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Ketamine Isomer Differencies?


Mar 21, 2013
I've ordered ketamine from two vendors. Advertised as being 95+% / 97+% pure resp., tested Ketamine - I know this is probably just marketing bullshit and nobody can identify a powder over the net.. Maybe I'll take this to finally buy some (heavily overpriced, cause chemicals are rigidly regulated around here) Marquis etc. reagent, but for now let me say that KetA, crystalline, had effects that were at one side familiar, yet cold and underwhelming. The other, KetB, powder is slightly local anaesthetic (yet far away from how lidocaine etc. laced fake-cocaine is) and fantastically warm, mellow, even a bit psychedelic. Unexpected. I was just about to write K off.

Is it possible that it's S vs. R-Ketamine?
The two isomers are drastically different. Racemic ketamine and pure S-isomer are what you tend to find, and the two are quite different. It certainly could be that.
There is a huge black market for ketamine in China, with clandestine labs all over the countryside, but I sort of doubt these are actually going through the trouble of making actual S-ketamine.

Unless you have real pharma Ketanest S or a similar product, I would be skeptical about the identity of anything being sold as "S-ketamine" on the net. Remember that there's a lot of analogues of ketamine analogues out there (ex.: Deschloroketamine/DCK, 2-Fluoro-Ketamine/2F-DCK, O-PCE, 3-HO-PCE...) that could be misrepresented as ketamine... granted, some of these could be ruled out if their duration of action is much longer than ket's.

And of course there might be cuts, and there's the variability of the drug itself.
You're right, it's just that I've know and tried most of the more common and abundant arylcyclohexylamines and while there's always some space for placebo / tolerance / individual response left, I think to be able to identify at least what's not what.

What's strange is that the majority of the ketamine out there I don't really like, it's that cold clinical one like sample A, so I'm pretty sure this was ketamine. Just not which one. Sample B is what I love and always am after, I've nearly been convinced that it's just tolerance that makes the magic go away but by having two chemicals here, equally potent, equally easy to snort, roughly equal duration etc. yeah I should have them analyzed, I just don't know where and who's able to reliably and precisely identify chemicals which might be isomers or closely related variants, when even police lab analysis tends to fail (had this myself, case dropped cause of analysis error and this was a whole two carbon mistake)..

At least it was not one of the analogs you've mentioned, I know them all. 2F-DCK might come closest but very remotely. The best bet would be R-Ketamine, some people say this is available too, but also the explanation about isomer separation being too expensive/difficult etc. sounds reasonable..

Only remarkable thing was that the good sample had some local anesthetic qualities not unlike what I'd think pure, unadultered coke must be like but it for sure was not coke and also not a mixture, wouldn't make sense economically and I dislike the effects of cocaine.. did have a bad hangover too, yet one I know from over-doing it on good arylcyclohexylamine dissociatives..
S-ketamine has about double the potency of racemic ketamine, but otherwise its effect are completely similar to me (the blahblah that S-ketamine is "less psychedelic" or has "less side effects of bad dreams" was propaganda made by the pharma concerns because of an effect called "evergreening"). Therefore I assume that R-ketamine has little or no effects.
The two isomers are drastically different.

but otherwise its effect are completely similar to me (...) Therefore I assume that R-ketamine has little or no effects.

Responses varying greatly from individual to individual, I guess it must be. Maybe for some the receptors or part of them are stereoselective, and for others they are not or something like that?

Shadowmeister, could you describe the differences you experienced in a few words?
I haven't tried s-isomer ketamine but there has been a lot of talk about it on here. People had varying differences. I do believe the s isomer is the one that is largely responsible for the psychoactivity, whereas the R isomer may be more physical? Again though, having not tried it myself I am only relating secondhand anecdotes that have formed my opinion.
I know exactly what you mean and so do most of my friends.
Whereas most brands of K is slightly different there are 2 major ends of the spectrum.
Warm and fluffy or cold and sterile.

I once had 3 different batches of ket at the same time.
Long crystals, powder and round crystals..
They all had their own different high..

I did acid a few times where i really tried different combos of the different piles of powder.
Was very fun since every hole had slightly different ratios of the keis.
S-Ketamine is indeed more potent but I prefer racemic product. Lately I've been able to do a lot of "side by side" testing so to speak..

S-Ketamine was what I became familiar with as Ketamine in the beginning only rarely trying racemic. S-Ketamine is much more potent (maybe even over double..) but it's sedating, and non-sexual. All I wanna do is lay down and drift off into it, I never could understand how people danced on the stuff.

Once I started to try more racemic I saw how.. Racemic is less potent but more than makes up for it in that I can actually function on it. Sex is great on racemic and often I'm full of laughter and jokes. Music is much better than S and dancing is great too

The only thing that S beats racemic on for me is potency and a somewhat better afterglow, also it could be argued it's less compulsory than racemic.

I like em both personally and try to have both aroundcat all times. Racemic for more social/active moments, S-K for end of the night inward travels. Also keep in mind, I prefer low doses to high doses which may effect my opinion.

One thing I've noticed is that ALL racemic has been big crystalline chunks, all S-Ketamine has been small needle like crystals.

You know what R and S mean, its the way it turn polirezed light.
racemic is 50% each, so it dont turn polirized light.
Just buy a pair of solar glasses, put water in a transparent vial.
In front of the vial, put one glass, behind the vial put the other glass turned at a 90 degres.
If you put a light behind that, there should be no ( not much) light passing through.
If you dissolve racemic same.
If you dissolve R or S some more light pass.
Aggree S come in small needle power, for me S and racemic are olmost equipotent, I prefere racemic, its like more "wild".