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Candyflipping for the first time


Dec 2, 2014
I am about to candyflip for the first time. I've done LSD and MDMA several times before, but never at the same time. My question is do you recommend that I take the MDMA or the LSD first, and how many hours should I wait in between doses? I'm pretty stoked.
You've probably already taken it but I'll give you the advice my friend gave me when I was first thinking of this combo: There isn't really a wrong way.

That said. I prefer taking the LSD first, letting it peak, then taking the MDMA.
Thanks for the reply. I haven't taken it yet but I think I'll try the 'cid first. Should I wait 2 hours?
Thanks for the reply. I haven't taken it yet but I think I'll try the 'cid first. Should I wait 2 hours?

As I said there isn't really a wrong way. I probably wait 1 and 1/2 - 3 hours from the time I first take the LSD. Just take the MDMA when it feels right. You'll get a lot of different answers with this because some prefer the MDMA first to avoid the LSD come-up anxiety. Some prefer the MDMA later to avoid stacking the come downs. I've taken the MDMA at various times and not had an issue with duration any of the times I've done it.

The first attempt I was like you and worried about when I should drop the MDMA. After three-four Candyflips under my belt I don't worry about it at all anymore. Just take the LSD and when you feel like you're riding the peak of it go ahead and take the MDMA. After 20-30 minutes the flavor of the trip will change a lot and you'll see what I'm talking about. Just take the precautions you normally would for MDMA and you'll be fine.
Generally people suggest taking the LSD first and once it's fully established and you're settled in (2-4 hours), take the MDMA. That way you're not coming down from MDMA when the LSD is still going strong.
LSD first, and like others said wait until you're damn sure the LSD isn't going to get any strong, you've peaked but you're comfortable and adjusted, then take the M. I've taken the M as late as 6 hours after the LSD and its still a full blown candy flip. M can really intensify the LSD, so I'd err on the side of waiting too long to take the M. Taking the M too early can be one hell of a come up.