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Health My bad trip and it's effects.


Jan 5, 2018
I have read so many posts about kids (18-22 year olds) having horrible trips and being terrified, so I thought I would share my story.

Note: I smoked weed during the entire 2 year span that I was doing acid.

I researched LSD for hours and days before even buying it. My first time tripping on Acid was the best. I bought some great acid from a reputable seller. I took it with a couple of friends at my home where I was completely safe. We had a blast. The entire trip was euphoric and, at times, full of uncontrollable laughter. It was fantastic.

My second trip, two weeks later, I decided I would go big or go home. I took three tabs because I was sure that this was my best opportunity at an amazing trip since I had little to no tolerance. I made a huge mistake. This time, I tripped with only one of my friends from the previous time. He tripped on one tab. (Btw, each tab was 110 ug every time.) An hour into the trip, it was already going down hill. He wanted to go to the backyard so I told him to go alone cause I needed to use the restroom. (Tense changes) I walk into the restroom and look in the mirror. My face begins to sweat uncontrollably and I have visual hallucinations. Nothing crazy, but everything looks fuzzy and moving. I wash my face with cold water and the sweating does not stop. I start to undress because I am a heavy sweater and I didn't want to sweat through my clothes, but everything is still so hot. By now, I am completely naked and it is still hot. I turned on the cold shower and sat in the tub. I blacked out and I may even have had a seizure. I don't know because nobody was there, not even me. When I awake, I run into my room, naked, wet, and afraid. I grab the sheet off my bed to dry myself and I sit on my bed curled up, completely mind fucked. Completely afraid. My friend comes into my room and sees my nuts and everything hanging out, but I'm so scared it doesn't even concern me. (Tense change, again.) He ended up calling his brother a couple hours later because i started to freak him out a little. I called another friend to come take care of me. I checked the time probably a million times, I was so desperate to see him. Eventually, he shows up with a couple other friends. Everybody looks different, though. Their faces are ugly and have huge dark bags under their eyes. I wasn't concerned with that, though. Finally, I wasn't alone. I would try to calm down, but it wasn't working and I started to freak out whenever there was too much noise. I swear I was so close to stabbing a dog because he wouldn't stop barking. I didn't, though. I just put him in the garage. I didn't sleep that entire night. My trip lasted until I was finally able to sleep over 12 hours later at 8 on the morning. The entire trip, I was terrified that I was gonna go insane and end up in a hospital, but the thought of being under care and knowing I was safe seemed so welcoming and warm. I wanted to call the police and go to a psych ward, but I held in there. After doing research, I decided I had experienced an ego death. For several weeks after the trip, I felt completely "out of it." I would zone out at work, while I was watching the 3rd graders. I would zone out in class. I thought it was over. With time, I started to feel better, but I never came back to being that beautiful, charming, kid.

I had another 2 or 3 bad trips (out of 2 or 3 more total trips) until I decided to stop doing acid. Each time was worse than the previous, but with time, I would feel spcloser to normal. The only time I felt happy and normal was when I was playing sports.

My final trip, I took half a tab from a friend. I had never let anybody buy me acid until this time and now I'm doubting its legitimacy. I didn't feel anything for a couple of hours and at like hour 3, I started to have panic attacks every 5 minutes, I would go to my dark restroom and lay on the floor until I felt like I could come back into the room with my friends. However, every 5 to 10 minutes I was right back in the restroom. I was sooooo thirsty. I drank so much water and I never peed. Towards the peak of my trip, probably like hour 6, I would hear noises that weren't real, my vision was completely distorted and I even had a seizure. I fell out of my chair, onto my face and, according to witnesses, I laid on the floor for two minutes, convulsed, and then woke up, confused. I remember I could see another reality in my head simultaneous with the current reality. I could see my mom and dad and a dr standing over me like I was in a coma, dying. I started to be convinced that that was the true reality and this was all a fantasy in my comatose state and acid was opening the doors to allow me to wake up from my coma. I felt like letting go of this fantasy where I was tripping on acid and returning "home" where I would be eternally happy. However, my uncertainty led me to stick with what was familiar, which was this reality. I wasnt sure if what I was seeing was the truth or psychosis. I became terrified because part of me didn't mind being crazy and happy, but part of me wanted to stick with what was familiar. In the end, I stuck with familiar.
my entire trip, my mind raced and I couldn't hold onto any thought and I couldn't slow it down. After my second trip, I taught myself to mediate away any and all feelings, but that wasn't working either. It was hell because my own mind was the devil.

For days after my trip, I had anxiety through the roof and panic attacks. But I went to work two days later with my dad and over breakfast, I told them what had happened. I was so nervous to say anything, but keeping it from them was just making me overthink more. I was so stuck in my head, overthinking and over analyzing everything. So when I finally told them, I felt an immense relief. I told them about the seizure and my mom took me to the hospital. I got a ct scan and my brain was physically healthy. The nurse in the ER was a judgmental little b word and I did not appreciate the way she looked at my mother and I.

My trips made me aware of an "it". I don't know exactly how to explain "it", but it's always there and if I live in the moment, I can ignore it. But if I'm alone or have nothing to do, "it" reigns. I've been learning to control it and recently it doesn't even phase me.

My conclusion from my last trip and my advice to anybody suffering after a bad trip. You will be fine as long as you believe it. Your mind can do anything and consuming psychoactive drugs regularly takes you out of control. Your mind becomes uncontrollable and your thoughts race and overthinking prevails. I accepted that whatever had happened happened and if I was crazy, I would enjoy it. I let go of anything negative in my mind and I completely changed my life. I stopped smoking, drinking, and i started working hard, and learning. Knowledge is the key to confidence and confidence is what was ripped out of me. I love to learn and I love to work hard. Man was made to work, whether by God or evolution. The most important thing I have found is that I need to keep my mind occupied. Occupying your mind with work and education keeps my mind from wandering into psychosis or schizophrenia. If I let myself, I really think my mind is powerful enough to make me crazy.

Conclusion to my conclusion: Don't be scared, you fear what you do not understand. Educate yourself instead. Have faith in something. It can be anything, physics, God, the law of attraction, Maslows hierarchy of needs, etc. it doesn't matter what you believe, if you believe it, it is true.

Honestly, bad trips have been the best thing that ever happened to me. My final trip led me to finding who I want to be and it led me to realize that where there is a will, there is a way. There's nothing stopping you but your own excuses. Don't want, do! Be! Don't want to be normal, just do it! You are in charge of your mind and you really need to believe that. I found complete positivity in everything I do and everything around me. Life is beautiful and so give nothing but love to all people. It's incredible that we exist, live like you're the luckiest person because we all are.

Just remember: you might be crazy, so? It's just life. Don't take it so serious. Don't stress. The only problem you can't solve is death and it's coming for all of us. There's no time for overthinking. When you do, take a deep breath and breath out slowly, let everything go. Live in THIS moment.

PS: I got a fortune cookie years back that I kept in my wallet and it reads: Live in THIS moment. And that shit trips me out. It's the most important thing I ever read, I didn't think it would help me so much years after the buffet. I think I'm gonna play those numbers on the lottery this year.
Thanks for sharing that. I think it's so unprofessional of medical staff to be judgmental by the way. They shouldn't even be in that profession if they're like that.
Miraculous post. I had a similar experience with LSD that caused me to feel different for over a year. Well, I'm still different. I realized how powerful my mind is and if I let it wander a certain way, it will lead to my insanity. And I agree with the_ketaman. The "it" must be your ego. I still do not fully understand the ego (I don't think anyone really does) but the human brain certainly created an identity for itself to experience reality differently than other brains do. Keep living healthy and keep living in the now. Coming back from something like that makes you realize how strong you really are mentally. Mine sure made me realize that. Took months though. Was my first and last psychedelic trip ever. 3 and a half years ago.
Hey, Ketaman, I appreciate the response. I'm looking into that. It's been 1 month and a couple of days since the trip. I haven't done any drugs since, not even alcohol. I think I eat healthy enough. I'm definitely consistent with my diet. I always read that i's super important. Additionally, I haven't started going to the gym again, but I plan on it. I still feel dissociation. In addition to my bad trip, though, I stopped smoking weed. I've been reading about marijuana withdrawal and I'm no sure where the effects of the bad trip end and the marijuana withdrawal. I feel stressed out and on edge like all the time and I started seeing this girl and she's great and all,, but I'm not sure if I have any feelings for her. In fact, I'm no sure I have feelings for anyone. I'm kind of depressed, thinking about how this could go on forever. I keep reading other posts on here, but nobody updates during their recovery. I plan to do that. You seem to know what you're talking about, though. Do I have PTSD? Will it ever go away? I know everybody says it will get better, but will I ever get to become a pilot and do all the things I always waned to do?
So update: 12/20/2017 was when I had my last trip and last experience with drugs altogether. I've been clean for a whole month and two days. I hadn't gone this long since I started drinking and smoking, when I was 18. 3 years later, I'm done with drugs. I'm pretty obsessed with this. I feel different to this day, but I keep reading and reading. I'm just trying to figure out why I feel the way I do. I feel dissociation, depression, anxiety, and stress. Sometimes, I feel all of the above; other times, I feel great. Sometimes, I feel hopeless, and other times, usually when I'm with my parents, I feel like I can overcome it with a positive attitude. I really try to maintain the positive attitude, but some days are harder than others and I just want to be happy like I used to be. I'm not sure if its the endocannabinoid system regulating or my serotonin receptors, but happiness isn't what it used to be. I'll try to update every month or so. I have a psychologist appointment Feb. 2nd. I have hope.
Hey man, I can totally relate to your story. The first time I ever took LSD a bunch of kids fucked with me, telling me I"m going to have a bad trip and what not. And I did. PRetty much same story as yours. In the end, I never came back to that funny, charming, confident person. Which I'm still searching for today...
Hockeyros07, I've been reading and the more you obsess over it, the worse it'll be. I think the whole problem is the traumatic event. It causes a heightened stress response so you're kind of on edge all the time. I've found it's really great to distract your mind because you forget about it. The more you can go without thinking about it, the better. For a long time, I was convinced that I was going insane. If you think this sometimes, just remember, it's anxiety. A symptom of anxiety is that you hunk you're going crazy. Reading and understanding is really incredible for recovery. I feel like I'm different, but when I really think about it, I've always had anxiety, especially in social situations around strangers and around girls. Every time you think you're different or you stress, it triggers the anxiety and since your stress response is higher, it's easier for you to feel overwhelmed. Talk to a psychologist and remember that there's nothing to be afraid of. Google: I feel like I'm going crazy anxiety. You'll find pages that talk about it and it'll help you calm down. Anxiety is very treatable. I've been reading about the limb in system. It's really interesting and we might have just caused permanent brain damage. Who knows? At least that's less scary than not knowing. Don't lose hope, man. It's the best thing you can have. Btw, I'm anemic, I've never been malnourished and out of nowhere, I found out I'm anemic. I'm gonna keep reading about the brain and I'm gonna talk to my doctor about my anemia. I have a psychologist appointment February 9. A month and a half after my last trip. Lol. I've had this appointment for two weeks and they had nothing sooner. I'll let you guys know how it went after my appointment.
So, "it" wasn't my ego. "it" was anxiety. I read all about it and now I've learned to allow my mind to have thoughts and not obsess over them. Your mind is a machine and it works via its pre-existing programming. It's going to have strange thoughts sometimes, the key is to allow them. Don't hold onto every thought you have. Don't obsess over everything your mind is thinking. Just accept that some of the thoughts are useless and allow them to pass through your mind. If you obsess over the weird thoughts, you don't allow your mind to focus on what really needs your focus, like school and such. Additionally, the feeling that you are going crazy isn't really you being crazy; mentally ill people don't know they are mentally ill. The feeling that you're going crazy is actually a symptom of the anxiety itself. Anxiety is a response to stress. You just need to find a place you feel safe and recognize the feeling of safety and convince yourself that you are safe regardless of the situation. That will help lower your heightened stress response. Don't avoid what gives you anxiety, do whatever gives you anxiety so your mind and body realize that it's not dangerous and you won't have that anxiety anymore. Honestly, this is week 5 since my bad trip and week 5 since I've been sober. The entire first month was plagued with depression and anxiety. I still have yet to see a psychologist, my appointment is February 9th. I am happy to say, it will get better. As long as I can remember, I've had social anxiety. Sure, there was a time in my life when it seemed to have diminished, but that was because I was around the same people all the time. I think I let myself forget how I used to feel and focused only on my achievements. If you focus only on how great you used to be, you will always feel inferior. Your anxiety will let you believe you are worse now and you will overthink it into existence. It's a self fulfilling prophecy. Make your self fulfilling prophecy a good one. I wish anyone reading this a complete recovery. I will update after my appointment, maybe sooner. Much love.
Yes, it will get better. For me, it took more than just a month. It took me around 6-7 months to notice improvement. I think your life is going to get even better than it was before. You slowly build yourself back up and it's a stronger you than the previous you. You will be more aware and will have your full range of emotions working properly again. And yes, I have a problem with OCD and obsessive thoughts. They definitely make the anxiety worse and you need to try your best to put your mind on something else even though it may be difficult. The first year after the trip, I couldn't go a single day without thinking about the trip. It was like it was sitting in the back of my head every day all day, slightly tweaking the way I experience life. Now almost 3 and a half years later, I don't think about it that much anymore. I still talk about it sometimes with people, but it's still hard and gives me anxiety (to talk about it). I think it very well may be PTSD, and I think the same thing happened with me. That's why you are so stressed and feeling like this a month after the event. PTSD doesn't have to be war related or being abused by someone like so many people think. A strong psychological experience like the one you and I had is enough to cause trauma.
Just wanted to update. Today is April 17, 2018. I feel pretty normal, now. To be honest, probably completely normal. Life is boring again and I'm pretty sure I'm fine. I feel like it was anxiety. Today, I have trouble sitting still, and talking to girls, but that's nothing new. I've always been very active and very shy. So, fear not, bad trippers, therapy helps a lot. My dr let's me talk through my shit and she points out my wrong assumptions and she challenges my irrational thoughts. I guess I've learned to not take myself so serious and not hang onto every thought I have. Just live. Don't worry.
March 2019. It?s been a year and a couple of months. I can honestly say that I don?t think about my trip anymore. I wanted to blame all of my feelings and mental issues on acid, but the truth is, through therapy, I have found that acid brought to the light a lot of shit that I had stored through my childhood and early adulthood. It?s been life changing. I am a little neurotic and I feel emotions so intensely, but it might be cannabis withdrawal. However, looking back, I can call it a blessing in disguise. I fucked up my trip by not letting it guide through the journey. I was afraid and i rejected it. In therapy, i basically did all the work that I was afraid to do on LSD. Overall, thank you, Acid. Till next time.
Hey man, thanks for dropping by to update. :) I missed this post when you first posted it, but there's a lot of wisdom in it.
March 2019. It?s been a year and a couple of months. I can honestly say that I don?t think about my trip anymore. I wanted to blame all of my feelings and mental issues on acid, but the truth is, through therapy, I have found that acid brought to the light a lot of shit that I had stored through my childhood and early adulthood. It?s been life changing. I am a little neurotic and I feel emotions so intensely, but it might be cannabis withdrawal. However, looking back, I can call it a blessing in disguise. I fucked up my trip by not letting it guide through the journey. I was afraid and i rejected it. In therapy, i basically did all the work that I was afraid to do on LSD. Overall, thank you, Acid. Till next time.

Wow, you sound like you learned a lot. Many times people say the more difficult trips helped them the most, as long as you make it through.
Its a shame that in this world people are forced to explore their conciousness in less than desirable circumstances, like those you describe. Had there been a more controlled setting with an experienced sitter the outcomes may have been different

Sounds like you are on the right track, and that stuff doesnt really matter! Its in the past, and you seem squarely focued on the now and how it will prepare you for you future nows.
New update!

It’s been a while. Am I better? It depends how you define better. LOL. Anyway, I am working a full time job, now. I feel like life isn’t so hard. I was prescribed with medication for my anxiety. I have currently been going to therapy every week for the past three years. My therapist is going pretty cool, but I think getting high (weed) has helped me the most. When I’m high, everything just feels so much clearer. If you are going through something similar. If you find yourself lost; if you find yourself with no clear direction to go, just know that it’s all going to work out. However it works out, it will work out. I promise, you have nothing to worry about.
New update!

It’s been a while. Am I better? It depends how you define better. LOL. Anyway, I am working a full time job, now. I feel like life isn’t so hard. I was prescribed with medication for my anxiety. I have currently been going to therapy every week for the past three years. My therapist is going pretty cool, but I think getting high (weed) has helped me the most. When I’m high, everything just feels so much clearer. If you are going through something similar. If you find yourself lost; if you find yourself with no clear direction to go, just know that it’s all going to work out. However it works out, it will work out. I promise, you have nothing to worry about.
I am glad you are doing a lot better. Do you use other drugs, or just pot?