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Mushrooms and Weed (6 grams shrooms 1 gram weed) - Experienced - "Good time, Gone bad


Jan 6, 2019
Mushrooms and Weed (6 grams shrooms 1 gram weed) - Experienced - "Good time, Gone bad

It's the day after the most crazy trip I have ever had. It wasn't a bad trip, I didn't freak out but it wasn't good either just very, very intense trip combined with a not so good setting.

5:00: All of the times here are quite approximate by the way and will get even more blurry as this report goes on because I was having many "moments of eternity" and other strong forms of time dilation. I started out at 5:00 smoking a lot of very powerful weed. I was with 2 other friends one of which was smoking, the other was completely sober for the entirety of this and the one smoking weed had no tolerance like me so we were both pretty messed up. After smoking all this weed behind an abandoned K mart we drove to McDonald's (the driver was sober). We were just laughing and got food and ate a bunch typical weed shit. This is when my friend comes out of the bathroom with what I think was six grams of mushrooms in lemon juice. He asked me if I was ready and me being stupid I couldn't say no to tripping even if it was at a bad time.

5:30: We drove back to the Kmart and climbed up to the roof. How I had the agility to do this while coming up on shrooms and extremely high is a wonder of nature. So we went up and sat down looking into the sunset. At this point, I was already feeling the come up big time and could tell it was really happening. I wasn't scared though. My toes were very cold at this point because I have a condition which causes the blood vessels to constrict down there making being outside in 20-degree weather really suck. Keep this in mind because it will be a reoccurring motif throughout this rollercoaster of a story. I tell my friends this so we head back to the car. And drive off to a nearby park.

6:00: We are now at the park and I can feel my reality completely collapsing in. My toes are still fucking freezing and feel like shit as we walked out onto the totally frozen lake that this park overlooks. Once we are out on the ice when I focused hard on the ice my entire vision would become encapsulated by visuals. This is when I began to feel like I was really slipping from reality and probably going into another fucking dimension because my vision was just so filled with swirly and colorful visuals. So we walked out onto this little boathouse thing in the middle of the lake and climbed up into it. At this point, we were still laughing having a good time but I felt like I was totally slipping in and losing control of my body. Nothing against them but they weren't great trip sitters plus I was really unresponsive to most stuff they were saying but I did make it clear that I was cold many times.

6:20: We walk back to the car. Just typing this I'm realizing walking out on the frozen ice was my intelligent idea. We get back to the car and my friend wants to smoke more of the weed that I had brought. Bear in mind this weed is some extremely powerful shit. Me smoking the gram in total might've blasted me off but it was a shitty idea to do that outside of a safe place. We smoke more out in the woods at this park I honestly couldn't even smoke at this point and was totally phasing out of reality losing control. So my friend did the wise thing of holding the pipe up to my mouth and letting me just breath in the wonderful weed air. After this, everything truly does become a blur and even putting time marks in is kind of pointless but I'll try my best to put things in order.

6:40 (I think): We now arrive at our old middle school for god knows what reason and are playing around on the playground in the pitch black night. I can remember being extremely unresponsive to them at this point just standing in one place for at least 10 minutes at a time zoning out of reality and then coming back and moving to repeat the process. eventually, we leave my toes still being extremely cold to the point where they just weren't fucking warming up at all no matter how long we sat in the car. I kept just phasing out reality in the car ride to our next destination and was only able to say one-word phrases like "no" and let out the occasional laugh. At this point, I had pretty much completely lost my sense of ego and it felt like I was experiencing all of my memories at once and actually reliving them. Like I was reliving playing video games when I was younger and shit. I'm not sure if I was asleep or what here I really doubt that could be the case with all the shrooms I was on. Believe it or not, it actually escalates beyond this with me losing control even more. I can recall my friend saying that I should be coming down by now.

7:20: We arrive at one of those play centers for kids birthday parties and high teenagers like us. By play center I mean like there was an arcade, mini golf, ball pit, jungle gym. We walked through the first door and my trip sitter instantly realized it was a terrible idea to bring my extremely high friend and me being in another fucking dimension entirely into that bright colorful place. I was disappointed about this but in hindsight, it was probably a good call not going in. I was pretty much just following whatever they said I could understand them but couldn't respond. Also just a side note they were constantly checking in on me asking how I was doing but I didn't even know how I was doing at this point so it was kind of pointless. My toes are still cold and I'm having constant thought loops.

7:50: we drive into the downtown area of the place we live in and park in someplace where there are a lot of people even though there is a parking garage there which would've been way better for someone in my state. Again I was out of control but I only got out of control because I trusted this kid would make good choices trip sitting me. This is where things go South real fast. I take my shoes of as we are just chilling in the car but they keep trying to get me to leave the car and go with them somewhere but I was extremely scared of going out in public like that because I wasn't sure that I would be able to hold my shit together and was worried we would get noticed by a cop or someone like a cop. I kept saying no begging them to not make me leave but they kept insisting. The problem here is that I couldn't really communicate what was going in my head all I could get out was a small one or two-word sentences. I took my shoes off to warm my feet up but halfway through I realized I lacked the control to even take my other shoe off or at least I thought I did because at this point I was still phasing in and out and couldn't focus myself on any one task for very long. This is when the thought loops began. I'm an experienced tripper so I was able to somewhat hold myself together and keep myself from freaking out but man it was hard because I was afraid they would have to take me home to my parents as this and I would get in deep trouble. I kept thinking I've got to put my shoes on and go out but then I remembered that I couldn't put them on. I kept insisting that they go without me and let me relax in the car and come down from my trip but they kept telling me to go. I was so scared at this point all of my fears were combining at the same time this was one of the worst fears I had felt in my life. I was trying my best to text my mom who was asking how it was going but could barely manage to type a full coherent message. With great effort, I did this successfully. At this point, my friends had left to walk around but came back because they didn't feel good leaving me.

8:00: I'm really feeling the moments of eternity minutes feel like hours as I sat with them. somehow at this point, I am still very much out of control but manage to put my one shoe I took off back on my foot.

8:12: they suggest taking me back to my house which was like the worst thing that could've happened but my tripped out mind couldn't comprehend it at the time. You see my parents were waiting for me to come home and question me about me and my friends exploits although I didn't know this. I figured the door would be unlocked. We arrived at my house and I tried opening the door only to realize it was in fact locked. I tried the back door to no avail. So for some reason, my tripping mind decides it would be best that I call my mom of all people to unlock the door for me. I must've forgotten about my lil' sneaky plan at this point. It's just hard to make good decisions while tripping so hard. so I walk in and my mom immediately realizes something is up. I look at her and her face was so messed up as faces tend to look on high doses of shrooms. This didn't really startle me because as I mentioned I'm fairly experienced with psychedelics so I'm used to the visuals. I sat down taking my shoes off (a new skill learned: 95 experience points). I lied saying I got drunk to explain why I looked weird forgetting about the weed still in my pocket. My mom hates all drugs except alcohol so I thought this might lessen the blow. It might've helped a bit but man she was still pissed.

8:30: My brain is exhausted from this trip, my mom told me to go up and sleep and that we would talk about it the next day. I go up and get into bed my hands still dirty as hell from climbing up abandoned buildings. Shortly after there is a knock at my door. My parents come in and question me more. I cave in saying that I smoked weed too. They left shortly after, satisfied enough for the time being. I set an alarm for 4:00 so I could wake up and clear everything related to psychedelics from my phone and computer.

4:00 I wake up and carry out that plan. I had the weirdest dreams of my life about strange worlds that I can barely describe. It was a world floating around in a void with large tunnels going through the sky reaching to other platforms floating through the void. That's the best I can do to describe it, it was pretty weird.

I woke up today feeling tired still but definitely not tripping anymore. Overall it wasn't a bad trip in my eyes because I managed to take control and do damage control on a really shitty situation. These are the risks we take when going deep with psychedelics I urge anyone going as deep as this to ensure a better setting than what I did. regardless of the trip, something was bound to go wrong with me being out and public with friends and having to be home to parents at a certain time. In hindsight, there were ways I could have handled the situation myself to get out unscathed but of course, I can see that now hindsight is always 20/20. To be honest I tried my best but the headspace I referenced was so beyond this world that I can't describe it with my current language. I felt like god and everything but nothing, kinda like other ego death experiences.
I really wish my parents would be nicer to me right now. I'm currently really scared of what's going to happen to me. All I've ever wanted was to feel like a normal person again ever since my various mental illnesses struck a few years back but they don't care. I tell them how depressed I am but they don't care they just push it away. I feel like I deserve to be treated better than this I have a 96.5 GPA I do everything I'm supposed to do why can't they just show me an ounce of understanding. Anyway, I'll stop rambling on about my own personal problem I hope you guys enjoyed the trip report. Also in case any cops are reading know this is all just one wonderful fictional construction from my mind I would never engage in illegal activities.

Tagged by Xorkoth
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That was very well-written, thanks for sharing. :) Sounds like you have a pretty good head for psychedelics, sometimes trips are really difficult but you can learn from them and handle them and not be traumatized and think "oh god I had a BAD TRIP!" Being out in public rather than somewhere safe certainly contributed a lot... if you had been in a safe place and had good music and just laid down and closed your eyes you might have had an amazing experience.
I prefer shrooms and weed separately for my own mental health safety

Coming down from that Gift of God called Mushrooms right now. I have a legit pk habit, but from morning therapy to now i forgotten both fybro and addiction. Now that i'm coming down the oxy helps for sure, and some added lorazepam works wonder. All day long i avoided weed 'cos i had deep feelings to face on serious issues i'm undergoing, and smoking weed could have made the trip too intense and confusing. IME, it's better to use separately, even when in calm periods. Ah, and no alcohol involved up til now. Just my two cents. Now, just another "perc 10" (in my country it's got another name) and half 2.5 lorazepam then goodnight. Peace out. Avoid addictive molecules if you can, kids, stay natural, stay safe.
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Coming down from that Gift of God called Mushrooms right now. I have a legit pk habit, but from morning therapy to now i forgotten both fybro and addiction. Now that i'm coming down the oxy helps for sure, and some added lorazepam works wonder. All day long i avoided weed 'cos i had deep feelings to face on serious issues i'm undergoing, and smoking weed could have made the trip too intense and confusing. IME, it's better to use separately, even when in calm periods. Ah, and no alcohol involved up til now. Just my two cents. Now, just another "perc 10" (in my country it's got another name) and half 2.5 lorazepam then goodnight. Peace out. Avoid addictive molecules if you can, kids, stay natural, stay safe.

Yeah I'm pretty sure the weed is what made me so unable to function overall, not the mushrooms. I wouldn't say that weed and psychedelics is wholly bad but can benefit other people when used in moderate amounts.
I have an impression that some of us are prone to experience, on psychedelics (and stims as well), kind of let's say a whole, compact, oneness-based experience. I'll try and be more clear: for sure pychedelic trips can offer a multitude of different perceptions, feelings, questions, answers, you name it; so the trip itself, can fluctuate and hence make you fluctuate under various points of view but it's like, in my experience and in the one of others, a well shaped entitiy. Weed instead can tend to fluctuate in another manner, like, i'd say, creating a set of sub-trips, if you naturally or purposely "listen to" its many facets (and not smoke in order just to laugh and chill and sleep: to each her/his own). IMO a Cannabis experience sometimes can be, under a psychic/spiritual point of view, even deeper than harder drugs (and i know for a fact that this happens to many). Consider, anyway, that i'm a particular kind of smoker: if i start to perceive the "smell" of Cannabis-induced paranoia in the air, or even "just" a sense of being blocked by unresolved emptiness issues, or even old plain boredom, i can abruptly or very rapidly stop smoking for weeks or months. When i smoke instead, i can even have ten to twenty joints a day (or even more, tho i tend to avoid cyloums, bongs and things like that). Well, compared to American standards, let's say 5-10 joints per day, when i'm an active smoker: i'm European, and we still often mix Weed with Tobacco (natural genuine blends, in my case, still not pure ganja). I can pack a from normal to big spliff, and then keep its effects up all day long, with kinda "cannabis microdosing", i.e. i add to my hand-rolled cigs hints of grass (almost never i use hash, as it tends to make me feel blocked, but when i do, the hash portion that i melt in the tobacco of a short paper joint can be as small as the following sign (_) no joke, i'm hypersensitive to cannabis, even tho when i get used again to smoke i can handle very high dosages). What many often forget is that, without hippy rhetoric, CANNABIS IS A SACRED TOOL (like genuine natural Tobacco is, but that's another question...) AND IT MUST BE TREATED AS SUCH. THE SACRAMENTAL GIFT OF MUSHROOM PROBABLY CAME TO REMEMBER YOU (ALSO) SUCH FUNDAMENTAL TRUTH. Yesterday i felt the Mushroom God and my own Consciousness seriously inviting me not to add Cannabis to the trip, 'cos i should have risked not my whole mental health irreversibly, but some trouble at a certain degree - and since i'm in trouble these days the last thing i need are more troubles. One last thing: i don't want to sound like a moralistic dipshit, i also enjoy the ludic recreative components of Cannabis, in the everyday life (above all if i take my breaks: two years ago i went like seven months without smoking, and in that period i got drunk less than ten times). BUT IT CAN'T BE EXCLUSIVELY A TOY FOR KILLING TIME. It's a Very Serious Tool. Maybe one day you'll be able to experience a Weed / 'Shrooms combo and enjoy it, youll be guided to, if it's useful for your Life Experience, it happened to me, but there are times when Sacraments are better off taken separately. Be well, stay safe.