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Snobbery re: Hallucinogens/Drugs


Jun 23, 2014
Was recently reading up about someone inquiring about easily accessible hallucinogens on shroomery and was amazed at the negative responses. Just because someone says they want to get high/wasted how is this any different to saying you want to 'expand your mind' or w/e else people call it. In effect it's the same shit, why do people think they are so morally superior?? It totally perplexes me.
The thread was closed due to "Getting high for the sole purpose of hallucinating is immature and dangerous." liek.. waht? so the people on shroomery do shrooms for their nutritional value? :sus:

Original thread: http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/5175128

Obviously the wording is a little stupid but IMO if you are doing recreational drugs (even if for some morally superior cause) you have no right to criticise other people for seeking new experiences. (<- which is also how I feel in regards to people who use/abuse alcohol/legal highs and say drugs are automatically bad due to how they are illegal)
You don't have to 'respect' a substance to use it safely and responsibly. But would love to hear other people's educated opinions.. :\
You are 100% right, but you're may not be expressing it very well. People do get on a huge high horse about their drugs of choice, the mystically inclined psychedelic enthusiasts being some of the worst. I used to be sort of in this scene but after some time away and reflection I now find these people totally insufferable.

Psychedelics have trippy effects; amphetamines have speedy effects; opiates have noddy effects; downers have sleepy effects; MDMA has huggy effects, and so on. Drugs are drugs. People get different things from them and that is their personal business alone. Judging people on their drugs of choice is bad enough (vegan hippie stoners looking down on people who consume non-plant drugs; respectable suburban pill poppers looking down on IV heroin users; cokeheads looking down on crackheads; ketamine enthusiasts who are scared of dustheads; people who have no problem self-soothing their troubles away with an illicit pharmacopoeia but think pharmaceutical psych meds are the devil; the list goes on) ... but judging people based on the motivation for said drug use is even less justifiable.

Don't bother with these people. They are pretentious and, contrary to their pretensions, usually pretty intellectually vapid despite their prolix discussions about their psychedelic experiences. (This is part of the reason I refuse to read trip reports unless they are about something completely novel, discussing entirely the effects of the drug instead of trippy ideas conceived of under the influence, and a couple paragraphs long at a time, or to discuss various inane "theories" about elves, plant spirits, shamanism, space aliens, Vishnu, or whatever these people think is making their neurotransmitters tingle other than some very interesting molecular structures.)

Just as a matter of respect I don't go around knocking other communities but you may get a better response here, we tend to be more well rounded. Yes, these sort of people exist here but not in as much profusion as they do in some of the more explicitly psychedelically-oriented communities.
Shroomery is just snobby like that. There's this weird thing that happens on internet drug forums where the real hard core druggies/drug nerds think they're better than everyone who just likes to get high because they can tell you what molecules are in whatever drug. Like SKL said, these type of people are usually lacking in some area of their life, so they need to make up for it by criticizing curious people on the internet. It's a disgusting thing, really..
You druggie! Don't you know that the best medicine (not drugs, MEDICINE) comes from mother Gaia, maaaaaaaaan? It sounds like your chi is seriously out of balance, bruh
If you take a psychedelic under *any* circumstance, I don't know how mind expansion wouldn't happen by default. Sounds a little righteous to suggest there's a "right way" to do them.

I have my preferences but I can't speak for other people's choices and lifestyles. There are modern people who really believe that you won't get the most out of a psychedelic unless you do it in the most indigenous way possible, like ayahuasca.
There are modern people who really believe that you won't get the most out of a psychedelic unless you do it in the most indigenous way possible, like ayahuasca.

And these people are basically a cult. Creepy TBH.

Source: I've known more than one person who started out as an ordinary recreational user and went full plant-spirts-and-space-jaguars loon. Also, just read some of these people's web presences. God help us all if that's the future of the "psychedelic movement."