• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

⫸STICKY⫷ ★ Dream Journal : Share your dreams ☯

I finally had some decent dreams after a few uneventful nights...

June 5-6, 2019: "1940's Chicago/Basketballs Playing Basketball/The Sopranos"

I found myself back in a rough part of Chicago around the 1940's, but it was more like the 1920's when Al Capone controlled everything. I had to accompany some debt collectors to visit the homes of people who owed money to the mob. We knocked on one door and they opened fire on us with machine guns. I told my "co-workers" that I quit!

I was watching a cartoon of a basketball game where the players were actually animated basketballs. They were supposed to be like the Harlem Globetrotters and playfully taunted their opponents, who were also basketballs.

I was having trouble breathing and realized that I didn't have an inhaler. (I finally outgrew my asthma years ago and don't smoke cigarettes anymore, but my allergies have been flaring up lately.) I remembered that caffeine is a bronchodilator but didn't have any source of it. I ended up on the set of "The Sopranos" and asked Carmela (Edie Falco) for a cup of coffee but she said that I would have to wait until everybody else got theirs, and by then there was none left.

(I woke up wheezing and promptly took a Vivarin, which contains 200mg of caffeine. I'm a bit hyper but breathing like a champ!)

Sweet Dreams!!!
I remember one where i was in an underground somewhere but everythin and i mean everything was made out of the most comfy pillows and cushions you could imagine, their was no gap between each cusion it was just a maze of cusions all i remember is feeling very very relaxed
My last few nights have been rather uneventful but I've had a few dreams worth noting...

June 6-7, 2019: "Rhoda Party"

A bunch of ladies were at a party and one of them acted out what was supposed to be the opening to the 1970's sitcom "Rhoda": She came dancing down a large spiral staircase singing, "alive, alive, aliiive" from the Duran Duran song "Rio".

June 8-9, 2019: "Foreign Food/Sky-way"

I was in some foreign country that was called something like Nicaragua but looked more like the Middle East. The table was full of food that looked like it was made out of Play-Doh. I picked up a green rectangular piece and tasted it but couldn't figure out what it was. There was an untouched pizza and a calzone on the counter that looked much better than the Play-Doh stuff, but I didn't know how long they had been there for or who they belonged to.

I was standing outside in a thunderstorm and looked up at the sky. There was a highway road that ran very high overhead, probably about 500 feet or so in the air. I couldn't figure out how they had been able to construct it or keep it from collapsing, since it was freestanding and almost looked as though it was floating. I was fascinated by it but couldn't look for too long because it was giving me a sense of vertigo.

Sweet Dreams!!!
I've noticed that I seem to go through "dream cycles" where I have more than usual, and I'm definitely in one now. I'll provide some commentary (in parenthesis) to explain the significance of some...

June 11-12, 2019: "Babe Ruth/Toy Guns"

(When I was about 10 years old I watched a documentary about Babe Ruth, which included footage of his farewell speech at Yankee Stadium when he was dying of throat cancer. Seeing this guy who was like a superhero becoming so sick and frail had an enormous impact on me, and it has shown up in my dreams for the last 40 years or so.)

I found myself in the "role" as Babe Ruth, where I was experiencing the end of his life firsthand. Doctors were operating on the left side of my mouth and I could actually feel the pain. I went back to being myself as a kid and opened the refrigerator in the house where I grew up. I saw what looked like a miniature version of The Babe's body with his face disfigured as though it had been burned. I asked what happened and was told that he died because there was no more that the doctors could do for him.

I was in a restaurant playing a game with some other guys using toy guns. One of them ordered a fried chicken sandwich and left it on his table. I started eating it then realized that he might be upset with me for doing so. He confronted me about it and I apologized. Thankfully he didn't seem to be too upset about it.

June 12-13, 2019: "Scenes From A Convenience Store/Songwriting And Pork Chops"

(Several years ago I used to frequent a convenience store that was run by a nice Indian man. One day I showed up drunk and embarrassed myself by being rude, so I never went back again. I just drove by there the other day so it was on my mind.)

My parents and I played a sort of game outside a local convenience store where we had to survive outdoors for a week or so. I roped off an area by tying string around trees and then gathered up materials to build shelters with. It turned into the back yard of the house that I grew up in.

I felt bad that they were doing a lot more than I was able to. I snuck back to the store because I was hungry and thirsty. I got myself a coffee and a "vegetable polenta parmigiana" sandwich, plus a wedge of romano cheese that I put in my pocket for later. I had to take a poop (Ahh yes, another "pooping in public" dream. I'm still not sure what the heck these mean!) and went in a wheel barrow, then tried to clean it up before anyone saw the mess.

A local movie theater was promoting their showing of a new film by projecting images in the sky. One looked like a sideways "T" shape from Tetris and others looked like videogame-style airplanes. It became nighttime and I saw three lights in the sky from beacons that looked like suns. It brought back a (false) memory of seeing a holographic eye in the sky that creeped me out.

I went to a candy shop that was run by the same guy who ran the convenience store. I ordered a bunch of assorted chocolates and a cigar. I came back later and he said that I had given him about two dollars less than I owed him. I didn't have the cash on me so he said that I could pay him back by giving him and his wife a ride about 30-45 minutes away.

I was driving them in the rain when my car battery died, so I pulled off the side of the road to get help. I read the owner's manual but couldn't find any instructions about the battery, so I called for roadside assistance. A tow truck with an oil rig showed up and said that they had to drill for oil in the waters of a nearby beach to fix my car. The oil started spilling into the ocean and I felt really bad about it. The whole thing didn't make sense to me and I asked if I was on a hidden camera show like "Punk'd", but they assured me that I wasn't. The dream briefly turned lucid and I was able to "change scenes" into another dream, but quickly lost my lucidity.

I was back in my bedroom writing a song on guitar. It had an odd chord progression that sounded kind of like "What's Up" by 4 Non Blondes. I cooked some barbecue pork chops in the microwave, but they didn't come out very well and I was afraid of getting food poisoning from eating them. My mom left some fried fish and raw clams on my bed, plus some rice & beans in the kitchen. I had made a mess in my bedroom from cooking the pork chops and she tried to clean my alarm clock by putting it on a stove burner. I noticed it and took it off before the plastic melted or caught fire.

Sweet Dreams!!!
Interesting. I experience dream cycles too. I'm currently in a no dream phase which is generally how I prefer it. Dreams fascinate me but I have quite a lot of bad ones so I'm happy to not experience any for a while.

My theory though is that I don't think we really are experiencing fewer dreams, I think it's actually that our mind is doing a better job scrubbing the dreams from our memory before we wake up. If you don't remember them it's just like they never happened.

I've had a few instances where I remembered no dreams at all only for something later in the day to remind me that I actually did.

Since the experience is largely the same I don't too much care if we aren't dreaming or just aren't remembering, but I think it's more likely the latter most of the time.
I'll have to go back later and post some of my previous dreams, but I want to get this one down while it's still fresh in my head...

June 15-16, 2019: "Couch Basketball/Scenes From A Local Bank"

(This dream has a lot of personal meaning to me regarding subjects such as coming to terms with some childhood issues, the death of my father, past relationships, my past addictions and the ongoing struggle to get my life back on track. Luckily my subconscious mind took it easy on me and presented them all in a very clever and humorous form!)

I was on the couch with a young lady, playing a Nerf-like basketball game. I was being kind of rude to her for some reason, then felt bad about it and realized that I actually liked her a lot. I apologized to her and she kissed me very passionately.

My dad was in the kitchen drinking vodka with a mixture of V8 Juice and some other juice. I tried a little but didn't have too much because I try to abstain from alcohol these days.

The woman that I was with brought me to a party and I started to have a panic attack. She gave me a bunch of pills that were supposed to be 15mg Valium and I hesitatingly took one. Then I looked them up online and learned that they were actually 150mg THC, which made me worry that it may have made my anxiety even worse.

(At this point I actually woke up for a minute, then went back to sleep for "part two" of the dream.)

I was cleaning out my childhood desk in the parking lot of a local bank that I used to be a customer of. There were a bunch of old photos of me as a young boy that sort of made me sad. I found an old Instamatic camera that I initially planned to smash, burn or drown as some sort of "closure" ceremony, then realized that I wanted to keep it. There were also stacks of more recent pics and paperwork that I had to sort through. A lot of them depicted me smoking cigarettes, and I worried how much damage I've done to my body over the years by doing so.

I found a bunch of empty pill vials and realized that I had apparently forgotten to get refills on some of my medications. My mom offered me some Ativan that my dad had left over when he passed away. I drove to the local pharmacy to ask about my old prescriptions but found myself caught in a bad thunderstorm. One of the dark clouds looked like a big creepy face in the sky moving towards me.

Back at the bank, the young woman from my previous dream was flirting with some young guy in the parking lot. I was kind of sad but also a little relieved because I realized that I don't really want to be in a relationship at this point in my life.

I went inside the bank and it became more like the set of a TV sitcom that I was starring in as an employee. My co-workers were all talking about their failed relationships and I got the distinct impression that we were all going to find true love by the end of the episode. One young lady was really sweet to me and I wondered if we were going to end up together.

It ended with me still in the bank trying to write down the events of my dream, not even realizing that I was still in it! (I must have been SO close to becoming lucid.) The last thing that I remember is looking at an old high school yearbook and seeing some of the kids who bullied me.

Sweet Dreams!!!
In lucid dreams, i have hit dmt inside the dream and broke through inside the dream into a dmt like hyperspace that was pretty much identical to real life just that it lasted alot shorter time and was jolted awake. The same holds true for using other drugs inside dreams they have a similar feel but not 100%
Okay, let's see if I can get caught up on a couple of these here...

June 13-14, 2019: "Ex At My Shrink's Office"

(The young woman in this dream is my ex who treated me badly then stalked me after I broke up with her.)

I was at an appointment with my therapist when my abusive ex-girlfriend kept coming to the door and interrupting us. I told him who she was and realized that she was also one of his patients. He said something like, "Oh, she's not that bad." and I got the impression that he was either dating her or wanted to. I tried to warn him that she was a sociopath and not to believe anything that she told him.

I found myself back at her old apartment trying to gather up some things that I had left there. She came in and started yelling at me that she was going to call the cops. All that I had were some old poems and drawings, so I told her to keep them and left empty-handed.

I went to some kind of casino/concert hall and she followed me there. I snuck into one of the men's restrooms to get away from her and heard her outside looking for me. Then I remembered that I had left some of my old journals at her apartment and worried that she would use personal information in them against me somehow.

It ended with me being brought into an office there by security and told that she had committed suicide by jumping out of a window. Part of me was suspicious that it was all just a setup to have me arrested for trying to get my possessions back from her apartment.

June 14-15, 2019: "Baby 'Me' At Walmart/Musical Herbs/Limericks On A Train"

I went to Walmart and saw a baby crawling on a railing by the checkout counters. I realized that it was actually a version of myself around the age of 1 or 2. It turned around and started speaking to me in full sentences like an adult. I can't remember what it said, but it was very scientific and complicated (I think explaining how time travel made this all possible).

A younger version of my dad came in (around the age that he would have been when I was a baby) and yelled at a female manager for not letting him know that his toddler was alone in the store. She said that the baby was something like an autistic savant and therefore they weren't obligated to inform him.

A family from India was sitting at a table nearby. The young girl put some herbs into a small clay pot full of hot water and they began to play Indian music. She got up and began to sing and dance very well along to it. I felt rain on my head and looked up to see that the store had no ceiling. The clouds were very low in the sky, almost touching the roof.

I left and drove away in my car, then suddenly found myself on a train. Burgess Meredith was dressed up as The Penguin from Batman and he was playing a word game with me and a few other people. We each had to say a line to make up a limerick. It went something like:

Drugs will make you do crazy things
Like decorate your nose with rings
And the cops will bust you in one of their stings

(I actually thought it was pretty good considering the fact that I wrote it in my sleep!)

Sweet Dreams!!!
I just had a dream where I was on my elementary school playground, and I was able to control the structures. They turned into a sort of transformer and I started trying to punch the kids. I didn't hit any but on the other hand they didn't escape. I wish the dream was longer I felt like bashing them.
Ok friends, here are my latest noteworthy dreams...

June 16-17, 2019: "Gorefest 2019"

(These dreams were so horrific that I'm not even going to post them in detail. House pets being skinned alive and eaten, people being tortured and having their brains bashed in, my dad committing suicide... gruesome stuff the entire night. I'm honestly trying to forget them myself. They were so bad that I woke up around 2-3AM and decided to stay up for the day despite still being tired!)

June 17-18, 2019: "Working For My Shrink"

I got a desk job working for my therapist in a large warehouse that had been converted into an office. He handed me a stack of documents and I had to type ".com" five times on the back of each one perfectly. I was using an old manual typewriter and kept making mistakes.

I asked if anybody had any White Out and one lady handed me some beige-colored makeup like mascara with an applicator tip. I tried it on the paper but it didn't work very well. One female co-worker there seemed to like me a lot, and I thought that I knew her from a previous job. We held hands on lunch break and I was hoping to walk her out when our shift was over, but I had to stay late and fix all of my typing mistakes.

I sang and played my acoustic guitar during lunch break and saw an older, long-haired hippyish dude there, so I did "Blowin' in the Wind" by Bob Dylan.

June 19-20, 2019: "Dad Running Off With My Aunt"

My parents and I were all around the age that we were when I was a teenager. My dad had apparently left my mom for my aunt (his older brother's wife). They were all arguing downstairs so I hid up in the attic until the fighting stopped.

In the attic I found a bunch of old beer cans and booze bottles (some empty, some still full), plus a little weed and some drug paraphernalia that I didn't remember having. I tried to hide it all until I decided what I wanted to do with it. My uncle (who's a recovering alcoholic) saw the beer cans and warned me not to end up getting addicted like him.

I also found an old analogue music recorder up there and turned it on, but it overheated and shorted out. I kept it to play with the parts because I like taking thing apart just for fun.

(The last couple nights of dreams have been very vague and uneventful so I won't bother posting them.)

Sweet Dreams!!!
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I haven't remembered my dreams for the past 15 years or so at least.

I started taking a few oneirogens in March. Most noteably Silene Capensis. I shook it up and drank the froth 2-3 times a day for about 2 1/2 months. At the peak I woke and logged 8-9 dreams a night. It started to fall off to where I would log 2-3 a night, but I would wake having the feeling I had experienced a much more fluid/long dream. It started getting to where I would wake/go back to sleep and continue the same dream. Sometimes I am not sure how far my "waking" goes. Especially since I view the "dream" world as more real than this one... Fun times.

I started to not remember any dreams for the last few days I was taking the oneirogens. I took a 2 week break when I went camping and started to dream again. I wasn't logging dreams, but still remembering much more than I used to. I came back and started taking Silene Capensis again. I have 28grams left, I will take at least that. I might take it another 3-6 months just to make sure my brain has changed to continue dreaming like this. I feel much more complete. I am definatly communicating with my "higher" self and feminine aspect/twin soul/divine femine etc (I am male). Dreaming is helping me heal inner child stuff. It's like I am excavating a hole in my stomach and filling it with strength and love. Waking world has become more "dreamy". To me, this just means I am communicating with guides/higher selves etc. Which is the whole point of Silene Capensis. To put you in touch with your "ancestors". Didn't think about it as communicating with past lives/other selves etc, but that is definatly happening.

Anyway. Last night I dreamed I was in a WW2 type scenario. We were marching to a battle, but there was fighting up ahead unexpecatdly. Shit got fucked up, we ended up in a cave. I was a SGT, and ended up in command of a small platoon type group. It seemed really natural to give orders and lead.

Another dream I had been in prison, but got let out to go to Iran with two people I know IRL who are half iranian. Was a lot of friendly people there and we were having fun. I was communcating and talking with many different people. This is cool, because the past few months when I start talking to people I usually get nervous and wake up. It's like I can tell they are as "real" as me. Feels like friends and family I have known for eons. I get nervous because I feel stupid. Like I am not doing my job in this life right and should know more than I do. That feeling is kinda going away and I can interact more.

Another one, I had been jerking off to porn FOREVER. Like, there was other stuff going on, I was working too at this job, but kept going to the computer trying to get a nut. At the end, I was laying in bed jerkin under the covers next to two people eating at a table. They went to the bathroom. I put the covers back and kept masturbating, hopeing one would come back and see me and have sex with me. A woman came up and was like "do you need some help" and I said "yes please". She got in bed with me and it felt like she lay her head over my heart. I felt super loved and woke up. Maybe... felt like I woke up half way and was then right back in the dream. She said "I told you I would help you. I guess you had to go through all those emails though. I immediatly got inside her and we started having sex. Lasted maybe five seconds and I woke up.

It's the same woman who has been in all my dreams and waking life the last few months. I started by barely seeing her, and then getting so excited I would wake up. I followed her around dream land trying to get close to her. I had a few lucid dreams, and called her as soon as I became lucid, she would show up, be mischevious and smile, and I would wake up. A few almost sex dreams, where I would wake up as soon as I touched her. So much energy inside me. Once the energy in my spine was up past my heart and my body was vibrating. She would still be there when I woke up like "I miss you too baby. Keep trying. We will be together again soon."

I am going to start microdosing with Iboga RB this comming week. Excited to see how that affects my dreams.
I am going to start microdosing with Iboga RB this comming week. Excited to see how that affects my dreams.

Iboga for me was the most powerful dream enhancer ever, I mean I did a flood dose and dreamed for 3 days straight and when I was awake the dreams would overlay reality. Before that experience I never remembered my dreams except when I was a kid, but afterwards I dreamed so intensely every night for years, and they all had that sort of iboga quality to them. I just had the one experience though. It also worked on a subconscious dream level to modify my behavior and root out my addiction. It's been 5 and a half years and I still go through periods of intense dreams, and they still have that otherworldly quality to them that they almost never did before. I want to try microdosing iboga sometime soon, and I'd like to give other oneirogens a try, too. Whenever I am dreaming vividly, my life feels better.
For sure. I used to love sleeping all night because it was just empty oblivion. Now I dream and it feels like I am always learning subconciously. If I exami e my dreams I can usually pick up one life lesson.

I took 200mg first day, 300mg, then 500mg today. I want to stretch the 20g out at least a month. I havent noticed anything dreamy yet really. I did notice an "alert" within 20 min of the first dose. Part of me wants to dose a few weeks, do some Kambo, then take 5-7g and see if I get some type of "experience" as it builds up. I might just end up getting more who knows.

My dreams pre and post oneirogens were :None, a lot. I would reccomend them. I am getting to where I can wake up after 7-8 hours sleep and recall 3/4 seperate dreams. That is astounding compared to early march
not sure to what extent this fits, but i just woke up from a dream where i wasn't a drug addict.

woke up and i could hear city sounds already at full blast from outside my apartment window. took me a second to realize those were city night sounds and i was on my couch not my bed. then i had this sinking feeling i'd been sleeping during the day because of heroin and benzos. i laughed at myself, like i would have a such serious and expensive habit. no way. but then in my mind's eye i could clear and clearer see my little bottle of heroin, until i rolled over on the couch, and there it was.

to be honest, turning out to be a junky is way less scary than the alternative. rolling over and thee not being any dope.
Oneirogens never seem to work very well on me for some reason. I've tried mugwort, calea zacatechichi, melatonin, huperzine a, alpha gpc, vinpocetine, kava and a bunch of others that I can't think of right now.

I've gotten some of my craziest dreams from nicotine patches, but since I quit smoking they've become too stimulating and actually keep me awake.

Luckily I have plenty of whacky dreams naturally! (Some of which I need to post when I get a chance...)

Sweet Dreams!!!
Last night had a dream I was biking and went by some woman in a tent having a sale but no one was there. I went into the tent and was commenting how hot it was in the tent and she gave me a ride for some reason. She ended up taking me back to her place where the sale was and I was trying to find my bike so I could presumably leave but I kept finding bikes she had run over. Also, her husband and (I think) kids were there. That's all I remember.
Oneirogens never seem to work very well on me for some reason. I've tried mugwort, calea zacatechichi, melatonin, huperzine a, alpha gpc, vinpocetine, kava and a bunch of others that I can't think of right now.

I've gotten some of my craziest dreams from nicotine patches, but since I quit smoking they've become too stimulating and actually keep me awake.

Luckily I have plenty of whacky dreams naturally! (Some of which I need to post when I get a chance...)

Sweet Dreams!!!

The only one from that list I have tried is melatonin . Melatonin and 5-htp both put me to sleep, I can't say either ever worked to give me dreams by themselves though.

I can not ever recall remembering my dreams honestly.a year maybe, that's it. I also smoked marijuana pretty much daily from 2004 until early this year. I got tired of not dreaming and I started a dream journal in February. I recalled maybe one brief snippet in a month and a half. Within the first week of Silene Capensis I started logging 2 a night. Then it was 3-8 or so. Now after 4 months it is usually 3 a night. Instead of waking up constantly though, I will wake up once and remember a few at a time. Silene Capensis is supposed to initiate Diviners/Sangomas in the traditional African use... 3 months of use and it changes your brain functioning regarding dreaming permanantly.

I had one dream a month after I started Silene Capensis, with an African shaman type person in it. I see them around somewhat often now. If I think of them, I will see them smiling. The day before I started microdosing Iboga, I heard "You can either surrender or fight it" (easy VS hard way), woke up, and thought "Iboga". Since then I get the impression of a black as night skinny person that almost blends in with the background. All I feel when I see them is "Iboga".

I've also taken Synatoplesis Kirkii, Ubhubhubhu (helineus integrifolous, and smoked Entada Rheedii seeds the past 4 months. All those are African oneirogens. I resonate pretty strongly with all of them, seems like past life type stuff. Who knows though. They seem to like me though. My dreams are pretty deep and vivid. I wake up fairly often immediatly feeling like I know what the dream meant.

I had a dream last week involving interacting with a black jaguar. It seemed pretty friendly. I had a cool dream talking to a dolphin a few months ago. It's nice making new friends.
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5-HTP gives me horrible nausea for some reason, whereas l-tryptophan doesn't.

I've heard that silene capensis can be tough on the stomach, but apparently it doesn't bother some people. I'd love to see an entada rheedi pod in person some day, if for no other reason than the fact that they look so awesome. They're like a human-sized cocoa bean!

I've been meaning to post my latest dreams as soon as I get a chance; I've had a few good ones :rolleyes:
I slept lightly last night and had a bunch of dreams. The one I remember the best involved me and my dad and we were staying at a giant hotel. I was in my friend's band for some reason, except I thought of it as my own. My dad was still sick but it was when he was still in a wheelchair that he could propel on his own, and his speech and general demeanor were like he was when he was healthy (he passed away a few months ago after a long battle with ALS). We were going all around trying to find our room. I had a show with the band at 11am the next morning. Parts of the dream were on my dad and I talking and laughing. He kept falling backwards in his wheelchair, and sometimes he could get himself up, and sometimes I had to help him up, but for some reason he thought it was really funny. Another aspect to the dream was me being anxious about being able to make it to my show on time because we had been up all night looking for our room, and the sun was rising, and I had to be at sound check at 9am. I remember some plastic surgery looking girl and her mom were like "omg, XXX (the band, but it's a real name so I won't say it), I heard XXX sings in it", but she had the wrong name, so I was like no, it's XXX, that's my band, I play keys" and they looked at me like I was some sort of idiot and then I felt all tongue-tied and just sort of walked off. The last thing in the dream was me deciding I was just going to stay up all night because if I tried sleeping for 1-2 hours I'd be way too groggy. Then I realized I was laying down with my eyes closed, and I was like fuck! Then I opened my eyes and realized I was actually in bed and I had been dreaming.

The other dream I remember, I was at my family's lake house up north that I grew up going to. One of my cousins was still a little kid, and she had some sort of portable gaming system and had this game playing, but she went to bed. All night the same theme song and introductory demo was playing over and over and over, it was some cutesy little kid game. Me and my family were hanging out but it was getting super annoying. So finally I picked it up and tried playing. There was this cute little Mickey Mouse-like character I was controlling, and I went out of his house, and emerged into a gritty world (but still with cutesy cartoon graphics and little kid-style music) of other characters that were all searching for drugs like zombies and my character had to evade them all. Something like that. It was strange, I don't think I'm quite explaining it right, but that's a dream for ya.