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Leonard Ravenhill (Christian revival)

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
Now I am NO Christian so make no mistake on this, if you really want to know what my "faith" is I'm a devotee of Nuestra Se?ora de la Santa Muerte, she has changed my life & turned me around from a dark path I was going down, put money in my hand & saved me from legal issues among several other things.

Now I got to know several folks from her "church" in Mexico & the one guy who was born in Texas & now is living in Mexico turned me onto the works of Leonard Ravenhill, at the start before I heard him preach I was thinking "what the hell is this Christian shit?" BUT upon hearing what this guy had to say my jaw hit the floor, the guy hit me like a brick to the face & his works & words can be taken & applied to anyone that has faith in ANY aspect be that a fellow Santa Muerte follower of Hindu.

Are there any Christian folks on here that follow the path of Revival and / or fellow fans of Leonard Ravenhill?
I'm very interested in this revival stuff but am yet to hear another guy that packs as much power in the words as Mr Ravenhill, since finding him I've started to read The Bible but I DON'T see it as the literal word of "God" sorry but I cannot & refuse to, I see it more as a metaphor for how to live your life.
Do I believe in "God"? Yes.....I see Nuestra Se?ora de la Santa Muerte as a force sent by "God" to reap the souls of the dead for the holy land waiting for us.

?The early church was married to poverty, prisons and persecutions. Today, the church is married to prosperity, personality, and popularity.?
― Leonard Ravenhill

Leonard Ravenhill at his best. Revival (Sermon Jam)
Never heard of him but I'll check out the video today. I was raised Christian by a mother who, IMO, is the "good" kind of Christian, the kind who actually follows the message of Jesus (to love everyone, accept people, etc). I always thought that, even just from the few writings they allowed into the NT, Jesus' teachings were beautiful and wise. I no longer identify as Christian or as any religion, but I think that if you separate the Roman Catholic element especially, and all the other instruments of social control that appropriated it, it's a lovely way of thinking and living.
Wow, he's a powerful orator. I agree with him that in the world today we do not tend to people's souls at all. We're very materialistic and nihilistic, and to be honest I think it has a lot to do with all the mass shootings and suicides. People need to feel like they're a part of something bigger, and feel a direct connection to it, it's been a part of human culture all along, except now so many people don't have that. I had to find it through psychedelics, myself. Church wasn't doing it for me as a kid, because I just didn't buy it, and I didn't see how anyone around me was actually applying any of it to their lives anyway, except for a few people.

I also agree with you that the Bible is not the direct word of God, at least not any more than any religious text is. It is full of lessons on how to live your life though, which is I think what it's supposed to be, a guidebook.
Wow, he's a powerful orator.

I know, I think his great. Ifthe path I walk I can only be 1% as great as this guy I will be happy.

I had to find it through psychedelics, myself.
Same for me, N,N-DMT (smoked) & 4-MeO-PCP changed my life

Church wasn't doing it for me as a kid, because I just didn't buy it, and I didn't see how anyone around me was actually applying any of it to their lives anyway, except for a few people.

This 1,000,000 times over.
For me it was mushrooms, first time I ever tripped, at 18. I had rebelled against Christianity and was in a very nihilistic place, thinking that nothing meant anything, nothing matters. Then I ate some mushrooms and I woke up from a dream, but the dream was my individual life, and I realized I was everything, and had always been and would always be. Nothing has ever been the same since. It's why, an entire lifetime later from my 18 year old's perspective, I still moderate a psychedelics forum. :)

My mom is a really good kind of Christian. She made us go to church every week until we were 14 or 15. She hoped we would embrace the faith but never required it. She believes that you go to heaven if you're a good person, not because of what you believe. She refuses to believe that all the people born into different faiths are doomed by a loving god to go to hell. Actually she doesn't even believe in hell except for the hell we can create for ourselves during life.
Holy shit nihilist penguin! Thanks for that.
For me it was mushrooms, first time I ever tripped, at 18. I had rebelled against Christianity and was in a very nihilistic place, thinking that nothing meant anything, nothing matters. Then I ate some mushrooms and I woke up from a dream, but the dream was my individual life, and I realized I was everything, and had always been and would always be. Nothing has ever been the same since.

Ever heard of Bill Hicks?

She believes that you go to heaven if you're a good person, not because of what you believe. She refuses to believe that all the people born into different faiths are doomed by a loving god to go to hell. Actually she doesn't even believe in hell except for the hell we can create for ourselves during life.

I like your mom, you can tell she has tossed this subject over in her mind several times,
I like my mom too. :)

Yeah I know of Bill Hicks for sure.
Came across this guys book as few days ago & nearly finished it, he may be a Christian & run a church BUT I can relate to this guy 100%

First of 5 short pieces by Dave Tomlinson about his book 'How To Be A Bad Christian - And A Better Human Being'

In the course of his work as a vicar, Dave Tomlinson meets lots of people who describe themselves as 'not good enough' to be a Christian, thinking that faith involves going to church a lot, or believing in a list of strange things, or following certain rules. But being a Christian isn't about any of that - and actually, following Jesus is a lot easier, and more fun, than most people think...
In this handbook to Christianity for people who describe themselves as spiritual but not necessarily religious, Dave sketches out some key practices for how to be a 'bad' Christian, including how to talk to God without worrying about prayer, how to read the Bible without turning off your brain, and how to think with your soul rather than trying to follow rules.
With beautiful illustrations from artist Rob Pepper, this is an accessible, light-hearted book, but one with a powerful invitation: to be the person you've always wanted to be, following a God you've always hoped is on your side."
That's the sort of Christianity I support. :) I think when people get subsumed into the ritual and the fear and the church requirements, they start to tragically miss the point.