Side effects of meth (+ alcohol)?


Apr 6, 2016

Im a newbie to this site. I started snorting meth a little less than yr ago. When i first did it, it was a one time thing. Loved it, started buying it and doing it on weekends and currently i drink alcohol before snorting it about 4-5 days a week. For me i found if i get buzzed beforehand the getting high is much more noticeable than without. I typically take 3-4 in a row and snort a line a few min after and im good. Sometimes when i wanna comedown and smtry to get some zzz's, ill drink.

Mind u when i say drink im either meaning straight Jameskn or 70%/90% everclear (which is rare but i got a got a bottle for xmas)

Anywhozers, i started looking up some issues ive been having lately and i found bluelight was the most helpful. Some of the symptoms ive been having include:
- constipation
- pain on the left waist, underneath the ribcage
- pain on both sides, waist side
- vaginal bleeding (on birth control which could be side effect of that but its bleeding on my ON week which is not my period, so i shouldnt be bleeding)
- abdominal bloating
- pain in middle of chest (sometimes)
- breathing heavily
- blood in stool sometimes (i have internal hemmorhoids tho, usually never bleed but i do tend to strain more because of the drug poos)
- weird orangeish yellowih discoloration spot around tear duct shows up right after snorting on the same nostril side i snort out of + tearing up
- urinating more frequently/when i do urinate it comes out in an extremely slow stream

Some of these i know are commom side effects of the drug but some of them worry me because idk if im already kn the path of getting jaundice, liver/stomach/kidney disease. Oh and i do smoking methanol cigarettes occasionally but not a chain smoker. I just like to when i drink.

Well thats about it. Im curious to see how many of u out there experience what i have.

Any other helpful info, i am mid 20s female with very sedentary lifestyle and have a desk job. I try to drink water when high but probably more liquor than water and i chase my liquor with rockstars. Hee hee :3

Thats all folks, thanks for any replies. Happy trails~
Well, K is slut on kidneys too.. worse than meth I would say, brain damage its something else
You're chasing alcohol with rock stars while on meth? That's a terrible idea and is putting a big load on your heart (the caffeine + taurine combo in energy drinks already does, and meth already really does big-time, combine them and it's twice as bad). I'm concerned about the pain in your chest, it sounds like heart pain. A friend on this forum died last year of a heart attack... he was a meth user for years, he'd basically binge hard and then not use it for a while. It sounds like you'er not binging hard, but you're using it more often than him, and with energy drinks, too. My friend on here who died was 25 when he died.

As for the urination issues, pretty much any strong dopaminergic or serotonergic stimulant does this to me (meth is both). It comes out slowly and sometimes I really have to push, and my bladder fills up quicker (or else it just feels full sooner, it's hard to tell). I personally hate this. I have a problem staying away from stimulants when I have them... I always worry I'm doing bladder and/or kidney damage. But this is normal for meth use. Doesn't seem to happen to everyone but it does to some people.

I've heard of meth really messing with women's menstrual cycles, too, so that's not unheard of.

Internal pains can sometimes be transient sensations, but if they persist, it's usually a sign that one of your organs has a big load on it. Pain on the left side under your rib cage could indicate spleen problems (not necessarily).

One thing is for sure, heavy use of alcohol is really bad for you, as is heavy use of meth, and combining them is even worse. I think you need to consider how you might stop this pattern because eventually it's going to lead to severe health problems and death.
Thanks for ur reply. I appreciate ur insight. I know i should cefinitely stop with the rockstars. Probably going to do what i call a hollywood cleanse soon where i stop everything for 1 week. I might still take a few shots tho..but baby steps lol.
The pain on your left side underneath your ribcage is likely your liver. I doubt you've done any permanent damage, but it is a warning.

Uppers cancel out alcohol. I decided to get drunk one day I got out of work early and had already taken my Adderall. It took me more than usual to feel the alcohol, so it's no surprise that you're experiencing this on meth.