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How much Alprazolam or Clonazepam with Oxycodone for a chilled out night?

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Jun 14, 2016
Hello all.

I'd like to a have a chilled out night tonight and I've got plenty of Alprazolam, Clonazepam, and Oxycodone on hand.

The Oxy is prescribed and I've been taking 120mg a day for nearly 3 years so I've got a high tolerance. As for the benzos I only take them like once a week so ive got a low-moderate tolerance.

I'm looking for a knock out dose not a deadly one lol. I was thinking about 60mg Oxy then 16mg Clonazepam an hour later, would that work? Or should I use the Alprazolam instead?

Advice greatly appreciated!
I think 16 mg clonazepam is way too much given that you're taking it with oxycodone. Even half that would be excessive. Alprazolam will hit you harder and faster so if you're looking for something to knock you out, try that instead. Again, you don't want to take too much because you can overdose. One mg would do the trick. Be safe!
I'm sorry but it's not as cut and dry as, X is a dose that safely knock you out, and X is a dose that will kill you.

You're trying to walk a fine line. You know your tolerance better than us but even so it sounds like you are stretching your limits.
I have a similar opiate tolerance with an everyday benzo tolerance and agree that 16mg with I y is way up there. If I was you I’d stick to your normal oxy dose and not take more than 6mg of the xany. Cheers
Hello all.

I'd like to a have a chilled out night tonight and I've got plenty of Alprazolam, Clonazepam, and Oxycodone on hand.

The Oxy is prescribed and I've been taking 120mg a day for nearly 3 years so I've got a high tolerance. As for the benzos I only take them like once a week so ive got a low-moderate tolerance.

I'm looking for a knock out dose not a deadly one lol. I was thinking about 60mg Oxy then 16mg Clonazepam an hour later, would that work? Or should I use the Alprazolam instead?

Advice greatly appreciated!

As being a harm reduction site, there is no correct answer here. Thats great you have a high tolerance to opiates. The benzodiazepines (which are a obsurdly high dose) can easily go sideways on you and cause heavy CNS depression and death.

That being said, the recommended action is not to mix at all. That is our stance. If you proceed , you must use HR practices. Very low doses are the community suggestion. The offical suggestion is not to mix them at all.
Absolutely not. You should not be taking that much Benzodiazepine with your Opioids. You could easily die man. That is the same amount of Clonazepam (Klonopin) I would use to anesthetize a horse.

You could start with 2mg Clonazepam. See how that treats you. 16mg is completely ridiculous. If tolerance is in play and you're tolerant to both drugs at such high levels, then you are really rolling the dice every time you attempt something like this.

Every time people decide to take Benzodiazepines with Opioids, they are playing with fire and it should not be considered "safe" to do anywhere outside of the direct care of medical professionals.
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