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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(2C-E + Cannabis) We have turned the world upside down


Sep 23, 2014
(16mg 2C-E + Cannabis) Experienced - We have turned the world upside down

This is my first tripreport, any criticism, comment or suggestion is welcome.

Substances: 2C-E (~16mg plugged) + Cannabis (~1g smoked throughout the night)
Set: a little preoccupied with stuff lately, but generally in good spirits
Setting: home alone, having a relaxed evening


Last weekend I had the flat to myself, my roommate was going to the cinema and partying later on, so I decided to use the opportunity to take a relatively high dose of 2C-E. [For me this was a strong, but not overwhelming +++, but I'm a little bit of a hardhead. If you're new to this substance, better work your way up slowly.]

I didn't make any notes, so the timeline is not exact, only to give you a general idea.

18:45 I weighed out approximately 16mg of 2C-E [seeing that I can't afford a labgrade scale, this could easily be off by a few milligrams] and dissolved it in 3ml of water.

19:00 I administered the solution rectally. Then I proceeded to roll a joint with some nice sativa weed and make a few last preparations, turning off my phone, tidying up my room some more and preparing a fruit smoothie for later.

19:40 Alerts have become more prominent for the last 10-15 min. I have a bit of a queasy stomach, but nothing serious. I draw a hot bath, lay down in the tub and start smoking the joint I rolled earlier.
Within the next 20-30 min the effects build up pretty fast - obviously helped by the weed - I feel very euphoric and my thoughts are all over the place, it feels like I can follow countless trains of thought that spread out in all directions from one initial thought. It seems I can view these trains of thoughts in a parallel fashion, while each goes on with incredible speed, but still somehow being in relation to each other. I can't put my finger on where the connections or common themes are between these trains of thought, but I have a strong feeling that their relation to each other is not as random as it seems on the intellectual level.

Over time it seems these diverging trains of thoughts are starting to move back towards each other. I start to concentrate on feelings of stress I have been having lately, in a controlled and analytical, yet non-linear and free-association-type manner. I feel, mostly on a bodily level, how I let go of stress and tension. I become lost for minutes (hours? days?) in the feeling of my face relaxing, especially the muscles around the eyes and through associations of thoughts and bodily feelings discover, that most of the stress I have been experiencing lately comes from a totally different place than I had thought. Funny how stupid that intellectual mind can be.

By now I suddenly notice the strange soundscape I am captivated by. The sound of the air flowing through the air vent of my bathroom. Since it is a windy day this sound is constantly ebbing down and rising back up, giving me the sound of being in the middle of a storm yet all I feel is a slight cool breeze flowing over the warm water I lay in. Pictures of hot springs on a snowy mountain range come to mind. [There is no fan, rather the house is build in a way that there is always some airflow, sometimes more sometimes less depending on the weather.]

At this point I start experiencing some CEVs, which is very unusual for me and highly welcomed. [I always used to get only little in the visual department and even less - close to none - since I moved into a new place one year ago. No idea why.] These CEVs consisted of a pattern of circles in different sizes, some connected to each other with lines. These circles and the connecting lines were in the colour of ivory on top of a pitch black background, furthermore the circles where subdivided with black lines of differing thickness, sometimes "cutting out" a rectangular part of the circle. This whole pattern seemed to be set on a somewhat "extreme" scale, but I couldn't decide if it was a very large scale, like satellite images of giant crop circles, or a very small scale, like pictures from a electron microscope.
Here is a sketch based on these images. I'm not very talented at describing or drawing such abstract imagery, but I hope the combination of both can give you some idea.


After a while I decided I had bathed for long enough. When I went back into my room, I asked myself how long it had been since I sat down in the tub... I was puzzled, the best guess I could make was that it had to have been between 30 min and 3 hours. I looked at the clock and it was almost 10 o'clock, so it had been about 2 hours.

22:00 I put on some spacy ambient music had some sips of the fruit smoothie and was blown away by how tasty it was and how the subtle nuances of sweetness and sourness blended together perfectly.
Then I meditated for a good while. I had no more CEVs, but again dove into personal issues that have been on my mind lately and discovered some new and surprising perspectives. I am once again amazed by this substances ability to be used for "targeted introspection". When I use mushrooms, for example, I don't feel like I am navigating myself through this space, but rather drifting wherever it will take me. This is often accompanied by strong emotions, going from sobbing to laughing in a matter of minutes, and being given interesting insights into myself. However there is not the least amount of "practical thinking", all thoughts regarding implementation of these new insights are happening in the days/weeks/months to come. With 2C-E on the other hand, I feel like it is very "practical" in a sense. I can direct my attention in every direction I want, and while of course there is still highly emotional content I often feel somewhat detached from these emotions and quite often find myself thinking "Now that I had these new insights, how can I adjust my thinking and behaviour accordingly?"

23:30 I smoked some more weed, which intensified things a bit and then decided to put on shoes and a jacket to step out on the balcony for a short while. I had only planned to stand there for a few minutes and breath some fresh air, but the amazing view from the 9th floor held me captive for over half an hour. Living in a big city there are obviously a lot of light sources, street lamps, moving cars, illuminated windows. It was cloudy [Not that there would be a lot of stars to see anyway, light pollution and all that] and so it seemed as if a star-covered sky and a pitch black earth had changed places. This led to thoughts about the course mankind has taken in it's evolution and how drastically we have altered the conditions we live under on this planet... quite literally having turned the world upside down.

00:00 I went back inside and decided I was in the mood for playing a visually stunning movie over my video projector and after some thought decided to watch 'Hero' which I hadn't seen in a long time. My mind was still wandering off from time to time, so I couldn't quite follow the story, in part of course because I kept on smoking more weed throughout the movie. The cinematography is unbelievable, if you don't know this movie you should really check it out.

02:00 I listened to some more music and started drawing a bit, trying to capture the essence of the CEVs I've had earlier. I am not very good at drawing, but I was much less frustrated with my crude first attempts than I would have normally been and eventually finished one sketch, that I felt came quite close to what I had seen.

04:00 Around this time I went to bed, because I didn't want to lose the whole next day by sleeping until the next evening. I didn't look at the clock anymore, but it must have been another 1-2 hours before I could actually sleep.


I really love 2C-E, it is one of my favourite substances. I hope you enjoyed reading about my experience.
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Great report. :) This is the kind of experience I have on 2C-E also. I enjoyed your descriptions of the sounds you were hearing... for me, 2C-E is probably the greatest sound-amplifying drug there is. It makes me feel like my hearing is incredibly acute and sounds both sound and FEEL amazing. And it's accompanied by increased mental ability to process these sounds. I remember once standing on my back deck (I live in a temperate rainforest) and listening to the huge array of night sounds, frogs, insects, small animals, rustling of leaves, and I felt like I could pinpoint precisely where each and every sound was coming from, as if I could feel the points of sound and that feeling sent me information like a sonar, and my mind could hold it all simultaneously and separately acknowledge each one.

Man the last time I had 2C-E was in 2007... I really need to try it again, it's one of my all-time favorites. One of the most intensely psychedelic compounds I've ever had, but it remains so clearheaded throughout in a really unique way... cosmic and clearheaded at the same time when you go far enough in with it. At lower doses it remains mostly on a personal/worldly level.
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18:45 I weighed out approximately 16mg of 2C-E [seeing that I can't afford a labgrade scale, this could easily be off by a few milligrams] and dissolved it in 3ml of water.

why didnt you just put it in a pill and take it instead of dissolving it?

what kind of water did you use to dissolve it?
If it's dissolved in water it will absorb faster than in a pill. Personally I always either dissolve my doses in a bit of water or just stick the powder in my mouth and rinse it down. Tap water is fine if you're just drinking it and not trying to store it.
Xorkoth, "cosmic and clearheaded" fits perfectly. Wow, I have been to the rainforest in Washington state once, tripping with such a scenery must be very rewarding.
About the sound, as I hinted at above, it seemed in that moment as if I had suddenly realized why the atmosphere had changed so drastically a long while ago... the whistling wind from the vent has become so much louder! In retrospect that "long while ago" might have been only a few moments. ;)

Innerpeace, I used tap water. Why the extra step of a pill? In this case I plugged the solution, I'm not sure if that would work with a pill. For an oral dose I would just put it in a glass of orange juice or something.
Plugging actually does work with a pill but it's not ideal, absorption is slower and the raw chemical comes in contact with the membranes in a concentrated form and causes some amount of burn.

But yeah in general gel caps add to the complexity of absorption, which is why I never use them. Then again i think some people are more sensitive to the taste of these chems. personally I don't mind a moment of bad taste for a trip... I actually don't even mind them anymore usually. 2C-Xs for example don't taste that bad to me.
I've never done this, but from all I've read about it I think I may give it a go. I do like a good trip now and again. :)
BingeBoy, thank you. As I said, I hardly ever get impressive visuals, so I wanted to illustrate them as best I could. And since I had already done the drawing, I thought why not include it in the report.

Amphetamineeater, 2C-E is a very interesting substance, but also kind of an oddball compared to the 'classics'. If you try it make sure to start with a low dose and be prepared for some amount of bodyload, especially when you dose orally.
Nice trip report! I enjoyed the drawing you made to supplement the CEV's you saw. I myself have only done 2C-E once, and it was an amazing experience. I snorted 2mg and within ten minutes I had a really heavy body high. It made walking very fun and my mind was running with happy thoughts. My mood was entirely euphoric and it also seemed to "brighten up" my surroundings; grass was greener, the sky was a bright blue, etc. I walked down the street to my apartment (I was at my friend's house a few blocks away) at the time, and my legs were like jello. I got upstairs and smoked some weed out of the hookah I owned at the time, and was intrigued by how thick I was blowing the smoke out. The weed made my body high even better, and over the course of am hour I ended up parachuting another 5mg and it greatly increased the euphoria. I'd love to get my hands on it again some time. It really is a wonderful drug. :)
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Mg is milligram, a thousand times less than a gram...

Honest mistake, I'm sure - although mistakes like that can result in massive overdose from reading the screen of a digital scale wrong... decimal points etc

0.001 g = 1mg
0.01 g ≈ 0.010 g = 10 mg
0.1 g ≈ 0.100 g = 100 mg
Oops, I was coming down from an oxycodone high at the time I wrote that post and corrected my mistakes. There's no way I possibly could've taken 7 grams, as it came in tiny capsules that definitely wouldn't fit a gram's worth of powder in them. I need to check what I'm posting! Thanks Solipsis for the clarification.
^ Haha yeah, I saw what you wrote earlier but didn't have time to reply at the moment. Seven grams would be quite an amount to munch on 8(.
I think you would likely die from 7 grams of 2C-E. Or 2 grams. Or 1 gram.
I'm amazed by that picture. I dosed 35mg (highest dose I've done, won't go higher) and seen very similar cev's. At 35mg the circles were a mustard yellow, green and maroon colour with zig-zag, kinda electiric buzzing outlines.
Just amazed that I've seen a very similar pattern while high on 2-CE.
I've tried 2c-e probably four times but two of them were low dosages that left a lot to be desired.

I tried 15mg and it wasn't enough, then I tried 25mg and threw up, and then finally at some point I did 20mg with a little MXE at the same time.

the MXE totally smoothed out the come up just as I expected. There wasn't that 90 minute period of rising tension that usually happens for me during the come up of 2c-e. It was basically like all the sudden I just started tripping. Given that MXE is very scarce now I doubt that info is of much use to anyone, but I'm sure ketamine or any sedating dissociative would ease the body load on the come up pretty well.

it was a very intense trip for me both emotionally and psychedelia-wise because I happened to take it the same night me and my ex girlfriend were reunited after not seeing eachother for a few months. about 2 months prior she left me and went on a drug binge and ended up getting raped in north philly and the rapist shattered her jaw. When I saw her for the first time she looked very different because I was tripping, and it was really sad to see my beautiful girlfriend's face permanently changed in such a terrible way.

sometimes when I looked at her I would see her face as it looked before, then I would imagine her getting raped and it would slowly morph to how it actually looked at that moment(just more caricature-esque because I was tripping). Thankfully, her face was just a little swollen from the surgery where she got her jaw wired shut. after a few weeks it was a hardly noticeable difference from before she broke her jaw.

Anyways she looked like a sad lil chipmunk and she was angry at me for being with other girls while she was in the hospital. She was also mad at me for tripping so honestly it was a very intense trip in every aspect. Even if I hadn't been tripping it would have definitely been an intense day of my life, but 2c-e enhanced the emotions I was experiencing and the way I analyzed them.

I basically just tried to be as supportive as I could and show her that I still loved her and after I came down from the MXE she stopped being angry I was tripping.

So I got smacked in the face by brutal beautiful reality, but I at least got to have some of the best, longest sex of my life right after haha

probably top 5 sex experiences of my life lol. I had sex for probably almost 6 hours, and it seemed that 2c-e was enhancing not only the sensation but also my performance. I'm pretty sure it was the longest sex marathon of my life and I'm not sure it would have been possible without 2c-e haha not only was it "make up sex" but I was able to keep going much longer than normal because I hadn't had sex in like a month.

considering the aphrodisiac qualities of drugs were of great interest to shulgin, I would say he definitely succeeded in doing a service to mankind by gifting us with some of the most badass aphrodisiacs ever :)

TL;DR - Love your sketch man, it definitely looks like the framework of a psychedelic visual pattern to me. Also, definitely have sex on 2c-e, it rocks lol
Wow that sounds very intense, SONN!

I'm really glad about all your positive comments on the sketch. I wasn't sure whether to include it, because I thought it really didn't look that good and might not be en par with the kind of visuals other people have, but now I'm really happy I did include it.
Last time I did it I was on a bunch of booze and benzos and MXE.....I regret being so fucked up as it killed most of the trip....and it's been 4 years since I've had access