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Explain Judaism

Einstein isn't infallible.He didn't believe in God. He was an agnostic, with pantheistic tendencies.


Then why did he talk so much about God?

"The more I study science the more I believe in God"

"I want to know God's thoughts - the rest is not important"

"I want to know how God created this world. I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details."

Doesn't sound like much of an agnostic. More like someone who knew God intimately.
birc said:
has more knowledge in the claw he controls his chair with than you even will?

Is it wrong that I had a deep resounding chuckle over this comment? :D

Tesla was a better scientist than jesus


Nice lil quips bro :D

ps. Gonna watch The Theory of Everything tonight, or "The Bible". ;)
The Theory of Everything was ok, you should check out Simon Peggs new movie something something happiness arthur...maybe it was ....something if you are into that sort of thing
hector search for happiness....also not seeing this bbc show he did in the late 90s early 2000s about being unemployed and pretending to be married to a random girl he met so he could get an affordable flat....it was pretty decent frost was in it as well

Ninae, Einstein said he was agnostic many times. You can't decide for him that he wasn't, because it suits you.

why did he talk so much about God?

Why did he talk so much about agnosticism?

(Your logic is wrong.)


"My position concerning God is that of an agnostic." - Albert Einstein
Eisntein last words (allegedly):

“Political passions, once they have been fanned into flame, exact their victims…”

I think it would be a fun little excercise to insert our own ending and see where this bitch goes.....ForEverAfter I vote you first
oh, apparently he died before finishing the sentence which was again allegedly spoken in german to an american nurse who didnt speak german but somehow remembered enough of what he said to have provided the above (which I personally find a little suspect)
Is it wrong that I had a deep resounding chuckle over this comment? :D


Nice lil quips bro :D

ps. Gonna watch The Theory of Everything tonight, or "The Bible". ;)

I'm ready for a hollywood blockbuster on Tesla.
I don't know if I would say he was a better scientist than God , but he was certainly more gifted and fascinating than Hawkings IMO.
They made possibly the best choice they could by electing David Bowie to represent him in a movie with Wolverine and Batman called....the majectic, mystique, ma-something, it wasnt too bad some of my 'friends' really liked it
Eisntein last words (allegedly):

“Political passions, once they have been fanned into flame, exact their victims…”

I think it would be a fun little excercise to insert our own ending and see where this bitch goes.....ForEverAfter I vote you first
Nah, mate... Not really.
I'm not in the mood.

Maybe someone else can bat first?
I nominate methamaniac, since he's on a roll recently.

I wouldn't dare be so presumptuous to speak for Einstein.
I think I will let him do his own speaking about where this might go....

"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones"
Well I do dare to presume and will propose the following:

Political passions, once they have been fanned into flame, exact their victims.... Citater fra - Danish (weird) translates to 'quotes from' and my guess is he went with something from Snoop Doggs first album and I want to say its likely "this is fo da g's and this is fo da hustlas' :refrain: g's hustla's g's hustla's
Strange little tie in to my other ramblings with ninae about the Danes, Norweigans, and Icelanders, I think its about time I packed the truck and went skiing so I will bid you all good night/morning and ask that you defend my honour as I would attempt the same.
What about the first of his Batman reboot?

Begins was the best of the trilogy, but I didn't really like the trilogy... so, yeah, that doesn't mean all that much.
(I don't like Christopher Nolan much either... Memento and The Prestige are the only films of his I really like.)

Ninae, Einstein said he was agnostic many times. You can't decide for him that he wasn't, because it suits you.

Why did he talk so much about agnosticism?

(Your logic is wrong.)


"My position concerning God is that of an agnostic." - Albert Einstein

He also said things that showed he was a strong believer. He might have been agnostic to start out with then his faith strenghtened over time. It's not unheard of.
Things can be taken out of context.

He never identified himself as a believer, let alone a strong believer.
He did, however, identify himself as agnostic with pantheistic tendencies.
Unless you can quote him saying "I believe in God", or something to that effect, you shouldn't say he believes in God.