Would Remote Mind Control Be Possible With Current Technology?

It's just that some of the scenarios you have described in this thread require an implausible level of secrecy and organisation for a very hazy and unclear objective. Control of society through the media and more traditional channels is something that we all know has been done for decades, governments and private companies all have a lot of experience doing this and have invested and continue to invest a lot of money and resources into new ways to do this. In this way, vast amounts of society can be reached and influenced, and there is no additional cost or need to hide that this kind of research is being done, as it can be dressed up as marketing, consumer data collection and analysis, etc, etc...

On the other hand, having teams of people spend vast amounts of time and resources on really complex, but highly organised schemes, while hiding the development and application of really cutting edge technologies, for no apparent purpose other than to fuck with a small group of people and make them and others question their sanity... this seems a far more complicated way to go about things, with a far less clear outcome.

I mean, what would be the point? What do you think that you and other "victims" of these bizarre and opaque experiments are supposed to be doing, were you to yield to their influence?

And whatever this is, what wider purpose would it serve that could not achieved far more easily using "old school" propaganda?
I know you don't. Just like you wouldn't have bought the idea that the government can send voice messages directly into your mind.

But that is now undeniable.

Nice assumptions mate.

Voices are not being beamed into minds. That's a silly way of describing that technology. At a distance, sound can be directed into a person's ear. It does sound cooler the way you put it though ;)
I mostly try and avoid this thread, but I just wanna make a quick point.

Let's say I had the technology, right now, to make people hear voices by selectively making the voices audibal to them, but nobody around them.

What can I do with that? Well, I can certainly make them think they're going crazy. That's definitely doable. I can also tell them to do things.

But you know what I can't do with that? Anything else. There's a world of difference between the voices in the heads of a schizophrenic, and ordinary voices.

The disease of schizophrenia does more than just provide voices for someone to hear, it profoundly affects how those voices are interpreted and comprehended.

Even if I used technology to have one individual hear voices Noone else can hear, that's not gonna make them do anything. They're not actually schizophrenic. They're not gonna have the same compulsion to follow or recognition of certainty as someone with a mental illness might.

Now, you miiight be able to argue you could use such technology to try and influence the behavior of someone who's already hearing their own voices, but that's an open question, not a certainty. We don't really know for sure how effective that might be. I doubt it would be terribly reliable.

Point is, projecting audio to a sane mind is not at all the same as having schizophrenia. It's not going to have the same effects.
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i'm definitely open to the idea that somebody somewhere is working on technology to do this and, while it certainly suggests some troubling applications if possible, the motive for 'random' cases today is not at all clear to me.

are proponents open to the idea that 'hearing voices' is not the result of the government - or some other entity - beaming voices into their heads but is, rather, simply a symptom of a mental health issue?

Good points and these are some of the areas I struggled/struggle with.

It's just that some of the scenarios you have described in this thread require an implausible level of secrecy and organization for a very hazy and unclear objective.

I'm not saying the government is doing this, but i'm not saying they are not. I think a very plausible explanation is that the tech was funded by government and private company investment and now it is being used/experimented on civilian as well as military an political targets around the world. Investment into this tech has been going on for years and at this point many people, companies and organizations likely have access to it.

Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program (JNLWP) - Next-Generation Non-Lethal Directed Energy Weapons and Enabling Technology Portfolio

US Marines want non-lethal laser weapon that shouts at people a kilometer away

Conducted And Directed Energy Weapons To Drive Non-Lethal Weapons Market Growth

To maintain the secrecy they use classification (top secret etc), the threat of being wired up to these torture and harassment systems for whistle blowers and continued or increased torture, harassment and life disruption to victems. Torture is also a major felony that caries a 20 year min sentence in the US. It's not that its so much of a secret anymore, but people who have not experienced this have a very hard time believing it.

With a covert attack when others are right there its tough to believe its really happening. Now that its really coming out, I hope others do not turn a blind eye out of fear or chosen ignorance. It needs to stop.


By design they have made the experience very hard to talk about, but really its just control of and destruction of a victems life and reputation. Do what we say of we are going to make you miserable and fuck your life up.

Control of society through the media and more traditional channels is something that we all know has been done for decades, governments and private companies all have a lot of experience doing this and have invested and continue to invest a lot of money and resources into new ways to do this. In this way, vast amounts of society can be reached and influenced, and there is no additional cost or need to hide that this kind of research is being done, as it can be dressed up as marketing, consumer data collection and analysis, etc, etc...

On the other hand, having teams of people spend vast amounts of time and resources on really complex, but highly organised schemes, while hiding the development and application of really cutting edge technologies, for no apparent purpose other than to fuck with a small group of people and make them and others question their sanity... this seems a far more complicated way to go about things, with a far less clear outcome.

Those outlets are very powerful and they use them to drive society as a whole, especially the sheeple. The sheeple are the least of their worries. They just do what they are told and what everyone else is doing. Leaders and free intelligent thinkers are where the threat lies. How do you control or influence people that the other manipulations don't work?

As far as time and resources. The remote BCI is already operational. They then use a chat bot programmed with a psychological and sociological algorithm that has been designed to establish control over, discredit, and break a victim into submission. A handler or criminal can probably over see many victims at once. Just checking in once a day to see how its going. The program denotes communications and behavior into groups as it says the same thing when the same thing happens. If I have to have a bowl movement the system says "I have so many pictures of you shitting." Says the same thing every time.

Also I think its important not to look at these systems as just control or behavior modification. They can be used as strait non lethal weapons to destroy a target and their life. Questioning ones sanity is a technique used by sociopathic and abusive partners. If a person thinks they are crazy what happens to their confidence and self esteem, it plummets. A person with no self esteem or confidence is easy to control and abuse and will not be succeeding at much in life. If your labeled as crazy by others your credibility disappears. Its all calculated and the people who do this are not dumb.

I mean, what would be the point? What do you think that you and other "victims" of these bizarre and opaque experiments are supposed to be doing, were you to yield to their influence?

And whatever this is, what wider purpose would it serve that could not achieved far more easily using "old school" propaganda?

Old school propaganda isn't going to work on me. I agree though. I don't know how in the hell I got selected for this. I took a run on BL at this lying billionaire drug testing baron that used to be the head of the CIA, and runs at the OxyContin family, the DEA and the bloody drug war But really is posting a bunch on BL enough to get wired up to this.

Once the weather clears I'm going to go see a wildlife tracker in the state. Many wildlife collars use pulsed RF. I'm going to see if they have any pointerts for me to track the source of the lasers.
I think nothing is impossible. Science takes a giant step forward today. I think that nanotechnology was one of the major contributing factors to the Digital Revolution. I read about one of the leading nano companies on the market today - Modern Synthesis Technology here which supplying and providing nano materials. Graphene, fullerene and carbon nanotubes have extremely interesting electrical and mechanical properties that allow things like flexible screens and teeny-tiny motors possible. There is no doubt that these materials will go far.
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Not yet. But i think it will be soon. Humanity makes a lot of steps ahead to evolution and do it right
Let's say I had the technology, right now, to make people hear voices by selectively making the voices audibal to them, but nobody around them.

What can I do with that? Well, I can certainly make them think they're going crazy. That's definitely doable. I can also tell them to do things.

But you know what I can't do with that? Anything else. There's a world of difference between the voices in the heads of a schizophrenic, and ordinary voices.


Now, you miiight be able to argue you could use such technology to try and influence the behavior of someone who's already hearing their own voices, but that's an open question, not a certainty. We don't really know for sure how effective that might be. I doubt it would be terribly reliable.

Point is, projecting audio to a sane mind is not at all the same as having schizophrenia. It's not going to have the same effects.

If I could project audible sound to a specific individual, yes, I could 'suggest' actions. However, I would think that if you can reach a person this way, you can also crank it up to the point of inflicting pain if they don't comply with your suggestions. I think there is a pathway to control people in this regard. There would be times of communication at the discretion of the controller, and periods of 'normalcy' for the victim.

Schizophrenics are a whole 'nother thing. I don't question their hearing of voices, which cannot do more than 'suggest' and I agree any actions they take are a result of the subject's schizophrenia effecting their decision making (who wouldn't go crazy hearing voices 24/7?).
Not only is it possible you are being affected by it 24/7. I'll have to go digging through some of my HDDs but there are several documents that have leaked out over the years that detail how mind control is used on the population. One program they've used over the years deals with transmitting at certain frequencies during national emergencies to keep the general population calm. I'll try to dig out what I have and post it here soon.

For the curious look into ELF waves. There is a deep rabbit hole concerning radio and microwaves being used as weapons. They're mainly used for crowd control and as an early alert/radar system in nuclear defense but the Government did a lot of testing with them over the years. They've openly admitted to being able to control the weather with them to some extent and using them to drive a target insane. Another good place to get started is looking into the HAARP project. Russia has a similar type of project they've been running since the 70s or 80s.
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headphones said:
One program they've used over the years deals with transmitting at certain frequencies during national emergencies to keep the general population calm

Transmitting what at certain frequencies? How is being received by their targets?
Well, to be fair the human brain has its own form of mind control, its called the limbic system.
And trance states occur naturally every day. So in terms of hypnosis we are naturally hypnotizing ourselves.

And well, we all know that socialization occurs before we are even born. There's probably a bunch of stuff neurologically speaking that exists pre-language. So in terms of evolutionary biology we are already programmed.

I guess it begs the question as to why? We already have numerous forms of social control, legal and illegal drugs notwithstanding. Entertainment, sugar, the predominance of a high sodium diet and the ease of obtaining cheap meat. Consumerism and money in general, which has a profound psychological impact.

The State doesn't need remote mind control, we're already there and have been for quite some time. Human nature is very predictable.

I think if someone is questioning the fabric of their own reality, they should really look into stress and environmental illness. I believe pollution in general can cause a sickness both psychic and real. Civilization has caused this conflict of self, its not anything overt...if anything I think we are finally able to see that governments are losing control simply because its too big of a problem, expansion and growth is its own endgame, its an unmanageable quantity.
This is paper is great and I learned something about the "why" jpgrdnr ponders.

Gaslighting, Confabulation, and Epistemic Innocence
Andrew D. Spear1

Antisocial people do not share the same life experience as social people and typically have strikingly deferent morals and values. These major core differences present a significant barrier to seeing the motives being this crime. They do not value, desire nor pursue what social beings do; because of this, antisocial motives may be so foreign that they are almost unfathomable to the rest of us. When we can't see a motive for a crime, I think it becomes hard for us to believe it is happening.

Control over other people is a compulsion for the people that do this. Gaslighting is a well known tactic that's used to control people and is used on victims of human trafficking to promote brain washing and eventual control over them. Gaslighting has just evolved because of modern technology. They not only try and make their victims weaker and easier to control by systematically attacking their confidence and perceived sanity, they bombard victims with harassment that is almost impossible to report or talk about without it damaging or discrediting the victim. Its just an expansion of gaslighting. If your bombarded with delusion filled harassment how do you report or talk about it with out coming off delusional?

They are predators. Predators do not like to go against the whole heard, they like to cut an individual away from the protection and support of the heard. Being wrongfully judged as delusional or mentally ill can destroy a victims credibility, profession and personal lives. This is intended to cut the victim out of the heard and strip their livelihood and financial means. Someone who is isolated and broke is easier to break down and ultimately control.

This crap is just modern technology enabaling and expanding the age old antisocial stalk.
Initially I attributed the endlessly looped phrases to "psychic driving" alone. Further exploration led to Experimental Psychology. The majority of attempted manipulation, behavior modification and control I deal with is based off this branch. That is the name they gave it even though its established.

Here is a research group that is involved in researching the exact techniques that have been criminally used against me. After this group are links on what the psychology is and some of its history.

Project Implicit Executive Committee


Development Team

International Collaborative Network

Project Implicit

These people are working on thought and behavior modification using experimental psychology and other techniques .

Experimental psychology
Society of Experimental Psychologists
Unconscious bias training
Implicit stereotype
Implicit-association test
Structuralism (psychology)
Cognitive dissonance

University of Washington
Staff members of the University of Washington is researching both Experimental Psychology and has government funding to conduct research on BCI interfaces for the US military.

And we have Harvard.. they have never been mixed up in torturing and mind control... oh wait.

CIA Papers Link Harvard To Mind-Control Project

As always you pricks enjoy the rest of your weekend!
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No. We can't even put on paper the exact neurochemical processes responsible for each distinct thought and whatever else the brain does. We sort of know how it works in general, but we still don't know a lot.

And if you think that some "organizations" do but that info is classified or whatnot, I ask for reasonable proof.

As for simplistic mind-control such as making a person irritable, causing a loss of consciousness and other similarly primitive effects, yes - you can do it pharmacologically, using electromagnetism to name a few. For example, I can give you a large dose of a benzo to make you more talkative. It's primitive, but it's something I guess.