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Critique my Essay on how approx. seven neurotransmitters generate our entire view.

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Aug 19, 2016
New World Over
Throughout our lives, we experience both ourselves and the world around us. Are we confident and hopeful, or depressed and anxious? Neurotransmitters act as chemical messengers that travel through the millions of neurons and receptor sites found all over the body. The majority of them are located in the brain and stomach. Neurotransmitters both inhibit and excite, meaning they help us move and stop moving. Their activation determines how much of life we can feel and understand. Scientist Karl Pribham had found our brain “mathematically constructs order of existence that is beyond both space and time” (Bartlett). Basically, a neurotransmitter acts as an antenna to see or understand dimensions that we already exist within. Oreste, a prosperous financial trader, wrote a book in 2011 about quantum perception in success. He exclaims understanding neurotransmitters and our perception is crucial to being rich, happy, and not close minded. It also prevents getting stuck in ineffective patterns of living (25). Neurotransmitters as a collection are well understood, but poorly defined individually. Each one offers a specific dimension to our conscious. With knowing GABA, Glutamate, Dopamine, Endorphins, Oxytocin, Serotonin, Noradrenaline, we map our personality and understand others, then begin decoding the “quantum” existence, where we live in the 3rd dimension but also perceive the 4th.
The seven neurotransmitters can be organized into two categories. We have one group that determines self-attribute: Dopamine, Endorphins, Oxytocin, GABA, and Glutamate. Exterior Environmental attributes are: Serotonin and Noradrenaline. These are not the only neurotransmitters found in the body, but the core ones of relevance. The rest facilitate strictly physical regulation. Acetylcholine would be one of these, or nitric oxide; neurotransmitters simply required for physiological processes like muscle contractions and blood flow. The first category affects the body independent of circumstance, meaning if things are unfamiliar, they are survival merits. In overview, Dopamine, Endorphins, and GABA give way for motivation, intuition/anticipation, and carefreeness respectively. This means in the most troublesome moments, these three help personal survival. For the second group, Serotonin allows comfort that the environment is stable and peaceful, and Noradrenaline makes the earth look like it has things to be enthusiastic about.
We will analyze a familiar one, Dopamine, the satisfaction chemical. We feel this when eating food, talking to our crush, and accomplishing tasks. Dopamine receptors create movement in the body toward survival, and the brain confirms survival as feel able satisfaction. Dopamine also provides sustenance to complete a task before the reward is granted. By being satisfied by dopamine, one becomes confident and content. Since Dopamine is survival, it is a competitive sentiment; it feels exclusive to yourself or your team. We want the pretty girl, the trophy at sports games, and the most money that we can. When we work for academic or financial success, we want to make something of ourselves and dopamine is our oil. Social interactions can be based on feelings of dopamine in some settings, like a party or a business meeting. When we talk about ourselves from experience, we present ourselves through dopamine. These conversations are based on interests and knowledge, and inadvertently inflate ego. Excessive dopamine has consequence:

Dopamine will leaves sufferers with no choice but to dislike anyone who threatens to
deprive them of their sugar, junk, or attention. To complicate matters, dopamine
makes it impossible for attention zombies to hear any status-negating (i.e.
dopamine-reducing) information. To further complicate matters, dopamine will
facilitate the self-deceptions and denials keeping dopamine addicts from wanting to
know they’re lying and denying (Lyell).
When desire grows out of control, we will manipulate situations for personal benefit. A politician in power lies because securing a position is the goal. Not only is that, but excessive dopamine in the middle cortex of the brain instead of the front part is a basis of schizophrenia: “Extraordinal activation of nigrostriatal and mesolimbic dopaminergic systems (midbrain dopaminergic system) is thought to be one of the most important etiologies for schizophrenia” (Kumamoto). Dopamine of the middle cortex is a place of creativity and ideas, but the frontal lobe is needed to processes it toward reality. Therefore, excessive ideas and not enough tangible connection make dopamine a hallucination of what is not or really happening. This also is a self-problem, because it means you see yourself as the center of a purpose of delusion. Basically although helpful to us, excessive amounts of dopamine lead to over-confidence or delusion, depending on the part of the brain.
Endorphins and Oxytocin regulate joy and pain. We do not like or love anything absent of it. These chemicals show as feelings of meaning within our lives, like when a child is born and a mother feels an unimaginable beauty. It is gratifying rather than simply rewarding, and thus we accept what we cannot change. Endorphins are pictured by remembering when we were happy anticipating as children. Although nothing was perfect, there was wonder in how the world worked; we did a variety of stuff that seems like a waste or boring now. We did not question God, or Santa clause. Exposure to human made society makes other neurotransmitters create a new viewpoint. Some children in public school will turn on GABA, to be disruptive and routy, to make it more fun. Others become fearful of academic pressures, and carefree attitudes are replaced with focus to do well from Dopamine. Endorphins are a neurotransmitter of religious connection: “Dunbar suggests that religious practices are designed to give us that endorphin kick that makes us feel so much better able to cope with the vagaries of the world and, perhaps just as important, so much more at peace with our neighbors” (Veith). Religion provides a sense of peace and meaning for many followers, because a more powerful God gives a reason for humility over self-importance.
The historical figure, Jesus Christ, embodied endorphins throughout his end. He healed a paralyzed man’s hand. The dopamine based religious leaders at the time, the Pharisee, saw themselves equal to God. Jesus’s miracles infuriated them as to call it witchcraft, as it violated their man made laws. They were confused why he wouldn’t join them as the elite, if he was the powerful son of the creator. His mantra back to them was: “If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness” (The English Standard Version Bible, 2 Corinthians 11:30). Christ did not rejoice with them in secrecy, but exposed them to the public before a crowd. The Pharisee was skeptical of Jesus, and Jesus had them on their show. He debated them by implying they are nothing and out for themselves only. In this, he asks them how they will avoid hell in front of everyone. The Pharisee showed pride and anger back, but the crowd felt humility and honesty from Christ. This delayed his crucifixion, because the Pharisee feared the public loved Jesus and hated them. Humble display of strength through endorphins makes a person stronger and more likeable than other neurotransmitters. To sum up, endorphins will make us compassionate for others and not hard on ourselves.
GABA and Glutamate sit last in the Self-chemicals. They are the earliest neurotransmitters found in living organisms, which is relevant for later. They have a simple function, and that is Glutamate fires off nerve signals to cause varying action signals, usually in conjunction with other neurotransmitters. GABA receptors are sedating, numbing signals the brain responds to keep Glutamate in check and overall anxiety low. Half the brain’s receptors are Glutamate receptors (Boeree). They are required mainly for the totality of bodily signals and movements, but excessive glutamate response in a brain is toxic to cells. Glutamate is different than dopamine for our behavior in it is less about motivation or goal, and instead how much the brain is firing in the background nonspecifically. GABA is crucial for self-perception, because if Endorphins negate worry through acceptance, and dopamine reduces stress through enjoyment, GABA is the part of us that just does not care to react to our desires or fears in the simplest numbing sense.
These are all the self-pertaining neurotransmitters, and we can clue together a picture of ourselves. An example: Are you a workaholic that is content financially but constantly worrying and hopeless you’ll find love? Then you have High dopamine, and lower levels of GABA and endorphins. Do you have the ability to harbor negative self-beliefs and doubts, but have no inhibition bolstering out your opinion in public? You may be full of GABA, but lack Endorphins or Dopamine.
Now both Serotonin and Noradrenaline can be seen as chemicals of the environment, but also a measure of depressiveness. Serotonin regulates hundreds of functions in the body, such as temperature, and the most abundant neurotransmitter in the gastric tract in regards to digestion and entire body control. It corresponds primarily to comfort with where you are and consistency with the structure of your day. If life is haphazard and unstable, Serotonin levels drop. Gang violence in inner cities is believed to be from lower Serotonin, because poverty and crime create a survivalist outlook. Serotonin depends on you and your loved ones remaining in well off positions. It is having a natural “safe space”, as many LGBT, African Americans, feminists, and minorities have protested being unable to have in their narratives. This is because Serotonin is hierarchy in the environment through non-aggressive principles. This is evident in Biochemistry of Status and the Function of Mood States when

McGuire and Raleigh (1975) demonstrated that Serotonin level covaries with changes of status in vervet monkeys. Moreover, artificially raising the serotonin levels in subordinate vervet monkeys with fluoxetine (Prozac) results in these individuals rising in status, in some cases to alpha rank (Raleigh, 1991). Dominant animals display an air of calm self-assurance, self-control, and self-directed behavior. Subordinates, on the other hand, appear fidgety, easily perturbed, and their behavior seems to be largely controlled by external stimuli rather than being self-directed.
The lower Serotonin monkeys are portrayed as fidgety and at the direction of a non-impulsive monkey administered Prozac. This means, our boss at work feels more serotonin than us when they pass by. That feeling of pretending to put on your best employee face when a boss walks past you is a response of subjugating our impulses to goof off or be distracted. Furthermore, An experiment looking at brain scans proves a serotonin hallucinogen like LSD makes the user expand connection to their reality: “This could mean that LSD results in a stronger sharing of information between regions that deal with how we perceive the outer world, Enzo Tagliazucchi, a neuroscientist who helped lead the study, said in a statement” (Schlanger). Since Serotonin defines our connection to exterior environment, heightening its activity from a hallucinogen or meditation broadens our scope to belonging to all of nature. Serotonin makes up the boundaries of the encompassing 3D nature we inhabit.
Noradrenaline, the second exterior neurotransmitter is responsible for excitement, arousal, and discovery. In the human body, Dopamine and Noradrenaline convert to one another to balance arousal with rewards. How Noradrenaline arouses you is through making the environment seem engaging. With no Noradrenaline, the world feels either like a wasteland where nothing is discoverable, or like the tasks of the world are maze-like in nature. Noradrenaline serves to allow us to think most things will be easy enough so that we initiate with them. It differs from Dopamine, which relies on carrot-string reward, because Noradrenaline opens the possibility that it’s unlikely the world will disappoint once the voyage has started. Here is Noradrenaline used in regular life: a project is supposed to take 10 hours, and a student procrastinates until the morning it is due and finishes a decent result in 2 hours. Assume he would have taken 5 hours had he done it the night before for the same result, also working constantly. Noradrenaline has made him able to produce efficient work at whichever amount of time he needed. So essentially, it is duration of time. Many meditation experts specialize in trying to churn out Noradrenaline from the brain by perceiving the reality as a constant shifting reality. In that every infinitesimal part of time that passes is a new frame of reality. Lack of physical energy does not prevent Noradrenaline usually, as it is only loosely collaborated with the release of physical epinephrine or Adrenaline. By meditating, I had temporarily felt a Noradrenaline perspective that I no longer thought I had the energy to ride on.
We have gone through the major neurotransmitters in our body, with the exception of Acetylcholine, which aids in memory and sharper thinking, comparable with Glutamate in that it is not correlating to a specific psychological feeling. Every combination of the neurotransmitters listed can create an assortment of perspectives different from one another. There are numerous types of happiness that can result. Somebody about to land on the moon for the first time will rivet at her seat in Noradrenaline, whereas that same day another man is just as happy with Serotonin and Endorphins having a dinner with his family and prayer. Somebody else is winning the lottery and experiencing an equal weight of happiness from primarily Dopamine going from a minimum wage slave to millionaire. Somebody can be an activist for an oppressed group, who feels like changing things is complicated from too low Noradrenaline, and feel oppressed from low Serotonin, but carry a fighting spirit through personal motivation in Dopamine. A friend of mine with ADHD is excited about life constantly researching technology and innovation from high Noradrenaline, but he does not have the personal Dopamine based fortitude to finish up or stay working on any one project. When walking through vast woods, would we be more comfortable with a Serotonin monk declaring there is nothing to fear about natural land, or a wildlife tour group who use the prepared innovations from noradrenaline like weapons and technology to guide and protect us. From seeing how we map ourselves and environments, we can begin to encode the earth’s history of perception. We find out we are living in a 3D world but perceiving upward of the fourth dimension. The encoding of our interactions makes sense once we look from stage 1.

Single-celled living organisms require bare minimum neurotransmitters to live, like the protozoa. Gou writes: “GABA and glutamate have existed in the earliest stage (coelenterate) of animal evolution”. The collective consciousness of organisms using only GABA and glutamate to process life is of single dimensional, a binary of whether the organism exists or not. Location is irrelevant, as bacteria overlaps with their random swimming position, because a protozoon consumes thousands of bacteria per hour. By Using Glutamate signals from touching high concentrations of bacteria, the organism expands to eat. Afterward, it contracts with GABA once it no longer needs to move. It does not need to know how to find food like later animals that would require dopamine receptors. If life were entirely based on Glutamate and GABA for humans, we would alternate between flailing or bashing around for dinner and then stumbling to calm sleep. Almost like somebody heavily drunk, where GABA levels are heightened beyond normal, and they could care less about anything but are not particularly happy. It is simple because GABA is meaningless but necessary to add sedation. We could look at movie or book plotlines to see how villains represent an extreme of one neurotransmitter. A rummaging, mindless beast that hectically causes destruction and swallows innocent people that then curls up and slumbers in a cave when nothing is around is an excessive GABA antagonist. Ghosts or demons in horror are scary because they flaunt excessive GABA/Glutamate, relentlessly inducing anxiety in the low GABA protagonist, allowing the audience to be engaged.
Dopamine is the second dimension of our perceptions. Much of the animal kingdom lives entirely in this mindset. Dopamine can be seen as a second dimension because points of interest begin to play a role in the organism’s perception. A field mouse needs to look for seeds or small prey, not just pass over them like a protozoa. The same mouse in its lifetime must avoid predators and find a mate as it does not reproduce by itself. The mouse is one point in space that is now aware of four other goals: prey, predators, mating, and shelter. By saying many animals see in 2D, we really mean they are constantly spotting something in a picture: “When an animal is hunting, what catches its eye is motion against a steady background, which is why TV images can trigger its hunting instinct” (Korneliussen). A dog will see the world as a series of changing flat picture more so than humans, spotting the point of interest in an image. 2D for animals can be seen in another way: Hawking refers to the surface of the earth as the 2 dimensional walking spaces, above or below ground is 3 dimensional. For animals, all relevance is relative to position on surface. A fox instinctively digs a tunnel once he smells an underground animal, but the relevance is the surface locations coordinate for the animal. It is clear that many animals thrive for competition, wanting the best mate to ensure their genes survive. Groups of surviving organisms will begin to allow for species homogeneity for common survival goals. A school of fish will swim together to look larger to benefit each other’s survival, and ants will effectively assemble and build an anthill putting in their “work” together for shelter. Globalism and humanitarianism are built around this concept. They will never work because although prioritizing your own dopamine release lets you take into account wanting others to feel the same, the expense is a collective consciousness no greater than animals. In movies, an overly manipulative, devil like character is usually the villain flaunting excess dopamine. Usually less outright run amuck destructive, but plotting evil instead.
Serotonin brings us to dimension number three. It lets us receive (Not see at all times) consistent 360 meaning to matter around us. Serotonin is classified to regulate comfort, depression, etc. We could look at a cube now having length, width, and height as if it were Serotonin. It is the three dimensional setting, boundary or moment we live in. Because it relates to our resource availability rather than resource finding ability like Dopamine, we can visualize it as territory plots that lift three dimensionally as volumetric spaces containing dopamine points like food or entertainment boxed in for us. Our house does not need to be rebuilt each season, has food, water, shelter, and our day to day life can stay consistent. Location has meaning to us because we are connected to our homes, communities, and families so our minds are free to see beauty to the scenery and more to life than just seeking. In real life, we can observe the importance of Serotonin in humans from experiences of drug addicts whom were addicted to crack, cocaine, heroin, and other addictive dopamine releasing drugs. My ex-girlfriend described every moment as unpredictable and seemingly dangerous in her life living homeless at age 20 on the streets of Boston Massachusetts. She described to me feeling that nowhere was safe but could not help staying active in order to chase her fixes, sometimes not sleeping for days as nowhere was permanent residence. She would climb into the laundry rooms of apartments or curl up behind garbage cans in dark alleyways. She explained it as trading all the regularities of her previous affluent life in Carlisle, Massachusetts for a perceived “rush” for the unknown converting to survival mode, like an animal. Many addicts or people in poverty live this way spending each moment seeking what is needed for imminent survival.
In the animal kingdom, gorillas, apes, and monkeys have closer serotogenic conscious to ours, and can play with cubs and understand their ground or area is their “zone”, and organize themselves in a serotogenic hierarchy. Domination is the word associated with Serotonin in a biological sense. Now, if Gaba was a single point, and dopamine signals points of interest to branch out onto, Seratonin possesses the third dimensional quality of connection to all of physical world. How can the chemical of dominance and territory, be associated with peace and nature? Because it is not a neurotransmitter of morality, just comfort and order. It is beyond dopamine, because it is entitlement to order, cohesion, safety, etc. An organism like a lion does not feel like he is outmatched or constantly surviving. Against other animals, it fights as if it doesn’t have to win but maintain fortress. Humans have more Serotonin than the kings of the jungle. In “Grasslands – Roots of Power”, on Discovery Channel, a tribe in Africa allows videotaping of their practice of walking side by side slowly and assertively toward lions feasting on a fresh large prey. By maintaining nothing but authority, man can steal food from animals. This is why many of us feel our lives are more important than animals, because humans find more importance in their families and peoples well-being than a lion to their own. The need for meat to feed a tribe overrides feeling scared of the lions, so they nonviolently step back and let man come devour. Serotonin is a higher order chemical than Dopamine, because it’s bringing territory and space to your name. Serotonin will make a person assume they are civilized by feeling more comfortable. The too much serotonin villain is the king of an evil empire, systematically dominating and oppressing others with a culture and loyal army behind him. So where we have reached, when our Gaba (anxiety) and Dopamine (survival) and Serotonin (comfort) are evolutionarily matched, we have enriched lives of happiness rather than just satisfaction or relief.
Most of us would agree we cannot see in four dimensions. The neurotransmitter Noradrenaline however does let us interpret it. A Prior chairman of Princeton university, Martin Armstrong, exclaims: “Einstein has a famous quote pertaining to the 4th dimension: “us physicists believe the separation between past, present, and future is only an illusion, although a convincing one", Likewise, we cannot see time, but we can measure its passing”. Basically, Einstein possessed a theory that time is a 4th dimension because we are shifting through realities, what we see as a 3D single moment. Try taking a picture of someone every day and then playing this collage like a flipbook to see their 4th dimensional journey. Hawking says the 4th dimension is duration on one axis, and possible outcomes on the other. Meaning Noradrenaline, since we know deals with duration of time and effort in the brain, “may make situations feel very long; a minute may feel like an hour” (Dougharty). Our perception of timing and endeavoring life choices runs on this neurotransmitter because it lets us see how much or little room there is for change. We do not take advantage of the 4th dimensional frequency when we do not think innovatively or efficiently from lack of norepinephrine. Innovation isn’t always good; the too much norepinephrine movie villain would be someone that destroys from over-excited innovation, like us to the rain forest.
Endorphins/oxytocin is what many feel as the most profound feeling of life. It would be a frequency more important than Noradrenaline, but leagues ahead of it. Endorphins are an eternalizing feeling that suggests a response to a bigger picture. People cannot explain love to them, other than it is too infinite and vast to quantify. Could Endorphins be the sum of all the great dimensions we do not have neurotransmitters to sense, or is it one farther than Noradrenaline, and we do not know what is in-between. Either way, it is the one that takes into account for all the things we cannot pinpoint.
In conclusion, we have seen how understanding these neurotransmitters give us a better picture into how our own brains work. We see how they work in a hierarchical system of simplicity to represent the dimensions we can sense. Our physical 3D realm is not without a reach into 4D interactivity, and quite possibly, we sense one higher up than directly after 4. In the end, we can only pick so much about our life, and knowing what to make of it is more important.
None of this is consistant with how neurotransmitters are actually known to function. The lack of any primary citations (journal.articles) is telling. I would recommend trying to support each statement with at least one primary citation. If you can not locate at least one journal article (non-review) that backs up your claim then omit the claim.

I don't have time to go through line by line, but the following passage has no basis on neuroscience:

"Ghosts or demons in horror are scary because they flaunt excessive GABA/Glutamate, relentlessly inducing anxiety in the low GABA protagonist, allowing the audience to be engaged."

Besides the fact that I have no idea how something can "flaunt excessive GABA/Glutamate", neuroscientists have discovered that fear is linked to activity in the amygdala and other regions of the limbic system. However, the protagonist wouldn't have excessive glutamate even if they were having a panic attack -- that would cause a seizure or even a brain lesion.

"Dopamine is the second dimension of our perceptions. Much of the animal kingdom lives entirely in this mindset. Dopamine can be seen as a second dimension because points of interest begin to play a role in the organism’s perception."

Again, I would recommend reading about the known role of dopamine in brain function. It is thought to play important roles in reward prediction, acting as a timing signal, as well as maintaining neuronal activity level within a window that allows optimal processing.
Your essay is good fun, so I'll be boring for balance.

serotonin2A has picked up on a couple of points where your claims don't match neuroscientific reality. With more time and patience, he could have picked up on 20, or 200.

I understand what you're trying to achieve: drawing grand analogies across disparate disciplines is fun, and often beautiful - the basis of poetry, indeed. When you're dealing with a hard science like neurobiology, though, you have to realise that these kind of explanations (in terms of neurotransmitter action, for example) underlie higher level (e.g. social and anthropological) descriptions, and therefore the mapping will never be as elegantly direct as you would like it to be. Explaining the world in terms of direct parallels with seven neurotransmitters as about as futile as explaining it in terms of the six quark flavours ('up is the eternal optimism of the human spirit, strange is human prejudice and the rejection of the novel, top is the pre-feminist obsession with dominance' etc).

A creative effort, but don't pretend this is neuroscience - it honestly doesn't do anyone any favours.
You clearly put a lot of effort into this, and that kind of energy and enthusiasm is great. As said above though it's really rather inaccurate and painfully lacking references for many of the claims made.

But also, and I know this might seem really picky, if you choose to rewrite and refine it (which I encourage you to do) please could you work on the structure and break it up into smaller more focused paragraphs? It is exceptionally difficult to read large foreboding blocks of text like this.
Thanks for the input guys. I wrote this for English class this Summer and you are right, I do not feel I scientifically backed it enough at all. I was running on anecdotal evidence based on how things felt from personal experience of myself and others. The wording is clunky at times and clearly there are more than seven neurotransmitters. I feel these seven are the easiest observable from common drugs but they are not fully authentic simulations of real versions of course, but paint a picture. Dexedrine makes girls see you as someone whos on a baseball team at you're local college and has a lot of friends, and nothing changed in that anecdotal evidence besides raising my Dopamine level.

It is clear that a mother finds either the birth of her children to be the most important feeling in her whole life or her shot of Heroin. Both of these are Endorphin/Oxytocin primary things.

So it begs would you guys think in some way there is an apparent hierarchy of survival of parts of our mood that is something like GABA > Dopamine > Serotonin > Noradrenaline > .......... > Endorphin .

As in the feeling of Benzos/GABA is very meaningless but a necessary foundation for people who have anxiety and kind of nulls all existance when increased enough (IE. blackouts).
Dopamine is more meaningful than GABA, as its like our indiviudal survival which is more advanced than simply are you calm or not calm.
Serotonin is more meaningful than dopamine because its a long term happiness and grants well being for you with others instead of temporary survival or competition
Noradrenaline is more complex than Serotonin because its literally excitement and arousal for everything not just comfort, aka Serotonin is a background happiness compared to norepinephrine, think man landing on the moon for the first time.
Then Endorphins are like an unexplained love vibe for all things which is a euphoria and anticipation that is higher meaning than Norepinephrine since it gives a perception of salvation/God/spiritual peace.

Youd have to believe God created us and allow us to feel the highest plane (People who've done Heroin for the first time I haven't describe something akin to a fake way to simulate this), and then the rest of the neurotransmitters are much lower in existential importance but are the foundations for Human behavior.

And can somebody fill me in, are there any other neurotransmitters that change perceptions besides these? Because I dont mean these 7 things are the only way you feel the way you do in your life. Im under the impression that things like Hormones just make you feel overall better or worse in a way like being sick vs not sick but i think only these seven things change your perception of who you are or where you are. Every drug that is a hallucinogen affects Serotonin, Noradrenaline to a degree and last we checked isnt there only three types of drugs that modify your view of yourself directly to tangible degrees: Stimulants, Benzos, Opiates. It suspiciously seems that every other neurotransmitter just helps the body work as accessory communicators and only a select few really change your reality.

I did not want to make it this way, as I have no motive. It just seems like its true that this is part of the encoding of this "matrix". Like when you understand this you can see why Marijuana does what it does, it lowers GABA and Glutamate at once! So it scares you but makes you less able to react to fear at the same time, this cant be an accident in nature its too much of a Lesson. I do have approximately 150-160 IQ and am extremely Lazy and this essay was written on loads of D-amph to even get this ever onto paper. I think mainstream science and sociology and psychology do not overlap so nobody has put this together they just see all neurotransmitters working together and not see it as an obvious puzzle of an isolated quality offered by each one.

To get a better picture, next time you are on a drug try and forget you took drugs and that is the real life, it is mind blowing noticing how different it is instead of riding out the highs like we all tend to do.
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None of this is consistant with how neurotransmitters are actually known to function. The lack of any primary citations (journal.articles) is telling. I would recommend trying to support each statement with at least one primary citation. If you can not locate at least one journal article (non-review) that backs up your claim then omit the claim.

I don't have time to go through line by line, but the following passage has no basis on neuroscience:

"Ghosts or demons in horror are scary because they flaunt excessive GABA/Glutamate, relentlessly inducing anxiety in the low GABA protagonist, allowing the audience to be engaged."

Besides the fact that I have no idea how something can "flaunt excessive GABA/Glutamate", neuroscientists have discovered that fear is linked to activity in the amygdala and other regions of the limbic system. However, the protagonist wouldn't have excessive glutamate even if they were having a panic attack -- that would cause a seizure or even a brain lesion.

"Dopamine is the second dimension of our perceptions. Much of the animal kingdom lives entirely in this mindset. Dopamine can be seen as a second dimension because points of interest begin to play a role in the organism’s perception."

Again, I would recommend reading about the known role of dopamine in brain function. It is thought to play important roles in reward prediction, acting as a timing signal, as well as maintaining neuronal activity level within a window that allows optimal processing.

None of this is consistant with how neurotransmitters are actually known to function. The lack of any primary citations (journal.articles) is telling. I would recommend trying to support each statement with at least one primary citation. If you can not locate at least one journal article (non-review) that backs up your claim then omit the claim.

I don't have time to go through line by line, but the following passage has no basis on neuroscience:

"Ghosts or demons in horror are scary because they flaunt excessive GABA/Glutamate, relentlessly inducing anxiety in the low GABA protagonist, allowing the audience to be engaged."

Besides the fact that I have no idea how something can "flaunt excessive GABA/Glutamate", neuroscientists have discovered that fear is linked to activity in the amygdala and other regions of the limbic system. However, the protagonist wouldn't have excessive glutamate even if they were having a panic attack -- that would cause a seizure or even a brain lesion.

"Dopamine is the second dimension of our perceptions. Much of the animal kingdom lives entirely in this mindset. Dopamine can be seen as a second dimension because points of interest begin to play a role in the organism’s perception."

Again, I would recommend reading about the known role of dopamine in brain function. It is thought to play important roles in reward prediction, acting as a timing signal, as well as maintaining neuronal activity level within a window that allows optimal processing.

Okay you are right this is ridiculous.I was trying to say that a villain (stock not complex villain) is simply any conscious expanded too far in one neurotransmitter. A stock ghost role in horror is to have a lot of GABA and very little of other things. It exists to pop out and dominate the fear of victims with lower levels of GABA just to incite massive anxiety to the protagonists. Horror creatures are not scared at all yet scare others, theyre running on nothing but practically convulsing (excessive glutamate) towards something that shows up in its radius of "The haunted mansion" and when the horror creature is seen peaceful its eerie sleeping (Its high GABA hibernation).

Most human villains in media are excessive Dopamine showcases, because they are either very low Serotonin or endorphins but satisfied with their villainous reward. Think Disney villains that are manipulating the good kingdom as a lone snake charmer or something like the witch in the wizard of Oz who cannot really lead other humans but can only use ego to protect themselves in coexistence. A dopamine villains army or comrades think Voldermort from Harry Potter, its a group of warlocks and satanists who are loyal by default of darkness.

Then you have the evil empire too much Serotonin villains, who are capable of mass destruction. Someone like Adolf Hitler who wanted homogeneity and civility/order so badly he systemically murdered whoever he thought was lower on the Serotonin plane (People that he felt were biologically inferior). Serotonin villains have armies that march with them with a loyalty of dominance or colonialism. Can you guys see how even something like Meditation is sort of based around pride? Falsely I hear on the internet Dopamine represents pride but actually it is Serotonin. The Buddah is prideful that hes comfortable and enlightened and can disassociate from having to interact with others. Too much serotonin or meditation in a final, buddhist like pursuit is an attempt to dissapear into peace through just feeling Serotonin and abandoning any need for human relation. Therefore you are prideful.

Examples of extremely likable Pure dopamine protagonists would be our evil heroes that are against another evil. Think Light from Death note for those that watch anime, he abandoned his family cared about nobody and the world became extremely empty to use his notebook to kill criminals, but he was like practically on Meth and we enjoy a lot of very selfish characters or villains for precicely that batshit pure dopamine based acting.

it goes on and on and on and on
Honestly, I think you'd be better off dropping the neurotransmitters from your essay, because they add no explanatory value. It sounds like you've taken the one-word description of the function of each one that one might see in a newspaper article, and replaced each occurrence of those words in your essay with the names of the neurotransmitters that correspond to them. And then it all starts to sound like Deepak Chopra.

Dopamine is not survival, any more than serotonin is. It serves several functions, including as a signal of prediction error, that is, informing of the accuracy of one's models of the world. Everything we do in normal life is 'dopamine based acting', as you put it. GABAergic neurons serve a fundamental function: essentially to enable the existence of negative feedback loops, which are probably essential for complex cognitive function. GABA does not equal calm.

It's not that the functions of individual neurotransmitters can't be teased apart, but rather that their 'isolated qualities', as you put it, are far more abstract than the high level concepts you attribute to them.
Honestly, I think you'd be better off dropping the neurotransmitters from your essay, because they add no explanatory value. It sounds like you've taken the one-word description of the function of each one that one might see in a newspaper article, and replaced each occurrence of those words in your essay with the names of the neurotransmitters that correspond to them. And then it all starts to sound like Deepak Chopra.

Dopamine is not survival, any more than serotonin is. It serves several functions, including as a signal of prediction error, that is, informing of the accuracy of one's models of the world. Everything we do in normal life is 'dopamine based acting', as you put it. GABAergic neurons serve a fundamental function: essentially to enable the existence of negative feedback loops, which are probably essential for complex cognitive function. GABA does not equal calm.

It's not that the functions of individual neurotransmitters can't be teased apart, but rather that their 'isolated qualities', as you put it, are far more abstract than the high level concepts you attribute to them.

You're right all of them are survival. But it's the higher meaning of survival that grows hierarchical. Neurotransmitters are labeled in this concept because we can directly observe drugs that affect them, and witness behavior differences. I think you have a good idea because you said GABA is not calm because you are right. Since we know of other pleasures and meanings, Xanax certainly doesn't make anyone happy who's not happy. But we have evidence of organisms that cannot percieve or feel anything but GABA and glutamate meaning the lowest concious single celled protazoa at the lowest level of planet consciousness only feels the spectrum of a GABA as its survival. A Stage 1 of our brains survival foundation is Based on GABA and glutamate. Benzos don't make us satisfied like GABA is for a single celled organism because we are aware of better feelings. It's something our body assumes has to be there to begin existing before we can survive further. anyone lacking GABA always Desires GABA first. you can't move on with any other direction of your life if you feel meaningless fear because it requires meaningless sedation there is little value behind the logical mood of having high GABA. Dopamine is shallow next in line, but not nearly as meaningless, since atleast a concious with dopamine can be aware of them self and wants for themselves and moving themselves to checkpoints.

Not everything we do is out of Dopamine acting at all. A lot of people are dopamine acting a lot of their day, but listen to tone demeanor and authenticity and intent to determine what a person is behaving out of. People around their family tend to act out of serotonin. Behaviors like trick or treating on Halloween or mischief trolling a mall in public are GABA excited maneuvers. If someone talks like they are an individual identity yes their words are churning from
Dopamine receptors. Someone more honest like looking at how we behaved when we were young are actions Moreso based on endorphins.
If your boss walks up to you at work silent and nonchalant and makes a comment about something you're doing he isn't talking to you with dopamine. He's comfortably using serotonin to talk out of his assumed position as order keeper; more relaxed and less lit up and attentive to you as you are him. Dopamine is used in any situation over serotonin to dictate our behavior where hierarchy or established order isn't in play, like a bar or club or to another coworker equal about jokes or work stuff .

or if it is a more communist society like let's say China, men and woman are kinda socially engineered to exist soley as a dopamine stick figure identity. Dopamine based personalities make men and women the same thing, meaning a man in China doesn't act differently from a girl, kinda like an mmorpg where everyone's a player. In western society, serotonin is what makes gender roles appear more different, men show distinct male traits from serotonin from woman of dominance, authority, fatherhood you know that vibe you get seeing most grown men in America but has been dying each decade: look at the behavior and demeanor of men from 1930-1980 that's behavior mostly related to serotonin. Our generation of males is mostly dopamine based chatter boxes that seem to act like girls "about 70% of boys in college" from observation, and the other 30% seem to be much higher in serotonin than dopamine. Which is the guys who seem disassatisfied, trouble talking to woman, could be socially awkward/adhd but have a larger territory space and masculine presence . Just some food for thought.
QUOTE=Jonneh;13763049]Honestly, I think you'd be better off dropping the neurotransmitters from your essay, because they add no explanatory value. It sounds like you've taken the one-word description of the function of each one that one might see in a newspaper article, and replaced each occurrence of those words in your essay with the names of the neurotransmitters that correspond to them. And then it all starts to sound like Deepak Chopra.

Dopamine is not survival, any more than serotonin is. It serves several functions, including as a signal of prediction error, that is, informing of the accuracy of one's models of the world. Everything we do in normal life is 'dopamine based acting', as you put it. GABAergic neurons serve a fundamental function: essentially to enable the existence of negative feedback loops, which are probably essential for complex cognitive function. GABA does not equal calm.

It's not that the functions of individual neurotransmitters can't be teased apart, but rather that their 'isolated qualities', as you put it, are far more abstract than the high level concepts you attribute to them.[/QUOTE]

They all definitely do complex things and work in in-depth ways, of course they regulate things like body temperature and physical body processes. But they all control body and mind motion, so you can contrast when your body is moving with Dopamine vs moving with Serotonin by the psychological relevance offered by each one to our plane. Its not like dopamine is responsible for all body movements and everything is just an equilibrium collectively we never have to open our eyes to and understand. you can walk across a room using Serotonin receptors or Dopamine receptors or even GABA receptors doing the moving of the limbs. So obviously they have a very specific vibe attached to them.

Since this is a drug forum and many users here on the regular are activating one or more of these neurotransmitters as a lifestyle artificially they should know the psychology they are editing on themselves. I expect people who have never used drugs to have trouble grasping this per say, but anyone who added a drug that definitely is known to raise GABA or it definitely raises Noradrenaline and Dopamine should be able to use common sense to put patterns together to see where their point of view in the world changed from adding the drug that they know increases mainly a labeled neurotransmitter. All drugs that feel like something recordable act on those seven, so explain why I would pull the neurotransmitter names out of my ass, when everyone here knows what certain drugs do to them and clearly know what neurotransmitters are being changed because that is also common knowledge.

I don't think I'm particularly being complex for example when I say lets use our brains to compare Dexedrine and Meth, hmm we know Meth adds Serotonin, now lets analyze what that does assuming we have tried both before... Compared to Dexedrine, it makes the location your in feel more in tune and comfortable and a byproduct is you might have a more realistic hallucination than Dexedrine if you overdue It, because Meth adds a false sense of wisdom and reality from serotonin release. So just with this example alone, we can see that yes, Serotonin must play a role in connection to the reality and interpreting it as regular or realistic because the difference between Dexedrine and meth is identifiable as shaping the character of the drug.
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QUOTE=Jonneh;13763049]Honestly, I think you'd be better off dropping the neurotransmitters from your essay, because they add no explanatory value. It sounds like you've taken the one-word description of the function of each one that one might see in a newspaper article, and replaced each occurrence of those words in your essay with the names of the neurotransmitters that correspond to them. And then it all starts to sound like Deepak Chopra.

Dopamine is not survival, any more than serotonin is. It serves several functions, including as a signal of prediction error, that is, informing of the accuracy of one's models of the world. Everything we do in normal life is 'dopamine based acting', as you put it. GABAergic neurons serve a fundamental function: essentially to enable the existence of negative feedback loops, which are probably essential for complex cognitive function. GABA does not equal calm.

It's not that the functions of individual neurotransmitters can't be teased apart, but rather that their 'isolated qualities', as you put it, are far more abstract than the high level concepts you attribute to them.

They all definitely do complex things and work in in-depth ways, of course they regulate things like body temperature and physical body processes. But they all control body and mind motion, so you can contrast when your body is moving with Dopamine vs moving with Serotonin by the psychological relevance offered by each one to our plane. Its not like dopamine is responsible for all body movements and everything is just an equilibrium collectively we never have to open our eyes to and understand. you can walk across a room using Serotonin receptors or Dopamine receptors or even GABA receptors doing the moving of the limbs. So obviously they have a very specific vibe attached to them.

Since this is a drug forum and many users here on the regular are activating one or more of these neurotransmitters as a lifestyle artificially they should know the psychology they are editing on themselves. I expect people who have never used drugs to have trouble grasping this per say, but anyone who added a drug that definitely is known to raise GABA or it definitely raises Noradrenaline and Dopamine should be able to use common sense to put patterns together to see where their point of view in the world changed from adding the drug that they know increases mainly a labeled neurotransmitter. All drugs that feel like something recordable act on those seven, so explain why I would pull the neurotransmitter names out of my ass, when everyone here knows what certain drugs do to them and clearly know what neurotransmitters are being changed because that is also common knowledge.

I don't think I'm particularly being complex for example when I say lets use our brains to compare Dexedrine and Meth, hmm we know Meth adds Serotonin, now lets analyze what that does assuming we have tried both before... Compared to Dexedrine, it makes the location your in feel more in tune and comfortable and a byproduct is you might have a more realistic hallucination than Dexedrine if you overdue It, because Meth adds a false sense of wisdom and reality from serotonin release. So just with this example alone, we can see that yes, Serotonin must play a role in connection to the reality and interpreting it as regular or realistic because the difference between Dexedrine and meth is identifiable as shaping the character of the drug.[/QUOTE]

If you add a Xanax for anxiety, its not masking symptoms, its changing your personality to someone who has higher GABA and a personality to fit with it. Only because you are aware of a drug does it become fake. Most of us wont realize that the hard drugs are the ones that modify personality, not because they are necessarily mindless euphoria. (Benzo, Opiate, Amphet) But we do not realize that its that our personality changed on these drugs because most of us will actively think about the fact that were on drugs and see the drug as just a feeling to ride out. Because mostly superhuman mood boosts from these three powerful drugs create a butt hurt inside of us that makes us not relax as ourselves on drugs to really understand holy shit I'm this when I take this? we just see ourselves as the feeling of the drug and that's where muteness isolated behavior and weird shit starts to happen quickly in the world of drugs. Most people would be creeped out or in complete shock to understand what they are on the drug while on it if they weren't focused on the feeling and treated the day as a day before they ever took drugs. Its more euphoric and also more insane, Benzos opiates and amphets are almost all Self hallucigens that make you feel like something else that you aren't. Its hallucinating that you have a different personality if you accept it.

For all of history, Opium was not something to isolate a person or cause problems for example when everyone was living real life. I don't feel like googling it right now, but quotes from 1800 show peoples reaction to opium as a drug for energy and spirit and to be a better man of God, all it was was functional euphoria, no sobby hopelessness associated with todays insane world when people use Opiates to Nod. Half the middle class and all of the upper class were IV opiate users by 1890 soley to feel happy and energetic. Ofcourse all drug users of the modern age seem to never want to exist in reality while under the influence because of God knows what. Nobody can ever tell you are on drugs because everything looks like a real personality when you relax in a real way. every time someone notices someone is on drugs its because they look guilty or anxious or incoherent, not high. Being high on drugs without being aware of it actually gives you an extreme social value/presence/ attraction increase. Ive known people on MDMA who were able to get away with things from the police, because they looked just so happy and go lucky that the cops didn't want to mess with a person who seems like they are enjoying themselves even when they were legally overstepping their bounds.

I just cant believe people feel vulnerable in social settings on any of these type of drugs, Amphetamine makes you look confident like your a person carrying $$$, charm or accomplishment, Dope makes you look shameless chilled, and dreamy demeanor that everyone wants to be around, guys like you, people trust you, etc.... These drugs are so bad because they create super personalities of types of people that exist like that in real life without drugs who have good genetics to have attractive personalities.

When you are an addict to a drug, you become the villain of that neurotransmitter. Stimulant users scheme and look more like Satan seeking ego food nonstop, Benzo users need to guarantee sedation to not explode, and dope fiends become like the mermaid that pulls you into the ocean with pretty intense manipulations.
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I think you're trying a little too hard here. Anecdotes aren't enough to derive a theory of conciousness from.

Its not like dopamine is responsible for all body movements and everything is just an equilibrium collectively we never have to open our eyes to and understand.

If you selectively destroy dopamine neurons using e.g. MPTP, you get full blown parkinson's disease and eventually total loss of motor control. If you mess with serotonin neurons I don't think it's quite the same, as with norepinephrine.

Its hallucinating that you have a different personality if you accept it.

To deny the effect that drugs have on one's physiology seems like willful ignorance at best. However, given that drugs still produce effects in unconscious people (e.g. adrenergics increasing blood pressure, opioids will decrease respiratory rate, antimuscarinics will increase salivation etc) I think it's trivial to refute that claim.

When you are an addict to a drug, you become the villain of that neurotransmitter. [... ]dope fiends become like the mermaid that pulls you into the ocean with pretty intense manipulations.

This would be good for a Creative Writing class but as far as actual science it's still just a bunch of "primary research" with very little to back it up in terms of proofs or references.

This is going to get moved over to Words.
I think you're trying a little too hard here. Anecdotes aren't enough to derive a theory of conciousness from.

If you selectively destroy dopamine neurons using e.g. MPTP, you get full blown parkinson's disease and eventually total loss of motor control. If you mess with serotonin neurons I don't think it's quite the same, as with norepinephrine.

To deny the effect that drugs have on one's physiology seems like willful ignorance at best. However, given that drugs still produce effects in unconscious people (e.g. adrenergics increasing blood pressure, opioids will decrease respiratory rate, antimuscarinics will increase salivation etc) I think it's trivial to refute that claim.

This would be good for a Creative Writing class but as far as actual science it's still just a bunch of "primary research" with very little to back it up in terms of proofs or references.

This is going to get moved over to Words.

You get Parkinson disease from having low dopamine, doesn't change the fact that the whole dopamine system correlates to an ego construction. Having no Serotonin you might freeze to death, organs fail, but most important you vomit at the sight of other human beings, or so Ive read, which means it definitely has a huge distinct purpose to the psych as well.

Are you guys living on another planet or something? I really want to hear about these psychoactive drugs that effect neurotransmitters other than the ones I've listed.

inb4 Nitric oxide, racetams, melatonin, adenisone, canniboids or anything else being declared relevant enough to be more than background functioning. Cannabis and coffee are non addictive because the neurotransmitter action they effect is miniscule. Weed is very very strong to the mind but it does not modify much.
Nobody will deny that changing neurotransmitter concentration, or mimicking their actions, produces profound psychological changes. That's part of what makes drugs so fascinating, not to mention useful for understanding how the mind and brain work. But in the absence of any consideration of structure (of the brain in which neurotransmitters act), you're going to struggle to get the nuance that complex behaviours demand in terms of explanation.

How about Salvia and kappa opioid receptors? Where do they fit in?
inb4 Nitric oxide, racetams, melatonin, adenisone, canniboids or anything else being declared relevant enough to be more than background functioning.

Based upon what evidence? Human physiology is not so easily simplified to a handful of chemicals. No matter how hard you try to fudge it, you're ignoring the actual science to make
things up that sound right to you instead.

Cannabis and coffee are non addictive

Only in light use. That's news to me, as far as I knew they both produced tolerance & mild dependence. Ask someone who drinks a pot of coffee every morning to quit cold-turkey and see how that goes. Likewise with the smoke-weed-everyday stoner - cessation of heavy cannabis use will make you uppity, on edge, and wreck your appetite.

Weed is very very strong to the mind but it does not modify much.

Except for all the changes it influences from activation of not one but two cannabinoid receptors, possibly even three... you know, alterations in immune function, anti-inflammatory action, mood stabilizing and anticonvulsant effects, appetite suppression, change in reflexes, salivary changes, increased ghrelin release, yeah, weed does nothing at all </s>

also acetylcholine and its two subtypes of receptors (nicotinic and muscarinic), sodium channels, NMDAr, AMPAr, adenosine, cyclic AMP/phosphodiesterase inhibitors, various peptide horomones (oxytocin, mu/delta/kappa opioid), sigma receptor, GHB receptor, histamine receptors, etc. there's also stuff like the VMAT (which transports mutliple monoamines) and direct agonism of adrenergic receptors, which produces different effect depending on which subtype is activated. And also a whole bunch of GPCRs we haven't even categorized yet.

Are you guys living on another planet or something?

No, we're just serious about pharmacology around here. Making things up wholesale with no provided references is considered little more than creative writing. Worst case, if people take it seriously,, they can get hurt making decisions that have no base in reality.
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since the op truly believes what he has written - this isn't intended to be creative writing, fiction, or anything else that would fit the guidelines of this subforum - i should close the thread. Considering the effort put into it im going to leave it open and the op can edit whatever he wants.

disclaimer: this is fiction until proven otherwise and another ad-hom will result in a warning, possible infraction, and closing of this thread.

carry on..
Nobody will deny that changing neurotransmitter concentration, or mimicking their actions, produces profound psychological changes. That's part of what makes drugs so fascinating, not to mention useful for understanding how the mind and brain work. But in the absence of any consideration of structure (of the brain in which neurotransmitters act), you're going to struggle to get the nuance that complex behaviours demand in terms of explanation.

How about Salvia and kappa opioid receptors? Where do they fit in?

It fits in with the category of endorphins, by endorphins I do not mean just one receptor, i mean all of the opiate related receptors. A Salvia trip relates to complete loss of identity but not like Acid in that the environment is so modified and you are connected to nature, but you are just gone in knowing who you are for 10 minutes, hence like other opiod receptor things, Salvia kills self awareness. Salvia does not feel like Dope, but both cause the psychology of that freedom from self awareness that we started out with when we were kids. This is just what Opiod receptors observably seem to do. Whether its a kappa opiod receptor, or a mild endorphin like Substance P from Chile peppers, it shares similar psychological purpose.

Similarly, When dopamine creates paranoia vs euphoria its the same psychological purpose despite being different moods, its to let you process YOUR importance in the situation. Unfortunately, something like schizophrenia does makes you feel too self important in your delusion hence your mind invents things for yourself to be significantly delusional that is about you. There are loads of dopamine receptors in the brain so i agree it is complex because it feels different depending on what part of the brain you have dopamine the most in or which receptors like D2-D3-D4 are more prominent. They are all self/ego related operation though, even something like climbing a ladder is you yourself operating your ego to preform a task with motor control.

How do we know any of this is true? Because theres multiple drugs that deal with the same neurotransmitters that do feel different but are able to have the same general concept. Like ritalin Vs. Adderall or Benzo vs. a Barb
since the op truly believes what he has written - this isn't intended to be creative writing, fiction, or anything else that would fit the guidelines of this subforum - i should close the thread. Considering the effort put into it im going to leave it open and the op can edit whatever he wants.

disclaimer: this is fiction until proven otherwise and another ad-hom will result in a warning, possible infraction, and closing of this thread.

carry on..


In this thread; Moderator poses as the truth.

This is the best potential for discussion any drug users could have rather than sitting there and saying huuur durr the xanax cured my anxiety or dope just feeeeeeels goood.
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This is the best potential for discussion any drug users could have rather than sitting there and saying huuur durr the xanax cured my anxiety or dope just feeeeeeels goood.

my comment had nothing to do with the significance of the discussion you're trying to have. every subforum has certain guidelines and when a thread is made that does not fit those guidelines it is either moved or closed. i was simply pointing out that this thread doesn't belong here.

i'll give you another chance but insults will not be tolerated.
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my comment had nothing to due with the significance of the discussion you're trying to have. every subforum has certain guidelines and when a thread is made that does not fit those guidelines it is either moved or closed. i was simply pointing out that this thread doesn't belong here.

i'll give you another chance but insults will not be tolerated.

This thread was moved here by somebody else from neuroscience because it was not backed with enough science. I did not find out anything new about medical science, just pieced together all of the observations we can make from drugs that have known neurotransmitter labels.

Im not fictionally stating that only and only these seven neurotransmitter groups effect how you feel, but just that they are the boundaries of our perceptions.

Cannabis does make you feel better but it is just a warp of the same everything. Canniboid properties like anti inflammation make whatever things already are just feel better.

Then you can say well what about hormones? Yeah you end up with screwed moods when your thyroid or estrogen is off balance, but it doesn't really effect your perception on self or environment like those dere main 7 groups.

Id say the only reason cannabis causes anxiety and has a pretty good calming effect is because it lowers GABA and Glutamate at the same time, so less capacity to react to things but more vulnerable to anxiety. The canniboid receptors just add some mild body tingles as well as indirectly tickle some dopamine and serotonin ever so slightly, but probobally no more than taking like an L-tyrosine supplement.
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This thread was moved here by somebody else from neuroscience because it was not backed with enough science. I did not find out anything new about medical science, just pieced together all of the observations we can make from drugs that have known neurotransmitter labels.

Im not fictionally stating that only and only these seven neurotransmitter groups effect how you feel, but just that they are the boundaries of our perceptions.

Cannabis does make you feel better but it is just a warp of the same everything. Canniboid properties like anti inflammation make whatever things already are just feel better.

Then you can say well what about hormones? Yeah you end up with screwed moods when your thyroid or estrogen is off balance, but it doesn't really effect your perception on self or environment like those dere main 7 groups.

Id say the only reason cannabis causes anxiety and has a pretty good calming effect is because it lowers GABA and Glutamate at the same time, so less capacity to react to things but more vulnerable to anxiety. The canniboid receptors just add some meh body tingles.

I don't think you understand what i was saying. Words is a forum for poetry, stories, songs, and other written forms of expression. I have no idea whether anything you wrote is accurate or inaccurate, what i do know is that it wasn't intended to be poetry, stories, songs, or some other written form of expression.
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