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Opinion: Legalisation of cannabis in the UK would help protect its users from harm


Bluelight Crew
Jan 22, 2011
Legalisation of cannabis in the UK would help protect its users from harm
James Nicholls
The Guardian
February 15th, 2019

New research was published this week highlighting the associations between teenage cannabis use and a range of mental health problems. The results suggested that use of the drug was associated with an increased risk of depression and a significantly higher risk of suicide attempts.

As usual in a study based on survey data, the authors noted that a clear line of causation from cannabis use to the reported effects cannot be drawn. There are always other potential mechanisms in action. Young people who use cannabis regularly may already be experiencing mental health issues that make drug use more likely; or be facing adverse life experiences that influence both their mental health and drug consumption.

Nevertheless, we cannot ignore evidence of a relationship between cannabis use among young people and mental health harms, especially as the strains of cannabis on the market become more potent. The question is how we can best address this challenge in ways that reduce harm.

The temptation is to call for more stringent enforcement of the law. The idea that we can deter use and restrict supply with tough policing has instinctive appeal. However, in reality, this approach has exacerbated and added to the harms we see. Prohibition has instead contributed to the market dominance of riskier high-THC, low-CBD products, and the continued linking of cannabis use to a wider illegal drug market that draws young people into criminalised environments. These both increase the risk of arrest, and of exposure to other drugs, as well as exploitation, including the more violent world of "county lines".

Read the full story here.