Need Support While I Kick Fent. Please Help!


Nov 16, 2016
I’ve been struggling to write this post for some reason, and I desperately need to get this out there so I’m just going to make this as short and to the point as I can and will add more later. I will soon be withdrawing from fentanyl (by this Tuesday 7/4 at the latest) and need some support and advice. I’ve read many of the threads here and am familiar with the Thomas Recipe/Remedy, though I need to refamiliarize myself. I wish I knew what my daily intake of fentanyl was, as I know that would help anyone trying to give advice, but unfortunately I do not know my dosage because I don’t know the exact strength of the stuff I’ve been taking. Its not pharmacy fent, its clandestine lab fent. I’ve been physically addicted for about a year and have only been through the first 24-36 hrs. of withdrawals a couple of times in that timeframe, so I know to expect pure hell but not at all the full extent of it…which is scary. I know I can do this, though. I thankfully will not have any access to this stuff ever again, so this is it for me. I’m definitely trying to get sober vs. trying to be okay until I can get my next fix.

I don’t have any support system and no one knows about this addiction, so I’ll be totally on my own. I’m really hoping someone/s here is willing to provide some support. I will absolutely pay it forward once I get better.

Some of the things I have in my arsenal for this process are:

  • A hot tub (thank goodness!!! Will help a ton with the body aches I hope)
  • 10 8mg subutex strips (I am really undecided as to whether I want to use these. I got them in case things get TOO bad. I’m willing to do a two/three week taper if that ends up being the necessary route and can probably get more if I need to)
  • 30 100mcg Clonodine
  • 100 2mg tabs of generic Immodium/lope (also very hesitant to take this because my digestive system is really messed up already and I have read the horror stories of people getting addicted and the endless w/ds)
  • As many 1mg Clonazepam and Alprazolam as needed (I have a plethora of anxiety disorders so they’re prescribed and I’ve never abused them. I have no interest in trading addictions and have been through benzo w/d before when a sadistic doctor said he wouldn’t prescribe alprazolam to anyone at all and just took me off of it and it was so prolonged and terrible. I’m not going through that again. If my dosage gets too high through this process I will just taper down as quickly as I can tolerate)
  • Nyquil (Just the sleep kind, no Tylenol or other meds in it)
  • Kratom (Never used before and am not sure that it will work for me since I have been doing fent. Any help and suggestions are much appreciated on this!)
  • Water & Gatorade (I am seriously worried about my ability to stay hydrated. I’m not very good at it in general and while I will make sure I have it easily accessible through the whole process I very often have trouble being able to force myself to drink it)
  • Alive Multi-vitamins, black cohosh, emergen-c packets, b12 & 6, L-Tyrosine, Calm Support, Gabba, Kava extract, Valerian extract, Valerian capsules, Sleepy Time Tea (Please offer any natural suggestions!)
  • Very high quality wax and buds (I have a very high tolerance to thc, but this wax is even too strong for me to smoke very often. I am hoping it may help knock me out since w/ds are the one thing I don’t find pot to be the best medicine for)
  • A treadmill and some free weights (I hope I can force myself to get on it at some point, but am fairly confident I will spend my time between bed, bathroom, and hot tub until the worst is over)

I would greatly appreciate it if someone would offer their experiences with the use of kratom during fent w/ds (if it worked at all, how much you used, how it was prepared). I also understand that it can be addictive, so while I am willing to use it even through some of the PAWS I do not want it to become a crutch.

My most noticable symptoms when I have begun the w/d process were sweating and anxiety. What helps most with the sweating? It’s the worst when you keep flashing from feverishly hot to freezing cold in sweat covered clothes :( I know I’m going to be washing my blankets a lot. I hope I’m able to make myself get up and do so. I had some night sweats prior to this addiction and I started taking black cohosh vitamins that helped sometimes, but have not been taking my vitamins recently. I’ve not been taking good care of myself at all. My quality of life is so severely affected by this addiction, I just want off! Unfortunately I have a work obligation tomorrow (Sunday) morning for 2 hours that I have to be not sick for. I’m actually really worried about that as my supply is really low and I’m not sure I’ll be able to fake it. It won’t be the end of the world for me to cancel, but the money would help me not feel so anxious about cash flow while I’m recovering.

Anyway, so much for being short and to the point. Anyone who can provide support or suggestions is greatly appreciated!
I'd suggest checking out the kratom topic on here. Many people have suggested different things. What I take from it is find your dose first (be sure to measure, don't eyeball it,) use it only 2/3 days then give yourself a break and if needed take again, or slowly taper when you're ready.
Klonidine helped with sweats for me. Also, while I know your mind is elsewhere, make it a priority to get those vitamins in daily. It genuinely will help.
You have a plethora of availabilities to turn to. Just be sure not to overlap them. For instance, you listed sub, kratom, buds, benzo, etc. Choose 1, and if it doesn't help, taper and try something else. You can do this!! It is worth the nights ofor sweat and aches to know on the other end you won't have to face it again if you choose not to. It's a dark tunnel in the middle and it seems as if there is no end. Promise you...there is. Just be careful, and keep us posted, that's what we are all here for!!
I'm rooting for you! I took a spin on fentanyl for a two month span and the come down was hell. Just hang in there dude!
@DruggieNurseKitti how long did your w/ds last? I know everyone is a bit different but I'm curious. Anyone else please chime in about how long yours lasted. I have enough left to get through the errands I need to run tomorrow and then it will be time...Does anyone have an opinion on whether its better to stop in the am or pm? Also, if I do end up using the suboxone, what should I expect in terms of symptom relief? What will it help with and what won't it help with? I know I have to be in full-blown w/d in order to take that in order to not bring about precipitated w/ds. Should I cut the strips into 2mg pieces and go up on the dosage as needed? I will be looking at the kratom thread this evening, but that's probably something not to be mixed with the subs, right?
I forgot to mention in my original post that I have 25-30 10/325 percs, 25-30 10/325 hyrdos, 30 5/325 percs, and 30+ 5/325 hydros and maybe 6-8 cylobenzeprines (sp- the muscle relaxer). I'm wondering how far it will set me back if I take a few percs and vics through the process in order to ease some of the worst symptoms (this is me plan a. since I don't really want to use the subs unless I can't take it. The subs are definitely plan b.) Anyone have any thoughts on using these meds to ease some of the worst symptoms? I'm not concerned about the addiction trading at all, I know from my past wd experiences that I won't even feel the pills to get any sort of high.
I always thought that a hot tub would solve 90 percent of withdrawal. Your lucky to have that. In fact I would say your as well prepared as possible.
I’ve been struggling to write this post for some reason, and I desperately need to get this out there so I’m just going to make this as short and to the point as I can and will add more later. I will soon be withdrawing from fentanyl (by this Tuesday 7/4 at the latest) and need some support and advice. I’ve read many of the threads here and am familiar with the Thomas Recipe/Remedy, though I need to refamiliarize myself. I wish I knew what my daily intake of fentanyl was, as I know that would help anyone trying to give advice, but unfortunately I do not know my dosage because I don’t know the exact strength of the stuff I’ve been taking. Its not pharmacy fent, its clandestine lab fent. I’ve been physically addicted for about a year and have only been through the first 24-36 hrs. of withdrawals a couple of times in that timeframe, so I know to expect pure hell but not at all the full extent of it…which is scary. I know I can do this, though. I thankfully will not have any access to this stuff ever again, so this is it for me. I’m definitely trying to get sober vs. trying to be okay until I can get my next fix.

I don’t have any support system and no one knows about this addiction, so I’ll be totally on my own. I’m really hoping someone/s here is willing to provide some support. I will absolutely pay it forward once I get better.

Some of the things I have in my arsenal for this process are:

  • A hot tub (thank goodness!!! Will help a ton with the body aches I hope)
  • 10 8mg subutex strips (I am really undecided as to whether I want to use these. I got them in case things get TOO bad. I’m willing to do a two/three week taper if that ends up being the necessary route and can probably get more if I need to)
  • 30 100mcg Clonodine
  • 100 2mg tabs of generic Immodium/lope (also very hesitant to take this because my digestive system is really messed up already and I have read the horror stories of people getting addicted and the endless w/ds)
  • As many 1mg Clonazepam and Alprazolam as needed (I have a plethora of anxiety disorders so they’re prescribed and I’ve never abused them. I have no interest in trading addictions and have been through benzo w/d before when a sadistic doctor said he wouldn’t prescribe alprazolam to anyone at all and just took me off of it and it was so prolonged and terrible. I’m not going through that again. If my dosage gets too high through this process I will just taper down as quickly as I can tolerate)
  • Nyquil (Just the sleep kind, no Tylenol or other meds in it)
  • Kratom (Never used before and am not sure that it will work for me since I have been doing fent. Any help and suggestions are much appreciated on this!)
  • Water & Gatorade (I am seriously worried about my ability to stay hydrated. I’m not very good at it in general and while I will make sure I have it easily accessible through the whole process I very often have trouble being able to force myself to drink it)
  • Alive Multi-vitamins, black cohosh, emergen-c packets, b12 & 6, L-Tyrosine, Calm Support, Gabba, Kava extract, Valerian extract, Valerian capsules, Sleepy Time Tea (Please offer any natural suggestions!)
  • Very high quality wax and buds (I have a very high tolerance to thc, but this wax is even too strong for me to smoke very often. I am hoping it may help knock me out since w/ds are the one thing I don’t find pot to be the best medicine for)
  • A treadmill and some free weights (I hope I can force myself to get on it at some point, but am fairly confident I will spend my time between bed, bathroom, and hot tub until the worst is over)

I would greatly appreciate it if someone would offer their experiences with the use of kratom during fent w/ds (if it worked at all, how much you used, how it was prepared). I also understand that it can be addictive, so while I am willing to use it even through some of the PAWS I do not want it to become a crutch.

My most noticable symptoms when I have begun the w/d process were sweating and anxiety. What helps most with the sweating? It’s the worst when you keep flashing from feverishly hot to freezing cold in sweat covered clothes :( I know I’m going to be washing my blankets a lot. I hope I’m able to make myself get up and do so. I had some night sweats prior to this addiction and I started taking black cohosh vitamins that helped sometimes, but have not been taking my vitamins recently. I’ve not been taking good care of myself at all. My quality of life is so severely affected by this addiction, I just want off! Unfortunately I have a work obligation tomorrow (Sunday) morning for 2 hours that I have to be not sick for. I’m actually really worried about that as my supply is really low and I’m not sure I’ll be able to fake it. It won’t be the end of the world for me to cancel, but the money would help me not feel so anxious about cash flow while I’m recovering.

Anyway, so much for being short and to the point. Anyone who can provide support or suggestions is greatly appreciated!
Man! You've got quite the arsenal for sure! I think you're more prepared than 90% of people going through w/d's are. I know you got this! Those benzos, weed, kratom, and clonidine will be your best friend.

Normally, I would tell someone with a fent addiction to taper with subs. But since you have such a plethora of aids, I say stay away from them and only use them in a TRUE emergency situation (Remember, you don't want to restart withdrawals).

I believe in you dude, and I want to hear about your progress. I'm here every step of the way.

Stay strong buddy. You got this.
Thank you so much for your support. My vitals were swinging way out of control and due to heart health issues, I did end up going with my emergency plan a (sub induction) at 16 hours after my last very diluted intra-nasal dose. I'm going to do a rapid taper. I'm still on day 3 (day 4 doesnt begin until 4pm today). Day 1 i used a total of 8mg sub (inducted with 2mg, then another 2mg. I realized by 2pm that I still wasn't stabilized and took another 2mg. I took another 2 mg at 7pm and was fine though the morning. I even got a few hours sleep.) Day 2 I used 6 mg, 4mg in the am, 2mg in the pm. So far with day 3 I took 2 mg and am hoping it will be okay. If it is, I will attempt to take 1mg this evening. The plan is to only be on the subs for six days max. I don't want this shit in my system, so in and out as quickly as possible is what I'm going for.
That's what you should really be rooting for. I did not have access to a computer over the weekend I am sorry :( I hope you are well and your taper is successful. Please update asap.
Well, I'm successful in still being off the opiates. Its nearly 6 days. I feel like total crap, though. totally emotionally drained and physically depleted of all energy. Yesterday all I could do was cry. Today there's no crying, but I still feel just as awful and in near-despair. I'm done with the sub taper. I'll have to write more details later since I have no energy and am having trouble organizing my thoughts. Like I'm still coming out of a fog. I haven't taken any other meds aside from my daily prescribed 1 mg clonazepam am and pm since yesterday. I wasn't able to sleep decently last night due to the hot flashes, though they were mild compared to the first day. I don't want to discourage anyone at all and I fully intend to follow through (not much choice as my supply line is totally gone), but wow this is really difficult. Unfortunately I'm a mostly-homebound agoraphobic, so its not helping doing this alone. Unfortunately I don't have a ton of choice. I made an appointment with my therapist for tomorrow evening and I hope I can make myself go. I know its going to take some time for my body and mind to heal and I was depressed before I started abusing fent, so its all coming back at me now and its pretty awful. I wish I had something positive to say aside from today is day 6 off of fent and I do not feel well emotionally at all.
What you are doing takes an incredible amount of courage and you're doing great. It will slowly get better so please believe me and hang in there!

You're totally prepared and as ready as you can be. Remember the anxiety and depression is just as much a part of withdrawal as the physical aspects are. Just try to remember that any time the emotional stuff gets overwhelming and you'll totally prevail.

Stay strong and feel better!
Hiya, I can't help noticing that you got a TON of meds, more then 99% of people on this board withdrawing have, I don't think that it's true cold turkey coz you would seriously want to die man, I mean the cravings, the mental part, stomach cramps, waking up pure early with horrific restless leg syndrome, this is only a teeny part of cold turkey. My opinion, I think it's gonna be a piece of cake to you coz you've got so much comfort meds to get you through it, maybe that's why people haven't giving you much of a response, the majority here have nothing like that and go through sheer hell, believe me, I know what it's like, that's why I'm still using.
You're on day 6 already? Well done btw, by 24 hours,, I'm ready to die, you're very lucky, and to have a hot tub as well!!!!!
Best of luck man.