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Random Thoughts/Stories on Mescaline


Moderator: OD
Staff member
Apr 17, 2015
Oh man.. Not really sure where to begin. So maybe Ill just start with my story at the beginning, because with Mescaline its a journey, a culmination of past experiences to give you the present.

I first tried Mescaline as a teenager. Being a youngin that was obsessed with psychedelics and drugs at the time (still am hehe) I felt Mescaline was an obvious that needed to be tried. I dont remember my exact age but Im guessing I was 17ish maybe.

I got myself a credit gift card and bought it from the company that was later raided by the feds (you all probably remember them, poor guys.) And not long after I got my first 12in cutting.

Little did I know just how much impact this cactus would have on my life in the future but at the present moment all I knew was I wanted to get tRiPpY! Brewed that puppy up with my dad in the kitchen and then tried my best to drink it..

Of course no matter how much you try to prepare yourself, that taste.. That fucking taste.. I made it through 6in.. And could no longer go on lol.

After a bit I remember thinking nothing was going to happen so I take off to go hang with friends. As I left in the car I remember the drive taking on a new dimension. I wasnt tripping per se but it just felt like everything was in perfect synchronization. The music was flowing perfectly to the world around me, it felt like everything was exactly where it should be at exactly the right time.

And began my love with the subtle yet powerful effects of Mescaline..

Over the years my use of the medicine began to grow as I found its benefits. Every time Id use Mescaline it felt like my life would get back on track for months afterwards, I found my life purpose thanks to the use of Mescaline as well as DMT. It took me out of the darkest point in my life, like no other drug could.

This dark point I speak of was about 5yrs ago now and it was at this point I realized that Mescaline would be a great additive long term as a medicine to use periodically a few times throughout the year. Before this it was a once or twice at most a year thing.

I began using it 4-5times a year religiously and my mood, motivation, everything became so much better.

Let me back track a second here because this change of heart on use came after one particular experience.. It occurred 3 days after Shulgins passing, and it was quite literally a life changing experience. It was this trip that opened my eyes to just how much I needed this in my life. (Trip Report available online if anyone would like me to link it.)

During this experience I was gifted an infinite amount of love and compassion for all of mankind. This was very important for me at the time as I was in a phase of hating lots of people due to a nasty breakup of a long term relationship. My ex was with me during this trip and I was able to accept her being with someone else and to allow myself to open up to someone else as well. (We did get back together and are still together to this day.)

So I began to actively work with this teacher as the new agers would call it. Every time Id take it, I felt I was getting deeper into understanding who I was and why I was put on this earth. (In a nutshell Im here to provide as many experiences like this as I can to those around me.). With this understanding it allowed me to function better in my day to day life. I mean, work isnt bad if you truly know in the deepest depths of your heart that the money you make could be used to help others, I fantasize about turning on the world more or less and it pushes me in life to be stable myself so that I can actually help others. You cant help others if you yourself need help.

I also found that during every experience after this powerful one I spoke of, I was given more and more responsibilities for lack of a better word. For some context, I often consume Mescaline at small local festivals run by people Im familiar with because thats the place I feel the safest doing so. Every time Id trip on Mesc, Id often have some poor soul tripping nutz stumble out of the crowd towards me like Im a beacon of light asking for my assistance. And Ill never say no..

This has become the norm ever since. I now expect someone to need my help when I take Mescaline at a festival and have zero expectations about dancing or having fun. It kinda sucked at first because who doesnt just want to have a good time, but its infinitely more rewarding when you essentially save someone from themselves. And better than that, actually make it a positive experience for them.

One time in particular, the Mesc was just setting in and I was skipping up towards a stage ready for a good night. As Im going I see my brothers friend pass by and we make quick hellos. But something just didnt feel right.. I go up and ask him how hes doing. His smile instantly fades and he starts stumbling on his words, I tell him not to worry about trying to tell me, I already know where hes heading.

I put my arm around him and we attempt to get him back to his camp. On the walk we have to stop to allow a vehicle to park and he cowers into my arm like a little child (this is a man in his 30s.) I know at this point the fear is taking hold. We eventually get him back and I thought wed be in the clear but he lost the plot real quick.

To make a very long story very short.. We spent the next 5hrs in his tent, me literally crouched by him comforting him the entire time. He was in full ego loss mode and not taking it well at all, I could hear the fear in his voice and knew I was his only tether to this reality.

To give perspective, I barely knew this guy. Yet I was the only one he wanted to or could even communicate with. It felt like the Mescaline allowed me to bridge the gap. All his friends had no idea who I was and were a little weirded out that some stranger was caring for their friend. (Soon as he came back he explained who I was.)

After 5hrs of holding space he abruptly came out of it and was instantly just like Im back man, Im back! Id never been so relieved in my life.. During his re-entry I then began to spin the experience in a positive light. Saying.. Look at what you just made it through, the strength and resilience you showed. If you can push through that, what else can stop you?

That guy was beyond grateful and according to him, I saved his life. In response, since hes a tattoo artist, he gave me a badass sleeve for cheap, some of the sessions were free.

Its moments like these that only solidified my belief in karma. Give til it hurts and receive everything youll ever want or need.

I wish I could say that experience above was an outlier, but it wasnt.. Mescaline kept giving me this message that I was here to help others whether I actually wanted to or not.

So from then on thats what I expected.. Until last year.

Last year was a lot of change for me. And when Id have a chance to use Mescaline I instead opted for LSD as I was just looking for a fun escape moreso than anything. I lost sight of why I was here and it seemed like I wasnt able to clear my vision to see the big picture again.

To make matters worse, after years of using Mescaline I had come to EXPECT what it had given me. When using multiple psychedelic medicines for a variety of things, it became hard to remember or differentiate what did what. I somehow lost the importance of Mescaline.

This last year was rough. It kept getting progressively worse and I couldnt figure out why. My usual resilience was falling away and with the last year that I had, I could have used it. It wasnt until a month ago did I start to think when the last time I used it was, and it all started to make sense.

Over a week ago I dove back in using Mescaline acetate from Achuma cactus. And everything I thought I was losing came right back. My motivation to better not only myself but others, energy levels, happiness, etc.

It was this latest experience that tells me this will be a substance I use for life. This is hands down the best psychedelic Ive found for long term mental stability. If only Mescaline could be gifted as easily as DMT or LSD, this world would be a lot better off.

Im a true believer that turning people on can change the world, but no one psychedelic drug can do it. It takes an army as they say, but if there was any one drug that could, Mescaline would be the closest.

Really hope that came out well, I never make posts like this because I dont often express myself well when talking on these subjects.

Some other random notes from someone whos worked a lot with San Pedro and to a lesser extent Achuma..

Achuma is definitely a lot more potent but the feel of the experience is different too, less happy go lucky, more serious. After using both, Achuma is slowly growing on me as a favorite.

To get the most potent cuttings possible. Grow yourself from cuttings bought online, and use all the new growth for your experiences. Ive found the top growth gets more potent the more you cut it. I believe most of the alkaloids are located in the soft fleshy green tops that dont have strong spines to protect them yet.

I also finally stumbled upon the legendary 3 day trip after using Achuma this last time. I believe certain Achuma and Peyotes have alkaloids that greatly extend the experience. I took a light dose thank god but was still getting visuals 72hrs after dosing. This hasnt happened on other Achuma cacti though, so I assume its not super common.

In regards to Mescaline at festivals. It?s also great for a number of reasons.. It lasts a long time so your feeling groovy for awhile and it will potentiate other psychedelics the next night. It mixes well with MDMA. It?s the perfect psychedelic to use earlier on during the festival as it doesn?t drain you. And of course, back to my point above, it turns you into a being of light.

Also to any mods reading.. I know synthesis discussion isnt allowed, but what about purification/extraction info? I know purification threads have been allowed before, and really what is an extraction beyond a complicated purification process? :)

Thanks for reading..

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Great read :)

Thanks man, I love the fact that it has had such a positive impact on your life.
I've been thinking a lot about mescaline, the absolute number one on my list still to try, but I want to really want to find the right moment. I kind of want to plant and prepare it with my father, I'm so sure it would be such an amazing and bonding experience, but I've been going back and forward on it. Maybe this summer, love the summer :)
I have never used Mescaline, although it is on my bucket list.
I can relate to the part of your experience with it as at every event where many people are tripping balls I always seem to find someone that needs help, and feel compelled to do so and I have always been successful as well.
Same as you people seem to trust me, a stranger, as if we were closer compared to the company he/she was with at the event.
I seem to be able to quickly understand what is it that is going on with them sensorially and emotionally, help them decipher the visuals and feelings, explain a few tricks to help them regain some control and accept the situation and go with it rather than wasting time in an exercise of futility such as attempting to deny their current perceptions and emotions.
Sometimes this takes a long time, and ofcourse at times I'm a tiny bit sad that I didn't get to have a bit more fun, but never get angry or disphoric about it, or regret choosing to offer help.

Many other times, instead of helping someone, I meet people that are tripping ok but somehow we start talking and they quickly end up calling up their friends so they can listen to me talk about something, commenting that after a few minutes they feel a great increase in the potency and depth of their trip and that this is connected to how I express myself.
This is only true for people using empathogenics and/or psychedelics, while on the other hand people on straight stims and/or alcohol seem rather uninterested in me and what I say and find the way I express myself confusing or sometimes outright irritating.
Thanks guys :)

@Buzz - Just know that it?s a substance that takes time to open up to you but once it does it?s magic. And definitely recommend growing with your father, or any family member, they?re incredibly easy and grow quick plus as you said a bonding experience. My dad hasn?t yet tried any with me unfortunately haha but we?ve shared in plenty of other experiences. He hasn?t trusted me much since he got cocky with a 20x Salvia extract I gave him once lol.

@Phobos - I believe that some people in this world either chose to be or are chosen to be protectors of the weak and innocent, and that?s their lot in life. These people often exude something that tells others, I?m safe. Maybe it?s facial expression such as a comforting smile, or a calm yet strong demeanor but whatever it is it?s a subtle signal that others somehow pick up on.

The dance/music culture can be amazing but it?s also kind of a dangerous place for those constant new arrivals looking to get fucked on whatever drugz they can stumble across. Someone?s gotta watch out for the youngins ;) While also simultaneously trying to make sure they have as much a chance as any to experience that moment of divine bliss or truth that many of us on here have had the opportunity to live.

That one experience can completely turn someone?s life around, or it can ruin them.. All depends on how it plays out.

Keep on doing what you do. No good deed goes unrewarded..

Speaking of Karma.. I may have told this story on here so sorry if I have.

One year I was heading off to a festival and things were looking pretty rough for me. For some context, I?ve been on Suboxone for the past 10yrs. If I don?t take it, obviously I?m fucked and incapacitated. I had just started a new job that was going to be my jump start into the career I work to this day.. BUT.. I was literally just about out of Suboxone and my connection for the past 5yrs had stopped getting them.

I go off to this festival somehow praying I may stumble upon some, but knowing the chances were slim to none. When I got there I thought to myself, I could sell certain things to make money or I can give away as much as possible in hopes the light beings above took pity on me and good karma would work in my favor.

So I gave with zero expectation... Towards the end of the festival I started to lose hope but I then stumbled into an old dead family friend id known years back and actually ran into in rehab. This guy hated this type of music and the fact he was there seemed like a sign in itself.

As we walked I casually brought up, Yo man I remember in rehab you were on Subs too you still take those by chance? He?s casually like, Na man but I?ve got a few hundred of em laying at my buddy?s house you want em?

I kid you fucking not this dude had the exact odd medication I needed at the exact right time, and 100?s!! Not only that but he practically gave em to me for the price he wanted.

To give perspective, the amount he gave me at the dosage I take will last me 6-7yrs at least.. Which is a lifetime in the mind of someone that relies on opiates daily to function.

I was able to go back to work that next Tuesday with my medication and the rest was history. I now make good money being self employed thanks to that chance I was given. Life is funny like that.

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I don't post here often anymore or even browse here that much but had to sign in to say how much I agree with what you said, on so many levels! Huachuma/achuma cacti will always be my top favourite psychedelic substance/teacher. Its hard to put into words how gentle yet powerful the experience can be. For me it has all the heart opening effects of MDMA, without the frantic push.

It seems to provide me with the most substantial mental reset, in that for weeks and months after the experience I feel much more receptive to good advice, anxiety/depression lessens, good luck streaks and odd serendipitous experiences increase, I can get out of my own way and things realy do appear to fall into place! It really is strange that this isnt used in more studies, the way MDMA and psilocybin have been recently because it seems to be less anxiety provoking and ultimately more theraputic in my experience.

Also I think there is something to be said about the additional alkaloids in a full spectrum cacti extract, having more benefits over pure mescaline.
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^^^Really glad you stopped in man :). I definitely know what you mean, especially about the good luck after too!

That?s something I?ve noticed from some psychedelics but Mescaline does it by far the best, it?s almost like it lifts some negative cloud you didn?t even know was there and life flows so much more easily.

I also too wish more research was being conducted but unfortunately it?s a dying drug unless we keep it alive. Most people who?ve think they?ve tried Mescaline have only tried some NBome or some other random RC.

Great topic, mescaline is to me a very special sacrament. As I get older I can only fit in trips a few times a year.

I have only had cactus. Never synthetic. I do remember the ol "mesc" hits that were small barrels but we know now that it was LSD. I will say I had some "mesc" that felt different from acid, but I know it can not be mescaline.

The experience does border on magical in the way it fuses with your everyday consciousness but yet the moment is magical. That notion that a filter occurs on consciousness and we don't get to see how magical everyday life can be. I also think the magical aspect makes me only want to do it no more than once a year or two.

I had a friend dry some skins over 30 yeas ago as he had a greenhouse of Trichocereus Peruvianus and when he shut it down he didn't want to waste any. :) But because he had that I really never tried other cactus like Trichocereus Pachanoi or Trichocereus Bridgesii. I will say the powder had kept for years.

I hope this thread takes off in a lot of different insightful directions. I know I have more to say but want to read others too. I am interested in the differences between cactus and straight up synthetic.
Why mess with perfection? ;-)

My magical quarter dozen are mushrooms, cacti, and orally-active DMT. Of these, only the pharmahuasca and cacti are still a part of my life in a meaningful way. While I've never had a difficult experience with the former, I still approach it with more trepidation than I do the latter despite its much shorter duration.

One thing I will say about cacti is that there seems to be some mysterious entourage effect happening from plant to plant. My San Pedro and Torch experiences tend to be dreamier than my crystal clear pure mescaline experiences, but both have a great deal of emotional warmth and empathogenesis. Achuma, on the other hand, can get out of hand quickly, going deeper and darker like a tryptamine, missing that loved up vibe entirely. It tends to be more visual, and lasts a lot longer. This is also true of experiences where it is combined with syrian rue, something that I've subsequently read isn't advisable. If I want to go deep, I go with Achuma, but my preference is for the more empathogenic and less confronting plants.

Of all the psychedelics, mescaline is the only one that really feels like medicine in my body--not neutral, but actually truly healthy. Well, after the first two hours of weakness and nausea pass, at least ;-)
The different cacti contain a lot of different compounds, some of which are MAOIs, and the ratios and specific ones present in all the cacti differ. It makes perfect sense that separate active, yet much less powerful, compounds would interact with the mescaline in unique ways to produce different experiences in each cactus, while of course still all being clearly recognizable as mescaline. The same is true of pretty much any psychoactive plant (cannabis, mushrooms - cubensis vs cyanescens for example), but for mescaline cacti it seems more pronounced.

^^^Really glad you stopped in man :). I definitely know what you mean, especially about the good luck after too!

That?s something I?ve noticed from some psychedelics but Mescaline does it by far the best, it?s almost like it lifts some negative cloud you didn?t even know was there and life flows so much more easily.

I also too wish more research was being conducted but unfortunately it?s a dying drug unless we keep it alive. Most people who?ve think they?ve tried Mescaline have only tried some NBome or some other random RC.


I hope that mescaline will get attention in the new wave of psychedelic research that is happening. I would hardly call it a dying psychedelic though. In my lifetime it's never been too popular, it isn't usually available and most people aren't going to cut up a cactus to try it. Everyone knows about it though. You're right that people sell RCs as mescaline, in fact I bought "mescaline" in capsules in college and I was like whoa, this is not mescaline... in retrospect I believe it was 2C-E, which is also a great drug, but it's not mescaline, that's for sure. It looked like about 20mg of powder or thereabouts, which at the time I didn't realize meant it couldn't be mescaline.

But yeah, psilocybin and MDMA are in clinical trials, and Johns Hopkins has been doing LSD/psilocybin/MDMA research for 15 years, and now many other institutions are doing it. Hopefully someone will think to add mescaline to the list of things being studied... I can't imagine no one will.
Yeah, many people I met use the word "Mescaline" to cover all 2,4,5 and 3,4,5 substituted Phenethylamines and Amphetamines.
^^^Im not so sure about this. I?m grateful to actually have some contact with one of the leading researchers in this field. My girl actually asked him what?s up with Mescaline and the answer was that, like LSD, the duration can be prohibitive for clinical studies.

We have to remember that, not only for the patients sake, but the researchers.. The longer the duration, the longer they?re sitting in a tiny room waiting out the rest of the trip. As we all know this wouldn?t be super enjoyable. This is why we see MDMA, Psilocin and DMT being primary targets for research, their duration allows for the research to be done in a timely fashion.

With that said, in time hopefully it gains new attention. Everyone knows the name but I?d argue the amount of people who?ve actually tried real Mescaline is a very tiny number, and only growing smaller I?m sure.

Yeah good point about duration, clearly that would make clinical use more difficult.
G-Chem have you ever read The doors of perception by Aldous Huxley ? I'd imagine its right up your alley, I've wanted to try mescaline ever since reading it, its basically an account of his afternoon on mescaline, nothing spectacular but very well written
the answer was that, like LSD, the duration can be prohibitive for clinical studies.

Nailed it. The biggest obstacle to legitimizing psychedelic therapy right now realistically is billing. It's logistically difficult and cost-prohibitive to care for a client on a long psychedelic session. There's a lot of years of inertia around what therapy looks like to overcome.

5-MeO-DMT is hot in psychedelic medicine right now not because of its ability to reliably produce transcendental states, but because you can get a client in and out of the office within 2-3hrs. That'll bring you more in line with traditional therapy, and make it more likely that your can bill an insurance company for it.