(answered) HELP! PROBLEMS WITH PM (PRIVATE MESSAGING)! Can someone please assist me?

what is the nature of the trouble you're having?

it's so much easier to help when we know the problem :)

what is the nature of the trouble you're having?

it's so much easier to help when we know the problem :)


Thank you for moving to the correct location. I could not locate support.

Absolutely! My bad. :)
My PMs are not going through?
Are we allowed only to have so many PMs and to send a certain limit within a 60 minute time frame?

My PMs are not sending, and I am unable to reply.
I will post the exact error message asap.

Thank you!

what do you mean by "my pms are not sending"? you click the "submit message" button and what happens?

greenlighters are, from memory, limited to one pm every 3 hours so you may find you just have to wait.

what do you mean by "my pms are not sending"? you click the "submit message" button and what happens?

greenlighters are, from memory, limited to one pm every 3 hours so you may find you just have to wait.


Would you send me a PM to double check that I am telling you correctly.

Maybe that is the issue - I'm a greenlighter! ;)
I think that I am limited to 1 PM per 60 minutes (IF I'm not mistaken).
Yes, I am having to wait!
When do I move out of greenlighter status to send more PMs if possible?

Thank you!
I am mistaken. I apologize.
I think this is my status issue, so there is nothing technically wrong with my PM.


What's the difference between a Greenlighter? and a Bluelighter?

First of all, a Greenlighter is a new member who has made fewer than 50 posts.

During this phase of your membership, your privileges will be restricted:

  • Greenlighters can Private Message (PM) anyone, but are limited to 1 PM every 3 hours. Use it wisely. Keep in mind that if you are caught abusing the PM function (trying to source, for example) there will be severe consequences.
  • Greenlighters are restricted to 5 stored PMs (that includes everything: inbox, sent, drafts, archives). You'll have to continually delete old messages to make room for new ones.
  • Greenlighters cannot attach files to messages.
  • Greenlighters cannot post in The Lounge.
  • Greenlighters cannot create a Blog or post in other people's Blogs.

Once you have made 50 posts, you will become a Bluelighter and you will be able to PM regularly, store 100 messages and post without restriction. Please note that it can sometimes take up to 24 hours for this change to take affect, so please be patient. Also, please don't create a new thread in the Support forum asking about this - come back tomorrow instead. It will almost certainly have happened overnight.
how about that.

you'll have 50 posts in no time :)
