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Effects of LSD 25


Jan 20, 2017
What are the genetic and metobolic effects of adolescents that have taken it several times?
Moved to Psychedelic Drugs to get better answers for you.

Good luck ! :)
Psychedelics don't alter your genes, if that's what you're asking. They also don't produce lasting metabolic changes. The biggest risk of using psychedelics as a teen is that your brain is still developing so it's best not to introduce drugs to it. Studies show that drugs in general as a teen increase your risk of developing addiction and impulse control problems. Also, bad trips that leave lasting trauma are by far more common in adolescents, because you haven't fully developed your sense of self and self-confidence yet. So if you are shown something disturbing or that challenges your view of yourself (as psychedelics sometimes do), you're much more likely to not be able to handle it, which can lead to emotional problems.
I remember coming across a paper in a journal from the 70s that showed LSD effected a gene that was thought to be involved wirg fingernail growth or thickness.. been a long time so I dont remember the details, rather the gist was that LSD does not effect gene expression on any major or concerning level.