ht2b agonist. Is there anything somebody could do against, e.g. a little modification to abolish that affinity, or a super-strong peripherally selective 5ht2b antagonist?
Really, people prefer meth over 4-MAR? Always thought it was just that meth was easier to shake'n'bake ... who would take an addictive beast over a cognitive boos (a few, I know, not everybody is like me and even I like meth, but only in low doses).

Cardiotoxic, probably a 5ht2b agonist. Is there anything somebody could do against, e.g. a little modification to abolish that affinity, or a super-strong peripherally selective 5ht2b antagonist?

That’s just anecdotes from the Hive. Most raved about it but usually followed up with a “I still prefer good ol meth though.”

I think from my reading if your thectype of user like me that would only use drugs like this 2-4 times a year, 4-MAR might win. But for those that are dosing multiple times a week, meth wins no doubt.

I need this peripherally selective antagonist for my 5-MAPB adventures ;)

Btw trans 4-MAR was/is? the legal one as I said and also the more potent one from what I just saw.
