Mental Health DESPERATELY NEED HELP: Paradoxical Reaction to Benzo?s

Hmmm. I think you might indeed have BPD. You haven't tried fluoxetine (Prozac) or venlafaxine (Effexor)? These may be too stimulating given your BPD tendencies but you are clearly an atypical case. Prozac especially is great for OCD (my Dx & I have had some MD episodes, with which it also helped before it pooped out). For the sleep, you haven't tried diazepam (Valium)? It should also help with anxiety. Baclofen might work well too. Also, what about triazolam? It is my absolute fave for sleep, but won't do much for anxiety.

I wonder if the citalopram is too stimulating (if so the aforementioned ADs will likely be worse, but you won't know unless you try). If so, maybe a less stimulating atypical AD like mirtazipine would be a good substitute. Then you wouldn't have to add more meds & certainly wouldn't have trouble sleeping. It has been shown to have some efficacy for OCD as well. Some things to discuss with your dr, at least.

How are you liking the Buspar?

I think you're the first person I've met who has even more/worse problems than I do with meds not working, having unusual effects, & pooping out. The latter is common with OCD btw. I really feel for you! I too have tried most meds remotely useful for my issues & all that trial & mostly error is NOT fun.
Thank you! Buspar sucks..not effective and was worsening my cognition, so I stopped taking it two days ago :-(