• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

I'm not sure if i have HPPD

Guys, the only thing that is still lingering around is the Palinopsia/afterimages. I really consider myself 80/90% cured. I know how much it has improved since it all began. Only now i'm kind of anxious that this is the only symptom that will stay around (the symptom i hate the most). I swear I saw improvement in my palinopsia. Any people that can back me up in some kind of way with this? And is it just a weird chemical reaction in my brain and not the full blown HPPD reaction?
HPPD is just enhanced awareness of visual artifacting that is normally edited out by your brain. Afterimages, etc are all normal effects of the human visual system... you will be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't see afterimages after looking at a bright light!
Yeah I know, just a bit scared at the moment really. Is 0,5 seconds of an positive afterimage normal? I just want this to go away, really hope it will. I read that these similar symptoms also occur in: Chronic lyme disease or late stage lyme disease or withdrawal from benzos (both long and short term). It all sounds the same as HPPD, and these conditions can also last for months to years. I just need the reassurance I'm going to be okay, or at least my eyes. Has anyone here experienced this? And do you guys really think it will fade completely. ;) thanks for all the help already guys.
Actually i moved my fingers around and i think i have that too right now. Have you tried exercise? Like walking on a treadmil i find dramatically improves sensory abnormalities. Also, maybe weight training might help im not talking like arnold bodybuilding you could just do light weights and focus on feeling the form. When i used to do dissociatives and deliriants i would lift weights very slowly and it would really help
Hmm, could also just be a normal thing right? Ahah don't know what to think anymore these days. Yeah i noticed it too that exercising really does improve your mood and symptoms significantly.
By far the strongest predictor for me has been if i was lying down all day. Im no neuroscientist bur inthink your brain has motor areas and areas of the brain involved in sensory spatial awareness and my guess is its use it or loose it. Ike ballerinas have better balance then me football playerz and gamers better abiliy to track multiple objects. And for example eminem was on all kinds of drugs that effecr speach and cerebulum sct like valium ativan libriim hydrocodone muscke relaxers alchol ect ect and he defjnitely doesnt have any speach deficits from his use now hes clean
Did you recover

Plz reply. Has it gone away im same age AS you and have the same Thing
Me? No but im on drugs all day. And , if anything ive just gotten used to it. For example right now i see two of every key but i can use my sense of touch and motor skills to over override the incorrect visual input.
HPPD isn't a condition that one clearly has or does not have. I've used a lot of psychedelics myself, and I do get some visual phenomena while sober especially if I'm in a certain mood or staring at blank walls. Just minor stuff that never has bothered me. Most of my friends who tripped a lot get the same stuff. It's not HPPD unless it interferes with your life in some fashion. I would recommend avoiding the substance that caused your bad trip though, as it sounds like you had lasting anxiety from it. But it doesn't sound like there is anything really wrong with you from what you wrote. And eventually you will likely move past the anxiety. If your anxiety is bothering you, there's no shame in seeing somebody about it if you feel the need. However, your experiences don't sound abnormal or even unusual to me. If you find yourself getting anxious or depressed for no external reason, just remind yourself that there is no need to be and you'll be fine.