• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Nosey Noobie


Feb 3, 2019
Hello, I've been around a few blocks a few times, a US east-coast/west-coaster with a lot of background and ongoing interest in science research, social psychology, medicine, with some degrees around law enforcement and forensics. Lifelong intersection with the medical community, as patient and staff. Did some doctoral work on the economics of underground markets. Not too bad at kitchen chemistry. Got a thing for beauty and making stuff like weaving/painting/woodworking/music... Not terribly comfortable with introductions because they make a box that's too small and simple, but you work with what you got, I guess. The latest alphabet soup LGBTQIAS+ enby whatever applies to me, I prefer they/them pronouns but won't get insulted with whatever.

Smart and funny are pretty high on my wanted list, and politeness counts.

Also, I like when people give me nicknames, have finally broken a bad habit of handing them out uninvited.

Welcome aboard Vas ;) creative, right?

So I must ask, which do you prefer, east or west coast?

People like me are often scared of those with backgrounds and interests in social psychology, law enforcement, and forensics, but I guess we can pretend you don't have the ability to psychoanalyze, enforce law and find where the bodies are ;)

Very cool intro.. I guess the one thing missing is: What's your drug of choice? And what specifically brings you to Bluelight?

Hope to hear back from you,
Not terribly comfortable with introductions because they make a box that's too small and simple,...
I understand... i try telling others that what they think of themselves is not what defines one... more-so what others may label another. We may be who we are but others can only see one, two or three facets of the sum. If we could see all as it is we may be dumbstruck and awed.
Nick-names do kind of generally define an individual and I have had many. First (i think) was opie... most apt (IMO) was Boaz... most recent is leroy pepperoni < job related. people ask what i do and i tell them cook... they call me chef. labeled. this is not me or who i am by a long shot (only one facet) but there you have it.
What is it you are nosey about? Is it something specific or just a trait?
see ya later, bobo <--- nickname. :)
Give us something, bro/sis.
Hello, madness00... I meet so many people who are so so soooo more creative and talented than me in my art studios and reading great writing, I can't claim that label except that life is richer with color woven into it, however you can pull that off.

East coast, west coast... I'm mostly on the west coast as my health requires temperate (not hot not cold not startling) weather. The cultures are so different, I find a lot of the west coast difficult as I grew up in New England in snobby-white-land with a lot of emphasis on braynz and intellect and success, some of west coast habits seem so nice and mellow and easier but short on tang and wit and a bit casually dishonest and materialistic. Yet, the west coast has made me less angry overall.

Years ago, I was frightened by psychologists/psychiatrists, I thought they were wizards who could read minds or at least frame one's world in their own version, with authority to back it up. Seems dangerous. Certainly can be, has done, true in every profession. I'm a forensic psychologist with a criminal justice background, it's a little fierce but I prefer it to clinical work... our mantra is, we assess and diagnose, that's it. no matter, I'm officially retired, got some anthropological opinions about how subcultures operate, some bits about oppression, the value of real science.

Drug of choice? It's been all over the map. I have MS that makes me tired which leads me to stimulants. I'm prescribed loads of meds, take as few as seem to do the job of the moment, and it varies from minute to minute, day to day. If veering away from legal works, ok. Stress makes me sick so whatever clips stress works for me.

I've been watching Bluelight and a ton of other avenues for info for years but now specifically I'm pissed off about n-isopropylbenzylamine (take that to include the rest of the alkyls). I get some kicks from reading sloppy or plain wrong suggestions about chemistry or international law enforcement or whatever, but even more, it's lovely to see the efforts humans will make to figure stuff out in the face of stupid efforts to stop them. I'm no expert, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Carry on, go team.


Thanks for replying. I'm not loaded with time, but will be around.

Go team.
I'm nosey about secrets, things people do behind closed doors, things they hide (because they're ashamed, because it's dangerous, because it's criminal, because stigma, all that fun stuff). Lot of background with sex service sectors, the gaymale scene back in the day, interesting intersections in the arts....

My favorite nickname was in fourth grade when Billy Johnson dubbed me "Axle Grease" and it stuck. :)
Hello again, madness00,
My skills with navigating around these parts are still limited, so a question that probably belongs over in psychedelics and has likely been answered, but if you'll be patient just for a minute... I'm wondering how many are still around who took LSD when it was still legal. I've known 3 people in that category, don't know if they're still alive, but it created a stir when we were all up for clearances, the gummint decided it was not grounds for denial (they got me on fuzzy testimony about weed, though). I first took LSD in 1976 or so, and a friend and I (not altered) later drove to Timothy Leary's house and sat outside until we figured we'd covered whatever "it" was. Nice house. Odd time.
Life is so much richer with color. It's something that makes me sad, because i often wish i was part of that movement. I feel like i'm on the sidelines, and have to be romantically involved with someone in order to see the light.

I understand how the west coast may make you less angry, based on what you said. Your assessment of the two seems really close to what i have experienced as well. The casually dishonest part of the west coast really irks me. Not to say i am not a liar myself, but.. i'm not sure. It just frustrates me. I bet if you grew up in a different part of NE you would feel differently, but you know what you know and like what you like.

When you say people figuring stuff out in the face of stupid people to stop them, what do you mean? Are you saying people like to force their opinions on others?

I am 27 so i didn't take LSD when it was legal. I didn't even know it was ever legal. Tried it once, had some epiphany that i forgot to take note of, and forgot it afterward. Was something along the lines of the key to happiness.

Hope all is well.
I was one of those who experienced LSD in 1964, before it was made illegal. In fact I was present at the Be-in that "celebrated" the day in 1966 when it became scheduled.
"the stupid people trying to stop them" would be bureacracies, puritan-based ideologies behind law enforcement programs/churches... and "the efforts humans will make" refers to the coalescence of the world around questions and testing and asking and telling and trying and checking -- DARING despite a lot of conventional wisdom to the contrary, growing and knowing more and more even with missteps and funny mistakes... ultimately, it can only reduce harm, that's a Bluelight goal, eh
Oh my, hello to you! I'm only in my 60s, and was a tyke on the Harvard Campus when Leary was around. Your existence is inexplicably reassuring, thank you.