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Never have bad trips


Bluelight Crew
Mar 11, 2013
I?ve tripped 100 times easily and I?ve never had a bad trip on traditional psychedelics (to the people that know my forum prescence I don?t count reality tearing combinations of reserch chems as bad trips). I?ve easily taken 1300ug and had a wonderful time and eaten 5g and had my ass lovingly spanked by logos. I?m generally nervous and neurotic sober but on psychedelics I don?t seem to have any real difficulty navigating the challenging headspace.

What usually makes people more prone to bad trips? From an analytical standpoint a bad trip usually shows you exactly what your problem. Theres nothing scary about psychedelics once you get ?this is a figment of my imagination? into my head, its rather invigorating to see the depths of your mind unravel onto your surroundings
I?ve tripped 100 times easily and I?ve never had a bad trip on traditional psychedelics (to the people that know my forum prescence I don?t count reality tearing combinations of reserch chems as bad trips). I?ve easily taken 1300ug and had a wonderful time and eaten 5g and had my ass lovingly spanked by logos. I?m generally nervous and neurotic sober but on psychedelics I don?t seem to have any real difficulty navigating the challenging headspace.

What usually makes people more prone to bad trips? From an analytical standpoint a bad trip usually shows you exactly what your problem. Theres nothing scary about psychedelics once you get ?this is a figment of my imagination? into my head, its rather invigorating to see the depths of your mind unravel onto your surroundings

I have no idea either? I also have taken high doses of LSD and mushrooms, and cannabis. Not 100 times but enough in all ranges of doses. I still enjoyed it all immensely and while I do not use drugs now and have not for a very long time I do not regret it.

To me it was basically sort of like meditation or letting go, and letting the drug do its thing. I know people try to or do stop trips by taking niacin/niacinamide or B-3, and Benzos but I never have done that as there was no need to. I did once try taking B-3 or Niacinamide on a low dose of LSD just to see if it actually would do something or make the trip less intense, and nothing happened.
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I understand this sentiment. If you survive and come out mentally okay and even improved, was it really a bad trip?

The problem comes when the drug takes such an effect that you aren't able to remind yourself "This is the drug doing this to me."

Sometimes, a bad trip doesn't even have to be ego death or an uncontrollable hallucination. Sometimes the physical effects lead someone to bad trips.

For instance, for a couple of years every time i would trip at one of my friends houses, the trip would usually end up in his basement at some point. Now let me get this out there; I'm not a pet guy. Dogs, cats, doesn't matter. Don't like them. Not afraid of them, just don't like the smells, the barks and especially the loose fur. Anyway, inevitably we would end up in my friends basement and he has 3 dogs. It's not a nasty basement by any means, it's actually incredibly clean. But every single time i would get the feeling in my mouth that I had a rogue dog hair on my tongue. It would drive me absolutely crazy. And if i wasn't sober enough to remind myself that it wasn't real and the acid was just fucking with me, I can easily see how that level of physical discomfort could lead an unexperienced tripper or someone tripping harder than me to have a terrible time.

My one truly bad trip on a psych was definitely caused by a mixture of the potency of the drugs and everything leading up to tripping.

It was my 3rd time tripping. My first 2 times tripping (on 2g to 3g of mushrooms) were life changing shit. More fun than I even thought was possible. Still 2 of the best days of my life. And they were both at the beginning of summer. So for the next 2 months, every waking moment of my life was dedicated to finding more mushrooms. It consumed me. I wanted them so bad. And in August, we finally got them. I thought I was invincible, so I doubled my dose. Took probably 4g's of some big, scary looking mushies. Probably 5 of us took them, with 2 (1 of whom's house we were at) of my other friends not partaking. Eating them was terrible. These things were huge even dried, and I thought, "Hey, what would be the best way to eat these things? With marshmallows and chocolate syrup!" Wrong. It made them way harder to get down. 2 of the other people tripping with us had such a hard time eating them that they threw them back up.

So we get them down and we're sitting on a giant haul trailer in the middle of the yard, listening to music and getting ready to have a great night and here come my 2 non-tripping friends with boxes on their heads like 2 dipshits trying to get us to freak out or something. Obviously it didn't work and I told them how dumb of an idea this was. the non-tripper who's house we were actually at didn't like that at all. And he was pissed. Telling us all to leave and that we shouldn't even be doing drugs at his house. Mind you, he was one of our really good friends, so we didn't actually have to leave. But this encounter really set a bad precedent for the night. Then cars starting rolling into the driveway and he said that he was gonna have a party while we were tripping. Which pissed me off even more because..well, who the wants to have a great trip ruined by all the worst people you know getting drunk around you?

Long story way shorter, trip was 5x more intense than anything I ever encountered. I thought I died yada yada yada ego death yada yada yada came to yada yada learned a lot about myself yada yada. I also think the mushrooms and my brain were teaching me a lesson. Yes, they are insanely fun. But they are absolutely big boy shit and not to be taken lightly. At some point, they're stronger than you. And you need to realize that.

Point is, set and setting have A LOT to do with bad trips. But no matter how good the setting is, there comes a point where you can't distinguish real life anguish from what the drug is doing to you. And that's scarier than hell.
I've had socially awkward moments on psychedelics where you could cut the tension in the room with a knife. But that was usually because of total communication breakdown from pretty high doses.

Apart from that - there's been self-reflective moments where I've just realised I'm doing nothing with my life and it leads to self-loathing for what feels like an eternity.

Essentially set and setting are key - and when things have gone south are when I've taken psyches with total disregard for those important factors.
I've had socially awkward moments on psychedelics where you could cut the tension in the room with a knife. But that was usually because of total communication breakdown from pretty high doses.

Apart from that - there's been self-reflective moments where I've just realised I'm doing nothing with my life and it leads to self-loathing for what feels like an eternity.

Essentially set and setting are key - and when things have gone south are when I've taken psyches with total disregard for those important factors.

Heh I've had that after smoking pot or being stoned or drunk in social situations with people who I did not know well. Or I was around friends' parents as a teen and trying to hide the fact I was extremely stoned.

Edit: I would not consider this to be a 'bad trip'. Just a really socially awkward and sometimes a funny experience. Such as when a friend and I smoked a lot of pot in his car before a university class-he had a larger tolerance than I did as I would smoke it maybe 1-3X a month on weekends when I was not busy working or working on projects for classes-and a friend in class asked me for a sheet of paper to take lecture notes on, and then what seemed like 20 minutes later but was really only probably not even 5 minutes he was asking me for the paper since I had completely spaced out.
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Left out a pretty important part of the bad trip story that heavily influenced the downfall of it..

Was absolutely tripping nuts an hour in. I was running around the yard and I felt like a superhero or some shit. Felt like every time my foot hit the ground I was propelling myself forward 10 feet. It was insanity.

Well, remember how I said some of the guys threw there mushies up? Well, the dog found that throw-up and ate it. And he was TRIPPING. Like i said, I don't like dogs, but I was running around the yard and he starting running around with me. We were having a great time. And then his mood drastically changed. He started growling and jumping up and down, and then BOOM! In an instant, i was surrounded by 30 different versions of him and they all looked like hell hounds coming to get me. Scared the living hell out of me, but at that point, I was kiiiinda still able to think rationally. So I stopped running around, composed myself as much as I could, and the hallucination passed. 10 minutes later I was out cold and out of my mind on a tour through hell.
I've only ever had truly BAD trips when I first started tripping when I both took too high of doses and was too young to handle it. 3.5 of mushrooms when I was 15 was probably one of the most traumatic experiences of my life and I'm thankful it didn't have any lasting negative effects (at least as far as I can tell). A big part of it is, when you're that young your knowledge and understanding of the world is still so limited that psychedelics can have a much more extreme effect on your perception of reality. Now, my knowledge of the world around me in much more vast and that alone is grounding when a trip gets very strong and goes in the "what if..." direction of thoughts. I have had difficult trips since then, but I've learned to work through it and know how to prevent a trip from going bad, which is mainly quickly identifying and removing yourself from uncomfortable situations ("I'm gonna go outside and get some fresh air be back soon".)

The majority of bad trips I think are a case of poor set & setting, something you might natively overlook in your early forays into psychedelics. These sort of mistakes most don't make twice. Even simple things like being wary of who you trip with, level of freedom you'll have during the trip, when & where, general planning, etc...

One particularly dumb, and classic, bad trip formula is the old high school "hey we'll just stay up late and once my parents go to bed we can trip in the basement/my room", at face value it sounds like a great idea. Well, now you're confined to a small space, with other people who may react unpredictably, at night, and the only way out would likely mean getting busted by your parents...
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It's not a nasty basement by any means, it's actually incredibly clean. But every single time i would get the feeling in my mouth that I had a rogue dog hair on my tongue.

Feeling hairs in your mouth is IME an indication that you definitely are on a proper dose of some hallucinogenic drug.
Me and my closest friends use the expression "hairs on the tongue" as a funny name for a +++/getting close to ++++ level of experience, we know we can rely on getting that feel at some point.
First trip I did was half bad. Never had a legit one since. I might get uncomfortable for min but not like freak out. No flash backs to ANY trips. I remember them if I try to but I've never experienced going thru life and then your bad trips start happening.
Feeling hairs in your mouth is IME an indication that you definitely are on a proper dose of some hallucinogenic drug.
Me and my closest friends use the expression "hairs on the tongue" as a funny name for a +++/getting close to ++++ level of experience, we know we can rely on getting that feel at some point.

Heh, also cobwebs on your face...