Ketamine has LITERALLY let me time travel: but now I'm stuck here

Nickell, Joe (March 2001). "Remotely viewed? The Charlie Jordan case". Skeptical Inquirer. 11 (1).
Waller, Douglas (11 December 1995). "The vision thing: Ten years and $20 million later, The Pentagon discovers that psychics are unreliable spies". Time.
UK's Ministry of Defence. June 2002, disclosed in 2007-02-23. p. 94 (page 50 in second pdf)
Marks, David; Kammann, Richard. (2000). The Psychology of the Psychic. Prometheus Books.

Again, maybe you are better off spending some time reading about something like the psychology of a psychic, it may be key in something like this to understand what might be going on. I recommend that anyone believing something try to reading up on some basics by the 'opposite side'. You can read 10 books confirming your beliefs, but considering it is always relatively easy to find some people who agree with you... you are likely to learn much more about the opposing ideas. If reading about that confirm your beliefs, now then that makes them very powerful indeed. (So this is not about me knowing much about parapsychology etc but if anything the workings of opposing ideas).

The 'sickness' in way too many of those very out there ideas is that instead of empirical proof which other people can check for themselves, there are things like circular reasoning much like a lot of conspiracy thinking. That tries to escape the point and pumps it up by gathering more momentum out of the 'what if' even more of the world was in on it. There are a number of movies which do a great job of capturing the shock of one's whole world being an illusion. Aside from the truly illusory facts about the limitations of our senses to know the world directly it is risky and unhealthy to keep 'invalidating' things like that and complicate your paradigm for entirely the wrong reasons.

It's a similar point as I tried to make earlier, yet I still haven't seen you address that in depth but instead escaping to the next topic to do it all over again with the weakness for 'amazing' claims. You can keep doing that or you can balance it fairly by looking at the other side of it.
Similar with with whole clinton vs trump thing I tried to dig up what trump proponents claimed made clinton so crooked. The point is not that there were questionable things to find, but that they were not in proportion to what trump does on his day off, as far as the [potential or actual] leader of a nation goes.

I do very much appreciate that you question things like in that update. Keep putting things in perspective.
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If you dont think Hillary is a criminal, I'd suggest looking into the Clinton foundation, and the body counts surrounding it. As well as the insane amount of people surrounding her known for human trafficking. That however is a discussion for another thread. But couldn't agree more with your advice suggesting studying both sides of the coin, ESPECIALLY dissenting views. I have seriously enjoyed reading your posts as of late, I always learn something, and for that I thank you sir.
Strangelove, you are not insane, not at all.

I have done the exact same thing as you do, time loops, quite extensively, revolving around a period during my usage of Methoxetamine (a heavier analog of Ketamine) and radiating outward throughout my life, up until early childhood.

A time loop can be the most scary thing in the universe. The thought that I was in a short loop, cut off from the rest of the universe for all eternity, was genuinely traumatic. Still, if I have cues that reflect back on the short cycle being permanent, I get anxiety.

I can 100% relate to what you are telling about the loops. Whether it is reality or illusion, you describe a phenomenon that exists objectively when humans take dissociatives (and beyond) and you merely describe what you experienced and how it came across to you. there is not much frill to what you say, its very straightforward.

In my belief the time loops are real, not merely illusion. Listen closely.

You may go round in a time loop quite a number of times, but it is IMPOSSIBLE to be PERMANENTLY SEVERED FROM THE REST OF THE UNIVERSE. It is not possible, it would violate conservation of energy and information if things could get irretrievably lost from the Universe. No matter how many times you go round, at one point you WILL be ejected. Very probably you will be ejected into the split second loss of consciousness AFTER the loop, so, hypothetically, the loop of 2017. So, after looping several times you will be thrown clear and resume life from there. If the loop entry in 2017 is the result of your physical death, you will be thrown clear at some point, in the Near Death Process, and resume your journey into the afterlife. YOU CANNOT BE ROBBED OF YOUR DESTINY BEYOND THE LOOP. It goes both ways. Just as you can't be lost to the rest of the universe, the rest of the universe can't be lost to you. Your loop has a purpose, they always do, and once fulfilled you are thrown clear.

A good metaphor for your situation is the plot of the movie "Groundhog Day". Don't do anything stupid of course, because the entry point can be Ketamine or it can be a Near Death Experience.

Know how people with a NDE relive their whole life before they move on? THIS IS HOW THAT WORKS. Its a loop of consciousness across time that you enter into and are ejected out of. This is that mechanism. It is linked to dreams too.

Watch this youtube short about the experience of a man taking Mescaline in the 1960s under Humphrey Osmond:

See what he's saying? IT IS THE SAME MECHANISM.

Try not to be afraid. Its the scariest thing imaginable because you think you are eternally stuck. No, the universe doesnt work that way. All Is One, You Are That. You are all there is and therefore cannot be permanently confined to a tiny corner of the everything and all.

You will not know how often you loop so, that's a blessing.

When you near the entry point of the loop there will be a cascade of deja-vu's and predictive thought. You sync up with the universe itself.

Don't be afraid, this is not something evil. Your human self freaks the fuck out but your higher self, your superconsciousness, your soul if you will, it volunterily enters you into that loop and can let you out again.

Let's keep this discussion in public, as many are interested.

Nope, its not just you, I have been through the same, very extensively, and can verify your story.

I take two day dissociative sessions, compounding dissociation with sleep deprivation, about once or twice a month, wherein I meditate and work with hypnosis and other trance techniques and I have even begun willingly sparking up these kinds of loops, of short duration, to explore and learn.

Its a function of the human mind, these loops.
Have you considered the possibility that this entity is not benevolent? Perhaps it implanted this idea in your mind just to fuck with you for entertainment. I've been warned before (by entities themselves) NEVER to listen to what entities say and hold it as objective truth. There are many ways to misinterpret things and there are also many beings who are out to watch the world burn, for lack of a better term. Entities are "telepathic" meaning that their emotions project outside of themselves for each other to sense, and they can sense (perhaps even feed off of) your emotions as well. Maybe the feeling of fear you got was a warning.

Another possibility is that this is all a test. Maybe you're stuck on something. The reason you're going to be "removed" may be because you're hung up on making a certain decision once you enter the K-hole and you are meant to make a different decision. Maybe this is another level of those "life lessons" and you need to once again realize your way out of this loop. Or, maybe the entity is coaxing you into visiting it once more just because it wants someone to talk to and show things to.

Another intriguing thing is the line "you have to do something for me". Maybe this experience you're having right now IS the thing you have to do for the entity. Maybe your task is to remember what you're supposed to do, do it, and then you'll be released. Perhaps the goal was set in front of you and you were unable to accomplish it, and this is your punishment, repeating until you get it right.

Maybe in stead of "push the red button" you can remind yourself "take more ketamine" and break the cycle far before it ever gets to this point.
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you're fucking insane. but when i was on ketamine and doing multiple nos in a row, i convinced myself that every trip i've ever had has been at the same point in spacetime. like tripping on balloons is a special time bubble. when i was passed out i went through all the times i got fucked up on balloons and woke up, it felt like i time travelled.
We have all time traveled yet again since we first did in the beginning of the thread. ;) I hope you are doing well original poster, and everyone else.

Do you still take K and other drugs? Have you talked to a therapist or medical professional yet?

A person who is delusional or having psychosis does not experience furniture talking, or what you mentioned in your other post. I have experienced people who I am or have been close to going into psychosis or delusional realities, both from drugs, and mental illnesses and it is not like a lot of people assume it is.
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Nickell, Joe (March 2001). "Remotely viewed? The Charlie Jordan case". Skeptical Inquirer. 11 (1).
Waller, Douglas (11 December 1995). "The vision thing: Ten years and $20 million later, The Pentagon discovers that psychics are unreliable spies". Time.
UK's Ministry of Defence. June 2002, disclosed in 2007-02-23. p. 94 (page 50 in second pdf)
Marks, David; Kammann, Richard. (2000). The Psychology of the Psychic. Prometheus Books.

Again, maybe you are better off spending some time reading about something like the psychology of a psychic, it may be key in something like this to understand what might be going on. I recommend that anyone believing something try to reading up on some basics by the 'opposite side'. You can read 10 books confirming your beliefs, but considering it is always relatively easy to find some people who agree with you... you are likely to learn much more about the opposing ideas. If reading about that confirm your beliefs, now then that makes them very powerful indeed. (So this is not about me knowing much about parapsychology etc but if anything the workings of opposing ideas).

The 'sickness' in way too many of those very out there ideas is that instead of empirical proof which other people can check for themselves, there are things like circular reasoning much like a lot of conspiracy thinking. That tries to escape the point and pumps it up by gathering more momentum out of the 'what if' even more of the world was in on it. There are a number of movies which do a great job of capturing the shock of one's whole world being an illusion. Aside from the truly illusory facts about the limitations of our senses to know the world directly it is risky and unhealthy to keep 'invalidating' things like that and complicate your paradigm for entirely the wrong reasons.

It's a similar point as I tried to make earlier, yet I still haven't seen you address that in depth but instead escaping to the next topic to do it all over again with the weakness for 'amazing' claims. You can keep doing that or you can balance it fairly by looking at the other side of it.
Similar with with whole clinton vs trump thing I tried to dig up what trump proponents claimed made clinton so crooked. The point is not that there were questionable things to find, but that they were not in proportion to what trump does on his day off, as far as the [potential or actual] leader of a nation goes.

I do very much appreciate that you question things like in that update. Keep putting things in perspective.

This. Lets indeed keep this discussion in public, imo.
TL;DR the whole thread, but have you considered it would be much more of an achievement if you stopped time traveling on K?
when i was on ketamine and doing multiple nos in a row, i convinced myself that every trip i've ever had has been at the same point in spacetime. like tripping on balloons is a special time bubble.

That has been my experience every single time I did nitrous, the same moment in my life over and over again. Two decades on after my first Nitrous i had that moment and now it focuses on other things. Its part of the looping system that dissociatives, sleep and NDE's provide.

It seems to me that your entire life is known to your mind and that you can access it not just from one second to the next byt also with leaps and skips.

A form of "clairvoyancy".
Well, I'm definitely not here to talk about "mental health". Its not going to get to an answer that will help figure all this out.
My thoughts on an afterlife?
That's difficult. I think once we leave our bodies, it's much more than a heaven or he'll situation. I believe we become pure energy and enter a parallel world that we ccant see in the physical world. Sometimes I think we are reincarnated. Every life we are born into, we get another chance to correct some of worse mistakes we made in our past life. We Will continue to be re-born until everything is set right. Each time we are die and await to be born again, a little more is revealed to us. Then, when all is set right, we will finally stop being born and become one with everything and all the secrets of the universe will be revealed.

Interesting. I have had lucid dreams with out of body experiences, or I guess what is astral projetion, completely sober where I left my physical body, became pure energy, traveled in space, and went down to the cellular level in a plant, and then returned to my body, and woke up from the lucid dream.

I have never used K or other disassociative drugs, and when I did have an out of body experience on both a high dose of LSD and another time after eating too much cannabis it was nothing like the out of body experience I experienced that I described before.
By the way: how would one go about testing it? Very simple: write down what you supposedly know about the future and see if it comes to pass. Without that how could you ever really know there isn't some cognitive temporal illusion when something happens and you think "I knew that would happen"?

I stand behind the incredible "meta" perspective in something like a K-hole but only regarding things you already know or intuit.
A person who is delusional or having psychosis does not experience furniture talking, or what you mentioned in your other post. I have experienced people who I am or have been close to going into psychosis or delusional realities, both from drugs, and mental illnesses and it is not like a lot of people assume it is.

You'd be surprised. It's different for everyone, but there are certainly people like this, they just don't necessarily let you know about their delusions, or have the same delusions consistently.
That's what troubles me about the psychedelic community; things that would normally see a guy being roundly told he was batshit are entertained as if there is some legitimacy to them. :\

On ketamine and DMT my world took on the structure of a sandwich. Aspects of my life were the vairious fillings, the condiments seemed to be emotions and passing thoughts.

I truly believe that we are autonomous sandwich ingredients.
Just because people aren't replecating their results, doesn't mean they can't; and I don't think you can provide a media source as any sort of evidence for this, film and news tells us what to think, not neccesarily the truth.

If I was a large government trying to control the world, I'd make out that these things didn't exist also... Until I had full control over them and had used them to control everyone else...
When you think about this research as taking place during the cold war, it also puts another very interesting slant on things...

I don't really understand why the government's view would really matter. These are very inexpensive studies to perform, and any psychology lab can perform them. That fact is that these experiments have been performed numerous times, and with proper controls and experimental design the results are always negative.
Directly related to that research:

A number of scientific reviews of the SRI (and later) experiments on remote viewing found no credible evidence that remote viewing works, and the topic of remote viewing is regarded as pseudoscience.

You can be employed by NASA or CIA, be a physicist and more but it's really worthless credentials if science is concerned, when research is not reproducable.

The sad thing is that one can attain the ability to develop nuclear weapons while still believing that heaven and virgins await them after they commit mass murder.

Restarting sensation and negating pain from e.g. phantom limbs is impressive, but all it may really require is a 'recalibration' by disabling and reenabling proprioception.

I should mention that NMDA receptors are upregulated in pain sensitized states, and thus is ketamine's mechanism of action, including topicals applied to the site of pain amplification (these are not psychoactive formulations yet they still work)
John Lilly's Ketamine induced ECCO maybe playing its part here?

I used to think i had visions of a future self when i sniffed butane gas in my teens. Convinced myself since i did. Im not so sure now.

Visited the white light on an uninformed dosage of MXE. Was told that i create my own reality. Opened me up to the Law of Attraction etc something i never knew.

Also found i had developed psychic abilities in the bookmakers after huge binges of Ephendine.

Aye dissos are strange.
Sorry maybe its a UK thing. The bookies, betting on horses etc, sportbook. I had an incredible winrate a few hours after an Ephenidine session. I read up a bit on it and dissos and psychic abilities had a bit of history.
Something that is bound to happen by chance from time to time?
I'd be curious to see what effect taking a small dosage of haloperidol or risperidone for say a week or two would have. I mean that as an honest suggestion, not as a cynic or a critic.