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What Are YOUR Favorite Drugs? (Multi Choice)

What Drug(s) Were YOU Into When You Joined?

  • Anti-Depressants

    Votes: 50 11.3%
  • Benzos

    Votes: 176 39.7%
  • Opioids

    Votes: 192 43.3%
  • Gabapentin or Pregabalin

    Votes: 77 17.4%
  • ADHD Drugs

    Votes: 108 24.4%
  • Other Prescription Drugs

    Votes: 92 20.8%
  • DMT

    Votes: 59 13.3%
  • Ketamine

    Votes: 82 18.5%
  • LSD

    Votes: 141 31.8%
  • Mushrooms

    Votes: 124 28.0%
  • Other Psychedelics

    Votes: 80 18.1%
  • Anabolic Steroids

    Votes: 11 2.5%
  • Cocaine

    Votes: 138 31.2%
  • Amphetamines inc Meth

    Votes: 174 39.3%
  • MDMA & Empathogens

    Votes: 139 31.4%
  • Cannabis & derivatives

    Votes: 180 40.6%
  • Heroin

    Votes: 113 25.5%
  • Nicotine

    Votes: 151 34.1%
  • GHB/GBL & related

    Votes: 28 6.3%
  • Alcohol

    Votes: 149 33.6%
  • Solvents

    Votes: 7 1.6%
  • Other Inhalants - nitrous, amyl etc

    Votes: 46 10.4%
  • Research Chems/Legal Highs

    Votes: 72 16.3%
  • Phenibut

    Votes: 19 4.3%
  • Other Drugs - list below

    Votes: 26 5.9%
  • None - I Was Just Curious

    Votes: 9 2.0%

  • Total voters
From memory - heavily into the old school MDMA that always packed a loved-up punch ;)…. benzo's for any comedowns - and the beginning of my experimentation..... how times have changed!
Gabapentinoids should be probably changed to gabaminergic, meaning drugs hitting GABA sites

As in Neurontin or are you talking about something else? I am new to the drug arena so please be patient with me.
Ive been lurking this forum (unregistered) since 3 years ago when i was boring (on meth). And it just keeps going whenever im high on meth i will be here in this forum reading something. Hello there new member here.

Coaine is my favorite by far. Did meth for a bit since coke is pricey but I couldn't hold a job or relationship. Crack didn't really feel nearly as good to me as a good ol' line of powder. Plus I don't like smoking anything or injecting.
I'd say insufflation is my go-to ROA as well for stimulants. Injecting and smoking have rapid onsets, but I love the burn.

Welcome to Bluelight Memberloggin :)
I've been in and out of sobriety for the past five years heroin used to be my drug of choice meth is now my drug of choice yesterday was the last day I used and I mixed it with Molly and now I am going through it if anyone has any experience with using with Molly at the same time let's talk
I?m shelby, and I?m interested in psychedelics. I?m wanting to know more about them and their effects on the human body and mind.
welcome, shelby. Psychedelic Drugs

cool thread.

opiates - benzos - pot - cocaine
hyro - az - uana - caine

joined specifically to ask a question about cocaine. i used to get lsd-like visuals on the comedown. a poster named Sonic told me that means maybe i should avoid cocaine.
I like heroin, fentanyl, dillaudid, oxys n methadone. All opiots, of higher mg. I like meth. I was smoking it all day everyday for like 2 1/2 years before I started heroin. After IVing w kid within a day, I started Iv heroin for 5 years n never looked backhonestly. I hear that same thing alot from friends..and family. I don't smoke meth anymore, only IV works for me! Iv tried many sad n unsure methods to aquire the high I love. I am a druggy. I love drugs. I don't discriminate against any of em. Im neu here as a member. I love this sight n use it often. Thanks for everyone's help along the way, definitely dodged a few fatalities because I came n read the forums and comments in those said forums, before attempting my sketchy last resort ideas..
Just trying out posting for the first time. Opiates, benzodiazepines, for some reason I really love tramadol
I love that it is set up to allow anyone to select all of them individually, as well as ?none,I?m just curious.? Also a little disappointed that not many people share my sense of humor. BTW if anyone cares to help out, my friend has really screwed up sinuses and I really need a solution for him
Just joined a few days ago, specifically to ask about meth and kratom. Have a love affair with half of that list. Currently trying to quit everything but weed, as this is the only substance I feel healthy and comfortable taking frequently/daily. Have had addiction issues with alcohol and meth and hoping to reassert control. Considerating a shrooms trip after I've gotten rid if all my stashes this weekend.
Have had recurring sinus issues for a few months ever since a particularly long meth binge. Actually have a follow up with the specialist Monday. They assigned a nasal spray and antibiotics and that seemed to take care of the issue but I had to remain clean for a few weeks minimum, longer if planning on abusing those nasal passages again. Try saline rinse or netipot(make absolutely sure it's sanitized filtered whatever don't want to die from a fungal brain infection from snorting contaminated tap water), I find kombucha and probiotics help balance the system as well. Not sure I have much else, if comfortable taking antibiotics and can get an RX for amoxicillin... Of course this will address so many symptoms. Vitamin E liquid or gel caps punctured are an excellent way to help ur delicate nasal passages stay hydrated and begin to heal. Cutting back/quitting snorting for awhile. Hope this helps
Did you ever get more info on that? My wife has had extremely vivid lsd and deliriant like hallucinations the last few times we've done blow. She really doesn't do anything but drink and the occasional line, I'm way more Into the scene but have never had this experience. I really enjoy when I get to party with my wife like that so I was hoping to figure out what could be happening and see if there was a way to eliminate the issue...
