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Lessons you've learned as a recreational user?

Had a horrible dry heaving experience the first time I did 2c-t2 when I ate 20mgs; thought I was gonna die for a bit. Once I stupidly decided to plug 20 mgs of 2c-t2. Thankfully I had enough in my stomach to make it alot smoother coming out when I got sick.

I know that feel of “hopefully this shot of meth isn’t going to lead to a heart attack...”

But I never thought I was actually having one. Even with BP and HR at 200+ (verified with machine).

It NEVER deterred me. Every morning circa 2011-2012 for about 9 months I would wake up and shoot 50mg of meth. And puke if I had managed to eat anything the previous day. Then comes up all the bile. 20 mins later i’ll Catch my breath and stagger out of there barely able to walk a straight line. Body high and visuals are extreme.
I did actually get this weird feeling in my chest and left arm when I plugged it. Made me extremely paranoid about my heart but it could of just been my nerve pain which I normally get bad in those areas.

I have had some dysphoric moments before. Some I don’t even wish to talk about.
Thankfully I never touched meth especially during those years when I was in a real low place. I already got enough mental issues.

I always had bad insomnia even before drugs but looking back when it was really bad it was definitely because of some sort of imbalance I gave myself from the way I was using psyches then. It took me a while to even out back out to my 'normal' self. Once after 48 hours of no sleep I took a tiny hit of weed after going without for a month and saw a demon and a dragon under my bed

Thought it'd be a good idea to do 25-i for the first time on a few hours of sleep and then wasn't able to sleep until almost 24 hours after dosing. I woke up 2 hours after falling asleep with the sensation of my temples being smashed in but thankfully once I vomited it went away

Not if it is for buying drugs.

Label your drugs if you have more than one.

Always use a scale.

Do not trust that people will be able to correctly use scales or that they will use them at all.

Beware of who you give drugs to, and what drugs it is, and how much you are giving them, if you either have any form of conscience or care about staying out of prison.

Do not leave drugs unattended when in a format that might be mistaken for another drug.
Beware of who you give drugs to, and what drugs it is, and how much you are giving them, if you either have any form of conscience or care about staying out of prison.

I would add know what prescription drugs the person is on.

I remember we used to give my friends gf a range of drugs and she was on a couple psych meds and it was stupid not to consider interactions
I would add know what prescription drugs the person is on.

I remember we used to give my friends gf a range of drugs and she was on a couple psych meds and it was stupid not to consider interactions

Absolutely, and not just meds, always check if this person has been drinking alcohol or intends to.
In instance, if giving somebody an hallucinogen, or a dissociative, that combo can be and most likely will be really delirious and unpleasant.
Or deadly in the case of GHB-GBL or opiates or benzos.
Have downers on hand (sedatives) to abort intense or alarming stimulant/psychedelic experiences. This is something you cannot undervalue or underestimate in your toolbox.

Note: IV users of meth are usually seeking stronger effects than those who use it to treat ADD/ADHD or as a way to stay awake and alert.

Injected (IV) Methamphetamine Dosages
Threshold 5 mg
Light Stimulation 5- 10 mg
Common Stimulant Dose 10- 40 mg
Strong (rushing) 30- 60 mg
Very Strong (strong rushing, intense euphoria) 50- 100 mg
Note: doses for street meth or frequent use are generally higher (see above)

Onset : 0 - 2 minutes
Duration : 4 - 8 hours
Coming Down : 2 - 4 hours
Normal After Effects : up to 24 hours

is a total lie. 10 to 15-ish mg can cause a huge rush in a sensitive person and the DURATION is at least 20 hours. "After effects" maybe up to 24, 30.

100mg is not very strong but potentially dangerous/life threatening for certain individuals

please do not just go off erowid dosing instructions. START SLOW, you can ALWAYS do more.
I hate psychosis I had a full blown one once and it out me off stimulants for life I ran down my street hiding behind people's front garden fence with a metal pole with my mum chasing me this is nothing compared to other suit i saw later on in the trip when I went hospital they told my mum i might be like it forever (in deep phycosis) luckily I wasn't stimulants specifically amphetamine just isn't for me I did have some bloody good times though before that fateful day
The strongest shit doesn't come from the corner and can (usually) only be acquired when bought in bulk after some rapport is made.
I would add know what prescription drugs the person is on.

I remember we used to give my friends gf a range of drugs and she was on a couple psych meds and it was stupid not to consider interactions

Although not prescription as you said I was on a 4+day coke Bender, drank a couple cases of beer with a friend (which = cocaethylene effect) then for some dumbass reason agreed to try ketamine for the first time. Holy fucking psychosis! I can't even describe the feeling but I know after the walls appeared to be melting, a group of cops that didn't actually exist came in after me and left for no reason, I had a gun held to my head from someone else at the party and I told them to pull the trigger, and then my eyes started burning really bad and I passed out in a house of someone I didn't even know and woke up the next morning.... worst trip ever! Haha. That was well over a decade ago and that shit still haunts me. My point being. Always consider interactions. Of everything! Thinking about doing something? Double check everything BEFORE you do it.

ETA: due to being up for so long I was already hallucinating before I even got to the party. That was also the first time I ever drank alcohol while on coke. Lots of bad choices were made that night.
alcohol+ketamine sounds HELLISH. Oh my god.
Yeah. That was pretty early on in my life and when that night started I didn't even know cocaethylene was a thing and had no clue what ketamine even was. It was literally life changing for me (I moved 1200 miles away the next day to get away from everything/ everyone/psychosis) the only thing I've experienced worse than that was OD'ing on coke a couple weeks before that. I wasn't too worried if I died at the time and completely expected to but that feeling is something I'll never forget. Pretty certain it's worse or at the very least equal to dying from a heart attack. That's my other advice for this thread. Never OD on coke. Haha
-Never buy from someone that is just a dealer to you.. Only buy from people you halfway consider your friends. Don’t deal with corners, make sure they’re comfortable enough to let you come to their house.

Don’t be the guy that walks in for two seconds, makes zero small talk, then walks out.. Those guys get ripped off hard compared to someone like me who will stop for a few to shoot the shit. If your dealer/friend partakes in the drug you bought, offer them some! Sit around and get ripped with your dude, it’ll form a bond no matter how small.

-Never let your dealer walk on you. This can be done in a number of ways, and doesn’t have to be hostile.

Always bring a test kit and scale with you. Take them out at time of purchase and insist on using them. A legit dealer will have zero problem with this.

Ask questions about the product. In the end your the customer, asking questions shows you care about what your getting and actually know what to look for.

Give reviews of the product after you’ve bought it. Something simple will do like, “yea man that bag was really potent compared to the last few.” It just shows you are competent enough to differentiate good product from bad.

-No matter how successful or mentally sound you are, people will judge every little thing you do and any mistake will be the drugs fault.

-Recreational drugs are FUN!

I applaud this thread very greatly and am very happy to see like-minded individuals speak their advice on this.

Harm reduction truly is key. Overdosing on anything is seriously scary. I have myself and I'm very glad to still be alive and breathing. I'm glad I can reflect on that experience, as I continually learn more and I share this knowledge and this human experience with others, so in a way, however small, I can make a difference and help save someone. After all, knowledge IS power. I don't necessarily agree with medicating oneself with drugs, but I'm not gonna sit here and say I don't follow suit. It's not healthy, but it may be the healthier of two evils, if you will.

Know your substance. Have you tested it? Have you read all that there is to know about it? Do you know how it works, what it looks like? Do you know its complications, adverse side-effects, contraindications?

Know your dose. What subunit is it measured in? Micrograms? Milligrams? Weigh your dose. Even two people given the SAME drug and the SAME dose may have completely opposite effects. Never go off of how much others use because it could be fatal. Even if it's not, it could make the difference between a pleasurable experience and a dysphoric one.

Know yourself. Are you in the right mindset and setting to be using? Are you in good health? How well do you know your own physiology? Do you have an "addictive" personality? Are you a social user? One must be a master of himself before he is to master his substance.

Of course, there is a vast amount of precautionary information users must be informed of, more than what I've listed. But these should be the barebones of a safe, successful and enjoyable method of substance use.

Happy Highs! ?
Set yourself rules as to how often you allow yourself to use a drug, before getting into that drug. if you find yourself breaking or fudging those rules, you're headed for a big problem.

No one lies to you as well as yourself.

With psychedelics: relax, breathe, you haven't gone permanently insane, you're gonna be fine.