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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

3-methoxyPCE - initial impressions


Bluelight Crew
Jul 29, 2004
Unlike it's more sober cousin, 3-methoxyPCP, this one is just a barrel of laughs. I will keep referring to 3-methoxy PCP because it's a quite different flavour of dissociative compared with say PCP, which is quite manic with it's pressure of thought or ketamine, which I can't help be see as bringing out the drunken Irish poet in me :D (I shudder at the thought of tiletamine - it's all cold, bleak & industrial IMO).

It's quite good for wandering around on, none of the horrible lurching around in a shambolic way that ketamine produces, no drunken neanderthal this time, no I'm much better this time. I keep seeing characters for myself with dissociatives, with ketamine it's Quasimodo, PCP it's Hannibal Lecter, 3-methoxyPCP is James Bond and I have to say 3-methoxy PCE is somewhere between Inspector Cleaseau & Dr Strangelove (both Peter Sellers creations - don't anybody say synchr... NO! =D). I just kept seeing the absurd comic side of human interaction everywhere I looked, people pitting wits against the machine intelligence of the Newcastle Metro ticket machines (sometimes losing horribly! =D), against authority (argueing with bus drivers). It all just cracked me up with laughter watching hapless individuals try to fight against the flow of things, doomed from the very start of the affair. With 3-methoxyPCP, I'd be analysing why people were doing things, but with this I was just pissing myself laughing, seeing Charlie Chaplins struggling against greater forces everywhere.

I'll explain a bit more later, as I'm still taking it all in. Comedy scriptwriters all over the globe would sell thier grandmothers to get some of this, I tell you!

Tagged by Xorkoth
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Thanks for sharing, it's great to hear a first hand account of such an obscure chemical. You have an amazing wealth of experiences with practically unheard of drugs, I would love to hear similar accounts of other rarities if you so feel inclined.

3-MeO-PCE sounds like a winner, i love humorous feelings while tripping. Is it a stimulating type of dissociative a la PCP, or a more ketamine like sedating high? how is motor function on this one?
Motor function & speech is intact - memories are a different matter! ;)

Ended up in a bit of Newcastle I'd never seen before, but it all worked out OK in the end

I'm actually seeing several points in common with THC (always thought that cannabinoids had a dissociaitive effect)
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"There is a time to laugh and a time not to laugh, and this is not one of them."

Why, you & my folks seem to think differently? (I must admit I was well off my face that day)

3-MeO-PCE sounds like a winner, i love humorous feelings while tripping. Is it a stimulating type of dissociative a la PCP, or a more ketamine like sedating high? how is motor function on this one?

Def stimulating, more like PCP than the sedating effect of ketamine
Quite an exotic sounding chemical. I can only dream of trying a decent disassociative, I am CYP 2D6 deficient so DXM is a no go. Can't find ketamine. Bah what can you do though.

Sounds like you had fun though. Interesting how disassociatives allow you to analyze human behavior differently.
Definitely a stimulating effect. Am still wide awake at 6am.
fastandbulbous, you left out dosage and duration... some might say, the most important parts of a trip report.
^ Oh 40mg and about 3 hours (I have a hideous tolerance for dissociatives these days!)

Definitely a stimulating effect. Am still wide awake at 6am.

Ah but did you enjoy it though?
I found it mildly dissociating at 30mgs, kept drifting off into ketaminelike reverie territory - just minus the reverie if you follow me. Then I took a small amount of ketamine & it seemed to synergise rather well,seeming to give much more depth & length of action to a modest dose of ketamine. Drank half a bottle of vodka ate some hash went to sleep & then woke up bright & breezy at 04.00 :\ there was no way I could settle for my mind felt clear & alert - being a stickler for the tradition that one ought to sleep at night I consumed a sleeping draught & gradually melted back into the mattress. :)

Overall impression was that it was no great shakes as a recreational drug, speech & motor function slightly impaired at 30mg & an after effect of stimulation.
And I get full effects with 15mg,theres a positive side to have no tolerance =D
I forgot to add that I had consumed ketamine the day before - presumably there's a cross tolerance.
That report sounds sexy as hell, so sweet someone ought to put it on a plate soak it up with a biscuit.

Call me baby!!! I miss ya F&B.
Hey there MGS! Haven't seen you around in a while. How goes it? Hopefully well. :)
another exotic dissociative i will never try :(

why do you tease me so...:p
I tried this a couple of weeks ago. I had about 10mg IMed.

Afterwards I went for a walk with my housemate. I noticed a bit of bubbliness on my part. A little more likely to laugh at things and generally talk a bit of crap. Mostly it was just like being in a quite good mood more than a really noticeable drug effect. I didn't notice any physical effects.
There isn't much else to report on top of that, unfortunately. I was a little disappointed in all as was expecting more of a giggle fest. Maybe a cross tolerance issue with k is at work, not sure.
The main effects lasted about 2-3 hours with me stilling feeling awake but not stimulated some 8 hours later sometime early morning.
So in essence not a particularly recreational drug ?