• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

hello everyone! from missouri

just say know

Jan 30, 2015
Hello everyone; my name is alex; if you want to contact me i'll send contact info in a pm, just pm me. i'd like to tell you a bit about myself. since this is a drug forum i'll write about the topic of drugs in regards to myself. then i will write more about myself in general

in regards to drugs: currently my future plans are to be a needle echange program administrator, MDMA therapist, and occasional drug user; using psychedelic and empathogenic/entactogenic drugs as a particular interest. i've only used Cannabis (experienced in smoking but not edibles) and LSA in the form of LSA containing seeds such as morning glory (twice) and hawain baby woodrose (many times). i hope to try drugs such as the 2 c series, MDMA, LSD, magic mushrooms, salvia, ketamine, DXM, Wild Dagga, Damania, Kratom, Nitrose Oxide, and possibly peyote or mescaline. i plan upon using in moderation all these drugs; as well as researching such drugs before use. i am also interested in smoking herbs like bay bean, prickly poppy, rock blooms, damania, blue lotus, wild dagga, california poppy, hops, and others that are calmative or etheogenic. i plan to mix with cannabis these herbs when i have gotten experience in them and plan on mixing and matching for a perfect herbal blend. i also plan upon using DMT and ayahuasca later on in life when i feel ready enough. i may use some stimulants like betal nut, mormons tea, yerba mate, and others; mostly natural stimulants.

i am also taking a liking to deleriants (amanita muscaria, benedryl; probably not any atropine or scolopamine any time soon), and dissasociatives like DXM or ketamine; my main interest is DXM: i have yet to try it and many drugs until i can recover from depression and anxiety. currently i'm taking celexa.

i've researched drugs since i was 16. i'd get "stuck" on drugs though. sometimes it'd be all i can talk about. you can get stuck on interests with Autism Spectrum Disorder; which i have. i am a strong supporter of Drug Reform and Legalization and Harm Reduction. i hope to donate money to this site, maps, erowid, and dmtnexus if possible. i may start with maps however. i don't want to use hard drugs particularly; though i do want to try coke just one time. i've also had two different Crisis situations while on drugs two different times while on high doses of LSA.

in regards to myself:
i'm 19 years old and am on the Autism Spectrum Disorder. for more information about autism look up an Autism FAQ such as one from autism speaks. i also have Bipolar; which i was unaware of until recently. i also have ADHD as well.

in regards to interests i love anime, cartoons, science, harm reduction, drug information, writting, reading, public speaking, video games, food, and the internet.

Anime- (from most favorite to last favorite in english names) Beyond the boundary, Future Diary, Spirited Away, When they cry, tokyo ghoul, squid girl, jellyfish princess, inuyasha, case closed. that's all i can recall from memory but all are wonderful animes!

cartoons- Adventure Time with finn and jake, Invader zim, Courage the cowardly dog, Angry Beavers, Ahh real monsters, Chowder, Regular Show, super fuckers (youtube), bravest warriors (youtube), bee and puppycat (youtube), rocket dog (youtube), Pills berry toast boy (youtube), and Salad Fingers (youtube).

science- i am interested in psychology, sociology, neuroscience, pharmacology, physics, anatomy, and ecology.

writting- i like to write about personal experiences from the view of a character; usually centering around personal experiences and emotions. i also like to write about creative fiction and i also like writting for forums. i love writting! i also love collaborating.

Reading- i like the books "a dogs life: and autobiography of a stray", "watership down", "the forest of hands and teeth" (and the sequel "dead tossed waves"), any book by Khaled Houseinni, "harry potter", "a series of unfortunate events", "Sociology: a down to earth approach 8th edition", "the two princesses of brammare" (i think i spelled that right?), the "how to train your dragon" series, and various textbooks i haven't yet to read yet. i also have alot of books i'm hoping to explore and get into.

Video Games- Fable, Overlord, Skyrim, Oblivion, The Last of us, LSD: dream emulator, psychonauts, LIMBO, and World of Warcraft. i have a long time to play more videogames but those are probably my most favored and also i haven't played LSD: dream emulator but it looks extreemly interesting.

- i love food. i love cooking food. i love healthy food like pommegranates, whole grains, fresh vegetables, and i love meals that i make myself. i'm not super culinary savy but i love food. it's like a passion to me i suppose; and i wish i could cook better lol; but i think as i cook more i'll get better at it. it takes time and patience and effort and creativity.

The Internet- Youtube, Erowid, DMTnexus, MAPS, Bluelight, Shroomery, facebook, www.thedea.org (the drug enthusiasts of america), and dreamjournal.org. i need to explore more; i think there are some cool websites out there but i don't know where to find them; and specifically one's that aren't just drug related.

my college plans are to go to be a computer networker so i can have a good job and then go to be a neuro-scientist and to study general science. i hope to make a difference in the world.

- (there are too many songs to mention so i'm mentioning bands instead): flyleaf, flobots, Eminem, Tech n9ne, Cocorosie, Alt-j, Echosmith, Otep, Rise Against, babymetal, LAKE, AFI, Blue October, Gorillaz, A tribe called quest, Hopsin, Kimya Dawson, The uncluded, The moldy peaches, evil needle, XXYYXX, and many others as well as the website known as pandora; which introduces me to new music

sexual orientation: pansexual, amorphous, and bisexual. possibly demisexual as well.

life info when i was young i had a fairly enlightened attitude; and i was very socially intelligent: giving advice to my parents and having a good sense of common sense. when i was around 5 years old i started having violent mental breakdowns. sometimes these mental breakdowns would be triggered for unknown reasons. i got so violent that i had to be hospitalized. in center point i was traumatized by how they couldn't relate to me and how they were hateful to some of the children; how some of the children had sexual contact and no one did anything about it and how they drugged the crap out of me on ampetamines; causing anorexia and insomnia: this was to treat autism which amphetamines are highly ineffective in treating ASD.

with the onset of anorexia due to amphetamine use they threatened to force feed me; this scared me and i forced myself with the utmost willpower i could get to eat. when i would have a mental breakdown they would sedate me by sticking me with a needle in the ass. i would have such a violent mental breakdown that it would take a group of orderly's to simply subdue a 5 year old child; i'd throw desks and chairs and seriously hurt some people. unfortunately aggressiveness is punished and i was isolated in a plexiglass room with no one to calmly talk to me; this taught me bad things about how to communicate; that communication is about force. i think this is why i've lectured people more so than talking to them; something i'm also cutting down on. my dad and sister also didn't support the sedation; they even sedated me right in front of my family. my sister flipped her shit.

after i recieved that bullshit "dolphin" status i finally got to leave. good riddance to that fucked up place. that place that traumatized me. that place that might have ruined a long term trust with the system. in my experience mental hospitals aren't designed to treat the mentally ill or emotionally distraught; it is a holding place so that they don't hurt themselves or anyone; but it's more of a holding pen than a hospital.

as i grew up i found that although i had troubles in math and in socializing and staying out of fights with other kids i was extreemly intelligent, creative, and deep down a very nice, polite, and "good" person. but with mental breakdowns and bipolar and adhd and ASD it's like you're out of control of your own life. it's like you see yourself as a person but not everyone does because of the angry outbursts. i was also bullied by the neighborhood kids. they would beat the crap out of me (sometimes very violently like beating me with metal pipes) and although i could descently beat the crap out of them as well there were more of them than there were of me. my father also had violent tendencies. i think our society makes it too "normal" for males to be aggressive; which is why i choose not to be aggressive today as my chemical dysfunction has leveled out and i have much more control over my emotions.

eventually my father had a mental breakdown, threatened suicide and threatened to kill my mother. this lead to divorce and a seperation of parents. my mother wouldn't let me talk to my father; who needed help: not isolation particularly. i remember that eventually i wanted to move in with my father; my mom allowed it. for years i spent alone in the middle of nowhere where i would compensate playing videogames for sociolization. in school i was a "freak" because i wanted to start an anti-bullying gang and because i didn't comb my hair and let it grow really long and never washed it.

eventually i went to live with my mothers who also had a new husband. i was okay with this; but i didn't treat the man like my father. at first it was great getting to know my step family. but when i told them that my father let me try cannabis they didn't let me live with him anymore. i had a mental breakdown; told my mother i wished she was dead and distanced myself from my step family. because i had told my mother that i wished she was dead (which i would later regret saying) my step father harbored bitterness toward me. the emotional abuse was gradual. as the years it got worse.

for four years of my life the emotional abuse from my step father would eventually escalate into low self of steam, poor hygiene, depression, PTSD, and anxiety. the arguing between us would eventually push my mother into attempting suicide; i had to stop her: this is when the PTSD officially began with witnessing and being involved in a traumatic event.

this was when we finally decided it was time for me to move back in with my father. at first i stayed with my half sister for a couple months. i made friends at school, had a healthy social environment, and used cannabis to help the PTSD; which i was PTSD naive but now that i look back on the times i would constantly look around anxiously with panic and fear of groups of people and the softness in my speaking; i was going through some serious emotions.

then i moved into isolation with my father; in the middle of nowhere. i started to feel lonely; cannabis still helped substantially reduce stress and anxiety and panic from the PTSD. soon my sister moved in and i was much less lonely. i also went to school which allowed me to socialize. soon i made a friend who i fell in love with; they didn't love me back which i was fine with. this was around when i was 16 and using LSA for recreation and therapy. the theraputic qualities were very helpful in treating PTSD; empathy, breaking down social barriers, entactogenesis, etc.

two very personal crisis situations taught me the value of being more careful about psychedelic use. it taught me that psychedelics can cause serious reactions in higher doses and very theraputic reactions in lower doses. in higher doses i would like to sit on the couch with my eyes closed self reflecting and letting my mind wander. i would end the trip refreshed and almost born anew. it was beautiful.

but this new friend i had made me worry; they were suicidal and self harmers. i even cried and constantly worried about them and tried my hardest to make them feel accepted and loved and happy. it turns out that they had PTSD. soon though i had a mental breakdown; a non violent one where i became very detached from others. this caused me to flip out and strip naked and ruin the entire relationship; upsetting their PTSD which was very hard for them.

today i'm on medication; abilify and celexa. they help substantially. many people (including myself) are biased about pharmacutical medication; but they should be more concerned with the doctor in question. i got a good psychaitrist who prescribed me the best anti-depressant he had; no cheap stuff. he even has given me three different thousand dollar samples because i can't afford the medication.

now i'm continuing my chapter in life; trying to make the most out of it that i can: living to the fullest. i want to read, write, drug forum, talk, open up, love, laugh, smile, cry, be upset, but never ever be numbed like i can be when i've escaped through video games and through my own head. i will continue to update this as it come's along. i wish everyone else on this website a good life; i have had a hard one that has taught me alot. life is sometimes unfair but those who have an agenda will make sure that fairness is a thing. with love, peace, and respect - me.

(will be ongoing) to be continued....
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lols i've heard!!!!! i may get stoned and eat small amounts of either shrooms or lsa. i wonder how this will go lol.
Welcome to the board!! I'm also a new member here. I have been long time member to other boards though. Looking for a better one.
Welcome im also a new member also. Im surprised at how many similarities we have from your description of yourself
Baybean sucks, don't waste your time with it, welcome to Bluelight
Welcome to BL 'just say know'. I am just one state south of you. I mainly fiddle with kratom, but like phenibut, lyrica and other GABA drugs too. I am retired from the harder stuff at the moment. PM me anytime. P. S I have a step-son with Autism, and I am bi-polar. Just be careful when you experiment with new stuff; it can play hell with mental illness. And the only bias I have towards RX meds is that they can still be dangerous. I lost my wife to lithium toxicity only a few weeks ago. So, careful going with Rx and other chemicals together. You said that you plan to research what you use. I do too. PM me and I can give you some pointers in this; there are many, many things to look at when exploring safer, harm reduction style use of substances. Again, welcome and SAFE partying and exploration of your horizons. J
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Hi guys Im Female 29 old next Month, mother of 4 beautifull children whom Im here for to get help n not destroy their hope, I was introduced to drugs few months ago by a guy I started dating November 2015, on Jan this year he brought some crystal to my home and said this will help with depression, only kept me awake lol, very fun, from a pipe, how made me sick, he gave me to much, he was very scare himself, i had to asked my ex to keeped our kids, as I was about die and didnt wanted kids there.

, he kept them, till 3 days, as I wasnt feeling well, 2 days later that guy left for few hours came back with more stuff which he said I needed more to able to recovered and I did, and yes finely I could have some rest and slept, since then we been buying it with my kids $ to supplied him with drugs, as myself he never wanted to give me more then 3 pulls of smoke from the pipe, and i get very angry and but more, I never used to even touch alcohol before, how ever we breakup on Mars. on April I was so desperated for some stuff and went got some and a new pipe, $150 worth and had 3 saturdays nights, then I stopped as I believed in that I wasnt addicted but wanted some, how ever in May I got some more from a very generous guy was very good price 4 the lot I got, so I went home and smoked straight away even knowing that I will have 2 of my kids the next morning, my ex knowing my door, I was f..cked walking toward the door see myself in my mirror( what the f..ck? I said are you sure, is this how you want your kids to see you, is this what you want to be you f..cking slut?) nearly break my mirror but, then said to my reflexion you did that to yourself and has to cope with, your kids didnt do anything wrong so deal with the day and any thing that comes with, I managed to stayed calm, cooked cleaned, do all my mother dutties with no yells at my kids! I felt good, and stayed positive. Again smoked more but still calm with kisses and assured again kids were happy, wasnt easy as normal dsys tho. how ever Sunday my ex drove other 2 kids over, 4 kids nw I looked at my kids, 1 came to me said mum dad was mean, I asked my ex with anger, he didnt talk, I went again on the mirror after he gone call myself names again. I said tomorow is Monday break that pipe, mmm will I regret it? Finely break n put in the bin, I didnt felt like I forced myself to put the rest of the stuff in toilet, I just went and flashed. Since then havent do any, I would if I got it but I said no more to buy or bring it to my place. how ever last wednesday on the 19th, my 9 years older Son and I had a bad morning( he wanted played games) but we had to get ready for school. He was full on I hit him he did too, I was so sad why I hit my boy that I wasnt thinking of anything better but Drug, only drugs. After school my ex called said my older son wants me to pick him up, they supposed to stayed with dad but he wanted to say sorry and that he was out of control, a word that I never heard him used before (out of control) . But still nothing stopped me, from my thoughts. I took them with and got a brand new pipe, that same day, and I contacted a guy I know defintly would have some stuff, he didnt answered but I saw him face to face on sat morning but her said no he doesnt touch that shit only greens, I said fuck that, Saturday night I drove somewhere I know I can get it, my car break down loll, finely got some help again on the hunt, to late I tought to knock at someone u hardly knows door, so plans changed then I realized I knew a guy who I remembered seeing use similar pipe, but I didnt knew what they was back then. Him and his girlfriend always smoked some white crystals in a pipe ohhh yeah I gave him a call and yeah he know where to get it but I had to travailed from wow....I got some I was thinking just go the bed, but nope I had tried it that same night and next night as kids are home rest, I had some last night even tho I knew my kids had something at school early morning and i have work too, I managed this today like all the other days in Mars, April and May but I know its not always going to be like that, I want to throu that pipe and never get a new one again. I need your helps, I feel very ambarrased to say it to people who may judge me, only 2 distance friends and few people I party with knows, Otherwide real people in my life dnt have idea. I dnt want to destroy my kids.im getting hooked is that right?