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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(2c-b/24mgs) - First Time - Purple & Gold


Mar 6, 2008
So a FOAF happened into some 2c-b recently, I was lucky enough to have been gifted this 24mg dose which I decided to take last night when the rest of my family had gone to sleep. On the advice of a fellow bluelighter I opened the cap in my mouth with a mouthful of flat Coca Cola and swigged the liquid around in my mouth until the taste of the 2c-b had gone and the Coca Cola taste was all that remained.

I decided on the 24mg dose to start as I had heard the word "underwhelming" tossed around so much in the literature regarding 2c-b. I can see where they are coming from, at the same time the gentleness of this substance makes it infinitely more valuable to me. As some may know I have been on the search for a social psychedelic drug for quite some time, I hadn't found it in MDMA as I tend to become introverted on it (go figure), LSD liberates my inner animal... who sometimes likes to pee on people, get naked and choke out sluts on impulse and shrooms just put me somewhere I can't quite qualify as useful in any way (certainly not sober enough for chit chat). Keep in mind the above examples are the worst that has happened in my exploration of these substances and that since having experienced them more deeply I have found their use lies elsewhere than for social gatherings.

That said, within 45-60minutes from dosage I could tell 2c-b will become a strong ally of mine. I was high as FUCK, my skin felt absolutely amazing to the touch, music took on an amazing visual and almost textural quality, all the while about as close to sober minded as one might ever need to be. There was something of a "roll" here, I felt that there were vast pools of energy I could put to use quite effectively for anything one might need energy for (dance, sex, adventure, ect) yet it lacked that "push" which so often gets me to clam up on MDMA. It were as if my mind were split into many forms and that each of these doppleganger mindsets could be used effectively, all at once, as one, or one at a time. I somehow felt my thoughts were operating at a stronger capacity, that the trains of thought had been imbued with complete clarity. I meditated on many things. I came to terms with being in love, while I was alone during this trip my thoughts many times rested with the face of my lover. I imagined her curves, her lips, her eyes, her voice.. She is always beautiful to me, I felt like a fool for taking this chemical outside of her presence. I can very much see how this is a substance suited for the erotic, the body is warm and comfortably stimulated. There were no GI disturbances or bodily discomfort noted anywhere during the experience.

The visuals were breathtaking. The room I was in was dark, I listened to Flying Lotus on my couch seated comfortably as I watched a burning flower made of light unfold and refold, burn and rise again over and over. It started as a minor trail of light but once they caught on they did not stop changing, morphing and crawling throughout my visual field. With eyes closed the colors shifted and played together, greens, reds, blues, purple and a shimmering essence of gold. One of the more interesting qualities of this drug to me is the way the visual hallucinations tend to shift along with the tone of my thoughts. When I thought of Alexander Shulgin and thanked him in my thoughts there was his beaming face standing beside an ancient San Pedro of vast height. I thought of Mescaline, and am now more than ever intrigued to try it. I pondered how ancient this sort of experience was, with the Mother Phenethylamine Mescaline having been around for the majority of the development of the human mind I wondered how this stature of experience would affect the minds of antiquity. Before the internet and this vast pool of knowledge we have at our fingertips what would an average person in ancient times have thought after having eaten a Peyote button? We have all these expectations of these chemicals and I can see why so many aren't impressed with 2c-b with these expectations, how can anything of this sort live up to the fantasy of man? I went in expecting nothing, I left dazzled. This is as valuable and useful a substance as any psychedelic has ever been. The experience was undeniably expansive, and while I was INCREDIBLY high there was never a point where I felt I couldn't act sober if needed, the drug is underwhelming in this respect but I consider that to be a rare and valuable quality.

Case in point; 2c-b is a hell of fucking drug and I have to recommend everyone try some.
Nice report, glad you liked it. 2C-B is one of my faves for sure. To me it feels like MDMA without the awful draining qualities that M has.

2 friends and myself would definitely disagree that this drug is underwhelming, particularly at higher doses. But I have given a small dose to a girl who has never really tried rare psychedelics and she said it was "the best high of her life". Fuck yeah.

The visuals are fantastic too, mixes well with others.
'Underwhelming' a good statement for 2C-B oral come-ups, it's like my dream amphetamine. but oral 15MG+ doses, 'underwhelming' would be the furthest thing from my mind.
thanks for the trip report, liked reading it!
i too like this 2c best, and i can see why it might be underwhelming for most, but it is indeed a lovely chem. its not too good in my case for social situations but thats just my exp with it.

why was this the first 2c to be banned? it seems to me to be the one with the most appeal...
so anything sold as an X alternative is the most liekly to be banned?... seems to be the way things are but didnt think it was like this some time ago..

anywho, its not fair to be hijacking this thread.

to the OP, LSD liberates your inner animal? really? is that like a constant effect? i find it to be one of the more relaxing trips most of the times...
I think I'm more sensitive to LSD than others, hallucinations are the least predominant of the effects for me. I become EXTREMELY disinhibited on LSD, to the point where I feel like I'm taking action right as the thought crosses my mind. That coupled with an overpowering rushing mood boost can lead to quite erratic behaviours in the wrong setting. Then again I avoid low dosed tabs like a plague. I've still never been thrown a microgram count by a dealer, I probably wouldn't believe them anyways.. But I have for the most part only acquired incredibly overpowering LSD.. We get some insanely high powered paper in CA. The few times I've had low dosed paper its been a calm ride.