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Is it really easy for the average person to come across drugs in social circles?


Jun 29, 2017
I always wonder this. My parents haven't heard of many drugs (and of those they do they think something like weed is a hard drug). People say that if someone wants to find drugs, they can and if they want the opposite then they can easily do that as well i.e. hang out with crowds.

But I sort of disagree. For example, I've been a loner throughout my life and last year when i really got into drugs, I wasted money on alcohol and benzos which I forged a prescription successfully until I got caught. It was nice but I'm regretting it because I could probably have spent that money on MDMA, weed, coke, and various opiates here in IRL.

If I know about drugs and can't get them easily I imagine the difficulty that someone of my parents age who don't know anything but wanted to try would find it. Keep in mind, they're Africans and drug use is completely out of sight. The only time anyone ever hears about it is unsurprisingly when a group of kids die from a bad patch of something.

Anyway, can an average person find drugs easily if they want to or not?
I think it depends on where you live.

I could walk two blocks in the city and get everything I need. Roughly every 5th-10th person will ask if you're good/need anything. When I lived in the suburbs, I had to know people.

And in regard to the topic question, yeah, in social circles i think knowing who has what is pretty common. At least for me, I'm fairly open about my drug use. But then again I am currently unemployed so my social circle happens to be drug users.
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In one of the episodes of that show "Locked Up Abroad" they covered the case of Henry Hill (the guy who was the inspiration for the film GoodFellas). It was weird because he was locked up in the USA, never abroad, but hey. Anyway, Henry Hill narrated it, and he said something interesting that I think pertains to this topic.

While working for the Italian Mafia in New York, Hill had become a regular user of cocaine and heroin (drug dealing was officially prohibited by the Mafia, but everyone did it anyway because it was such a lucrative criminal enterprise). After Hill got arrested and joined the federal witness protection program, he was relocated from New York to the bumfuck rural northwest USA, rural Washington state IIRC. He thought that this sudden relocation to the other side of the country, to a new and unfamiliar location, would help him stay away from drugs. But he just got right back eventually, leading him to the conclusion that, paraphrasing, "if you like drugs and want drugs, you'll find drugs, regardless of where you are".

I definitely agree with that statement. It's one that has been born out by personal experience. If you like drugs, desire drugs, and possess even a modicum of intelligence, you'll find that shit. Doesn't matter where you go.
Then again it also comes down to who you are, how you carry yourself, etc...

Anyone can find drugs, sure. But there's factors beyond where to find the drugs.

I'm sure many of you have known that guy, who always seems to get ripped off or always having deals fall through. There's a reason that happens, maybe it's the way he looks, maybe it's the way he acts, whatever it is he isn't respected and no matter where you are and who you know that won't get you far.

To the last poster, an ex mafia member will conduct himself in a way that will get him in with any crowd anywhere. That's the key..

If your some 40+yr old, khaki wearing, polo shit tucked in while you hold your wife's purse as she shops kinda mf then ya good luck..

You gotta have a certain 'ness about you. Not only is it looks but smarts too.

I'm gonna boast for a min and say that I'm one of those types. When your born into this life you learn as a kid how this world operates. I knew before I even tried my first drug about respect and that to settle any and all debts owed, whether by me or to me. When I go pick up, the substances are authenticated before I even walk out the door.

The average person can find drugs but is severely limited compared to the person who has that 'ness. The more "average" you are the harder they'll be to find, the more impure they'll be and of course more expensive.

Then the word drugs.. Are we just happy with some street cocaine, heroin, weed and meth or do we want something more in life? Each drug has its own subculture. A guy who can find LSD all day long may not have any meth connects and vice versa. I could go on but I'll stop ;)

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My experience has been that, as long as you keep your money right & don't start shit, you'll do just fine, irregardless of who you are or what you look like. (As a retail, end-user of a particular drug, not as some kind of narco kingpin or anything)

Money really is the most important ingredient IME. That's why I'm the whitest dude this side of Wonderbread but can easily find success in a place like Newark or Camden.
^^^Good point, that's one of the many variables I speak of..

But while YOU may do ok hanging down in Newark (been there, I've seen nastier ;)) I can think of plenty of rich white guys that may not make it out alive.

Whether you realize it or not, you likely have a way about you that helps you get what you need.

But all that said, I again say it's all about the drugs you wanna do too. If your fine with street weed, heroin, cocaine, meth where the purity is beyond questionable and prices hugely inflated then ya anyone can find this but if you want good drugs, unique drugs, etc you gotta beyond "average."

Although I suppose the dark web has changed some this for some "average" types who wanna get themselves some good product. I'd still argue quality is better in niche circles but it's a great avenue to people who'd get eaten alive elsewhere.

I can find drugs anywhere/anytime. Don't know how because everyone who meets me thinks im the "man".
Takes a nickle to know a nickle. Never had an issue: May not get what I want but can get what i need. lol
I hope there isn’t a penalty for reviving a dead thread. I have curiosity on this subject as well. I know that technology has coming a long way even since the origins of this thread.

My official question: Is there more success procuring (not so much selling) drugs on social media sites? If so:

What social media platforms?
What does that process entail?
How to identify sell/dealers?
Are there clues/signals/hints that the "end user" should be giving off?
What are the DOs and DONTs?
Unspoken rules?
Please detail what the money transaction process entails.

I appreciate in advance the great advice you can bestow. I also anticipate the comments from the peanut gallery. Lol

-For research purposes only-
It is my experience that in some areas 99% of dealers will try to understand if they can get away with selling you 5g of oregano in a ziplock for a 100 $/?/€.
Somewhere else they'll give you a fair deal for that much, make sure you write down their phone number and ring them, write down your number and send you promotional messages a few times per week.
I’m in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas area. There’s 2 decently big downtown scenes and there are lots of suburbs where the different races have kinda claimed on their own. There are also certain areas of town that are not divided by the races, but rather by household incomes.
^^^So you asked above about clues for online dealers. First question, what kind of drugs are you looking for?

To be truthful, friends don?t let friends by drugs over social media platforms. It?s not safe for anyone involved.

Prescription opiates. If it were just weed...there would be no issue in finding a dealer. But when you ask the bud man for scripts...that seems to be so specialized that they can’t even think of a way to get their hands on it. And then if they do know a pill guy...it turns out that they only deal XO’s & bars.
Trust me, I’d much rather buy from someone who was vouched for, preferably by a close friend. The last thing I want to do is try to establish some type of friendship with strangers on the internet. I just noticed that a lot of people claim to be getting hooked up or connect via social media and I wondered if that’s an avenue worth exploring. If it is...what does that process look like.
Ah I feel you. Unfortunately I?ve never used any social media so can?t give you an answer. Yea apologize for bringing race into it too but based on your pic I?m gonna assume you grab off mostly black bud dealers? All black dealers I?ve known all carry xannys or benzos like you said, you may need to bug some white guys. Usually it?s the white guys with some older family member that?s got a script.

Back when I used opiates, back when real oxys flowed like fine wine lol, I knew old guys that needed that money to pay their rent. They also had zero clue of their worth more often than not. Id bring a little cash and get a handful of pills in return, never the same amount twice.

If your ever hurting bad, may I suggest looking into kratom, loperamide, or lactuca virosa/serriola.. I?ve used these when I couldn?t get anything in the past. The last one is a bit tricky, it can be the most rewarding of the three recreationally and can be found on the side of the road but most methods for preparation don?t work. I found quidding fresh leaves gave a hell of a buzz and potentiates other opiates as well for a few days after it wears off. (The active components are also greatly effected by things like grouping of plants, drought conditions, time of year, etc.)

I think you definitely hit the nail on the head! You’re right, all my bud dealers are black, and they do only carry Xanax or XOs. I think culturally...those drugs fit better into the chill, social, party scene. I think you’re absolutely right about searching outside my ethnic group. Which isn’t really an issue for me. I move easily in several different circles. I’ve worked in corporate America for 15 years so that should help. I probably ride the elevator everyday with a dealer and not know it. Lol

Kratom is the only other thing I’ve tried for pain. I buy 3oz of Malaysian kratom (powder form) and I fill a baby bottle with like 10-15grams of kratom and then fill the bottle with orange juice. I don’t know if it’s helping or not, I get no buzz from it, but it definitely tears my stomach up.

I admit that what I know about kratom is the equivalent of saying a spruce is a tree. That’s it...I also tried maeng da as well, but someone told me that Malay was stronger...someone at the head shop I purchase from.
I think you definitely hit the nail on the head! You’re right, all my bud dealers are black, and they do only carry Xanax or XOs. I think culturally...those drugs fit better into the chill, social, party scene. I think you’re absolutely right about searching outside my ethnic group. Which isn’t really an issue for me. I move easily in several different circles. I’ve worked in corporate America for 15 years so that should help. I probably ride the elevator everyday with a dealer and not know it. Lol

Kratom is the only other thing I’ve tried for pain. I buy 3oz of Malaysian kratom (powder form) and I fill a baby bottle with like 10-15grams of kratom and then fill the bottle with orange juice. I don’t know if it’s helping or not, I get no buzz from it, but it definitely tears my stomach up.

I admit that what I know about kratom is the equivalent of saying a spruce is a tree. That’s it...I also tried maeng da as well, but someone told me that Malay was stronger...someone at the head shop I purchase from.

That's a lot of kratom. I'd tone it down to like 5 G's, it won't tear up your stomach as bad and you might actually feel it. Kratom is so weird.

As for the topic, I moved from a city to a smaller town/more rural area a few years ago. Everyone here does meth. In my thinking, I assumed that most of these meth users had got to know where to get opiates, or could at least point me in the right direction. Nope. Not a single person I met even dabbled with opiates, they were strictly meth. Kinda blew my mind.
@rsfredieu- I agree with your assessment on that. Xannys can definitely make for a crazy night as I?m sure we all know haha, much better for chattin shit with friends than opiates for most. Me personally always liked opiates more for socializing but I?m one of those that gets all energetic from them.

I mean there is also the DarkNet markets. If you plan on buying drugs online I highly recommend this option instead. May take some learning but lots of people say it?s easy.

I?d never gotten much from kratom either, when I was in withdrawal loperamide worked much better surprisingly.. If you continue messing with kratom, maybe look for potent extracts online. The only kratom product that ever felt good to me was a highly potent Da Maeng extract that was suggested at 150mg oral, I?d snort tiny bumps of this and get high as shit but smelled disgusting.
