Mental Health My family tell me Chlorpromazine (Thorazine, Largactil) makes me aggressive?


Apr 29, 2018
I'm aware anti-psychotics can cause this paradoxical reaction but I find Chlorpromazine makes me calm and sleepy. I find if I take an additional 100mg dose when I'm stressed or angry, it calms me down very well.
Is it just that I'm not taking enough, or going too long between doses?
Are you taking anything else?

In general, an antipsychotic should not make one aggressive... usually that's more of an issue with benzodiazepines, where one might think they're being all cool and mellow, when in reality they're basically coming across to others as a dick that just doesn't give a fuck about anyone or anything.
I also take Sertraline, Quetiapine. Tramadol, Trazodone, Cyclizine, Keppra, Diphenhydramine and Metaclopromide.

They mention the Chlorpromazine in particular because they see aggression when I increase my dosage.
It probably relaxes you so much that you're more comfortable to express your feelings, and basically lose your filter in the way you talk and deal with everyone and you come off as aggressive.

I get the same way with benzos. It's a drug that's supposed to calm you down and make you relax, but for me, I get so loose I become very aggressive and I'm always mouthing off and don't have the control I would normally have when I'm not on it. But I'm calm, have not stress, anxiety, etc... I could be fighting everyone getting tazed and arrested, and be calm.

Sort of like drinking and your true feelings come out in a negative way.
I also take Sertraline, Quetiapine. Tramadol, Trazodone, Cyclizine, Keppra, Diphenhydramine and Metaclopromide.

They mention the Chlorpromazine in particular because they see aggression when I increase my dosage.
I need to ask, why are you taking that combination of drugs? First, you should only be on one antypsychotic. Considering metaclopramide as an antipsychotic (same pharmacology) that's 3, you're putting yourself in serious risk of neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Then you're taking 4 strong anticholinergics, quetiapine, chlorpromazine, cyclizine and diphenydramine, that may make you agressive and you wouldn't even know, it's a LOT. Keppra is known for making people agitated or hostile, so that could be it. The metaclopramide, if you're using it as an anti-emetic, you don't need it. Chlorpromazine and diphenhydramine are powerful antiemetics. I assume the tramadol is for pain, I hope it isn't the reason you're taking the Keppra. Without knowing why you're taking the medications, I can tell you you don't need the cyclizine if you're on dyphenhydramine or viceversa, you don't need 2 antipsychotics, specially 2 that are strongly anticholinergic, the metaclopramide is unnecesary period. Are you able to function with all of them? You're taking 7 drugs that are powerful sedatives.
You should get in touch with your prescribing doctor ASAP. This is a serious side effect. People have strange reactions to these drugs sometimes